/* * Apple // emulator for *ix * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 3 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * Copyright 2013-2015 Aaron Culliney * */ // Based on sample code from https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/samplecode/GLEssentials/Introduction/Intro.html #import "EmulatorWindowController.h" #import "EmulatorFullscreenWindow.h" #import "common.h" @interface EmulatorWindowController () @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL paused; @property (assign) IBOutlet EmulatorGLView *view; @property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow *disksWindow; @property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow *prefsWindow; @property (assign) IBOutlet NSMenuItem *pauseMenuItem; @property (assign) IBOutlet NSToolbar *toolBar; @property (assign) IBOutlet NSToolbarItem *pauseItem; @property (assign) IBOutlet NSToolbarItem *disk1Item; @property (assign) IBOutlet NSToolbarItem *disk2Item; @property (nonatomic, retain) EmulatorFullscreenWindow *fullscreenWindow; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSWindow *standardWindow; @end @implementation EmulatorWindowController @synthesize paused = _paused; @synthesize fullscreenWindow = _fullscreenWindow; @synthesize standardWindow = _standardWindow; - (id)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *)window { self = [super initWithWindow:window]; if (self) { // Initialize to nil since it indicates app is not fullscreen self.fullscreenWindow = nil; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowWillClose:) name:NSWindowWillCloseNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowWillOpen:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:nil]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { #warning TODO FIXME ... probably should exit emulator if this gets invoked ... [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [super dealloc]; } - (IBAction)reboot:(id)sender { [[self disksWindow] close]; cpu65_reboot(); } - (IBAction)showDisksWindow:(id)sender { if (self.fullscreenWindow) { [self toggleFullScreen:nil]; [self.standardWindow setFrame:[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame] display:YES]; } [self.disksWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender]; } - (IBAction)showPreferences:(id)sender { if (self.fullscreenWindow) { [self toggleFullScreen:nil]; [self.standardWindow setFrame:[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame] display:YES]; } [self.prefsWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender]; } - (IBAction)toggleFullScreen:(id)sender { if (self.fullscreenWindow) { [NSCursor unhide]; [self goWindow]; } else { [NSCursor hide]; [self goFullscreen]; } } - (IBAction)toggleCPUSpeed:(id)sender { cpu_pause(); timing_toggleCPUSpeed(); if (video_backend && video_backend->animation_showCPUSpeed) { video_backend->animation_showCPUSpeed(); } cpu_resume(); } - (IBAction)togglePause:(id)sender { NSAssert(pthread_main_np(), @"Pause emulation called from non-main thread"); self.paused = !_paused; } - (void)setPaused:(BOOL)paused { if (_paused == paused) { return; } _paused = paused; if (paused) { [[self pauseMenuItem] setTitle:@"Resume Emulation"]; [[self pauseItem] setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"Run"]]; [[self pauseItem] setLabel:@"Paused"]; cpu_pause(); } else { [[self pauseMenuItem] setTitle:@"Pause Emulation"]; [[self pauseItem] setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"Stop"]]; [[self pauseItem] setLabel:@"Running"]; cpu_resume(); } if (video_backend && video_backend->animation_showPaused) { video_backend->animation_showPaused(); } } - (void)windowWillOpen:(NSNotification *)notification { if ((self.prefsWindow == notification.object) || (self.disksWindow == notification.object)) { self.paused = YES; } } - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification { if (self.prefsWindow == notification.object) { self.paused = [self.disksWindow isVisible]; } if (self.disksWindow == notification.object) { self.paused = [self.prefsWindow isVisible]; } } - (void)goFullscreen { // If app is already fullscreen... if (self.fullscreenWindow) { //...don't do anything return; } // Allocate a new fullscreen window self.fullscreenWindow = [[[EmulatorFullscreenWindow alloc] init] autorelease]; // Resize the view to screensize NSRect viewRect = [self.fullscreenWindow frame]; // Set the view to the size of the fullscreen window [self.view setFrameSize: viewRect.size]; // Set the view in the fullscreen window [self.fullscreenWindow setContentView:self.view]; self.standardWindow = [self window]; // Hide non-fullscreen window so it doesn't show up when switching out // of this app (i.e. with CMD-TAB) [self.standardWindow orderOut:self]; // Set controller to the fullscreen window so that all input will go to // this controller (self) [self setWindow:self.fullscreenWindow]; // Show the window and make it the key window for input [self.fullscreenWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } - (void)goWindow { // If controller doesn't have a full screen window... if (self.fullscreenWindow == nil) { //...app is already windowed so don't do anything return; } // Get the rectangle of the original window NSRect viewRect = [self.standardWindow frame]; // Set the view rect to the new size [self.view setFrame:viewRect]; // Set controller to the standard window so that all input will go to // this controller (self) [self setWindow:self.standardWindow]; // Set the content of the orginal window to the view [[self window] setContentView:self.view]; // Show the window and make it the key window for input [[self window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; // Release/nilify fullscreenWindow self.fullscreenWindow = nil; } - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent*)event { static BOOL modified_caps_lock = NO; switch ([event keyCode]) { case CAPS_LOCK: { if ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlphaShiftKeyMask) { modified_caps_lock = YES; caps_lock = true; } else { caps_lock = false; } } case SHIFT_LT: c_keys_handle_input(SCODE_L_SHIFT, ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask), 0); break; case SHIFT_RT: c_keys_handle_input(SCODE_R_SHIFT, ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask), 0); break; case CTRL_LT: c_keys_handle_input(SCODE_L_CTRL, ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask), 0); break; case CTRL_RT: c_keys_handle_input(SCODE_R_CTRL, ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask), 0); break; case ALT_LT: c_keys_handle_input(SCODE_L_ALT, ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask), 0); break; case ALT_RT: c_keys_handle_input(SCODE_R_ALT, ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask), 0); break; default: break; } } - (void)_handleKeyEvent:(NSEvent *)event pressed:(BOOL)pressed { unichar c = [[event charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0]; int scode = (int)c; int cooked = 0; switch (scode) { case 0x1b: scode = SCODE_ESC; break; case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_U; break; case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_D; break; case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_L; break; case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_R; break; case NSF1FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F1; break; case NSF2FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F2; break; case NSF3FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F3; break; case NSF4FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F4; break; case NSF5FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F5; break; case NSF6FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F6; break; case NSF7FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F7; break; case NSF8FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F8; break; case NSF9FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F9; break; case NSF10FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F10; break; case NSF11FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F11; break; case NSF12FunctionKey: scode = SCODE_F12; break; case NSInsertFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_INS; break; case NSDeleteFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_DEL; break; case NSHomeFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_HOME; break; case NSEndFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_END; break; case NSPageUpFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_PGUP; break; case NSPageDownFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_PGDN; break; case NSPrintScreenFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_PRNT; break; case NSPauseFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_PAUSE; break; case NSBreakFunctionKey: scode = SCODE_BRK; break; default: if ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) { scode = c_keys_ascii_to_scancode(scode); cooked = 0; } else { cooked = 1; } break; } c_keys_handle_input(scode, pressed, cooked); } - (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)event { [self _handleKeyEvent:event pressed:NO]; // Allow other character to be handled (or not and beep) //[super keyDown:event]; } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event { [self _handleKeyEvent:event pressed:YES]; // Allow other character to be handled (or not and beep) //[super keyDown:event]; } @end