@echo off REM magall.bat - post process the output from the A2B converter REM use ImageMagick to make double scaled preview files for review in a separate subdirectory REM these can be viewed as a slide-show under Windows REM copy SHR output to a separate subdirectory (with no additional files) for preparing Apple IIgs slide-shows REM CiderPress can then be used more easily to place SHR files on an Apple IIgs Disk Image REM set path to ImageMagick below REM for ImageMagick version 6.9 use ImageMagick's convert utility REM set MAGICK=C:\IM\convert REM for ImageMagick version 7 use the following set MAGICK=C:\IM\magick cd SH30709raw if not exist png\*.* mkdir png >NUL if not exist shr\*.* mkdir shr >NUL for %%f in (*_proc.bmp) do if not exist png\%%~nf.png call %MAGICK% %%f -magnify -define format:PNG png\%%~nf.png for %%f in (*.shr#C10000) do if not exist SHR\%%f copy %%f shr\%%f > NUL cd .. cd SH32709raw if not exist png\*.* mkdir png >NUL if not exist shr\*.* mkdir shr >NUL for %%f in (*_proc.bmp) do if not exist png\%%~nf.png call %MAGICK% %%f -magnify -define format:PNG png\%%~nf.png for %%f in (*.sh2#C10000) do if not exist SHR\%%f copy %%f shr\%%f > NUL cd .. cd SH33709raw if not exist png\*.* mkdir png >NUL if not exist shr\*.* mkdir shr >NUL for %%f in (*_proc.bmp) do if not exist png\%%~nf.png call %MAGICK% %%f -magnify -define format:PNG png\%%~nf.png for %%f in (*.sh3#C10002) do if not exist SHR\%%f copy %%f shr\%%f > NUL cd .. cd sh33709 if not exist png\*.* mkdir png >NUL if not exist shr\*.* mkdir shr >NUL for %%f in (*_proc.bmp) do if not exist png\%%~nf.png call %MAGICK% %%f -magnify -define format:PNG png\%%~nf.png for %%f in (*.sh3#C10002) do if not exist SHR\%%f copy %%f shr\%%f > NUL cd .. cd sh32709 if not exist png\*.* mkdir png >NUL if not exist shr\*.* mkdir shr >NUL for %%f in (*_proc.bmp) do if not exist png\%%~nf.png call %MAGICK% %%f -magnify -define format:PNG png\%%~nf.png for %%f in (*.sh2#C10000) do if not exist SHR\%%f copy %%f shr\%%f > NUL cd .. cd sh30709 if not exist png\*.* mkdir png >NUL if not exist shr\*.* mkdir shr >NUL for %%f in (*_proc.bmp) do if not exist png\%%~nf.png call %MAGICK% %%f -magnify -define format:PNG png\%%~nf.png for %%f in (*.shr#C10000) do if not exist SHR\%%f copy %%f shr\%%f > NUL cd .. REM this is the end