/* * Apple // emulator for *nix * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. * */ // glvideo -- Created by Aaron Culliney #include "common.h" #include "video/glinput.h" #include "video/renderer.h" #include "video_util/modelUtil.h" #include "video_util/matrixUtil.h" #include "video_util/sourceUtil.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #import #endif // TODO: implement 3D CRT object, possibly with perspective drawing? #define PERSPECTIVE 0 enum { POS_ATTRIB_IDX, NORMAL_ATTRIB_IDX, TEXCOORD_ATTRIB_IDX }; bool safe_to_do_opengl_logging = false; volatile bool _vid_dirty = true; static int windowWidth = SCANWIDTH*1.5; static int windowHeight = SCANHEIGHT*1.5; static int viewportX = 0; static int viewportY = 0; static int viewportWidth = SCANWIDTH*1.5; static int viewportHeight = SCANHEIGHT*1.5; static GLint uniformMVPIdx; static GLuint crtVAOName; static GLenum crtElementType; static GLuint crtNumElements; static GLuint a2TextureName = 0; static GLuint defaultFBO = 0; static GLuint program = 0; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OpenGL helper routines // static GLsizei _get_gl_type_size(GLenum type) { switch (type) { case GL_BYTE: return sizeof(GLbyte); case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: return sizeof(GLubyte); case GL_SHORT: return sizeof(GLshort); case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: return sizeof(GLushort); case GL_INT: return sizeof(GLint); case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: return sizeof(GLuint); case GL_FLOAT: return sizeof(GLfloat); } return 0; } static demoModel *_create_CRT_model() { #define STRIDE 9*sizeof(GLfloat) #define TEST_COLOR_OFF (GLvoid *)(3*sizeof(GLfloat)) #define TEX_COORD_OFF (GLvoid *)(7*sizeof(GLfloat)) // NOTE: vertices in Normalized Device Coordinates const GLfloat crt_positions[] = { // CRT screen quad -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, #if PERSPECTIVE // CRT back side point 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, #endif }; const GLfloat crt_texcoords[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, }; const GLushort indices[] = { // CRT screen quad 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 #if PERSPECTIVE // ... #endif }; demoModel *crt = calloc(1, sizeof(demoModel)); crt->numVertices = 4; crt->numElements = 6; crt->positions = malloc(sizeof(crt_positions)); memcpy(crt->positions, &crt_positions[0], sizeof(crt_positions)); crt->positionType = GL_FLOAT; crt->positionSize = 4; // x,y,z coordinates crt->positionArraySize = sizeof(crt_positions); crt->texcoords = malloc(sizeof(crt_texcoords)); memcpy(crt->texcoords, &crt_texcoords[0], sizeof(crt_texcoords)); crt->texcoordType = GL_FLOAT; crt->texcoordSize = 2; // s,t coordinates crt->texcoordArraySize = sizeof(crt_texcoords); crt->normals = NULL; crt->normalType = GL_NONE; crt->normalSize = GL_NONE; crt->normalArraySize = 0; crt->elements = malloc(sizeof(indices)); memcpy(crt->elements, &indices[0], sizeof(indices)); crt->elementType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; crt->elementArraySize = sizeof(indices); return crt; } static GLuint _create_VAO(demoModel *model) { GLuint vaoName; // Create a vertex array object (VAO) to cache model parameters glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoName); glBindVertexArray(vaoName); GLuint posBufferName; // Create a vertex buffer object (VBO) to store positions and load data glGenBuffers(1, &posBufferName); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, posBufferName); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, model->positionArraySize, model->positions, GL_STATIC_DRAW); // Enable the position attribute for this VAO glEnableVertexAttribArray(POS_ATTRIB_IDX); // Get the size of the position type so we can set the stride properly GLsizei posTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(model->positionType); // Set up parmeters for position attribute in the VAO including, // size, type, stride, and offset in the currenly bound VAO // This also attaches the position VBO to the VAO glVertexAttribPointer(POS_ATTRIB_IDX, // What attibute index will this array feed in the vertex shader (see buildProgram) model->positionSize, // How many elements are there per position? model->positionType, // What is the type of this data? GL_FALSE, // Do we want to normalize this data (0-1 range for fixed-pont types) model->positionSize*posTypeSize, // What is the stride (i.e. bytes between positions)? 