2016-10-09 12:20:07 -07:00

8060 lines
195 KiB

* Apple // emulator for *ix
* This software package is subject to the GNU General Public License
* version 3 or later (your choice) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation.
* Copyright 2013-2015 Aaron Culliney
// Tests for virtual 65c02 CPU (opcodes and addressing modes)
#include "testcommon.h"
#define MSG_SIZE 256
#define fC C_Flag_6502 // [C]arry
#define fZ Z_Flag_6502 // [Z]ero
#define fI I_Flag_6502 // [I]nterrupt
#define fD D_Flag_6502 // [D]ecimal
#define fB B_Flag_6502 // [B]reak
#define fX X_Flag_6502 // [X]tra (reserved)...
#define fV V_Flag_6502 // o[V]erflow
#define fN N_Flag_6502 // [N]egative
#define TEST_LOC 0x1f82
#define TEST_LOC_LO 0x82
#define RW_NONE 0x0
#define RW_READ 0x1
#define RW_WRITE 0x2
#define MSG_FLAGS0 "A:%02X op %02X = %02X : %s (emul2ix = %02X : %s)"
#define VERIFY_FLAGS() \
do { \
char msgbuf0[MSG_SIZE]; \
char bufA[MSG_SIZE]; \
char bufB[MSG_SIZE]; \
flags_to_string(flags, bufA); \
flags_to_string(cpu65_f, bufB); \
snprintf(msgbuf0, MSG_SIZE, MSG_FLAGS0, regA, val, result, bufA, cpu65_a, bufB); \
ASSERTm(msgbuf0, cpu65_f == flags); \
} while (0)
static void testcpu_setup(void *arg) {
extern int32_t cpu65_cycles_to_execute;
extern int32_t cpu65_cycle_count;
extern int32_t irqCheckTimeout;
cpu65_cycle_count = 0;
cpu65_cycles_to_execute = 1;
irqCheckTimeout = 255;
cpu65_pc = TEST_LOC;
cpu65_a = 0x0;
cpu65_x = 0x0;
cpu65_y = 0x0;
cpu65_f = 0x0;
cpu65_sp = 0xff;
cpu65_ea = 0xffff;
cpu65_d = 0xff;
cpu65_rw = 0xff;
cpu65_opcode = 0xff;
cpu65_opcycles = 0xff;
// clear ZP & stack memory
memset(apple_ii_64k, 0x0, 0x200);
// clear prog memory and absolute addressing test locations
memset(((void*)apple_ii_64k)+TEST_LOC, 0x0, 0x300);
static void testcpu_teardown(void *arg) {
// ...
static void testcpu_set_opcodeX(uint8_t op, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg1, uint16_t addrs) {
cpu65_pc = addrs;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = op;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = val;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = arg1;
static void testcpu_set_opcode3(uint8_t op, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg1) {
testcpu_set_opcodeX(op, val, arg1, TEST_LOC);
static void testcpu_set_opcode2(uint8_t op, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t arg1 = (uint8_t)random();
testcpu_set_opcode3(op, val, arg1);
static void testcpu_set_opcode1(uint8_t op) {
uint8_t val = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t arg1 = (uint8_t)random();
testcpu_set_opcode3(op, val, arg1);
static bool check_skip_illegal_bcd(uint8_t bcd0, uint8_t bcd1) {
if (bcd0 >= 0xA0) {
return true;
if ((bcd0 & 0x0f) >= 0x0A) {
return true;
if (bcd1 >= 0xA0) {
return true;
if ((bcd1 & 0x0f) >= 0x0A) {
return true;
return false;
static void flags_to_string(uint8_t flags, char *buf) {
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZE, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
(flags & N_Flag_6502) ? 'N' : '-',
(flags & V_Flag_6502) ? 'V' : '-',
(flags & X_Flag_6502) ? 'X' : '-',
(flags & B_Flag_6502) ? 'B' : '-',
(flags & D_Flag_6502) ? 'D' : '-',
(flags & I_Flag_6502) ? 'I' : '-',
(flags & Z_Flag_6502) ? 'Z' : '-',
(flags & C_Flag_6502) ? 'C' : '-' );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ADC instructions
static void logic_ADC_dec(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
// componentize
uint8_t x_lo = 0x0;
uint8_t x_hi = 0x0;
uint8_t a_lo = (((uint8_t)_a) & 0x0f);
uint8_t b_lo = (((uint8_t)_b) & 0x0f);
uint8_t a_hi = (((uint8_t)_a) & 0xf0)>>4;
uint8_t b_hi = (((uint8_t)_b) & 0xf0)>>4;
uint8_t carry = (*flags & fC) ? 1 : 0;
*flags &= ~ fC;
// BCD add
x_lo = a_lo + b_lo + carry;
carry = 0;
if (x_lo > 9) {
x_lo += 6;
carry = (x_lo>>4); // +1 or +2
x_lo &= 0x0f;
x_hi = a_hi + b_hi + carry;
if (x_hi > 9) {
*flags |= fC;
x_hi += 6;
// merge result
x_hi <<= 4;
*result = x_hi | x_lo;
// flags
if (*result == 0x00) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (*result & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
static void logic_ADC(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
if (*flags & fD) {
logic_ADC_dec(_a, _b, result, flags);
int8_t a = (int8_t)_a;
int8_t b = (int8_t)_b;
bool signA = a>>7;
bool signB = b>>7;
int8_t carry = (*flags & fC) ? 1 : 0;
*flags &= ~fC;
int8_t res = a + b + carry;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
int32_t res32 = (uint8_t)a+(uint8_t)b+(uint8_t)carry;
if (res32 & 0x00000100) {
*flags |= fC;
if (signA == signB) {
uint8_t signResult = (res&0xff)>>7;
if (signA != signResult) {
*flags |= fV;
*result = (uint8_t)(res & 0xff);
TEST test_ADC_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, bool decimal, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= decimal ? (fD) : 0x00;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
if (decimal && check_skip_illegal_bcd(regA, val)) {
// NOTE : FIXME TODO skip undocumented/illegal BCD
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x69, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f |= decimal ? (fD) : 0x00;
cpu65_f |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
do {
char msgbuf[MSG_SIZE];
char buf0[MSG_SIZE];
char buf1[MSG_SIZE];
snprintf(msgbuf, MSG_SIZE, MSG_FLAGS0, regA, val, result, buf0, cpu65_a, buf1);
ASSERTm(msgbuf, cpu65_a == result);
} while (0);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x69);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (decimal ? 3 : 2));
TEST test_ADC_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x65, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x65);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_ADC_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
uint8_t idx = arg0 + regX;
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x75, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x75);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_ADC_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x6d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x6d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_ADC_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x7d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 0;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x7d);
cycle_count += 4;
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_ADC_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x79, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 0;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x79);
cycle_count += 4;
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_ADC_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x61, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x61);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ADC_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x71, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint8_t cycle_count = 0;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)val_zp1) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x71);
cycle_count += 5;
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_ADC_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ADC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x72, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x72);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AND instructions
static void logic_AND(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)_b;
uint8_t res = a & b;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = res;
TEST test_AND_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x29, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
do {
char msgbuf[MSG_SIZE];
char buf0[MSG_SIZE];
char buf1[MSG_SIZE];
snprintf(msgbuf, MSG_SIZE, MSG_FLAGS0, regA, val, result, buf0, cpu65_a, buf1);
ASSERTm(msgbuf, cpu65_a == result);
