/* * Apple // emulator for Linux: Configuration Interface * * Copyright 1994 Alexander Jean-Claude Bottema * Copyright 1995 Stephen Lee * Copyright 1997, 1998 Aaron Culliney * Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Deutschmann * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. * */ #include "common.h" bool in_interface = false; static struct stat statbuf; static int altdrive; /*#define undoc_supported 1*/ /*#else*/ /*#define undoc_supported 0*/ void copy_and_pad_string(char *dest, const char* src, const char c, const int len, const char cap) { const char* p; char* d = dest; for (p = src; ((*p != '\0') && (p-src < len-1)); p++) { *d++ = *p; } while (d-dest < len-1) { *d++ = c; } *d = cap; } static void pad_string(char *s, const char c, const int len) { char *p; for (p = s; ((*p != '\0') && (p-s < len-1)); p++) { } while (p-s < len-1) { *p++ = c; } *p = '\0'; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_load_interface_font() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_load_interface_font() { video_loadfont_int(0x00,0x40,ucase_glyphs); video_loadfont_int(0x40,0x20,ucase_glyphs); video_loadfont_int(0x60,0x20,lcase_glyphs); video_loadfont_int(0x80,0x40,ucase_glyphs); video_loadfont_int(0xC0,0x20,ucase_glyphs); video_loadfont_int(0xE0,0x20,lcase_glyphs); video_loadfont_int(0x80,11,interface_glyphs); video_loadfont_int(MOUSETEXT_BEGIN,0x20,mousetext_glyphs); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_print() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_interface_print( int x, int y, int cs, const char *s ) { for (; *s; x++, s++) { video_plotchar( x, y, cs, *s ); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_print_screen() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_interface_print_screen( char screen[24][INTERFACE_SCREEN_X+1] ) { for (int y = 0; y < 24; y++) { c_interface_print( 0, y, 2, screen[ y ] ); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_translate_screen() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define IsGraphic(c) ((c) == '|' || (((unsigned char)c) >= 0x80 && ((unsigned char)c) <= 0x8A)) #define IsInside(x,y) ((x) >= 0 && (x) <= xlen-1 && (y) >= 0 && (y) <= ylen-1) static void _convert_screen_graphics( char *screen, const int x, const int y, const int xlen, const int ylen ) { static char map[11][3][4] ={ { "...", ".||", ".|." }, { "...", "||.", ".|." }, { ".|.", ".||", "..." }, { ".|.", "||.", "..." }, { "~|~", ".|.", "~|~" }, { "~.~", "|||", "~.~" }, { ".|.", ".||", ".|." }, { ".|.", "||.", ".|." }, { "...", "|||", ".|." }, { ".|.", "|||", "..." }, { ".|.", "|||", ".|." } }; bool found_glyph = false; int k = 10; for (; k >= 0; k--) { found_glyph = true; for (int yy = y - 1; found_glyph && yy <= y + 1; yy++) { int idx = yy*(xlen+1); for (int xx = x - 1; xx <= x + 1; xx++) { char map_ch = map[k][ yy - y + 1 ][ xx - x + 1 ]; if (IsInside(xx, yy)) { char c = *(screen + idx + xx); if (!IsGraphic( c ) && (map_ch == '|')) { found_glyph = false; break; } else if (IsGraphic( c ) && (map_ch == '.')) { found_glyph = false; break; } } else if (map_ch == '|') { found_glyph = false; break; } } idx += xlen+1; } if (found_glyph) { break; } } if (found_glyph) { *(screen + y*(xlen+1) + x) = 0x80 + k; } } static void c_interface_translate_screen_x_y(char *screen, const int xlen, const int ylen) { for (int idx=0, y=0; y < ylen; y++, idx+=xlen+1) { for (int x = 0; x < xlen; x++) { if (*(screen + idx + x) == '|') { _convert_screen_graphics(screen, x, y, xlen, ylen); } } } } void c_interface_translate_screen( char screen[24][INTERFACE_SCREEN_X+1] ) { c_interface_translate_screen_x_y(screen[0], INTERFACE_SCREEN_X, 24); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_print_submenu_centered() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_interface_print_submenu_centered( char *submenu, const int xlen, const int ylen ) { c_interface_translate_screen_x_y(submenu, xlen, ylen); int x = (INTERFACE_SCREEN_X - xlen) >> 1; int y = (24 - ylen) >> 1; int ymax = y+ylen; for (int idx=0; y < ymax; y++, idx+=xlen+1) { c_interface_print( x, y, 2, &submenu[ idx ] ); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int c_interface_cut_name(char *name) { char *p = name + strlen(name) - 1; int is_gz = 0; if (p >= name && *p == 'z') { p--; if (p >= name && *p == 'g') { p--; if (p >= name && *p == '.') { *p-- = '\0'; is_gz = 1; } } } return is_gz; } static int disk_select(const struct dirent *e) { static char cmp[ DISKSIZE ]; size_t len; const char *p; strncpy( cmp, disk_path, DISKSIZE ); strncat( cmp, "/", DISKSIZE-1 ); strncat( cmp, e->d_name, DISKSIZE-1 ); /* don't show disk in alternate drive */ if (!strcmp(cmp, disk6.disk[altdrive].file_name)) { return 0; } /* show directories except '.' and '..' at toplevel. */ stat(cmp, &statbuf); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) && strcmp(".", e->d_name) && !(!strcmp("..", e->d_name) && !strcmp(disk_path, "/"))) { return 1; } p = e->d_name; len = strlen(p); if (len > 3 && (!strcmp(p + len - 3, ".gz"))) { len -= 3; } if (!strncmp(p + len - 4, ".dsk", 4)) { return 1; } if (!strncmp(p + len - 4, ".nib", 4)) { return 1; } if (!strncmp(p + len - 3, ".do", 3)) { return 1; } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_exit() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_interface_exit(int ch) { if (c_keys_is_interface_key(ch)) { c_keys_set_key(ch); } else { video_setpage(!!(softswitches & SS_SCREEN)); video_redraw(); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_select_diskette() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define ZLIB_SUBMENU_H 7 #define ZLIB_SUBMENU_W 40 static char zlibmenu[ZLIB_SUBMENU_H][ZLIB_SUBMENU_W+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| An error occurred when attempting to |", "| handle a compressed disk image: |", "| |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; static void _eject_disk(int drive) { const char *err_str = c_eject_6(drive); if (err_str) { int ch = -1; snprintf(&zlibmenu[4][2], 37, "%s", err_str); c_interface_print_submenu_centered(zlibmenu[0], ZLIB_SUBMENU_W, ZLIB_SUBMENU_H); while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { // ... } } } void c_interface_select_diskette( int drive ) { #define DISK_PATH_MAX 77 #define DRIVE_X 49 char screen[24][INTERFACE_SCREEN_X+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. 80.", { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| Insert diskette into Drive _, Slot 6 |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| For interface help press '?' |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; struct dirent **namelist; bool nextdir = false; int i, entries; static int curpos=0; int ch = -1; screen[ 1 ][ DRIVE_X ] = (drive == 0) ? 'A' : 'B'; video_setpage( 0 ); c_interface_translate_screen( screen ); do { nextdir = false; c_interface_print_screen( screen ); altdrive = (drive == 0) ? 1 : 0; if (!strcmp("", disk_path)) { sprintf(disk_path, "/"); } #define DISKERR_PAD 35 #define DISKERR_SUBMENU_H 6 #define DISKERR_SUBMENU_W 40 char errmenu[DISKERR_SUBMENU_H][DISKERR_SUBMENU_W+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| An error occurred: |", "| |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; #define DISKERR_SHOWERR(ERR) \ copy_and_pad_string(&errmenu[3][2], ERR, ' ', DISKERR_PAD, ' '); \ c_interface_print_submenu_centered(errmenu[0], DISKERR_SUBMENU_W, DISKERR_SUBMENU_H); \ while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { } /* set to users privilege level for directory access */ entries = scandir(disk_path, &namelist, disk_select, alphasort); if (entries <= 