/* * Apple // emulator for Linux: Joystick calibration routines * * Copyright 1994 Alexander Jean-Claude Bottema * Copyright 1995 Stephen Lee * Copyright 1997, 1998 Aaron Culliney * Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Deutschmann * * This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License * version 2 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "interface.h" #include "video.h" #include "keys.h" #include "misc.h" #include "prefs.h" int js_fd = -1; /* joystick file descriptor */ struct JS_DATA_TYPE js; /* joystick data struct */ int js_lowerrange_x, js_upperrange_x, js_lowerrange_y, js_upperrange_y, js_offset_x, js_offset_y; float js_adjustlow_x, js_adjustlow_y, js_adjusthigh_x, js_adjusthigh_y; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_open_joystick() - opens joystick device and sets timelimit value ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int c_open_joystick() { if (js_fd < 0) { if ((js_fd = open("/dev/js0", O_RDONLY)) < 0) { /* try again with another name */ if ((js_fd = open("/dev/joystick", O_RDONLY)) < 0) return 1;/* problem */ } /* set timelimit value */ if (ioctl(js_fd, JS_SET_TIMELIMIT, &js_timelimit) == -1) return 1;/* problem */ } return 0;/* no problem */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_close_joystick() - closes joystick device ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_close_joystick() { if (js_fd < 0) return; close(js_fd); js_fd = -1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * c_calculate_joystick_parms() - calculates parameters for joystick * device. assumes that device extremes have already been determined. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_calculate_joystick_parms() { js_lowerrange_x = js_center_x - js_min_x; js_upperrange_x = js_max_x - js_center_x; js_lowerrange_y = js_center_y - js_min_y; js_upperrange_y = js_max_y - js_center_y; js_offset_x = js_min_x; js_offset_y = js_min_y; js_adjustlow_x = (float)half_joy_range / (float)js_lowerrange_x; js_adjustlow_y = (float)half_joy_range / (float)js_lowerrange_y; js_adjusthigh_x = (float)half_joy_range / (float)js_upperrange_x; js_adjusthigh_y = (float)half_joy_range / (float)js_upperrange_y; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_calibrate_joystick() - calibrates joystick. determines extreme and center coordinates. assumes that it can write to the interface screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void c_calibrate_joystick () { int almost_done, done; unsigned char x_val, y_val; /* reset all the extremes */ js_max_x = -1; js_max_y = -1; js_min_x = MAXINT; js_min_y = MAXINT; /* open joystick device if not open */ if (js_fd < 0) { if (c_open_joystick()) { /* problem opening device */ c_interface_print( 1, 21, 0, " " ); c_interface_print( 1, 22, 0, " cannot open joystick device. " ); video_sync(0); usleep(1500000); c_interface_redo_bottom(); return;/* problem */ } } c_interface_print( 1, 21, 0, " Move joystick to all extremes then " ); c_interface_print( 1, 22, 0, " center it and press a button. " ); video_sync(0); usleep(1500000); c_interface_print( 1, 21, 0, " " ); c_interface_print( 1, 22, 0, " " ); almost_done = done = 0; /* not done calibrating */ while ((read(js_fd, &js, JS_RETURN) > 0) && (!done)) { sprintf (temp, " x = %04x, y = %04x", js.x, js.y); c_interface_print(1, 22, 0, temp); video_sync(0); if (js_max_x < js.x) js_max_x = js.x; if (js_max_y < js.y) js_max_y = js.y; if (js_min_x > js.x) js_min_x = js.x; if (js_min_y > js.y) js_min_y = js.y; if (js.buttons != 0x00) /* press */ almost_done = 1; if (almost_done && (js.buttons == 0x00)) /* release */ done = 1; } js_center_x = js.x; js_center_y = js.y; printf("js_min_x = %d\n", js_min_x); printf("js_min_y = %d\n", js_min_y); printf("js_max_x = %d\n", js_max_x); printf("js_max_y = %d\n", js_max_y); printf("js_center_x = %d\n", js_center_x); printf("js_center_y = %d\n", js_center_y); printf("\n"); c_calculate_joystick_parms(); /* determine the parms */ printf("js_lowerrange_x = %d\n", js_lowerrange_x); printf("js_lowerrange_y = %d\n", js_lowerrange_y); printf("js_upperrange_x = %d\n", js_upperrange_x); printf("js_upperrange_y = %d\n", js_upperrange_y); printf("\n"); printf("js_offset_x = %d\n", js_offset_x); printf("js_offset_y = %d\n", js_offset_y); printf("\n"); printf("js_adjustlow_x = %f\n", js_adjustlow_x); printf("js_adjustlow_y = %f\n", js_adjustlow_y); printf("js_adjusthigh_x = %f\n", js_adjusthigh_x); printf("js_adjusthigh_y = %f\n", js_adjusthigh_y); printf("\n"); c_interface_print( 1, 21, 0, " Press a button to continue. " ); video_sync(0); /* show the normalized values until user presses button */ while ((read(js_fd, &js, JS_RETURN) > 0) && js.buttons == 0x00) { x_val = (js.x < js_center_x) ? (js.x - js_offset_x) * js_adjustlow_x : (js.x - (js_center_x/*+js_offset_x*/)) * js_adjusthigh_x + half_joy_range; y_val = (js.y < js_center_y) ? (js.y - js_offset_y) * js_adjustlow_y : (js.y - (js_center_y/*+js_offset_y*/)) * js_adjusthigh_y + half_joy_range; sprintf(temp, " x = %02x, y = %02x", x_val, y_val); c_interface_print(1, 22, 0, temp); video_sync(0); } c_interface_redo_bottom(); video_sync(0); }