2018-01-22 07:33:06 -08:00

127 lines
3.7 KiB

* Apple // emulator for *ix
* This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License
* version 3 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation.
* Copyright 1994 Alexander Jean-Claude Bottema
* Copyright 1995 Stephen Lee
* Copyright 1997, 1998 Aaron Culliney
* Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Deutschmann
* Copyright 2013-2015 Aaron Culliney
#ifndef __CPU_H_
#define __CPU_H_
// Virtual machine is an Apple //e (not an NES, etc...)
#define APPLE2_VM 1
#if !defined(__ASSEMBLER__)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "glue.h"
/* types */
#define MEM_READ_FLAG (1<<0)
#define MEM_WRITE_FLAG (1<<1)
extern cpu65_run_args_s run_args;
/* Set up the processor for a new run. Sets up opcode table. */
extern void cpu65_init(void);
/* Interrupt the processor */
extern void cpu65_interrupt(int reason);
extern void cpu65_uninterrupt(int reason);
extern void cpu65_run(void *args);
extern void cpu65_reboot(void);
extern bool cpu65_saveState(StateHelper_s *helper);
extern bool cpu65_loadState(StateHelper_s *helper);
extern void cpu65_direct_write(int ea,int data);
extern void *cpu65_vmem_r[65536];
extern void *cpu65_vmem_w[65536];
extern uint8_t cpu65_flags_encode[256];
extern uint8_t cpu65_flags_decode[256];
void cpu65_trace_begin(const char *trace_file);
void cpu65_trace_end(void);
void cpu65_trace_toggle(const char *trace_file);
void cpu65_trace_checkpoint(void);
#endif /* !__ASSEMBLER__ */
#define IRQ_CHECK_CYCLES 128
#define ResetSig 0x02
#define IRQ6522 0x08
#define IRQSpeech 0x10
#define IRQSSC 0x20
#define IRQMouse 0x40
#define IRQGeneric 0x80
/* Note: These are *not* the bit positions used for the flags in the P
* register of a real 65c02. Rather, they have been distorted so that C,
* N, Z, etc match the analogous flags in the host flags register.
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
* x86 NOTE: V matches the position of the overflow flag in the high byte
* of the 80386 register.
# define C_Flag_Bit 8 /* 6502 Carry */
# define C_Flag (C_Flag_Bit>>3) /* 6502 Carry */
# define X_Flag 0x2 /* 6502 Xtra */
# define I_Flag 0x4 /* 6502 Interrupt disable */
# define V_Flag 0x8 /* 6502 oVerflow */
# define B_Flag 0x10 /* 6502 Break */
# define D_Flag 0x20 /* 6502 Decimal mode */
# define Z_Flag 0x40 /* 6502 Zero */
# define N_Flag 0x80 /* 6502 Negative */
#elif defined(__arm__)
// VCZN positions match positions of shifted status register
# define V_Flag 0x1
# define C_Flag 0x2
# define Z_Flag 0x4
# define N_Flag 0x8
# define NZ_Flags 0xC
# define NZC_Flags 0xE
# define NVZ_Flags 0xD
# define NVZC_Flags 0xF
# define X_Flag 0x10
# define I_Flag 0x20
# define B_Flag 0x40
# define D_Flag 0x80
# define BX_Flags 0x50
# define BI_Flags 0x60
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
# error soon ...
# error unknown machine architecture
* 6502 flags bit mask
#define C_Flag_6502 0x1 // [C]arry
#define Z_Flag_6502 0x2 // [Z]ero
#define I_Flag_6502 0x4 // [I]nterrupt
#define D_Flag_6502 0x8 // [D]ecimal
#define B_Flag_6502 0x10 // [B]reak
#define X_Flag_6502 0x20 // [X]tra (reserved)...
#define V_Flag_6502 0x40 // o[V]erflow
#define N_Flag_6502 0x80 // [N]egative
#endif // whole file