0); // What is the offset in the VBO to the position data? if (model->normals) { GLuint normalBufferName; // Create a vertex buffer object (VBO) to store positions glGenBuffers(1, &normalBufferName); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, normalBufferName); // Allocate and load normal data into the VBO glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, model->normalArraySize, model->normals, GL_STATIC_DRAW); // Enable the normal attribute for this VAO glEnableVertexAttribArray(NORMAL_ATTRIB_IDX); // Get the size of the normal type so we can set the stride properly GLsizei normalTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(model->normalType); // Set up parmeters for position attribute in the VAO including, // size, type, stride, and offset in the currenly bound VAO // This also attaches the position VBO to the VAO glVertexAttribPointer(NORMAL_ATTRIB_IDX, // What attibute index will this array feed in the vertex shader (see buildProgram) model->normalSize, // How many elements are there per normal? model->normalType, // What is the type of this data? GL_FALSE, // Do we want to normalize this data (0-1 range for fixed-pont types) model->normalSize*normalTypeSize, // What is the stride (i.e. bytes between normals)? 0); // What is the offset in the VBO to the normal data? } if (model->texcoords) { GLuint texcoordBufferName; // Create a VBO to store texcoords glGenBuffers(1, &texcoordBufferName); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoordBufferName); // Allocate and load texcoord data into the VBO glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, model->texcoordArraySize, model->texcoords, GL_STATIC_DRAW); // Enable the texcoord attribute for this VAO glEnableVertexAttribArray(TEXCOORD_ATTRIB_IDX); // Get the size of the texcoord type so we can set the stride properly GLsizei texcoordTypeSize = _get_gl_type_size(model->texcoordType); // Set up parmeters for texcoord attribute in the VAO including, // size, type, stride, and offset in the currenly bound VAO // This also attaches the texcoord VBO to VAO glVertexAttribPointer(TEXCOORD_ATTRIB_IDX, // What attibute index will this array feed in the vertex shader (see buildProgram) model->texcoordSize, // How many elements are there per texture coord? model->texcoordType, // What is the type of this data in the array? GL_TRUE, // Do we want to normalize this data (0-1 range for fixed-point types) model->texcoordSize*texcoordTypeSize, // What is the stride (i.e. bytes between texcoords)? 0); // What is the offset in the VBO to the texcoord data? } GLuint elementBufferName; // Create a VBO to vertex array elements // This also attaches the element array buffer to the VAO glGenBuffers(1, &elementBufferName); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, elementBufferName); // Allocate and load vertex array element data into VBO glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, model->elementArraySize, model->elements, GL_STATIC_DRAW); GL_ERRLOG("finished creating VAO/VBOs"); return vaoName; } static void _destroy_VAO(GLuint vaoName) { // Bind the VAO so we can get data from it glBindVertexArray(vaoName); // For every possible attribute set in the VAO for (GLuint index = 0; index < 16; index++) { // Get the VBO set for that attibute GLuint bufName = 0; glGetVertexAttribiv(index , GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, (GLint*)&bufName); // If there was a VBO set... if (bufName) { //...delete the VBO glDeleteBuffers(1, &bufName); } } // Get any element array VBO set in the VAO { GLuint bufName = 0; glGetIntegerv(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, (GLint*)&bufName); // If there was a element array VBO set in the VAO if (bufName) { //...delete the VBO glDeleteBuffers(1, &bufName); } } // Finally, delete the VAO glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &vaoName); GL_ERRLOG("destroying VAO/VBOs"); } static GLuint _create_CRT_texture(void) { GLuint texName; // Create a texture object to apply to model glGenTextures(1, &texName); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName); // Set up filter and wrap modes for this texture object glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // Indicate that pixel rows are tightly packed // (defaults to stride of 4 which is kind of only good for // RGBA or FLOAT data types) glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); // Allocate and load image data into texture glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, /*level*/0, /*internal format*/GL_RGBA, SCANWIDTH, SCANHEIGHT, /*border*/0, /*format*/GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); GL_ERRLOG("finished creating CRT texture"); return texName; } static GLuint _build_program(demoSource *vertexSource, demoSource *fragmentSource, bool hasNormal, bool hasTexcoord) { GLuint prgName; GLint logLength, status; // String to pass to glShaderSource GLchar *sourceString = NULL; // Determine if GLSL version 140 is supported by this context. // We'll use this info to generate a GLSL shader source string // with the proper version preprocessor string prepended float glLanguageVersion; #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE sscanf((char *)glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION), "OpenGL ES GLSL ES %f", &glLanguageVersion); #else sscanf((char *)glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION), "%f", &glLanguageVersion); #endif // GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION returns the version standard version form // with decimals, but the GLSL version preprocessor directive simply // uses integers (thus 1.10 should 110 and 1.40 should be 140, etc.) // We multiply the floating point number by 100 to get a proper // number for the GLSL preprocessor directive GLuint version = 100 * glLanguageVersion; // Get the size of the version preprocessor string info so we know // how much memory to allocate for our sourceString const GLsizei versionStringSize = sizeof("#version 123\n"); // Create a program object prgName = glCreateProgram(); // Indicate the attribute indicies on which vertex arrays will be // set with glVertexAttribPointer // See buildVAO to see where vertex arrays are actually set glBindAttribLocation(prgName, POS_ATTRIB_IDX, "inPosition"); if (hasNormal) { glBindAttribLocation(prgName, NORMAL_ATTRIB_IDX, "inNormal"); } if (hasTexcoord) { glBindAttribLocation(prgName, TEXCOORD_ATTRIB_IDX, "inTexcoord"); } ////////////////////////////////////// // Specify and compile VertexShader // ////////////////////////////////////// // Allocate memory for the source string including the version preprocessor information sourceString = malloc(vertexSource->byteSize + versionStringSize); // Prepend our vertex shader source string with the supported GLSL version so // the shader will work on ES, Legacy, and OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile contexts sprintf(sourceString, "#version %d\n%s", version, vertexSource->string); GLuint vertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource(vertexShader, 1, (const GLchar **)&(sourceString), NULL); glCompileShader(vertexShader); glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); if (logLength > 0) { GLchar *log = (GLchar *)malloc(logLength); glGetShaderInfoLog(vertexShader, logLength, &logLength, log); LOG("Vtx Shader compile log:%s\n", log); free(log); } glGetShaderiv(vertexShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (status == 0) { LOG("Failed to compile vtx shader:\n%s\n", sourceString); return 0; } free(sourceString); sourceString = NULL; // Attach the vertex shader to our program glAttachShader(prgName, vertexShader); // Delete the vertex shader since it is now attached // to the program, which will retain a reference to it glDeleteShader(vertexShader); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Specify and compile Fragment Shader // ///////////////////////////////////////// // Allocate memory for the source string including the version preprocessor information sourceString = malloc(fragmentSource->byteSize + versionStringSize); // Prepend our fragment shader source string with the supported GLSL version so // the shader will work on ES, Legacy, and OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile contexts sprintf(sourceString, "#version %d\n%s", version, fragmentSource->string); GLuint fragShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glShaderSource(fragShader, 1, (const GLchar **)&(sourceString), NULL); glCompileShader(fragShader); glGetShaderiv(fragShader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); if (logLength > 0) { GLchar *log = (GLchar *)malloc(logLength); glGetShaderInfoLog(fragShader, logLength, &logLength, log); LOG("Frag Shader compile log:\n%s\n", log); free(log); } glGetShaderiv(fragShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (status == 0) { LOG("Failed to compile frag shader:\n%s\n", sourceString); return 0; } free(sourceString); sourceString = NULL; // Attach the fragment shader to our program glAttachShader(prgName, fragShader); // Delete the fragment shader since it is now attached // to the program, which will retain a reference to it glDeleteShader(fragShader); ////////////////////// // Link the program // ////////////////////// glLinkProgram(prgName); glGetProgramiv(prgName, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); if (logLength > 0) { GLchar *log = (GLchar*)malloc(logLength); glGetProgramInfoLog(prgName, logLength, &logLength, log); LOG("Program link log:\n%s\n", log); free(log); } glGetProgramiv(prgName, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status); if (status == 0) { LOG("Failed to link program"); return 0; } glValidateProgram(prgName); glGetProgramiv(prgName, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); if (logLength > 0) { GLchar *log = (GLchar*)malloc(logLength); glGetProgramInfoLog(prgName, logLength, &logLength, log); LOG("Program validate log:\n%s\n", log); free(log); } glGetProgramiv(prgName, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &status); if (status == 0) { LOG("Failed to validate program"); return 0; } glUseProgram(prgName); /////////////////////////////////////// // Setup common program input points // /////////////////////////////////////// GLint samplerLoc = glGetUniformLocation(prgName, "diffuseTexture"); // Indicate that the diffuse texture will be bound to texture unit 0 GLint unit = 0; glUniform1i(samplerLoc, unit); GL_ERRLOG("build