/* * Apple // emulator for Linux: Lexer for debugger * * Copyright 1994 Alexander Jean-Claude Bottema * Copyright 1995 Stephen Lee * Copyright 1997, 1998 Aaron Culliney * Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Deutschmann * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. * */ /* ASSUMPTIONS: * flex version 2.5.2 or later * */ %{ /* process includes only the second time we parse this file. */ #include "common.h" #define debugtext yytext #define DEBUG_BUFSZ 256 YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer = 0; extern char second_buf[DEBUGGER_BUF_Y][DEBUGGER_BUF_X];/* scratch buffer for output */ extern int num_buffer_lines; /* num lines of output */ extern int arg1, arg2, arg3; /* command arguments */ extern int breakpoints[MAX_BRKPTS]; /* memory breakpoints */ extern int watchpoints[MAX_BRKPTS]; /* memory watchpoints */ // internal debugger commands extern void clear_debugger_screen(); extern void bload(FILE*, char*, int, int); extern void show_misc_info(); extern uint8_t get_current_opcode(); extern void dump_mem(int, int, int, int, int); extern void search_mem(char*, int, int); extern void set_mem(int, char*); extern void set_lc_mem(int, int, char*); extern void disasm(int, int, int, int); extern void clear_halt(int*, int); extern bool set_halt(int*, int); extern void show_breakpts(); extern void show_regs(); extern void display_help(); extern void show_lc_info(); extern void show_disk_info(); extern void set_halt_opcode(uint8_t opcode); extern void set_halt_65c02(); extern void clear_halt_65c02(); extern void clear_halt_opcode(uint8_t opcode); extern void show_opcode_breakpts(); extern int debugger_go(stepping_struct_t s); extern void fb_sha1(); /* d{is} {lc1|lc2} {/bank/}{addr} {+}{len} m{em} {lc1|lc2} {/bank/}{addr} {+}{len} a{scii} {lc1|lc2} {/bank/}{addr} {+}{len} r{egs} {lc1|lc2} : bload // bsave // (s{tep} | n{ext}) {len} f{inish} u{ntil} g{o} {addr} sea{rch} {lc1|lc2} (b{reak} | w{atch}) {addr} (b{reak} | w{atch}) {addr} b{reak} op (c{lear} | i{gnore}) {num} c{lear} op key sta{tus} l{ang} dr{ive} vm fr{esh} (? | h{elp}) */ %} DEC [0-9] HEX [0-9a-fA-F] WS [\n\r\t" "] CHAR [^\n\r\t" "] BOS ^ EOS {WS}*\0 BANK \/0?[01]\/ ADDRS [0-9a-fA-F]+ %% {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}+{ADDRS}{WS}\+?+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* mem */ int do_ascii = 0; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, arg2, 0, do_ascii, -1); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{WS}+\+?{HEX}+{EOS} { /* mem // */ int do_ascii = 0; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, arg2, 0, do_ascii, arg3); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}+{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* mem */ int do_ascii = 0; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, 256, 0, do_ascii, -1); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* mem // */ int do_ascii = 0; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, 256, 0, do_ascii, arg3); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}+\+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* mem + */ int do_ascii = 0; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (*debugtext != '+') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(cpu65_pc, arg1, 0, do_ascii, -1); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){EOS} { /* dump mem from current location */ int do_ascii = 0; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; dump_mem(cpu65_pc, 256, 0, do_ascii, -1); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{ADDRS}{WS}+\+?{HEX}+{EOS} { /* dump mem from lc */ int do_ascii = 0; int lc; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, arg2, lc, do_ascii, -1); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{WS}+\+?{HEX}+{EOS} { /* dump mem from lc // */ int do_ascii = 0; int lc; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, arg2, lc, do_ascii, arg3); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* dump mem from lc */ int do_ascii = 0; int lc; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, 256, lc, do_ascii, -1); return MEM; } {BOS}(me?m?|as?c?i?i?){WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* dump mem from lc // */ int do_ascii = 0; int lc; if (tolower(debugtext[0]) == 'a') do_ascii = 1; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); dump_mem(arg1, 256, lc, do_ascii, arg3); return MEM; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}+{ADDRS}{WS}+\+?