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// SoftwareList.m
// Ample
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 1/30/2021.
// Copyright © 2021 Kelvin Sherlock. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include "Ample.h"
#import "SoftwareList.h"
@implementation Software
-(BOOL)filter: (NSString *)filter {
if (!_compatibility || ![_compatibility length]) return YES;
unichar *needle;
unichar *haystack;
NSUInteger needle_length;
NSUInteger haystack_length;
BOOL ok = NO;
haystack_length = [_compatibility length];
if (!haystack_length) return YES;
needle_length = [filter length];
if (!needle_length) return NO;
if (needle_length > haystack_length) return NO;
haystack = malloc((haystack_length + 1) * sizeof(unichar));
[_compatibility getCharacters: haystack range: NSMakeRange(0, haystack_length)];
needle = malloc((needle_length + 1) * sizeof(unichar));
[filter getCharacters: needle range: NSMakeRange(0, needle_length)];
haystack[haystack_length] = 0;
needle[needle_length] = 0;
NSUInteger i = 0;
unichar c;
do {
if (!memcmp(needle, haystack + i, sizeof(unichar) * needle_length)) {
i += needle_length;
c = haystack[i];
if (c == ',' || c == 0) { ok = YES; break; }
do {
c = haystack[i++];
} while ( c && c != ',');
} while (c);
return ok;
- (nonnull NSAttributedString *)menuAttributedTitle {
return nil;
- (BOOL)menuEnabled {
return YES;
- (BOOL)menuIsHeader {
return NO;
- (nonnull NSString *)menuTitle {
return _title;
-(NSString *)fullName {
if (![_list length]) return _name;
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@:%@", _list, _name];
@implementation SoftwareList
-(SoftwareList *)filter: (NSString *)filter {
unichar *needle = NULL;
__block unichar *haystack = NULL;
NSUInteger needle_length = 0;
__block NSUInteger max_haystack_length = 0;
needle_length = [filter length];
if (!needle_length) return self;
needle = malloc(needle_length * sizeof(unichar) + sizeof(unichar));
[filter getCharacters: needle range: NSMakeRange(0, needle_length)];
needle[needle_length] = 0;
max_haystack_length = 127;
haystack = malloc(max_haystack_length * sizeof(unichar) + sizeof(unichar));
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock: ^BOOL(Software *o, NSDictionary *bindings){
NSString *s = [o compatibility];
NSUInteger length = [s length];
if (length == 0) return YES;
if (length < needle_length) return NO;
if (length > max_haystack_length) {
max_haystack_length = length;
haystack = realloc(haystack, sizeof(unichar ) * length + sizeof(unichar));
[s getCharacters: haystack range: NSMakeRange(0, length)];
haystack[length] = 0;
NSUInteger i = 0;
unichar c;
do {
if (!memcmp(needle, haystack + i, sizeof(unichar) * needle_length)) {
i += needle_length;
c = haystack[i];
if (c == ',' || c == 0) return YES;
do {
c = haystack[i++];
} while ( c && c != ',');
} while (c);
return NO;
NSArray *items = [_items filteredArrayUsingPredicate: p];
if ([items count] == [_items count]) return self;
SoftwareList *rv = [SoftwareList new];
[rv setItems: items];
[rv setName: _name];
[rv setTitle: _title];
return rv;
- (nonnull NSAttributedString *)menuAttributedTitle {
return nil;
- (BOOL)menuEnabled {
return NO;
- (BOOL)menuIsHeader {
return YES;
- (nonnull NSString *)menuTitle {
return _title;
@interface SoftwareListDelegate : NSObject<NSXMLParserDelegate> {
unsigned _state;
NSString *_name;
NSString *_description;
NSString *_compatibility;
NSString *_notes;
NSString *_scratch;
NSMutableArray *_array;
SoftwareList *_list;
-(SoftwareList *)list;
@implementation SoftwareListDelegate
-(SoftwareList *)list;{
return _list;
-(void)parserDidStartDocument:(NSXMLParser *)parser {
_array = [NSMutableArray new];
_list = [SoftwareList new];
_state = 0;
The parts we care about:
<softwarelist name="" description="">
<software name="">
