/* * Apple // emulator for *nix * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. * */ #include "common.h" #include "androidkeys.h" #include #include unsigned long android_deviceSampleRateHz = 0; unsigned long android_monoBufferSubmitSizeSamples = 0; unsigned long android_stereoBufferSubmitSizeSamples = 0; bool android_armNeonEnabled = false; bool android_x86SSSE3Enabled = false; enum { ANDROID_ACTION_DOWN = 0x0, ANDROID_ACTION_UP = 0x1, ANDROID_ACTION_MOVE = 0x2, ANDROID_ACTION_CANCEL = 0x3, ANDROID_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN = 0x5, ANDROID_ACTION_POINTER_UP = 0x6, }; #if TESTING static bool _run_tests(void) { char *local_argv[] = { "-f", NULL }; int local_argc = 0; for (char **p = &local_argv[0]; *p != NULL; p++) { ++local_argc; } #if defined(TEST_CPU) extern int test_cpu(int, char *[]); test_cpu(local_argc, local_argv); #elif defined(TEST_VM) extern int test_vm(int, char *[]); test_vm(local_argc, local_argv); #elif defined(TEST_DISPLAY) extern int test_display(int, char *[]); test_display(local_argc, local_argv); #elif defined(TEST_DISK) extern int test_disk(int, char *[]); test_disk(local_argc, local_argv); #else # error "OOPS, no tests specified" #endif } #endif static inline int _androidTouchEvent2JoystickEvent(jint action) { switch (action) { case ANDROID_ACTION_DOWN: return TOUCH_DOWN; case ANDROID_ACTION_MOVE: return TOUCH_MOVE; case ANDROID_ACTION_UP: return TOUCH_UP; case ANDROID_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: return TOUCH_POINTER_DOWN; case ANDROID_ACTION_POINTER_UP: return TOUCH_POINTER_UP; case ANDROID_ACTION_CANCEL: return TOUCH_CANCEL; default: LOG("Unknown Android event : %d", action); return TOUCH_CANCEL; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // JNI functions void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnCreate(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring j_dataDir, jint sampleRate, jint monoBufferSize, jint stereoBufferSize) { const char *dataDir = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, j_dataDir, 0); // Android lifecycle can call onCreate() multiple times... if (data_dir) { LOG("IGNORING multiple calls to nativeOnCreate ..."); return; } AndroidCpuFamily family = android_getCpuFamily(); uint64_t features = android_getCpuFeatures(); if (family == ANDROID_CPU_FAMILY_X86) { if (features & ANDROID_CPU_X86_FEATURE_SSSE3) { LOG("nANDROID_CPU_X86_FEATURE_SSSE3"); android_x86SSSE3Enabled = true; } if (features & ANDROID_CPU_X86_FEATURE_MOVBE) { LOG("ANDROID_CPU_X86_FEATURE_MOVBE"); } if (features & ANDROID_CPU_X86_FEATURE_POPCNT) { LOG("ANDROID_CPU_X86_FEATURE_POPCNT"); } } else if (family == ANDROID_CPU_FAMILY_ARM) { if (features & ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_ARMv7) { LOG("ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_ARMv7"); } if (features & ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_VFPv3) { LOG("ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_VFPv3"); } if (features & ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_NEON) { LOG("ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_NEON"); android_armNeonEnabled = true; } if (features & ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_LDREX_STREX) { LOG("ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_LDREX_STREX"); } } data_dir = strdup(dataDir); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, j_dataDir, dataDir); LOG("data_dir : %s", data_dir); android_deviceSampleRateHz = (unsigned long)sampleRate; android_monoBufferSubmitSizeSamples = (unsigned long)monoBufferSize; android_stereoBufferSubmitSizeSamples = (unsigned long)stereoBufferSize; #if TESTING _run_tests(); #else c_initialize_firsttime(); pthread_create(&cpu_thread_id, NULL, (void *) &cpu_thread, (void *)NULL); #endif } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeGraphicsChanged(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint width, jint height) { LOG("%s", ""); video_backend->reshape(width, height); } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeGraphicsInitialized(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint width, jint height) { LOG("width:%d height:%d", width, height); static bool graphicsPreviouslyInitialized = false; if (graphicsPreviouslyInitialized) { LOG("shutting down previous context"); video_backend->shutdown(); } graphicsPreviouslyInitialized = true; video_backend->reshape(width, height); video_backend->init((void *)0); } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnResume(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jboolean isSystemResume) { if (!cpu_isPaused()) { return; } LOG("%s", ""); if (!isSystemResume) { cpu_resume(); } } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnPause(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jboolean isSystemPause) { if (cpu_isPaused()) { return; } LOG("%s", ""); video_backend->animation_hideTouchMenu(); if (isSystemPause) { // going to background cpu_pauseBackground(); } else { // going to menu cpu_pause(); } } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeRender(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { if (UNLIKELY(emulator_shutting_down)) { return; } if (!cpu_isPaused()) { c_keys_handle_input(-1, 0, 0); } #if FPS_LOG static uint32_t prevCount = 0; static uint32_t idleCount = 0; idleCount++; static struct timespec prev = { 0 }; struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); if (now.tv_sec != prev.tv_sec) { LOG("FPS : %u", idleCount-prevCount); prevCount = idleCount; prev = now; } #endif video_backend->render(); } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeReboot(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { LOG("%s", ""); cpu65_reboot(); } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnQuit(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { LOG("%s", ""); c_eject_6(0); c_eject_6(1); emulator_shutting_down = true; video_shutdown(); cpu_resume(); if (pthread_join(cpu_thread_id, NULL)) { ERRLOG("OOPS: pthread_join of CPU thread ..."); } } #define _JAVA_CRASH_NAME "/jcrash.txt" #define _HALF_PAGE_SIZE (PAGE_SIZE>>1) void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnUncaughtException(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring jhome, jstring jstr) { RELEASE_ERRLOG("Uncaught Java Exception ..."); // Write to /data/data/org.deadc0de.apple2ix.demo/jcrash.txt const char *home = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jhome, NULL); char *q = (char *)home; char buf[_HALF_PAGE_SIZE] = { 0 }; const char *p0 = &buf[0]; char *p = (char *)p0; while (*q && (p-p0 < _HALF_PAGE_SIZE-1)) { *p++ = *q++; } (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jhome, home); q = &_JAVA_CRASH_NAME[0]; while (*q && (p-p0 < _HALF_PAGE_SIZE-1)) { *p++ = *q++; } int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(buf, (O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY), (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH))); if (fd == -1) { RELEASE_ERRLOG("OOPS, could not create/write to java crash file"); return; } const char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jstr, NULL); jsize len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, jstr); TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fd, str, len)); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jstr, str); TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fsync(fd)); TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd)); } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnKeyDown(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint keyCode, jint metaState) { #if !TESTING android_keycode_to_emulator(keyCode, metaState, true); #endif } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnKeyUp(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint keyCode, jint metaState) { #if !TESTING android_keycode_to_emulator(keyCode, metaState, false); #endif } jlong Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeOnTouch(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint action, jint pointerCount, jint pointerIndex, jfloatArray xCoords, jfloatArray yCoords) { //LOG(": %d/%d/%d :", action, pointerCount, pointerIndex); if (UNLIKELY(emulator_shutting_down)) { return 0x0LL; } jfloat *x_coords = (*env)->GetFloatArrayElements(env, xCoords, 0); jfloat *y_coords = (*env)->GetFloatArrayElements(env, yCoords, 0); int joyaction = _androidTouchEvent2JoystickEvent(action); //for (unsigned int i=0; iReleaseFloatArrayElements(env, xCoords, x_coords, 0); (*env)->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(env, yCoords, y_coords, 0); return flags; } void Java_org_deadc0de_apple2ix_Apple2Activity_nativeChooseDisk(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring jPath, jboolean driveA, jboolean readOnly) { const char *path = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jPath, NULL); int drive = driveA ? 0 : 1; int ro = readOnly ? 1 : 0; LOG(": (%s, %s, %s)", path, driveA ? "drive A" : "drive B", readOnly ? "read only" : "read/write"); if (c_new_diskette_6(drive, path, ro)) { char *gzPath = NULL; asprintf(&gzPath, "%s.gz", path); if (c_new_diskette_6(drive, gzPath, ro)) { char *diskImageUnreadable = "Disk Image Unreadable"; unsigned int cols = strlen(diskImageUnreadable); video_backend->animation_showMessage(diskImageUnreadable, cols, 1); } else { video_backend->animation_showDiskChosen(drive); } FREE(gzPath); } else { video_backend->animation_showDiskChosen(drive); } (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jPath, path); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor __attribute__((constructor(CTOR_PRIORITY_LATE))) static void _init_jnihooks(void) { // ... }