{HEX}+{EOS} { /* disassemble at */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); disasm(arg1, arg2, 0, -1); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{WS}+\+?{HEX}+{EOS} { /* disassemble at // */ while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); disasm(arg1, arg2, 0, arg3); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}+{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* disassemble at */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = 256; if ((arg1 < 0) || (arg1 > 65535)) arg1 = cpu65_pc; disasm(arg1, arg2, 0, -1); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* disassemble at // */ while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = 256; if ((arg1 < 0) || (arg1 > 65535)) arg1 = cpu65_pc; disasm(arg1, arg2, 0, arg3); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}+\+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* disassemble current location + */ while (*debugtext != '+') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); disasm(cpu65_pc, arg1, 0, -1); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{EOS} { /* disassemble current location */ disasm(cpu65_pc, 256, 0, -1); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{ADDRS}{WS}+\+?{HEX}+{EOS} { /* disassemble language */ int lc; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); disasm(arg1, arg2, lc, -1); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{WS}+\+?{HEX}+{EOS} { /* disassemble language // */ int lc; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); arg2 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); disasm(arg1, arg2, lc, arg3); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* disassemble language */ int lc; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); disasm(arg1, 256, lc, -1); return DIS; } {BOS}di?s?{WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* disassemble language // */ int lc; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); disasm(arg1, 256, lc, arg3); return DIS; } {BOS}re?g?s?{EOS} { /* show cpu state */ show_regs(); return REGS; } {BOS}{ADDRS}{WS}*\:{WS}*{HEX}+{EOS} { /* set memory : */ arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); while (*debugtext != ':') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; set_mem(arg1, debugtext); return SETMEM; } {BOS}{ADDRS}{WS}*(lc1|lc2)\:{WS}*{HEX}+{EOS} { /* set LC memory lc1|lc2 : */ int lc; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; set_lc_mem(arg1, lc, debugtext); return SETMEM; } {BOS}bload{WS}+{CHAR}+{WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{EOS} { /* bload // */ FILE *fp = NULL; char *ptr = NULL; char buf[DEBUG_BUFSZ]; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; ptr = debugtext; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; int len = MIN((int)(debugtext-ptr), DEBUG_BUFSZ-1); /* filename */ strncpy(buf, ptr, len); buf[len] = '\0'; /* get bank info */ while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; int bank = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); /* extract addrs */ ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, (char**)NULL, 16); fp = fopen(buf, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(buf); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "problem: %s", buf); return BLOAD; } bload(fp, buf, bank, arg1); fclose(fp); return BLOAD; } {BOS}(st?e?p?|ne?x?t?){EOS} { stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = STEPPING, .step_count = 1 }; if (*debugtext == 'n') { s.step_type = NEXTING; } debugger_go(s); return STEP; } {BOS}(st?e?p?|ne?x?t?){WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, (char**)NULL, 16); if ((arg1 < 1) || (arg1 > 255)) arg1 = 255; stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = STEPPING, .step_count = arg1 }; if (*debugtext == 'n') { s.step_type = NEXTING; } debugger_go(s); return STEP; } {BOS}fi?n?i?s?h?{EOS} { stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = FINISHING, .step_frame = 1 }; debugger_go(s); return FINISH; } {BOS}un?t?i?l?{EOS} { /* step until PC == next instruction. good for finishing backward loops */ uint8_t op = get_current_opcode(); int delta=0; switch (opcodes[op].mode) { case addr_implied: case addr_accumulator: delta = 1; break; case addr_immediate: case addr_zeropage: case addr_zeropage_x: case addr_zeropage_y: case addr_indirect: case addr_indirect_x: case addr_indirect_y: case addr_relative: delta = 2; break; case addr_absolute: case addr_absolute_x: case addr_absolute_y: case addr_j_indirect: case addr_j_indirect_x: delta = 3; break; } stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = UNTILING, .step_pc = cpu65_pc + delta }; debugger_go(s); return UNTIL; } {BOS}go?