Will Angenent c49a14d9ca Replaced charmap sheet png loading with hardcoded characters ...
... the main reason for this was so that the character map is
a static asset.
2018-05-29 19:51:19 +01:00

265 lines
7.0 KiB

package video
import (
const (
// ScreenSizeFactor is the fFactor by which the whole screen is resized
ScreenSizeFactor = 1
textVideoMemory = 0x400 // Base location of page 1 text video memory
flashFrames = 11 // Number of frames when FLASH mode is toggled
// drawTextLoresByte is a function definition used for mixed text/lores rendering
type drawTextLoresByte func(*ebiten.Image, int, int, uint8) error
var (
flashCounter int // Counter used for flashing characters on the text screen
flashOn bool // Are we currently flashing?
loresSquares [16]*ebiten.Image // Colored blocks for lores rendering
// ShowFPS determines if the FPS is shown in the corner of the video
ShowFPS bool
// initLoresSquares creates 16 colored squares for the lores renderer
func initLoresSquares() {
var err error
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
loresSquares[i], err = ebiten.NewImage(7, 4, ebiten.FilterNearest)
if err != nil {
// From
alpha := uint8(0xff)
loresSquares[0x00].Fill(color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, alpha})
loresSquares[0x01].Fill(color.NRGBA{221, 0, 51, alpha})
loresSquares[0x02].Fill(color.NRGBA{0, 0, 153, alpha})
loresSquares[0x03].Fill(color.NRGBA{221, 34, 221, alpha})
loresSquares[0x04].Fill(color.NRGBA{0, 119, 34, alpha})
loresSquares[0x05].Fill(color.NRGBA{85, 85, 85, alpha})
loresSquares[0x06].Fill(color.NRGBA{34, 34, 255, alpha})
loresSquares[0x07].Fill(color.NRGBA{102, 170, 255, alpha})
loresSquares[0x08].Fill(color.NRGBA{136, 85, 0, alpha})
loresSquares[0x09].Fill(color.NRGBA{255, 102, 0, alpha})
loresSquares[0x0A].Fill(color.NRGBA{170, 170, 170, alpha})
loresSquares[0x0B].Fill(color.NRGBA{255, 153, 136, alpha})
loresSquares[0x0C].Fill(color.NRGBA{17, 221, 0, alpha})
loresSquares[0x0D].Fill(color.NRGBA{255, 255, 0, alpha})
loresSquares[0x0E].Fill(color.NRGBA{68, 255, 153, alpha})
loresSquares[0x0F].Fill(color.NRGBA{255, 255, 255, alpha})
// Init the video data structures used for rendering
func Init() {
ShowFPS = false
// drawText draws a single text character at x, y. The characters are either normal, inverted or flashing
func drawText(screen *ebiten.Image, x int, y int, value uint8) error {
// Determine if the character is inverted
inverted := false
if (value & 0xc0) == 0 {
// Inverted
inverted = true
} else if (value & 0x80) == 0 {
// Flashing
value = value & 0x3f
inverted = flashOn
// Convert the value to a index for the charMap
if !inverted {
value = value & 0x7f
if value < 0x20 {
value += 0x40
op := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
op.GeoM.Scale(ScreenSizeFactor, ScreenSizeFactor)
op.GeoM.Translate(ScreenSizeFactor*7*float64(x), ScreenSizeFactor*8*float64(y))
r := image.Rect(0, 0, 7, 8)
op.SourceRect = &r
// The charMap is already inverted. Invert it back if we ourselves aren't inverted.
if inverted {
op.ColorM.Scale(-1, -1, -1, 1)
op.ColorM.Translate(1, 1, 1, 0)
// Make it look greenish
op.ColorM.Scale(0.20, 0.75, 0.20, 1)
return screen.DrawImage(charMap[value], op)
// drawLores draws two colored lores squares at the equivalent text location x,y.