0) { DISKERR_SHOWERR("Problem reading directory"); snprintf(disk_path, DISKSIZE, "%s", getenv("HOME")); nextdir = true; continue; } if (curpos >= entries) { curpos = entries - 1; } char temp[PATH_MAX]; for (;;) { for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { int ent_no = curpos - 8 + i, slen; int in_drive = 0; strcpy( temp, " " ); if (ent_no >= 0 && ent_no < entries) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", disk_path, namelist[ent_no]->d_name); if (!strcmp(temp, disk6.disk[drive].file_name)) { in_drive = 1; } stat(temp, &statbuf); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, " %s/", namelist[ ent_no ]->d_name ); } else { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, " %s", namelist[ ent_no ]->d_name ); } if (c_interface_cut_name(temp)) { strncat(temp, " ", PATH_MAX-1); } /* write protected disk in drive? */ else if ((in_drive) && (disk6.disk[drive].is_protected)) { strncat(temp, (drive == 0) ? " " : " ", PATH_MAX-1); } else if (in_drive) { strncat(temp, (drive == 0) ? " " : " ", PATH_MAX-1); } } slen = strlen( temp ); while (slen < DISK_PATH_MAX) { temp[ slen++ ] = ' '; } temp[ DISK_PATH_MAX ] = '\0'; c_interface_print(1, i + 3, ent_no == curpos, temp); } do { ch = c_mygetch(1); } while (ch == -1); if (ch == kUP) { if (curpos > 0) { curpos--; } } else if (ch == kDN) { if (curpos < entries - 1) { curpos++; } } else if (ch == kPGDN) { curpos += 16; if (curpos > entries - 1) { curpos = entries - 1; } } else if (ch == kPGUP) { curpos -= 16; if (curpos < 0) { curpos = 0; } } else if (ch == kHOME) { curpos = 0; } else if (ch == kEND) { curpos = entries - 1; } else if ((ch == kESC) || c_keys_is_interface_key(ch)) { break; } else if (ch == '?') { #define DISKHELP_SUBMENU_H 17 #define DISKHELP_SUBMENU_W 40 char submenu[DISKHELP_SUBMENU_H][DISKHELP_SUBMENU_W+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| Disk : @ and @ arrows |", "| Selection : PageUp/PageDown |", "| Home/End |", "| |", "| Insert : (RO) Press 'Return' to |", "| Disk : insert disk read-only |", "| (RW) Press 'W' key to |", "| insert disk read/write |", "| |", "| Eject : Choose selected disk and |", "| Disk : press 'Return' |", "| |", "| Exit Menu : ESC returns to emulator |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; submenu[ 2 ][ 14 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0b; submenu[ 2 ][ 20 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0a; c_interface_print_submenu_centered(submenu[0], DISKHELP_SUBMENU_W, DISKHELP_SUBMENU_H); while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { } c_interface_print_screen( screen ); } else if ((ch == 13) || (toupper(ch) == 'W')) { int len; snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", disk_path, namelist[ curpos ]->d_name ); len = strlen(disk_path); /* handle disk currently in the drive */ if (!strcmp(temp, disk6.disk[drive].file_name)) { /* reopen disk, forcing write enabled */ if (toupper(ch) == 'W') { const char *err_str = c_new_diskette_6(drive, temp, 0); if (err_str) { int ch = -1; snprintf(&zlibmenu[4][2], 37, "%s", err_str); c_interface_print_submenu_centered(zlibmenu[0], ZLIB_SUBMENU_W, ZLIB_SUBMENU_H); while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { // ... } c_interface_print_screen( screen ); continue; } break; } /* eject the disk and start over */ _eject_disk(drive); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); nextdir = true; break; } /* read another directory */ stat(temp, &statbuf); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { if (toupper(ch) == 'W') { continue; } if ((disk_path[len-1]) == '/') { disk_path[--len] = '\0'; } if (!strcmp("..", namelist[curpos]->d_name)) { while (--len && (disk_path[len] != '/')) { disk_path[len] = '\0'; } } else if (strcmp(".", namelist[curpos]->d_name)) { snprintf(disk_path + len, DISKSIZE-len, "/%s", namelist[curpos]->d_name); } nextdir = true; break; } _eject_disk(drive); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); const char *err_str = c_new_diskette_6(drive, temp, (toupper(ch) != 'W')); if (err_str) { int ch = -1; snprintf(&zlibmenu[4][2], 37, "%s", err_str); c_interface_print_submenu_centered(zlibmenu[0], ZLIB_SUBMENU_W, ZLIB_SUBMENU_H); while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { // ... } c_interface_print_screen( screen ); continue; } break; } } // clean up for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) { free(namelist[ i ]); } free(namelist); } while (nextdir); c_interface_exit(ch); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_parameters() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef enum interface_enum_t { OPT_CPU = 0, OPT_ALTCPU, OPT_QUIT, OPT_REBOOT, OPT_JOYSTICK, OPT_CALIBRATE, OPT_PATH, OPT_COLOR, #if !VIDEO_OPENGL OPT_VIDEO, #endif OPT_VOLUME, OPT_CAPS, NUM_OPTIONS } interface_enum_t; static const char *options[] = { " CPU% : ", " ALT CPU% : ", " --> Quit Emulator", " --> Reboot Emulator", " Joystick : ", " --> Calibrate Joystick", " Path : ", " Color : ", #if !VIDEO_OPENGL " Video : ", #endif " Volume : ", " CAPSlock : ", }; #define INTERFACE_PATH_MAX 65 #define INTERFACE_PATH_MIN 14 void c_interface_parameters() { char screen[24][INTERFACE_SCREEN_X+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. 80.", { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| @ Apple //ix @ |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| Emulator Hotkeys |", "| |", "| F1 F2: Insert Diskette in Slot6 Disk Drive A or Drive B |", "| F5 : Show Keyboard Layout F7 : 6502 Debugger |", "| F9 : Toggle Between CPU% / ALT CPU% Speeds |", "| F10 : Show This Menu |", "| |", "| For interface help press '?' ... ESC exits menu |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; #define PARAMS_H 9 /* visual height */ int i; int ch; static interface_enum_t option = OPT_CPU; static int cur_y = 0, cur_off = 0, cur_x = 0, cur_pos = 0; /* reset the x position, so we don't lose our cursor if path changes */ cur_x = 0; video_setpage( 0 ); screen[ 2 ][ 33 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x01; screen[ 2 ][ 46 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x00; c_interface_translate_screen( screen ); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); #define TEMPSIZE 1024 char temp[TEMPSIZE]; for (;;) { for (i = 0; (i < PARAMS_H) && (i < NUM_OPTIONS); i++) { cur_off = (option - PARAMS_H) +1; if (cur_off < 0) { cur_off = 0; } c_interface_print( 1, 5 + i, cur_y == i, options[i + cur_off]); int optlen = strlen(options[i + cur_off]); snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, " "); pad_string(temp, ' ', INTERFACE_PATH_MAX+1-optlen); c_interface_print( 1+optlen, 5 + i, 0, temp ); switch (i + cur_off) { case OPT_CPU: if (cpu_scale_factor >= CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "Fastest"); } else { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%d%%", (int)(cpu_scale_factor * 100.0)); } break; case OPT_ALTCPU: if (cpu_altscale_factor >= CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "Fastest"); } else { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%d%%", (int)(cpu_altscale_factor * 100.0)); } break; case OPT_PATH: strncpy(temp, disk_path + cur_pos, INTERFACE_PATH_MAX); temp[INTERFACE_PATH_MAX] = '\0'; break; case OPT_COLOR: sprintf(temp, "%s", (color_mode == COLOR) ? "Color " : (color_mode == COLOR_INTERP) ? "Interpolated" : "Black/White "); break; #if !VIDEO_OPENGL case OPT_VIDEO: sprintf(temp, "%s", (a2_video_mode == VIDEO_1X) ? "1X " : (a2_video_mode == VIDEO_2X) ? "2X " : "Fullscreen"); break; #endif case OPT_JOYSTICK: snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%s", (joy_mode == JOY_KPAD) ? "Emulated on Keypad" : (joy_mode == JOY_PCJOY) ? "PC Joystick " : "Off "); break; case OPT_VOLUME: if (sound_volume == 0) { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%s", "Off "); } else { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%d", sound_volume); } break; case OPT_CAPS: if (caps_lock) { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%s", "On "); } else { snprintf(temp, TEMPSIZE, "%s", "Off "); } break; case OPT_CALIBRATE: break; case OPT_QUIT: break; case OPT_REBOOT: break; default: break; } pad_string(temp, ' ', INTERFACE_PATH_MAX+1); int loc = i+cur_off; if ((loc != OPT_PATH) && (loc != OPT_QUIT) && (loc != OPT_REBOOT) && (loc != OPT_CALIBRATE)) { c_interface_print(INTERFACE_PATH_MIN, 5 + i, 0, temp); } else if (loc == OPT_PATH) { int j; for (j = 0; j < INTERFACE_PATH_MAX; j++) { if (cur_x != j) { if (temp[ j ] == '\0') { video_plotchar( INTERFACE_PATH_MIN + j, 5+i, 0, ' ' ); j++; break; } else { video_plotchar( INTERFACE_PATH_MIN + j, 5+i, 0, temp[ j ] ); } } else { if (temp[ j ] == '\0') { video_plotchar( INTERFACE_PATH_MIN + j, 5+i, option==OPT_PATH,' ' ); j++; break; } else { video_plotchar( INTERFACE_PATH_MIN + j, 5+i, option==OPT_PATH, temp[ j ]); } } } for (; j < INTERFACE_PATH_MAX; j++) { video_plotchar( INTERFACE_PATH_MIN + j, 5+i, 0, ' ' ); } } } do { ch = c_mygetch(1); } while (ch == -1); if (ch == kUP) /* Arrow up */ { if (option > PARAMS_H-1) { option--; /* only dec option */ } else if (option > 0) { option--; /* dec option */ cur_y--; /* and dec y position */ } else { option = NUM_OPTIONS-1; /* wrap to last option */ cur_y = PARAMS_H-1; /* wrap to last y position */ if (cur_y >= NUM_OPTIONS) { cur_y = NUM_OPTIONS-1; } } } else if (ch == kDN) /* Arrow down */ { ++option; if (cur_y < PARAMS_H-1) { cur_y++; /* and inc y position */ } if (option >= NUM_OPTIONS) { cur_y = option = 0; /* wrap both to first */ } } else if ((ch == kLT) && (c_rawkey() != SCODE_BS)) /* Arrow left */ { switch (option) { case OPT_CPU: cpu_scale_factor -= (cpu_scale_factor <= 1.0) ? CPU_SCALE_STEP_DIV : CPU_SCALE_STEP; if (cpu_scale_factor < CPU_SCALE_SLOWEST) { cpu_scale_factor = CPU_SCALE_SLOWEST; } break; case OPT_ALTCPU: cpu_altscale_factor -= (cpu_altscale_factor <= 1.0) ? CPU_SCALE_STEP_DIV : CPU_SCALE_STEP; if (cpu_altscale_factor < CPU_SCALE_SLOWEST) { cpu_altscale_factor = CPU_SCALE_SLOWEST; } break; case OPT_PATH: if (cur_x > 0) { cur_x--; } else if (cur_pos > 0) { cur_pos--; } break; case OPT_COLOR: if (color_mode == 0) { color_mode = NUM_COLOROPTS-1; } else { --color_mode; } break; #if !VIDEO_OPENGL case OPT_VIDEO: if (a2_video_mode == 1) { a2_video_mode = NUM_VIDOPTS-1; } else { --a2_video_mode; } video_set_mode(a2_video_mode); break; #endif case OPT_VOLUME: if (sound_volume > 0) { --sound_volume; } break; case OPT_CAPS: if (caps_lock) { caps_lock = false; } break; case OPT_JOYSTICK: if (joy_mode == JOY_PCJOY) { c_close_joystick(); } if (joy_mode == 0) { joy_mode = NUM_JOYOPTS-1; } else { --joy_mode; } if (joy_mode == JOY_PCJOY) { c_open_joystick(); } break; case OPT_CALIBRATE: break; case OPT_QUIT: break; case OPT_REBOOT: break; default: break; } } else if (ch == kRT) /* Arrow right */ { switch (option) { case OPT_CPU: cpu_scale_factor += (cpu_scale_factor < 1.0) ? CPU_SCALE_STEP_DIV : CPU_SCALE_STEP; if (cpu_scale_factor >= CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) { cpu_scale_factor = CPU_SCALE_FASTEST; } break; case OPT_ALTCPU: cpu_altscale_factor += (cpu_altscale_factor < 1.0) ? CPU_SCALE_STEP_DIV : CPU_SCALE_STEP; if (cpu_altscale_factor >= CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) { cpu_altscale_factor = CPU_SCALE_FASTEST; } break; case OPT_PATH: if (cur_x < INTERFACE_PATH_MAX-1) { if (disk_path[cur_pos + cur_x] != '\0') { cur_x++; } } else if (disk_path[cur_pos + cur_x] != '\0') { cur_pos++; } break; case OPT_COLOR: if (color_mode == NUM_COLOROPTS-1) { color_mode = 0; } else { ++color_mode; } break; #if !VIDEO_OPENGL case OPT_VIDEO: if (a2_video_mode == NUM_VIDOPTS-1) { a2_video_mode = 1; } else { ++a2_video_mode; } video_set_mode(a2_video_mode); break; #endif case OPT_VOLUME: sound_volume++; if (sound_volume > 10) { sound_volume = 10; } break; case OPT_CAPS: if (!caps_lock) { caps_lock = true; } break; case OPT_JOYSTICK: if (joy_mode == JOY_PCJOY) { c_close_joystick(); } if (joy_mode == NUM_JOYOPTS-1) { joy_mode = 0; } else { ++joy_mode; } if (joy_mode == JOY_PCJOY) { c_open_joystick(); } break; case OPT_CALIBRATE: break; case OPT_QUIT: break; case OPT_REBOOT: break; default: break; } } else if ((ch == kESC) || c_keys_is_interface_key(ch)) { timing_initialize(); video_set(0); /* redo colors */ c_initialize_sound_hooks(); c_interface_exit(ch); return; } else if ((ch == '?') && (option != OPT_PATH)) { #define MAINHELP_SUBMENU_H 18 #define MAINHELP_SUBMENU_W 40 char submenu[MAINHELP_SUBMENU_H][MAINHELP_SUBMENU_W+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| Movement : @ and @ arrows |", "| |", "| Change : @ and @ arrows to toggle |", "| Values : or press the 'Return' |", "| key to select |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| Hotkeys used while emulator running: |", "| |", "| F1 F2: Slot6 Disk Drive A, Drive B |", "| F5 : Show Keyboard Layout |", "| F7 : 6502 Debugger |", "| F9 : Toggle Emulator Speed |", "| F10 : Main Menu |", "| |", "| Ctrl-LeftAlt-End Reboots //e |", "| Pause/Brk : Pause Emulator |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; submenu[ 1 ][ 14 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0b; submenu[ 1 ][ 20 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0a; submenu[ 3 ][ 14 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x08; submenu[ 3 ][ 20 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x15; c_interface_print_submenu_centered(submenu[0], MAINHELP_SUBMENU_W, MAINHELP_SUBMENU_H); while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { } c_interface_print_screen( screen ); } else { /* got a normal character setting path */ if (ch >= ' ' && ch < 127 && option == OPT_PATH) { int i; strncpy(temp, disk_path, TEMPSIZE); for (i = strlen(temp); i >= cur_pos + cur_x; i--) { temp[ i + 1 ] = temp[ i ]; } temp[ cur_pos + cur_x ] = ch; strncpy(disk_path, temp, DISKSIZE); if (cur_x < INTERFACE_PATH_MAX-1) { cur_x++; } else if (disk_path[cur_pos + cur_x] != '\0') { cur_pos++; } } /* Backspace or delete setting path */ if ((ch == 127 || ch == 8) && (cur_pos + cur_x - 1 >= 0) && (option == OPT_PATH)) { int i; for (i = cur_pos + cur_x - 1; disk_path[ i ] != '\0'; i++) { disk_path[ i ] = disk_path[ i + 1 ]; } if (cur_x > 0) { cur_x--; } else if (cur_pos > 0) { cur_pos--; } } /* calibrate joystick */ if ((ch == 13) && (option == OPT_CALIBRATE)) { c_close_joystick(); c_open_joystick(); c_calibrate_joystick(); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); } #define QUIT_SUBMENU_H 10 #define QUIT_SUBMENU_W 40 { char qsubmenu[QUIT_SUBMENU_H][QUIT_SUBMENU_W+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| Quit Emulator... |", "| Are you sure? (Y/N) |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; /* quit emulator */ if ((ch == 13) && (option == OPT_QUIT)) { int ch; c_interface_print_submenu_centered(qsubmenu[0], QUIT_SUBMENU_W, QUIT_SUBMENU_H); while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { } ch = toupper(ch); if (ch == 'Y') { save_settings(); c_eject_6( 0 ); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); c_eject_6( 1 ); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); c_close_joystick(); #ifdef __linux__ LOG("Back to Linux, w00t!