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName attributes:(NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> *)attributeDict {
if ([@"softwarelist" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if (_state == 0b0000) {
_state = 0b0001;
NSString *name = [attributeDict objectForKey: @"name"];
NSString *description = [attributeDict objectForKey: @"description"];
if (!description) description = name;
[_list setTitle: description];
[_list setName: name];
if ([@"software" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if (_state == 0b0001) {
_name = [attributeDict objectForKey: @"name"];
_state |= 0b0010;
if ([@"description" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if (_state == 0b0011) {
_state |= 0b0100;
if ([@"sharedfeat" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if ([@"compatibility" isEqualToString: [attributeDict objectForKey: @"name"]]) {
_compatibility = [attributeDict objectForKey: @"value"];
if ([@"notes" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
/* notes is a child of software list and software. */
if (_state == 0b0001 || _state == 0b0011) {
_state |= 0b1000;
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName {
if ([@"softwarelist" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if (_state == 0b0001) {
_state = 0b0000;
[_array sortUsingComparator: ^NSComparisonResult(id a, id b){
NSString *aa = [(Software *)a title];
NSString *bb = [(Software *)b title];
return [aa compare: bb];
[_list setItems: _array];
_array = nil;
if ([@"software" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if (_state == 0b0011) {
_state &= ~0b0010;
if (_name) {
if (!_description) _description = _name;
Software *s = [Software new];
[s setTitle: _description];
[s setName: _name];
[s setCompatibility: _compatibility];
[s setNotes: _notes];
[s setList: [_list name]];
[_array addObject: s];
_name = nil;
_description = nil;
_compatibility = nil;
_notes = nil;
if ([@"description" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if (_state == 0b0111) {
_state &= ~0b0100;
_description = _scratch;
_scratch = nil;
if ([@"notes" isEqualToString: elementName]) {
if (_state == 0b1001) {
_state &= ~0b1000;
[_list setNotes: _scratch];
_scratch = nil;
if (_state == 0b1011) {
_state &= ~0b1000;
_notes = _scratch;
_scratch = nil;
-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string {
if (_state == 0b0111 || _state == 0b1011 || _state == 0b1001) {
if (_scratch) _scratch = [_scratch stringByAppendingString: string];
else _scratch = string;
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundIgnorableWhitespace:(NSString *)whitespaceString {
// ?
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCDATA:(NSData *)CDATABlock {
if (_state & 0b1000) {
// notes
NSString *string = [[NSString new] initWithData: CDATABlock encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (_scratch) _notes = [_scratch stringByAppendingString: string];
else _scratch = string;
static SoftwareList *LoadSoftwareList(NSURL *url, NSError **error) {
NSXMLParser *p = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: url];
SoftwareListDelegate *d = [SoftwareListDelegate new];
[p setDelegate: d];
BOOL ok = [p parse];
if (!ok) {
if (error) *error = [p parserError];
return nil;
return [d list];
NSArray<SoftwareList *> *SoftwareListForMachine(NSString *machine) {
static NSCache *cache;
if (!cache)
cache = [NSCache new];
if (!machine) return nil;
machine = InternString(machine);
NSArray *a = [cache objectForKey: machine];
if (a) return a;
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSURL *url= [bundle URLForResource: machine withExtension: @"plist"];
NSDictionary *d = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL: url];
if (!d) return nil;
NSArray *list = [d objectForKey: @"software"];
NSMutableArray *tmp = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSObject *o in list) {
