@echo off REM cvt.bat - creates 6 variations of 320 x 200 SHR files using A2B and external segmented palettes REM set path to A2B converter below set A2B=..\a2b if not exist SH30709\*.* mkdir SH30709 >NUL if not exist SH32709\*.* mkdir SH32709 >NUL if not exist SH33709\*.* mkdir SH33709 >NUL if not exist SH30709raw\*.* mkdir SH30709raw >NUL if not exist SH32709raw\*.* mkdir SH32709raw >NUL if not exist SH33709raw\*.* mkdir SH33709raw >NUL if not exist todo\*.* mkdir todo >NUL if not exist done\*.* mkdir done >NUL REM make External Segmented Palettes using ImageMagick call slicer.bat REM Call A2B to create SHR files for %%f in (*.bmp) do call %A2B% %%f SH30709\%%f dr m2s t PIMsh0pcx\%%~nf\foo sum l709 >NUL for %%f in (*.bmp) do call %A2B% %%f SH32709\%%f dr m2s t PIMsh2pcx\%%~nf\foo sum l709 >NUL for %%f in (*.bmp) do call %A2B% %%f SH33709\%%f dr m2s t PIMsh3pcx\%%~nf\foo sum l709 >NUL for %%f in (*.bmp) do call %A2B% %%f SH30709raw\%%f m2s t PIMsh0pcx\%%~nf\foo sum l709 >NUL for %%f in (*.bmp) do call %A2B% %%f SH32709raw\%%f m2s t PIMsh2pcx\%%~nf\foo sum l709 >NUL for %%f in (*.bmp) do call %A2B% %%f SH33709raw\%%f m2s t PIMsh3pcx\%%~nf\foo sum l709 >NUL cd done move ..\*.bmp . cd .. REM this is the end