2016-09-12 22:21:41 -05:00

18 lines
731 B

> This is the historical ideas list, tweaked for markdown.
* [x] Allow sorting compression results
* [ ] View palette(s) after compression
* [x] Highlight compressed image as red/green
* [x] Save settings - last folder, max size
* [x] Progress bar
* [ ] Demo with Harry pictures for all modes - RLE
* [ ] Add HGR, DHR?
* [ ] Rotate original before conversion?
* [x] Drop files into Original pane instead of loading.
* [ ] Color fixing - bands (currently done), interlaced, closest colors
* [ ] Add Floyd-Steinberg Dithering (and none)
* [ ] Move convert options to popup dialog? (color fixing, aspect ratio)
* [ ] Do something else with compression errors
* [ ] Implement encoders as ServiceLoader modules