2016-02-22 22:41:37 -08:00

288 lines
8.8 KiB

* Apple // emulator for *ix
* This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License
* version 3 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation.
* Copyright 2013-2015 Aaron Culliney
#include "video/gltouchjoy.h"
#error this is a touch interface module, possibly you mean to not compile this at all?
static GLTouchJoyVariant happyHappyJoyJoy = { 0 };
static struct {
uint8_t currJoyButtonValue0;
uint8_t currJoyButtonValue1;
uint8_t currButtonDisplayChar;
void (*buttonDrawCallback)(char newChar);
bool trackingButton;
bool trackingButtonMove;
pthread_t tapDelayThreadId;
pthread_mutex_t tapDelayMutex;
pthread_cond_t tapDelayCond;
unsigned int tapDelayNanos;
} joys;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static touchjoy_variant_t touchjoy_variant(void) {
static inline void _reset_axis_state(void) {
static inline void _reset_buttons_state(void) {
joy_button0 = 0x0;
joy_button1 = 0x0;
joys.currJoyButtonValue0 = 0;
joys.currJoyButtonValue1 = 0;
joys.currButtonDisplayChar = ' ';
static void touchjoy_resetState(void) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tap Delay Thread : delays processing of touch-down so that a different joystick button can be fired
static inline void _signal_tap_delay(void) {
static void *_button_tap_delayed_thread(void *dummyptr) {
LOG(">>> [DELAYEDTAP] thread start ...");
bool deepSleep = false;
uint8_t currJoyButtonValue0 = 0x0;
uint8_t currJoyButtonValue1 = 0x0;
uint8_t currButtonDisplayChar = ' ';
for (;;) {
if (UNLIKELY(joyglobals.isShuttingDown)) {
struct timespec wait;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &wait);
wait = timespec_add(wait, joys.tapDelayNanos);
int timedOut = pthread_cond_timedwait(&joys.tapDelayCond, &joys.tapDelayMutex, &wait); // wait and possibly consume event
assert((!timedOut || timedOut == ETIMEDOUT) && "should not fail any other way");
if (!timedOut) {
if (!deepSleep) {
if (joys.trackingButtonMove) {
// dragging
currJoyButtonValue0 = 0x0;
currJoyButtonValue1 = 0x0;
currButtonDisplayChar = joys.currButtonDisplayChar;
} else if (joys.trackingButton) {
// touch down -- delay consumption to determine if tap or drag
currJoyButtonValue0 = joys.currJoyButtonValue0;
currJoyButtonValue1 = joys.currJoyButtonValue1;
currButtonDisplayChar = joys.currButtonDisplayChar;
// zero the buttons before delay
} else {
// touch up becomes tap
joys.currJoyButtonValue0 = currJoyButtonValue0;
joys.currJoyButtonValue1 = currJoyButtonValue1;
joys.currButtonDisplayChar = currButtonDisplayChar;
joy_button0 = joys.currJoyButtonValue0;
joy_button1 = joys.currJoyButtonValue1;
deepSleep = false;
if (timedOut && !joys.trackingButton) {
deepSleep = true;
TOUCH_JOY_LOG(">>> [DELAYEDTAP] end ...");
pthread_cond_wait(&joys.tapDelayCond, &joys.tapDelayMutex); // consume initial touch down
TOUCH_JOY_LOG(">>> [DELAYEDTAP] begin ...");
} else {
TOUCH_JOY_LOG(">>> [DELAYEDTAP] event looping ...");
LOG(">>> [DELAYEDTAP] thread exit ...");
return NULL;
static void touchjoy_setup(void (*buttonDrawCallback)(char newChar)) {
assert((joys.tapDelayThreadId == 0) && "setup called multiple times!");
joys.buttonDrawCallback = buttonDrawCallback;
pthread_create(&joys.tapDelayThreadId, NULL, (void *)&_button_tap_delayed_thread, (void *)NULL);
static void touchjoy_shutdown(void) {