program"); return prgName; } static demoSource *_create_shader_source(const char *fileName) { demoSource *src = NULL; #if defined(__APPLE__) CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); CFStringRef fileString = CFStringCreateWithCString(/*allocator*/NULL, fileName, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); CFURLRef fileURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, fileString, NULL, NULL); CFRELEASE(fileString); CFStringRef filePath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(fileURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); CFRELEASE(fileURL); src = srcLoadSource(CFStringGetCStringPtr(filePath, CFStringGetSystemEncoding())); CFRELEASE(filePath); #elif defined(CONFIG_DATADIR) char *filePath = NULL; asprintf(&filePath, "%s/%s/shaders/%s", CONFIG_DATADIR, PACKAGE_NAME, fileName); if (filePath) { src = srcLoadSource(filePath); free(filePath); } else { ERRLOG("OOPS Could not load shader from %s (%s)", filePath, fileName); } #else #error need to specify a DATADIR for shader files, etc #endif return src; } static void gldriver_init_common(void) { LOG("%s %s", glGetString(GL_RENDERER), glGetString(GL_VERSION)); viewportWidth = 400; viewportHeight = 400; // ---------------------------- // Create CRT model VAO/VBOs // create CRT model demoModel *crtModel = _create_CRT_model(); // Build Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) and Vertex Array Object (VAOs) with our model data crtVAOName = _create_VAO(crtModel); // Cache the number of element and primType to use later in our glDrawElements calls crtNumElements = crtModel->numElements; crtElementType = crtModel->elementType; // We're using VBOs we can destroy all this memory since buffers are // loaded into GL and we've saved anything else we need mdlDestroyModel(crtModel); crtModel = NULL; // Build a default texture object with our image data a2TextureName = _create_CRT_texture(); // ---------------------------- // Load/setup shaders demoSource *vtxSource = _create_shader_source("Basic.vsh"); demoSource *frgSource = _create_shader_source("Basic.fsh"); // Build/use Program program = _build_program(vtxSource, frgSource, /*withNormal:*/false, /*withTexcoord:*/true); srcDestroySource(vtxSource); srcDestroySource(frgSource); uniformMVPIdx = glGetUniformLocation(program, "modelViewProjectionMatrix"); if (uniformMVPIdx < 0) { LOG("No modelViewProjectionMatrix in character shader"); } // ---------------------------- // setup static OpenGL state // Depth test will always be enabled glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // We will always cull back faces for better performance glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); // Always use this clear color glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Draw our scene once without presenting the rendered image. // This is done in order to pre-warm OpenGL // We don't need to present the buffer since we don't actually want the // user to see this, we're only drawing as a pre-warm stage video_driver_render(); // Check for errors to make sure all of our setup went ok GL_ERRLOG("finished initialization"); #if !defined(__APPLE__) //glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultFBO); #endif GLenum status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { ERRQUIT("framebuffer status: %04X", status); } } static void gldriver_shutdown(void) { // Cleanup all OpenGL objects glDeleteTextures(1, &a2TextureName); _destroy_VAO(crtVAOName); glDeleteProgram(program); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // update, render, reshape // #if USE_GLUT static void gldriver_update(void) { c_keys_handle_input(-1, 0, 0); glutPostRedisplay(); } #endif static void gldriver_render(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); #if PERSPECTIVE // Calculate modelview and projection matrices GLfloat modelView[16]; GLfloat projection[16]; mtxLoadPerspective(projection, 90, (float)viewportWidth / (float)viewportHeight, 5.0, 10000); #endif // Calculate the modelview matrix to render our character // at the proper position and rotation GLfloat mvp[16]; #if PERSPECTIVE // Create model-view-projection matrix //mtxLoadTranslate(modelView, 0, 150, -450); //mtxRotateXApply(modelView, -90.0f); //mtxRotateApply(modelView, -45.0f, 0.7, 0.3, 1); mtxMultiply(mvp, projection, modelView); #else // Just load an identity matrix for a pure orthographic/non-perspective viewing mtxLoadIdentity(mvp); #endif // Have our shader use the modelview projection matrix // that we calculated above glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformMVPIdx, 1, GL_FALSE, mvp); // Update texture from Apple //e internal framebuffer const uint8_t * const fb = video_current_framebuffer(); uint8_t index; #warning FIXME TODO use memcpy ... or don't use indexed color so that we don't need to do this copy? unsigned int count = SCANWIDTH * SCANHEIGHT; char pixels[SCANWIDTH * SCANHEIGHT * 4]; if (fb != NULL) { for (unsigned int i=0, j=0; i