SoftwareList *sw;
NSURL *url = SupportDirectory();
NSString *xml = nil;
NSString *filter = nil;
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
xml = (NSString *)o;
} else if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]]) {
xml = [(NSDictionary *)o objectForKey: @"name"];
filter = [(NSDictionary *)o objectForKey: @"filter"];
} else if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) {
// [ xml, filter ]
xml = [(NSArray *)o objectAtIndex: 0];
filter = [(NSArray *)o objectAtIndex: 1];
else {
if (!xml) continue;
xml = InternString(xml);
sw = [cache objectForKey: xml];
if (!sw) {
url = [url URLByAppendingPathComponent: @"hash"];
url = [url URLByAppendingPathComponent: xml];
NSError *error = nil;
sw = LoadSoftwareList(url, &error);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"SoftwareListForMachine: %@ %@: %@", machine, xml, error);
if (sw) [cache setObject: sw forKey: xml];
if (filter) {
sw = [sw filter: filter];
if (!sw) continue;
[tmp addObject: sw];
#if 0
[tmp sortUsingComparator: ^NSComparisonResult(id a, id b){
NSString *aa = [(Software *)a title];
NSString *bb = [(Software *)b title];
return [aa compare: bb];
[cache setObject: tmp forKey: machine];
return tmp;
@interface SoftwareSet () {
NSArray<SoftwareList *> *_items;
NSCountedSet *_set;
NSCache *_cache;
@implementation SoftwareSet
-(NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects:(__unsafe_unretained id _Nullable [])buffer count:(NSUInteger)len {
return [_items countByEnumeratingWithState: state objects: buffer count: len];
-(void)buildSet {
if (_set) return;
_set = [NSCountedSet new];
for (SoftwareList *list in _items) {
for (Software *s in [list items]) {
[_set addObject: [s name]];
-(BOOL)nameIsUnique:(NSString *)name {
if (![name length]) return YES;
if (!_set) [self buildSet];
return [_set countForObject: name] <= 1;
-(NSString *)nameForSoftware: (Software *)software {
if (!software) return nil;
if (!_set) [self buildSet];
NSString *name = [software name];
if ([_set countForObject: name] > 1) {
return [software fullName];
return name;
-(Software *)softwareForName: (NSString *)name {
/* name will be name or set:name */
NSString *set = nil;
NSArray *tmp = [name componentsSeparatedByString: @":"];
switch([tmp count]) {
case 1: break;
case 2:
set = [tmp objectAtIndex: 0];
name = [tmp objectAtIndex: 1];
default: return nil;
if (_set && ![_set containsObject: name]) return nil;
for (SoftwareList *list in _items) {
if (set && ![set isEqualToString: [list name]]) continue;
for (Software *s in [list items]) {
if ([name isEqualToString: [s name]]) return s;
return nil;
+(instancetype)softwareSetForMachine:(NSString *)machine {
static NSCache *cache;
if (!cache)
cache = [NSCache new];
if (!machine) return nil;
machine = InternString(machine);
SoftwareSet *s= [cache objectForKey: machine];
if (s) return s;
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSURL *url= [bundle URLForResource: machine withExtension: @"plist"];
NSDictionary *d = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL: url];
if (!d) return nil;
NSArray *list = [d objectForKey: @"software"];
NSMutableArray *tmp = [NSMutableArray new];
for (NSObject *o in list) {
SoftwareList *sw;
NSURL *url = SupportDirectory();
NSString *xml = nil;
NSString *filter = nil;
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
xml = (NSString *)o;
} else if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]]) {
xml = [(NSDictionary *)o objectForKey: @"name"];
filter = [(NSDictionary *)o objectForKey: @"filter"];
} else if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) {
// [ xml, filter ]
xml = [(NSArray *)o objectAtIndex: 0];
filter = [(NSArray *)o objectAtIndex: 1];
else {
if (!xml) continue;
xml = InternString(xml);
sw = [cache objectForKey: xml];
if (!sw) {
