@echo off REM cvt2bmp.bat - uses ImageMagick to produce 320 x 200 Input Files for A2B REM set path to ImageMagick below REM for ImageMagick version 6.9 use the following REM set MAGICK=c:\IM\convert REM for ImageMagick version 7 use the following set MAGICK=C:\IM\magick if not exist BMP320\*.* mkdir BMP320 >NUL if not exist ORGBMP\*.* mkdir ORGBMP >NUL if not exist jpg\*.* mkdir jpg >NUL REM create GIF input files for native mode converters if needed. REM if not exist gif\*.* mkdir gif >NUL REM assumes that all input files are 4:3 Aspect Ratio REM accepts jpegs, pngs, gifs, or BMPs as input files REM converts everything to truecolor BMP before scaling to avoid color loss for %%f in (*.jpg) do call %MAGICK% %%f -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 %%~nf.bmp for %%f in (*.png) do call %MAGICK% %%f -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 %%~nf.bmp for %%f in (*.gif) do call %MAGICK% %%f -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 %%~nf.bmp cd jpg if exist ..\*.jpg move ..\*.jpg . > NUL if exist ..\*.png move ..\*.png . > NUL if exist ..\*.gif move ..\*.gif . > NUL cd .. REM create A2B's input files - scaling is done here. for %%f in (*.bmp) do call %MAGICK% %%f -resize "320x200!" -type truecolor -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -compress None -depth 24 -define format:BMP3 BMP320\%%~nf.bmp REM create GIF input files for native mode converters if needed. REM for %%f in (BMP320\*.bmp) do call %MAGICK% %%f -colors 256 -define format:GIF GIF\%%~nfx.gif cd orgbmp move ..\*.bmp . cd ..\bmp320 move *.bmp ..\. cd .. REM this is the end