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// SlotViewController.m
// Ample
// Created by Kelvin Sherlock on 9/9/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Kelvin Sherlock. All rights reserved.
#import "Ample.h"
#import "SlotViewController.h"
#import "Menu.h"
#import "Slot.h"
#import "Media.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
/* number of slot types. bitmask used so should be < sizeof(unsigned *8) */
#define SLOT_COUNT 22
static_assert(SLOT_COUNT <= sizeof(unsigned) * 8, "too many slot types");
#define SIZEOF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
static unsigned RootKey = 0;
@interface SlotViewController ()
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSOutlineView *outlineView;
@property (weak) IBOutlet NSOutlineView *childOutlineView;
@implementation SlotViewController {
NSArray *_root;
unsigned _slots_explicit;
unsigned _slots_valid;
unsigned _slots_default;
Slot *_slot_object[SLOT_COUNT];
NSString *_slot_value[SLOT_COUNT]; // when explicitely set.
Media _slot_media[SLOT_COUNT];
Media _machine_media;
NSDictionary *_machine_data;
IBOutlet NSPopover *_popover;
BOOL _loadingBookmark;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do view setup here.
_root = @[];
objc_setAssociatedObject(_outlineView, &RootKey, _root, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
//[_outlineView setIndentationPerLevel: 2.0];
-(void)resetMachine {
_root = @[];
objc_setAssociatedObject(_outlineView, &RootKey, _root, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
[_outlineView reloadData];
_slots_valid = 0;
_slots_explicit = 0;
_slots_default = 0;
_machine_media = EmptyMedia;
_machine_data = nil;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i) {
_slot_media[i] = EmptyMedia;
_slot_object[i] = nil;
_slot_value[i] = nil;
[self setResolution: NSMakeSize(0, 0)];
[self setArgs: @[]];
[self setMedia: EmptyMedia];
-(void)loadMachine {
NSDictionary *d = MameMachine(_machine);
if (!d) {
[self resetMachine];
NSArray *r = [d objectForKey: @"resolution"];
NSSize res = NSMakeSize(0, 0);
if (r) {
res.width = [(NSNumber *)[r objectAtIndex: 0 /*@"width"*/] doubleValue];
res.height = [(NSNumber *)[r objectAtIndex: 1 /*@"height"*/] doubleValue];
[self setResolution: res];
_slots_valid = 0;
//_slots_explicit = 0;
_slots_default = 0;
_machine_media = MediaFromDictionary([d objectForKey: @"media"]);
_machine_data = d;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i) {
_slot_media[i] = EmptyMedia;
_slot_object[i] = nil;
extern NSArray *BuildSlots(NSString *name, NSDictionary *data);
_root = BuildSlots(_machine, d);
objc_setAssociatedObject(_outlineView, &RootKey, _root, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
for (Slot *item in _root) {
NSInteger index = [item index];
if (index < 0) continue;
unsigned mask = 1 << index;
_slots_valid |= mask;
if ([item defaultIndex] >= 0)
_slots_default |= mask;
if (_slot_value[index])
[item selectValue: _slot_value[index]];
_slot_media[index] = [item selectedMedia];
_slot_object[index] = item;
[_outlineView reloadData];
if (!_loadingBookmark) {
[self rebuildMedia];
[self rebuildArgs];
-(void)setMachine: (NSString *)machine {
if (_machine == machine) return;
if (_machine && machine && [machine compare: _machine] == NSOrderedSame) return;
_machine = machine;
if (!machine) {
[self resetMachine];
[self loadMachine];
-(void)rebuildMedia {
Media media = _machine_media;
unsigned mask = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i, mask <<= 1) {
if (_slots_valid & mask) {
MediaAdd(&media, &_slot_media[i]);
[self setMedia: media];
-(void)rebuildArgs {
NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray new];
for (Slot *item in _root) {
NSArray *x = [item args];
if (x) [args addObjectsFromArray: x];
[self setArgs: args];
- (IBAction)menuChanged:(NSPopUpButton *)sender {
BOOL direct = YES;
NSInteger index = [sender tag];
if (index < 0) return; //
if (index >= 0 && index < SLOT_COUNT) {
direct = YES;
} else {
direct = NO;
index &= ~0x10000;
if (index >= SLOT_COUNT) return; //
unsigned mask = 1 << index;
// index 0 = ram = special case...