url = [url URLByAppendingPathComponent: @"hash"];
url = [url URLByAppendingPathComponent: xml];
NSError *error = nil;
sw = LoadSoftwareList(url, &error);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"SoftwareListForMachine: %@ %@: %@", machine, xml, error);
if (sw) [cache setObject: sw forKey: xml];
if (filter) {
sw = [sw filter: filter];
if (!sw) continue;
[tmp addObject: sw];
if (![tmp count]) return nil;
s = [SoftwareSet new];
s->_items = tmp;
[cache setObject: s forKey: machine];
return s;
-(BOOL)hasSoftware: (Software *)software {
if (_set) {
NSString *name = [software name];
if (![_set containsObject: name]) return NO;
NSString *slist = [software list];
for (SoftwareList *list in _items) {
if (![slist isEqualToString: [list name]]) continue;
return [[list items] containsObject: software];
return NO;
- (nonnull NSArray<id<AutocompleteItem>> *)autocomplete:(AutocompleteControl *)control completionsForItem:(id<AutocompleteItem>)item {
for (SoftwareList *list in _items) {
NSArray *items = [list items];
if ([items containsObject: item]) {
return @[ list, item ];
return nil;
// NSStringTransformStripDiacritics
// pre-process all entries to lowercase and remove diacritics (second string for search text?)
#if 0
static unichar diacritics[][2] = {
{ 0xd8, 'O' }, // Ø
{ 0xf8, 'o' }, // ø
- (nonnull NSArray<id<AutocompleteItem>> *)autocomplete:(nonnull AutocompleteControl *)control completionsForString:(nonnull NSString *)string {
if (!_cache) {
_cache = [NSCache new];
[_cache setCountLimit: 10];
// todo -- diacritic normalization.
// déjá vu -> deja vu
enum { max_haystack_length = 256, max_needle_length = 256 };
unichar needle_data[max_needle_length];
if (!_items) return @[];
//string = [string stringByApplyingTransform: NSStringTransformStripDiacritics reverse: NO];
NSUInteger needle_length = [string length];
needle_length = MIN(needle_length, max_needle_length);
[string getCharacters: needle_data range: NSMakeRange(0, needle_length)];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < needle_length; ++i)
needle_data[i] = towlower(needle_data[i]);
string = InternString([NSString stringWithCharacters: needle_data length: needle_length]);
NSArray *a = [_cache objectForKey: string];
if (a) return a;
NSMutableArray *rv = [NSMutableArray new];
if (needle_length == 0) {
for(SoftwareList *list in _items) {
[rv addObject: list];
[rv addObjectsFromArray: [list items]];
[_cache setObject: rv forKey: string];
return rv;
//if (needle_length < 2) return nil;
const unichar *needle_data_ptr = needle_data;
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock: ^BOOL(Software *o, NSDictionary *bindings){
// prefix match.
unichar haystack_data[max_haystack_length];
NSString *haystack;
NSUInteger length;
haystack = [o name];
length = [haystack length];
length = MIN(length, max_haystack_length);
if (length >= needle_length) {
[haystack getCharacters: haystack_data range: NSMakeRange(0, length)];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < length; ++i)
haystack_data[i] = towlower(haystack_data[i]);
if (!memcmp(haystack_data, needle_data_ptr, needle_length * sizeof(unichar))) return YES;
haystack = [o title];
length = [haystack length];
length = MIN(length, max_haystack_length);
if (length >= needle_length) {
[haystack getCharacters: haystack_data range: NSMakeRange(0, length)];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < length; ++i)
haystack_data[i] = towlower(haystack_data[i]);
if (!memcmp(haystack_data, needle_data_ptr, needle_length * sizeof(unichar))) return YES;
return NO;
for (SoftwareList *list in _items) {
NSArray *items = [list items];
NSArray *tmp = [items filteredArrayUsingPredicate: p];
// add header ... ?
if (![tmp count]) continue;
[rv addObject: list]; // header
[rv addObjectsFromArray: tmp];
[_cache setObject: rv forKey: string];
return rv;