/* * Apple // emulator for *nix * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. * */ /* * 65c02 CPU Timing Support. Some source derived from AppleWin. * * Copyleft 2013 Aaron Culliney * */ #include "timing.h" #include "misc.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "speaker.h" #include "keys.h" #define EXECUTION_PERIOD_NSECS 1000000 // AppleWin: nExecutionPeriodUsec double g_fCurrentCLK6502 = CLK_6502; bool g_bFullSpeed = false; // HACK TODO FIXME : prolly shouldn't be global anymore -- don't think it's necessary for speaker/soundcore/etc anymore ... uint64_t g_nCumulativeCycles = 0; // cumulative cycles since emulator (re)start int g_nCpuCyclesFeedback = 0; static bool alt_speed_enabled = false; double cpu_scale_factor = 1.0; double cpu_altscale_factor = 1.0; static unsigned int g_nCyclesExecuted; // # of cycles executed up to last IO access // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct timespec timespec_diff(struct timespec start, struct timespec end, bool *negative) { struct timespec t; if (*negative) { *negative = false; } // if start > end, swizzle... if ( (start.tv_sec > end.tv_sec) || ((start.tv_sec == end.tv_sec) && (start.tv_nsec > end.tv_nsec)) ) { t=start; start=end; end=t; if (negative) { *negative = true; } } // assuming time_t is signed ... if (end.tv_nsec < start.tv_nsec) { t.tv_sec = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec - 1; t.tv_nsec = 1000000000 + end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec; } else { t.tv_sec = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; t.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec; } return t; } static inline struct timespec timespec_add(struct timespec start, unsigned long nsecs) { start.tv_nsec += nsecs; if (start.tv_nsec > NANOSECONDS) { start.tv_sec += (start.tv_nsec / NANOSECONDS); start.tv_nsec %= NANOSECONDS; } return start; } static void _timing_initialize(double scale) { if (g_bFullSpeed) { LOG("timing_initialize() emulation at fullspeed ..."); return; } g_fCurrentCLK6502 = CLK_6502 * scale; // this is extracted out of SetClksPerSpkrSample -- speaker.c g_fClksPerSpkrSample = (double) (UINT) (g_fCurrentCLK6502 / (double)SPKR_SAMPLE_RATE); SpkrReinitialize(); LOG("timing_initialize() ... ClockRate:%0.2lf ClockCyclesPerSpeakerSample:%0.2lf", g_fCurrentCLK6502, g_fClksPerSpkrSample); } static void _switch_to_fullspeed(double scale) { if (!g_bFullSpeed) { g_bFullSpeed = true; c_disable_sound_hooks(); } } static void _switch_to_regular_speed(double scale) { if (g_bFullSpeed) { g_bFullSpeed = false; c_initialize_sound_hooks(); } _timing_initialize(scale); } void timing_toggle_cpu_speed() { alt_speed_enabled = !alt_speed_enabled; if (alt_speed_enabled) { if (cpu_altscale_factor >= CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) { _switch_to_fullspeed(cpu_altscale_factor); } else { _switch_to_regular_speed(cpu_altscale_factor); } } else { if (cpu_scale_factor >= CPU_SCALE_FASTEST) { _switch_to_fullspeed(cpu_scale_factor); } else { _switch_to_regular_speed(cpu_scale_factor); } } } void timing_initialize() { _timing_initialize(cpu_scale_factor); } void cpu_thread(void *dummyptr) { struct timespec deltat; struct timespec t0; // the target timer struct timespec ti, tj; // actual time samples bool negative = false; long drift_adj_nsecs = 0; // generic drift adjustment between target and actual unsigned long dbg_ticks = 0; do { g_nCumulativeCycles = 0; static int16_t cycles_adjust = 0; LOG("cpu_thread : begin main loop ..."); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t0); do { // -LOCK----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE ti pthread_mutex_lock(&interface_mutex); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ti); deltat = timespec_diff(t0, ti, &negative); if (deltat.tv_sec) { // TODO FIXME : this is innocuous when coming out of interface menus, but are there any other edge cases? LOG("NOTE : serious divergence from target time ..."); t0 = ti; deltat = timespec_diff(t0, ti, &negative); } t0 = timespec_add(t0, EXECUTION_PERIOD_NSECS); // expected interval drift_adj_nsecs = negative ? ~deltat.tv_nsec : deltat.tv_nsec; // set up increment & decrement counters cpu65_cycles_to_execute = (g_fCurrentCLK6502 / 1000); // g_fCurrentCLK6502 * EXECUTION_PERIOD_NSECS / NANOSECONDS cpu65_cycles_to_execute += g_nCpuCyclesFeedback; cpu65_cycles_to_execute -= cycles_adjust; if (cpu65_cycles_to_execute < 0) { cpu65_cycles_to_execute = 0; } cpu65_cycle_count = 0; g_nCyclesExecuted = 0; //MB_StartOfCpuExecute(); cpu65_run(); // run emulation for cpu65_cycles_to_execute cycles ... cycles_adjust = cpu65_cycles_to_execute; // counter is decremented in cpu65_run() if (cycles_adjust < 0) { cycles_adjust = ~cycles_adjust +1; // cycles_adjust *= -1 } unsigned int uExecutedCycles = cpu65_cycle_count; //MB_UpdateCycles(uExecutedCycles); // Update 6522s (NB. Do this before updating g_nCumulativeCycles below) // N.B.: IO calls that depend on accurate timing will update g_nCyclesExecuted const unsigned int nRemainingCycles = uExecutedCycles - g_nCyclesExecuted; g_nCumulativeCycles += nRemainingCycles; if (!g_bFullSpeed) { SpkrUpdate(uExecutedCycles); // play audio } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tj); pthread_mutex_unlock(&interface_mutex); // -UNLOCK--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE tj deltat = timespec_diff(ti, tj, &negative); assert(!negative); long sleepfor = 0; if (!deltat.tv_sec && !g_bFullSpeed) { sleepfor = EXECUTION_PERIOD_NSECS - drift_adj_nsecs - deltat.tv_nsec; } if (sleepfor <= 0) { // lagging ... static time_t throttle_warning = 0; if (t0.tv_sec - throttle_warning > 0) { LOG("lagging... %ld . %ld", deltat.tv_sec, deltat.tv_nsec); throttle_warning = t0.tv_sec; } } else { deltat.tv_sec = 0; deltat.tv_nsec = sleepfor; nanosleep(&deltat, NULL); } #ifndef NDEBUG dbg_ticks += EXECUTION_PERIOD_NSECS; if ((dbg_ticks % NANOSECONDS) == 0) { dbg_ticks = 0; LOG("tick (%ld . %ld) real: (%ld . %ld)", t0.tv_sec, t0.tv_nsec, ti.tv_sec, ti.tv_nsec); } #endif } while (!cpu65_do_reboot); reinitialize(); } while (1); } // From AppleWin... // Called when an IO-reg is accessed & accurate cycle info is needed void CpuCalcCycles(const unsigned long nExecutedCycles) { // Calc # of cycles executed since this func was last called const long nCycles = nExecutedCycles - g_nCyclesExecuted; assert(nCycles >= 0); g_nCumulativeCycles += nCycles; g_nCyclesExecuted = nExecutedCycles; }