if (pthread_join(joys.tapDelayThreadId, NULL)) {
ERRLOG("OOPS: pthread_join tap delay thread ...");
joys.tapDelayThreadId = 0;
joys.tapDelayMutex = (pthread_mutex_t){ 0 };
joys.tapDelayCond = (pthread_cond_t)PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// axis state
static void touchjoy_axisDown(void) {
static void touchjoy_axisMove(int x, int y) {
if (axes.multiplier != 1.f) {
x = (int) ((float)x * axes.multiplier);
y = (int) ((float)y * axes.multiplier);
x += 0x80;
y += 0x80;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
if (x > 0xff) {
x = 0xff;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
if (y > 0xff) {
y = 0xff;
joy_x = x;
joy_y = y;
static void touchjoy_axisUp(int x, int y) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// button state
static void _set_current_button_state(touchjoy_button_type_t theButtonChar) {
if (theButtonChar == TOUCH_BUTTON0) {
joys.currJoyButtonValue0 = 0x80;
joys.currJoyButtonValue1 = 0;
joys.currButtonDisplayChar = MOUSETEXT_OPENAPPLE;
} else if (theButtonChar == TOUCH_BUTTON1) {
joys.currJoyButtonValue0 = 0;
joys.currJoyButtonValue1 = 0x80;
joys.currButtonDisplayChar = MOUSETEXT_CLOSEDAPPLE;
} else if (theButtonChar == TOUCH_BOTH) {
joys.currJoyButtonValue0 = 0x80;
joys.currJoyButtonValue1 = 0x80;
joys.currButtonDisplayChar = '+';
} else {
joys.currJoyButtonValue0 = 0;
joys.currJoyButtonValue1 = 0;
joys.currButtonDisplayChar = ' ';
static void touchjoy_buttonDown(void) {
joys.trackingButton = true;
static void touchjoy_buttonMove(int dx, int dy) {
if ((dy < -joyglobals.switchThreshold) || (dy > joyglobals.switchThreshold)) {
touchjoy_button_type_t theButtonChar = -1;
if (dy < 0) {
theButtonChar = buttons.northChar;
} else {
theButtonChar = buttons.southChar;
joys.trackingButtonMove = true;
static void touchjoy_buttonUp(int dx, int dy) {
joys.trackingButton = false;
joys.trackingButtonMove = false;
static void gltouchjoy_setTapDelay(float secs) {
if (UNLIKELY(secs < 0.f)) {
ERRLOG("Clamping tap delay to 0.0 secs");
if (UNLIKELY(secs > 1.f)) {
ERRLOG("Clamping tap delay to 1.0 secs");
unsigned int tapDelayNanos = (unsigned int)((float)NANOSECONDS_PER_SECOND * secs);
#define MIN_WAIT_NANOS 1000000
if (tapDelayNanos < MIN_WAIT_NANOS) {
tapDelayNanos = MIN_WAIT_NANOS;
joys.tapDelayNanos = tapDelayNanos;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void _init_gltouchjoy_joy(void) {
LOG("Registering OpenGL software touch joystick (joystick variant)");
happyHappyJoyJoy.variant = &touchjoy_variant,
happyHappyJoyJoy.resetState = &touchjoy_resetState,
happyHappyJoyJoy.setup = &touchjoy_setup,
happyHappyJoyJoy.shutdown = &touchjoy_shutdown,
happyHappyJoyJoy.buttonDown = &touchjoy_buttonDown,
happyHappyJoyJoy.buttonMove = &touchjoy_buttonMove,
happyHappyJoyJoy.buttonUp = &touchjoy_buttonUp,
happyHappyJoyJoy.axisDown = &touchjoy_axisDown,
happyHappyJoyJoy.axisMove = &touchjoy_axisMove,
happyHappyJoyJoy.axisUp = &touchjoy_axisUp,
joys.tapDelayMutex = (pthread_mutex_t){ 0 };
joys.tapDelayCond = (pthread_cond_t)PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
joydriver_setTapDelay = &gltouchjoy_setTapDelay;
gltouchjoy_registerVariant(EMULATED_JOYSTICK, &happyHappyJoyJoy);
static __attribute__((constructor)) void __init_gltouchjoy_joy(void) {
emulator_registerStartupCallback(CTOR_PRIORITY_EARLY, &_init_gltouchjoy_joy);