/* * Apple // emulator for *ix * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 3 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * Copyright 2013-2015 Aaron Culliney * */ #ifndef _VM_H_ #define _VM_H_ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple //e 64K VM (Two byte addresses are represented with least significant byte first, e.g. address FA59 is represented as 59 FA) This is not meant to be definitive. Verify against _Understanding the Apple IIe_ by Jim Sather Address Description ----------- ----------- 0000 - 00FF Zero page RAM 0100 - 01FF Stack 0200 - 03EF RAM 03F0 - 03F1 Address for BRK instruction (normally 59 FA = FA59) 03F2 - 03F3 Soft entry vector (normally BF 9D = 9DBF) 03F4 Power-up byte 03F5 - 03F7 Jump instruction to the subroutine which handles Applesoft II &-commands (normally 4C 58 FF = JMP FF58) 03F8 - 03FA Jump instruction to the subroutine which handles User CTRL-Y commands (normally 4C 65 FF = JMP FF65) 03FB - 03FD Jump instruction to the subroutine which handles Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI) (normally 4C 65 FF = JMP FF65) 03FE - 03FF Address of the subroutine which handles Interrupt ReQuests (IRQ) (normally 65 FF = FF65) 0400 - 07FF Basically primary video text page 0478 - 047F I/O Scratchpad RAM Addresses for Slot 0 - 7 04F8 - 04FF - " " - 0578 - 057F - " " - 05F8 - 05FF - " " - 0678 - 067F - " " - 06F8 - 06FF - " " - 0778 - 077F - " " - 07F8 - 07FF - " " - 05F8 Holds the slot number of the disk controller card from which DOS was booted. ??? VERIFY... 07F8 Holds the slot number (CX, X = Slot #) of the slot that is currently active. ??? VERIFY... 0800 - 0BFF Secondary video text page 0C00 - 1FFF Plain RAM 2000 - 3FFF Primary video hires page (RAM) 4000 - 5FFF Secondary video hires page (RAM) 6000 - BFFF Plain RAM (Normally the OS is loaded into ~9C00 - BFFF) C000 - C00F Keyboard data (C00X contains the character ASCII code of the pressed key. The value is available at any C00X address) C010 - C01F Clear Keyboard strobe C020 - C02F Cassette output toggle C030 - C03F Speaker toggle C040 - C04F Utility strobe C050 Set graphics mode C051 Set text mode C052 Set all text or graphics C053 Mix text and graphics C054 Display primary page C055 Display secondary page C056 Display low-res graphics C057 Display hi-res graphics C058 - C05F Annunciator outputs C060 Cassette input C061 - C063 Pushbutton inputs (button 1, 2 and 3) C064 - C067 Game controller inputs C068 - C06F Same as C060 - C067 C070 - C07F Game controller strobe C080 - C08F Slot 0 I/O space (usually a language card) C080 Reset language card * Read enabled * Write disabled * Read from language card C081 --- First access * Read mode disabled * Read from ROM --- On second+ access * Write mode enabled * Write to language card C082 --- (Disable language card) * Read mode disabled * Write mode disabled * Read from ROM C083 --- First access * Read mode enabled * Read from language card --- On second+ access * Write mode enabled * Write to language card C088 - C08B Same as C080 - C083, but switch to second bank, i.e. map addresses D000-DFFF to other 4K area. C100 - C1FF Slot 1 PROM C200 - C2FF Slot 2 PROM C300 - C3FF Slot 3 PROM C400 - C4FF Slot 4 PROM C500 - C5FF Slot 5 PROM C600 - C6FF Slot 6 PROM C700 - C7FF Slot 7 PROM C800 - CFFF Expansion ROM (for peripheral cards) CFFF Disable access to expansion ROM for ALL peripheral cards. D000 - DFFF ROM or 4K RAM if language card is enabled. However, there are TWO 4K banks that can be mapped onto addresses D000 - DFFF. See C088 - C08B. E000 - FFFF ROM or 8K RAM if language card is enabled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) // 128k bank-switched main memory extern uint8_t apple_ii_64k[2][65536]; // language card memory and settings extern uint8_t language_card[2][8192]; extern uint8_t language_banks[2][8192]; extern uint32_t softswitches; extern uint8_t *base_ramrd; extern uint8_t *base_ramwrt; extern uint8_t *base_textrd; extern uint8_t *base_textwrt; extern uint8_t *base_hgrrd; extern uint8_t *base_hgrwrt; extern uint8_t *base_stackzp; extern uint8_t *base_d000_rd; extern uint8_t *base_e000_rd; extern uint8_t *base_d000_wrt; extern uint8_t *base_e000_wrt; extern uint8_t *base_c3rom; extern uint8_t *base_c4rom; // points to function or memory vector extern uint8_t *base_c5rom; // points to function or memory vector extern uint8_t *base_cxrom; void vm_initialize(void); void vm_reinitializeAudio(void); extern bool vm_saveState(StateHelper_s *helper); extern bool vm_loadState(StateHelper_s *helper); #if VM_TRACING void vm_trace_begin(const char *vm_file); void vm_trace_end(void); void vm_trace_toggle(const char *vm_file); bool vm_trace_is_ignored(uint16_t ea); #endif #endif // !defined(__ASSEMBLER__) // softswitch flag bits #define SS_TEXT 0x00000001 #define SS_MIXED 0x00000002 #define SS_HIRES 0x00000004 #define SS_PAGE2 0x00000008 #define SS_BANK2 0x00000010 #define SS_LCRAM 0x00000020 #define SS_LCSEC 0x00000040 // Pseudo-softswitch : enabled if 2+ reads have occurred #define SS_LCWRT 0x00000080 // Pseudo-softswitch : LC write enable #define SS_80STORE 0x00000100 #define SS_80COL 0x00000200 #define SS_RAMRD 0x00000400 #define SS_RAMWRT 0x00000800 #define SS_ALTZP 0x00001000 #define SS_DHIRES 0x00002000 #define SS_IOUDIS 0x00004000 #define SS_CXROM 0x00008000 #define SS_C3ROM 0x00010000 #define SS_ALTCHAR 0x00020000 // Pseudo soft switches. These are actually functions of other SSes, but are tiresome to calculate as needed. #define SS_SCREEN 0x00040000 /* PAGE2 && !80STORE */ #define SS_TEXTRD 0x00080000 /* (PAGE2 && 80STORE) || (RAMRD && !80STORE) */ #define SS_TEXTWRT 0x00100000 /* (PAGE2 && 80STORE) || (RAMWRT && !80STORE) */ #define SS_HGRRD 0x00200000 /* (PAGE2 && 80STORE && HIRES) || (RAMRD && !(80STORE && HIRES) */ #define SS_HGRWRT 0x00400000 /* (PAGE2 && 80STORE && HIRES) || (RAMWRT && !(80STORE && HIRES)) */ #endif // whole file