{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* jump to addrs and run while remaining in debugger console */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; /* DANGEROUS! */ cpu65_pc = (int)strtol(debugtext, (char**)NULL, 16); stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = GOING }; debugger_go(s); return GO; } {BOS}go?{EOS} { stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = GOING }; debugger_go(s); return GO; } {BOS}wa?t?c?h?{EOS} { /* set watchpoint */ set_halt(watchpoints, cpu65_pc); return WATCH; } {BOS}wa?t?c?h?{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* set watchpoint */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, (char**)NULL, 16); if ((arg1 < 0) || (arg1 > 65535)) { sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "invalid address"); return WATCH; } set_halt(watchpoints, arg1); return WATCH; } {BOS}br?e?a?k?{EOS} { /* set breakpoint */ set_halt(breakpoints, cpu65_pc); return BREAK; } {BOS}br?e?a?k?{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* set breakpoint */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, (char**)NULL, 16); if ((arg1 < 0) || (arg1 > 65535)) { sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "invalid address"); return BREAK; } set_halt(breakpoints, arg1); return BREAK; } {BOS}br?e?a?k?{WS}*op{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* set breakpoint */ while (!(*debugtext == 'p')) ++debugtext; ++debugtext; arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, (char**)NULL, 16); if ((arg1 < 0) || (arg1 > 0xFF)) { sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "invalid opcode"); return BREAK; } set_halt_opcode((uint8_t)arg1); return BREAK; } {BOS}br65c02{EOS} { /* set opcode breakpoints on 65c02 instructions */ set_halt_65c02(); return BREAK; } {BOS}ig?n?o?r?e?{EOS} { /* ignore everything */ clear_halt(watchpoints, 0); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "ignored all"); return IGNORE; } {BOS}ig?n?o?r?e?({WS}+{DEC}+)+{EOS} { /* ignore ... */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (*debugtext) { arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); if ((arg1 < 1) || (arg1 > MAX_BRKPTS)) { sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "invalid watchpoint"); return IGNORE; } clear_halt(watchpoints, arg1); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "ignored %d", arg1); } return IGNORE; } {BOS}cl?e?a?r?{EOS} { /* clear everything */ clear_halt(breakpoints, 0); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "cleared all"); return CLEAR; } {BOS}cl?e?a?r?({WS}+{DEC}+)+{EOS} { /* clear ... */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (*debugtext) { arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); if ((arg1 < 1) || (arg1 > MAX_BRKPTS)) { sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "invalid breakpoint"); return CLEAR; } clear_halt(breakpoints, arg1); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "cleared %d", arg1); } return CLEAR; } {BOS}cl?e?a?r?{WS}*op({WS}+{HEX}+)+{EOS} { /* clear ... */ while (!(*debugtext == 'p')) ++debugtext; ++debugtext; while (*debugtext) { arg1 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); if ((arg1 < 0) || (arg1 > 255)) { sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "invalid opcode"); return CLEAR; } clear_halt_opcode((uint8_t)arg1); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "cleared opcode %02X", (uint8_t)arg1); } return CLEAR; } {BOS}cl65c02{EOS} { /* clear 65c02 ... */ clear_halt_65c02(); return CLEAR; } {BOS}stat?u?s?{EOS} { /* show breakpoints and watchpoints */ show_breakpts(); return STATUS; } {BOS}opc?o?d?e?s?{EOS} { /* show opcode breakpoints */ show_opcode_breakpts(); return OPCODES; } {BOS}sea?r?c?h?{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* search main memory for */ while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; search_mem(debugtext, 0, -1); return SEARCH; } {BOS}sea?r?c?h?{WS}+{BANK}{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* search memory for */ while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; search_mem(debugtext, 0, arg3); return SEARCH; } {BOS}sea?r?c?h?{WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* search LC for */ int lc; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; search_mem(debugtext, lc, -1); return SEARCH; } {BOS}sea?r?c?h?