package a2geek.apple2.image.encoder.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import a2geek.apple2.image.encoder.A2Image; import a2geek.apple2.image.encoder.encode.A2Encoder; import a2geek.apple2.image.encoder.encode.A2EncoderFactory; import a2geek.apple2.image.encoder.util.ProgressListener; /** * Provide a TableModel for the encoding table. This TableModel also * handles actually performing the compression. * * @author */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class EncoderTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { private final List results = new ArrayList<>(); private byte[] data = null; private String[] headers = new String[] { "Type", "Original", "Compressed", "%" }; /** * Construct the TableModel and setup all the A2Encoders. */ public EncoderTableModel(A2Image image, int maxSize, ProgressListener listener) { = image.getBytes(); int count = 0; int size = A2EncoderFactory.getEncoders().size(); for (A2Encoder encoder : A2EncoderFactory.getEncoders()) { try { if (listener != null && listener.isCancelled()) return; count++; if (listener != null) listener.update(count, size, encoder.getTitle()); encoder.encode(image, maxSize); results.add(encoder); } catch (Throwable t) { // Ignoring these as some are expected to throw errors if boundaries are missed } } } /** * Answer with the name of the column. */ public String getColumnName(int column) { return headers[column]; } /** * Answer with the number of rows. */ public int getRowCount() { return results.size(); } /** * Answer with the number of columns. */ public int getColumnCount() { return headers.length; } /** * Answer with a specific cell value in the table. */ public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { switch (columnIndex) { case 0: return results.get(rowIndex).getTitle(); case 1: return data.length; case 2: return results.get(rowIndex).getSize(); case 3: return (results.get(rowIndex).getSize() * 100) / data.length; default: return "Unknown"; } } /** * Anwwer with the specific Class to indicate formatting in the cell. */ public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) { switch (columnIndex) { case 0: return String.class; case 1: return Integer.class; case 2: return Integer.class; case 3: return Integer.class; default: return Object.class; } } /** * Answer with the specific A2Encoder. */ public A2Encoder getSelectedEncoder(int rowIndex) { return results.get(rowIndex); } }