@echo off REM cropper.bat - center-crop or pad image to 4:3 aspect BMP REM called from aspect43.bat to center-crop each individual image REM called from pad43.bat to pad each individual image if "%1" == "" goto ENDER REM set default method to crop set METHOD=a43b REM alternately for pillarboxed or letterboxed padding set method to pad if "%3" == "PAD" set METHOD=p43b if "%3" == "pad" set METHOD=p43b REM alternately set crop geometry to gravities other than center (default) if "%3" == "N" set METHOD=a43bNorth if "%3" == "n" set METHOD=a43bNorth if "%3" == "S" set METHOD=a43bSouth if "%3" == "s" set METHOD=a43bSouth if "%3" == "E" set METHOD=a43bEast if "%3" == "e" set METHOD=a43bEast if "%3" == "W" set METHOD=a43bWest if "%3" == "w" set METHOD=a43bWest REM set paths below set A2B=..\a2b rem for ImageMagick version 6.9 use the following rem set MAGICK=c:\IM\convert rem set IDENTIFY=c:\IM\identify rem for ImageMagick version 7 use the following set MAGICK=c:\IM\magick set IDENTIFY=c:\IM\magick identify REM redirect output from ImageMagick identify to a temporary id file for this image call %IDENTIFY% %1 > %2.id REM call A2B to use the id file to write a temporary batch file for this image call %A2B% %1 %METHOD% call %2.bat %MAGICK% %1 %2 REM clean-up the temporary files del %2.bat del %2.id :ENDER REM this is the end