\n"); #endif video_shutdown(); //audio_shutdown(); TODO : fixme ... exit( 0 ); } } /* reboot emulator */ if ((ch == 13) && (option == OPT_REBOOT)) { int ch; memcpy(qsubmenu[4]+11, "Reboot", 6); c_interface_print_submenu_centered(qsubmenu[0], QUIT_SUBMENU_W, QUIT_SUBMENU_H); while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { } ch = toupper(ch); if (ch == 'Y') { cpu65_reboot(); c_interface_exit(ch); return; } } c_interface_print_screen( screen ); } } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_credits() - Credits and politics ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_interface_credits() { char screen[24][INTERFACE_SCREEN_X+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. 80.", { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| @ Apple //ix @ |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| @ @ to scroll notes - ESC to begin emulation |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; #define SCROLL_AREA_X 2 #define SCROLL_AREA_Y 5 #define SCROLL_AREA_HEIGHT 16 screen[ 2 ][ 33 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x01; screen[ 2 ][ 46 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x00; screen[ 22 ][ 18 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0b; screen[ 22 ][ 20 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0a; #define SCROLL_LENGTH 58 #define SCROLL_WIDTH (INTERFACE_SCREEN_X+1-(SCROLL_AREA_X*2)) char credits[SCROLL_LENGTH][SCROLL_WIDTH]= //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. 80.", { " ", " An Apple //e Emulator for POSIX Systems! ", " ", " @ Press F8 any time to return here @ ", " ", "QUICKSTART ", " ", "Press F8 at any time to return to this page ", "Press F10 to view preferences menu ", "Press F1 to load diskette in Slot 6, Drive A ", "Press F2 to load diskette in Slot 6, Drive B ", " ", "AUTHORS/CREDITS ", " ", "Copyright 1994 Alexander Jean-Claude Bottema ", "Copyright 1995 Stephen Lee ", "Copyright 1997, 1998 Aaron Culliney ", "Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Deutschmann ", "Copyright 2013+ Aaron Culliney ", " ", "ADDITIONAL CREDITS ", " ", "This software uses various Free & Open Source software, including ", " ", " > Audio source code derived from AppleWin -- http://applewin.berlios.de ", " > OpenAL audio library -- http://sourceforge.net/projects/openal-soft ", " > Compression routines from the Zlib project -- http://zlib.net ", " ", "LICENSE ", " ", "This Apple //ix emulator source code is subject to the GNU General Public ", "License version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software ", "Foundation. https://fsf.org ", " ", "Emulator source is freely available at https://github.com/mauiaaron/apple2 ", " ", "REPORTING BUGS ", " ", "Bugs can be reported at https://github.com/mauiaaron/apple2/issues/ ", " ", "FREEDOM ", " ", "In a world increasing constrained by digital walled gardens and draconian IP", "laws, these organizations are fighting for your computing freedom. Please ", "consider donating to them: ", " ", " > Free Software Foundation -- https://fsf.org ", " > Electronic Frontier Foundation -- https://eff.org ", " ", "3RD PARTY SOFTWARE ", " ", " > By using this software you agree to comply with all Intellectual Pooperty", " laws in your jurisdiction ", " ", " > ROM images used by the emulator are copyright Apple Computer ", " ", " > Disk images are copyright by various third parties ", " " }; video_setpage( 0 ); c_interface_translate_screen( screen ); c_interface_translate_screen_x_y( credits[0], SCROLL_WIDTH, SCROLL_LENGTH); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); int pos = 0; int ch = -1; int count = -1; unsigned int mt_idx = 0; for (;;) { ch = c_mygetch(0); #define FLASH_APPLE_DELAY 3 count = (count+1) % FLASH_APPLE_DELAY; if (!count) { mt_idx = (mt_idx+1) % 2; credits[ 3 ][ 20 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + mt_idx; credits[ 3 ][ 55 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + ((mt_idx+1) % 2); } for (int i=0, p=pos; i= SCROLL_LENGTH-SCROLL_AREA_HEIGHT) { pos = SCROLL_LENGTH-SCROLL_AREA_HEIGHT-1; } } else if ((ch == kESC) || c_keys_is_interface_key(ch)) { break; } static struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec=0, .tv_nsec=33333333 }; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } c_interface_exit(ch); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_keyboard_layout() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_interface_keyboard_layout() { char screen[24][INTERFACE_SCREEN_X+1] = //1. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. 80.", { "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| Apple //e US Keyboard Layout |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| esc del RESET |", "| `~ 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ backspace |", "| tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [{ ]} \\| |", "| caps A S D F G H J K L ;: '\" return @ |", "| shift Z X C V B N M ,< .> /? shift @ @ |", "| ctrl @ space @ ctrl @ |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| | Quick Help |", "| Left Alt is @ (OpenApple) key (Joystick button 1) | F1: Disk Drive A |", "| Right Alt is @ (ClosedApple) key (Joystick button 2) | F2: Disk Drive B |", "| End is //e RESET key | F5: This Menu |", "| | F8: Credits |", "| Ctrl-End triggers //e reset vector |F10: Options |", "| Ctrl-LeftAlt-End triggers //e reboot ||||||||||||||||||||", "| Ctrl-RightAlt-End triggers //e system test |", "| |", "| Pause/Break key pauses emulation |", "| |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||", "| (Press any key to exit) |", "||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" }; video_setpage( 0 ); screen[ 6 ][ 68 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0b; screen[ 7 ][ 67 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x08; screen[ 7 ][ 69 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x15; screen[ 8 ][ 68 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x0a; screen[ 8 ][ 25 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x01; screen[ 8 ][ 47 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x00; screen[ 11 ][ 14 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x01; screen[ 12 ][ 15 ] = MOUSETEXT_BEGIN + 0x00; c_interface_translate_screen(screen); c_interface_print_screen( screen ); int ch = -1; while ((ch = c_mygetch(1)) == -1) { } c_interface_exit(ch); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_interface_begin() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void *interface_thread(void *current_key) { pthread_mutex_lock(&interface_mutex); #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLED SoundSystemPause(); #endif in_interface = true; switch ((__SWORD_TYPE)current_key) { #ifdef INTERFACE_CLASSIC case kF1: c_interface_select_diskette( 0 ); break; case kF2: c_interface_select_diskette( 1 ); break; #endif case kPAUSE: while (c_mygetch(1) == -1) { struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec=0, .tv_nsec=33333333/*30Hz*/ }; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); } break; #ifdef INTERFACE_CLASSIC case kF5: c_interface_keyboard_layout(); break; #ifdef DEBUGGER case kF7: c_interface_debugging(); break; #endif case kF8: c_interface_credits(); break; case kF10: c_interface_parameters(); break; #endif default: break; } #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLED SoundSystemUnpause(); #endif c_joystick_reset(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&interface_mutex); in_interface = false; return NULL; } void c_interface_begin(int current_key) { pthread_t t = 0; pthread_create(&t, NULL, (void *)&interface_thread, (void *)((__SWORD_TYPE)current_key)); }