SlotOption *o = [[sender selectedItem] representedObject];
Slot *item = _slot_object[index];
if (direct) {
_slots_explicit |= mask;
_slot_value[index] = [o value];
//_slots_default &= ~mask;
Media media = [item selectedMedia];
if (!MediaEqual(&media, &_slot_media[index])) {
_slot_media[index] = media;
[self rebuildMedia];
// needs to reload children if expanded.
#ifdef SLOT_TREE
if (direct) {
BOOL rc = ([_outlineView isItemExpanded: item]);
[_outlineView reloadItem: item reloadChildren: rc];
[self rebuildArgs];
- (IBAction)hamburger:(id)sender {
#if 0
if ([_popover isShown]) {
[_popover close];
NSInteger index = [sender tag];
if (index < 0 || index >= SLOT_COUNT) return;
Slot *item = _slot_object[index];
NSArray *children = [item selectedChildren];
objc_setAssociatedObject(_childOutlineView, &RootKey, children, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
if (!children) return;
[_childOutlineView reloadData];
NSSize size = [_popover contentSize];
if (size.width < 200) size.width = 250;
size = [_childOutlineView sizeThatFits: size];
size.height += 40;
[_popover setContentSize: size];
[_popover showRelativeToRect: [sender bounds]
ofView: sender
preferredEdge: NSRectEdgeMaxY];
-(IBAction)resetSlots:(id)sender {
_slots_explicit = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i) {
_slot_media[i] = EmptyMedia;
_slot_value[i] = nil;
for (Slot *item in _root) {
[item reset];
// if children, reset them too...
NSInteger index = [item index];
if (index < 0) continue;
_slot_media[index] = [item selectedMedia];
#ifdef SLOT_TREE
[_outlineView reloadData];
if (!_loadingBookmark) {
[self rebuildMedia];
[self rebuildArgs];
@implementation SlotViewController (OutlineView)
- (NSInteger)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item {
NSArray *root = objc_getAssociatedObject(outlineView, &RootKey);
if (!item) return [root count];
#ifdef SLOT_TREE
NSArray *tmp = [(Slot *)item selectedChildren];
return [tmp count];
return 0;
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item {
NSArray *root = objc_getAssociatedObject(outlineView, &RootKey);
if (!item) return [root objectAtIndex: index];
#ifdef SLOT_TREE
NSArray *tmp = [(Slot *)item selectedChildren];
return [tmp objectAtIndex: index];
return nil;
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item {
#ifdef SLOT_TREE
if (!item) return NO;
NSArray *tmp = [(Slot *)item selectedChildren];
return [tmp count] > 0;
return NO;
- (NSView *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(Slot *)item {
SlotTableCellView *v = [outlineView makeViewWithIdentifier: @"MenuCell" owner: self];
[item prepareView: v];
return v;
@implementation SlotViewController (Bookmark)
-(void)willLoadBookmark:(NSDictionary *)bookmark {
_loadingBookmark = YES;
[self setMachine: nil];
-(void)didLoadBookmark:(NSDictionary *)bookmark {
_loadingBookmark = NO;
[self rebuildArgs];
-(BOOL)loadBookmark: (NSDictionary *)bookmark {
NSDictionary *dict = [bookmark objectForKey: @"slots"];
[self setMachine: [bookmark objectForKey: @"machine"]];
[self resetSlots: nil];
for (Slot *item in _root) {
[item reserialize: dict];
NSInteger index = [item index];
if (index >= 0 && index < SLOT_COUNT) {
unsigned mask = 1 << index;
if ([item defaultIndex] != [item selectedIndex]) {
_slots_explicit |= mask; // grrr.
_slot_value[index] = [[item selectedItem] value];
_slot_media[index] = [item selectedMedia];
// need to do it here so it propogate to media view.
[self rebuildMedia];
return YES;
-(BOOL)saveBookmark: (NSMutableDictionary *)bookmark {
NSMutableDictionary *slots = [NSMutableDictionary new];
for (Slot *item in _root) {
NSDictionary *d = [item serialize];
[slots addEntriesFromDictionary: d];
[bookmark setObject: slots forKey: @"slots"];
return YES;