func drawLores(screen *ebiten.Image, x int, y int, value uint8) error {
// Convert the 8 bit value to two 4 bit values
var values = [2]uint8{value & 0xf, value >> 4}
// Render top & bottom squares
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
op := &ebiten.DrawImageOptions{}
op.GeoM.Scale(ScreenSizeFactor, ScreenSizeFactor)
op.GeoM.Translate(ScreenSizeFactor*7*float64(x), ScreenSizeFactor*8*float64(y)+float64(i)*4)
if err := screen.DrawImage(loresSquares[values[i]], op); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// drawTextLoresBlock draws a number of lines of text or lores from start to end
func drawTextLoresBlock(screen *ebiten.Image, start int, end int, drawer drawTextLoresByte) error {
for y := start; y < end; y++ {
base := 128*(y%8) + 40*(y/8)
// Flip to the 2nd page if so toggled
if mmu.Page2 {
base += 0x400
for x := 0; x < 40; x++ {
offset := textVideoMemory + base + x
value := mmu.ReadPageTable[offset>>8][offset&0xff]
if err := drawer(screen, x, y, value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// drawTextBlock draws a number of lines of text from start to end
func drawTextBlock(screen *ebiten.Image, start int, end int) error {
drawTextLoresBlock(screen, start, end, drawText)
return nil
// drawTextBlock draws a number of lores lines from the equivalent text start to end line
func drawLoresBlock(screen *ebiten.Image, start int, end int) error {
drawTextLoresBlock(screen, start, end, drawLores)
return nil
// drawTextOrLoresScreen draws a text and/or lores screen depending on the VideoState
func drawTextOrLoresScreen(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
topHalfIsLowRes := !mmu.VideoState.TextMode
bottomHalfIsLowRes := !mmu.VideoState.TextMode && !mmu.VideoState.Mixed
if !topHalfIsLowRes {
drawTextBlock(screen, 0, 20)
} else {
drawLoresBlock(screen, 0, 20)
if !bottomHalfIsLowRes {
drawTextBlock(screen, 20, 24)
} else {
drawLoresBlock(screen, 20, 24)
return nil
// drawHiresScreen draws an entire hires screen. If it's in mixed mode, the lower end is drawn in text.
func drawHiresScreen(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
if ScreenSizeFactor != 1 {
panic("Hires mode for ScreenSizeFactor != 1 not implemented")
pixels := make([]byte, 280*192*4)
// Loop over all hires lines
for y := 0; y < 192; y++ {
if mmu.VideoState.Mixed && y >= 160 {
// Woz is a genius
yOffset := 0x2000 - (0x3d8)*(y>>6) + 0x80*(y>>3) + 0x400*(y&0x7)
// Flip to the 2nd page if so toggled
if mmu.Page2 {
yOffset += 0x2000
// For each byte, flip the 7 bits and write it to the pixels array
for x := 0; x < 40; x++ {
offset := yOffset + x
value := mmu.ReadPageTable[offset>>8][offset&0xff]
value &= 0x7f
for bit := 0; bit < 7; bit++ {
b := float64(value & 1)
value = value >> 1
p := (y*280 + x*7 + bit) * 4
pixels[p+0] = byte(0xff * float64(0.20) * b)
pixels[p+1] = byte(0xff * float64(0.75) * b)
pixels[p+2] = byte(0xff * float64(0.20) * b)
pixels[p+3] = 0xff
// The hires pixels are read, flush them to the screen
// Draw text bit at the bottom
if mmu.VideoState.Mixed {
drawTextBlock(screen, 20, 24)
return nil
// DrawScreen draws a text, lores, hires or combination screen
func DrawScreen(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
if flashCounter < 0 {
flashCounter = flashFrames
flashOn = !flashOn
if ebiten.IsRunningSlowly() {
return nil
if !mmu.VideoState.HiresMode {
} else {
if ShowFPS {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(`FPS: %0.2f`, ebiten.CurrentFPS())
ebitenutil.DebugPrint(screen, msg)
return nil