swipe down for run-time menu
swipe up for keyboard
swipe up for joypad (while keyboard is shown)
double tap for mouse click
triple tap for mouse double-click
swipe left/right on top screen for shortcut to browse
Loading Your Own Disk Images
- Use iTunes or other application (iExplorer, iFunBox) to transfer files to the ActiveGS Documents folder.
- To load multi-disk games/applications, make sure the filenames are similar enough so that they share the same prefix, and that the first disk image in the series contains the phrase "disk1". Spaces and capitalization are ignored, so as long as you have that phrase, the program will be recognized as multi-disk. All disk image files following the first will be added in order.
The following are examples of programs recognized as multi-disk:
Rastan Disk 1.zip
Rastan Disk 2.zip
Task Force-disk1.zip
Task Force-disk2.zip
Final Fantasy XV (Disk 1 of 62500)
Final Fantasy XV (Disk 2 of 62500)
- Tap the "Favorites" tab to view your loaded disk images.
- Swipe down while your program is running to reveal the top menu. For multi-disk programs, you will see a spinning disk icon on the upper right.
- Tap on the spinning disk icon to mount a different disk.
- Both Made for iPhone (mFi) and iCade controllers are supported.
- To use an mFi controller, pair your controller to your iOS device. It should automatically be detected. Analog controls are mapped to the left thumbstick. Apple joystick button 0 is mapped to the Y button, and joystick button 1 is mapped to the A button.
- To use an iCade controller, pair it with your iOS device. In the Options menu, select "iCade" under Pad Input. Entering 'up-up-down-down' on your iCade controller while a game is running will also enable the controller after pairing as well.
- Are supported and they work..most of the time! Save states are specific to each program and you have 6 available slots.