@echo off if not exist SHRTONE\*.* mkdir SHRTONE >NUL if not exist SH33TONE\*.* mkdir SH33TONE >NUL if not exist SH32TONE\*.* mkdir SH32TONE >NUL if not exist SHRPCX\*.* mkdir SHRPCX >NUL if not exist SH32PCX\*.* mkdir SH32PCX >NUL if not exist SH33PCX\*.* mkdir SH33PCX >NUL if not exist SHRGREY*.* mkdir SHRGREY >NUL if not exist PCX\*.* mkdir PCX >NUL if not exist BMP320\*.* mkdir BMP320 >NUL if not exist todo\*.* mkdir todo >NUL if not exist done\*.* mkdir done >NUL if not exist gif\*.* mkdir gif >NUL if "%1" == "" goto BEGIN if "%1" == "box" goto BOX if "%1" == "BOX" goto BOX if "%1" == "BMP" goto BMP if "%1" == "bmp" goto BMP goto RESIZE REM Notes from the ImageMagick Forums about using convert (in Windows?) convert image -resize "275x275^" -gravity center -crop 275x275+0+0 +repage resultimage see http://www.imagemagick.org/script/comma ... p#geometry regarding ^ and other character options. This resizes according to the smaller of your input image dimensions keeping aspect ratio. Thus the smaller dimension will end up as 275, but the larger dimension will be larger. Thus the crop following the resize. On Windows you may have to escape the ^ with ^ so that it is ^^ (if the quotes don't help). See http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/windows/ Alternately, you can resize to the larger dimension and then pad the image convert image -resize "275x275" -gravity center -background white -extent 275x275 resultimage Alternately, you can resize and lose aspect ratio ( and accept some distortion) convert image -resize "275x275!" resultimage examples are at http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/#fill I have had some trouble with BMP conversions too. I have typically specified BMP3:outfile.bmp and I normally get 24 bit BMP files. sometimes I get an 8 bit BMP when converting JPEG files. I just tried the -type truecolor (having seen it here) and now it looks like I get a 24 bit BMP in the cases where I used to get only 8 bits. I also use these switches: -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 the -depth 24 should do a 24 bit BMP (the depth -8 in your case may also be causing a problem) but as I said I sometimes get 8 bits even with the 24 specified. the -units and -density cases corrected a problem where sometimes I would get a 0 for the biXPelsPerMeter and biYPelsPerMeter fields in the BMP header (it did not seem to cause a problem though). by the way I have not found a good explanation of these 2 fields. the -compress None was required because sometimes a conversion generated a compressed BMP - no logical reason for doing that was found. REM End of Notes :RESIZE C:\IM\convert %1 -resize "320x200!" -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 Resized_%1 goto ENDER :BMP for %%f in (*.bmp) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x200!" -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 BMP320\%%~nf.bmp goto ENDER :BOX REM for %%f in (*.gif) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x320" -gravity center -background black -extent 320x320 -crop 320x200+0+0 +repage -define format:BMP %%~nf.bmp REM for %%f in (*.png) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x320" -gravity center -background black -extent 320x320 -crop 320x200+0+0 +repage -define format:BMP %%~nf.bmp for %%f in (*.jpg) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x320" -gravity center -background black -extent 320x320 -crop 320x200+0+0 +repage -define format:BMP %%~nf.bmp goto ENDER :BEGIN REM this next one is mostly for double dithering for %%f in (*.pcx) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x200!" -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 %%~nf.bmp for %%f in (*.gif) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x200!" -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 %%~nf.bmp for %%f in (*.png) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x200!" -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 %%~nf.bmp for %%f in (*.jpg) do call C:\IM\convert %%f -resize "320x200!" -define format:BMP %%~nf.bmp :ENDER REM this is the end