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* *
* Apple II debugger routines for the Linux-x86 Apple II emulator. *
* by Aaron Culliney - chernabog@baldmountain.bbn.com - (C) 1998 *
* *
* My code changes have nothing to do with my employer, GTE *
* Internetworking, BBN Technologies. They were written completely on my*
* own time and on my own machine. *
* *
The debugger console is a mid-size hack onto the main emulator code.
I did it b/c I wanted to fool around with some of my old games while
they were running and to debug the emulator itself.
The code is kinda ugly in some areas, but seems robust enough; (I've
used flex to handle most of the dangerous UI stuff). It runs a bit
slower than when you're in unrestricted emulation mode because it's
doing a lot of switching between C code and asm, copying state, and
checking breakpoints/watchpoints.
When you hit a watchpoint or breakpoint, you have to step over it
before you can use the g{o}, f{inish}, or u{ntil} commands again.
F7 - enters the debugger. (actually we wait until we've finished with
the current 6502 instruction before we enter the debugger so we're all
synched up if/when we start stepping the machine).
ESC - exits the debugger console.
General Command format:
command {optional part} <mandatory part> (this | that)
Disassembling Apple II main memory and language card memory:
d{is} {language card bank} {/bank/}{addrs} {+}{len}
"d" - disassemble from current location
"dis +5" - disassemble from current location +5
"dis /01/2000" - (128k (//e) specific)
"dis lc1 d000 5" - disassemble memory +5 at lang card 1 0xd000
Note: {addrs} can be (d000 <-> ffff) or (0 <-> 2fff) for the language
Dumping memory:
m{em} {lc1|lc2} {addrs} {+}{len}
a{scii} {lc1|lc2} {addrs} {+}{len}
"mem" - dump memory at current location
"m dead" - dump memory at 0xDEAD
"m lc2 2fff 1" - dump memory at lang card 2 0x2FFF +1
"ascii /01/400" - (128k (//e) specific)
Note: {addrs} can be (d000 <-> ffff) or (0 <-> 2fff) for the language
card. Also you need to specify the {addrs} if you're examining lc
Setting memory:
<addrs> {lc1|lc2} : <byteseq>
"4000:deadc0de" - set memory at 0x4000 to 0xDEADC0DE
"50lc2:def" - set memory at lang bank 2 0x50 to 0xDE0F
Note: {addrs} can be (d000 <-> ffff) or (0 <-> 2fff) for the language
Displaying machine state (registers, language card, drive, softswitches):
r{egs} - registers
l{ang} - language card settings
dr{ive} - disk drive settings
vm - other virtual machine settings
Stepping the machine:
(s{tep} | n{ext}) {len}
g{o} {addr}
-*step* or *next* 0-255 instructions.
-*finish* current stack-frame (stop at RTS).
-step *until* PC == next instruction (good for finishing loops).
-*go* or jump to {addr} and continue executing until user hits a key.
Searching and setting/unsetting memory breakpoints and watchpoints:
sea{rch} {lc1|lc2} <byteseq>
"se deadc0de" - search for 0xDEADC0DE
"search lc2 def" - search lang bank2 (and lang card) for 0xDEF
(b{reak} | w{atch}) {addr}
br{eak} op <byte>
(c{lear} | i{gnore}) {num}
c{lear} op <byte>
sta{tus} - show status of memory watch/breakpoints
op{codes} - show opcodes that we're stopping at
"w c0e9" - watch memory at C0E9
"br" - break at current PC
"br op 20" - break on opcode 20
"clear 1" - clear breakpoint 1
"ig" - ignore all watchpoints
"cl op 20" - clear break on opcode 20
-break or watch addrs. (use in conjunction with g{o})
-clear breakpoints, ignore watchpoints.
-show break and watchpoint status.
Note: breakpoints and watchpoints persist even when you exit the
debugger console. They are only reset if you clear/ignore them or
virtually reboot.
Loading and saving state:
bload <file> <addrs>
bsave <file> /<bank>/<addrs> <len>
bload binary 8000 - load file into memory
bsave pic /0/2000 2000 - save memory to file
fr{esh} - clear screen of graphics