{WS}*(lc?1|lc?2){WS}+{BANK}{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* search LC memory for */ int lc; while (tolower(*debugtext) != 'l') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; if (tolower(*debugtext) == 'c') ++debugtext; lc = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; /* after / */ arg3 = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* after / */ while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; search_mem(debugtext, lc, arg3); return SEARCH; } {BOS}type{WS}+{CHAR}+{EOS} { /* type ASCII to emulator */ char buf[DEBUG_BUFSZ]; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; strncpy(buf, debugtext, DEBUG_BUFSZ-2); int len = (int)strlen(buf); buf[len] = '\r'; buf[len+1] = '\0'; stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = TYPING, .step_text = buf }; debugger_go(s); return TYPE; } {BOS}load{WS}+{CHAR}+{EOS} { /* load/type ASCII */ FILE *fp = NULL; char buf[DEBUG_BUFSZ]; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; fp = fopen(debugtext, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { perror(debugtext); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "problem: %s", debugtext); return LOAD; } LOG("Typing..."); int ch = -1; while (fgets(buf, DEBUG_BUFSZ, fp)) { LOG("%s", buf); stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = LOADING, .step_text = buf }; ch = debugger_go(s); if (ch != -1) { break; } } fclose(fp); if (ch == -1) { stepping_struct_t s = { .step_type = GOING, }; debugger_go(s); } return LOAD; } {BOS}cput?r?a?c?e?{EOS} { #if CPU_TRACING char *buf = NULL; asprintf(&buf, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), "cputrace.txt"); cpu65_trace_toggle(buf); free(buf); #else LOG("CPU tracing not enabled..."); #endif } {BOS}diskt?r?a?c?e?{EOS} { #if DISK_TRACING char *buf = NULL; asprintf(&buf, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), "disktrace.txt"); c_toggle_disk_trace_6(buf, NULL); free(buf); #else LOG("Disk tracing not enabled..."); #endif } {BOS}la?n?g?{EOS} { /* display language card settings */ show_lc_info(); return LC; } {BOS}dri?v?e?{EOS} { /* show disk settings */ show_disk_info(); return DRIVE; } {BOS}vm?{EOS} { /* show other VM softswitch settings */ show_misc_info(); return VM; } {BOS}fre?s?h?{EOS} { /* refresh the screen */ clear_debugger_screen(); } {BOS}(fbsha1?){EOS} { fb_sha1(); return FBSHA1; } {BOS}(\?|he?l?p?){EOS} { display_help(); return HELP; } {BOS}bsave{WS}+{CHAR}+{WS}+{BANK}{ADDRS}{WS}+{HEX}+{EOS} { /* bsave // */ /* save memory dump to file */ FILE *fp = NULL; char *ptr = NULL; char buf[DEBUG_BUFSZ]; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; /* copy file name */ ptr = debugtext; while (!isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; int len = MIN((int)(debugtext-ptr), DEBUG_BUFSZ-1); strncpy(buf, ptr, len); buf[len] = '\0'; /* get bank info */ while (*debugtext != '/') ++debugtext; ++debugtext; int bank = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 10); ++debugtext; /* extract addrs and len */ unsigned int addrs = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); while (isspace(*debugtext)) ++debugtext; len = (int)strtol(debugtext, &debugtext, 16); if (addrs+len > 0x10000) { sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "buffer length overflow"); return BSAVE; } fp = fopen(buf, "w"); /* try to open file for writing */ if (fp == NULL) { perror(buf); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "problem: %s", buf); return BSAVE; } do { size_t written = fwrite(apple_ii_64k[bank]+addrs, 1, len, fp); len -= written; addrs += written; } while(len); sprintf(second_buf[num_buffer_lines++], "bsaved: %s", buf); fclose(fp); return BSAVE; } {BOS}log{EOS} { /* log debugger output to file - not implemented */ return LOG; } {BOS}save{EOS} { /* save apple2 state to a .img file - not implemented I'd like to * be compatible with the applePC emulator's .img format. anyone * have documentation on this? -ASC **/ return SAVE; } \n /* ignore newlines */ . /* ignore extraneous characters */ %% int yywrap () { return 1; } /* initialize the buffer - needed each time through */ void init_lex (char *str, int size) { if (buffer) yy_delete_buffer(buffer); buffer = yy_scan_buffer(str, size); if (!buffer) { /* oops */ video_shutdown(); printf("lex buffer not big enough\n"); exit(1); } #define WONT_EXECUTE 0 static volatile void *hack_warnings = &hack_warnings; if (hack_warnings == WONT_EXECUTE) { // flex defines these, but we don't use 'em ... char hack[2]; yyunput('\0', hack); input(); } #undef WONT_EXECUTE }