} while (0);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x29);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_AND_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x25, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x25);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_AND_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x35, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x35);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_AND_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x2d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x2d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_AND_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x3d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x3d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_AND_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x39, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x39);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_AND_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x21, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x21);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_AND_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x31, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint8_t cycle_count = 5;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)val_zp1) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x31);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_AND_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_AND(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x32, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x32);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ASL instructions
static void logic_ASL(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
*flags |= (a & 0x80) ? fC : 0;
uint8_t res = a<<1;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = res;
TEST test_ASL_acc(uint8_t regA) {
uint8_t val = 0xff;
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ASL(regA, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == 0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x0a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_ASL_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ASL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x06, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x06);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
TEST test_ASL_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ASL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x16, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x16);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ASL_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ASL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x0e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x0e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ASL_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ASL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x1e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 6;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x1e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Branch instructions
TEST test_BCC(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fC : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (!flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0x90;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x90);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BCS(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fC : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0xB0;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xB0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BEQ(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fZ : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0xF0;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xF0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BNE(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fZ : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (!flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0xD0;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xD0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BMI(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fN : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0x30;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x30);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BPL(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fN : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (!flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0x10;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x10);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BRA(volatile int8_t off, volatile bool flag, volatile uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fN : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 3;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0x80;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BVC(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fV : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (!flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0x50;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x50);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_BVS(int8_t off, bool flag, uint16_t addrs) {
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
cpu65_pc = addrs;
flags |= flag ? fV : 0;
uint8_t cycle_count = 2;
uint16_t newpc = addrs+2;
if (flag) {
uint16_t prebranch = newpc;
newpc += off;
if ((newpc&0xFF00) != (prebranch&0xFF00)) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0x70;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+1)] = off;
apple_ii_64k[0][(uint16_t)(addrs+2)] = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0xed;
cpu65_x = 0xde;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == (uint16_t)(addrs+1));
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x70);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BIT instructions
TEST test_BIT_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
if ((regA & val) == 0x0) {
flags = fZ;
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x89, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x89);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
static void logic_BIT(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t *flags) {
if ((regA & val) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (val & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
if (val & 0x40) {
*flags |= fV;
TEST test_BIT_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_BIT(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x24, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x24);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_BIT_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_BIT(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x34, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x34);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_BIT_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_BIT(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x2c, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x2c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_BIT_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_BIT(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x3c, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 0;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x3c);
cycle_count += 4;
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BRK operand (and IRQ handling)
TEST test_BRK(void) {
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] != 0x1f);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1fe] != TEST_LOC_LO+2);
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == 0xc3fa);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == (fB|fX|fI));
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0xfc);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] == 0x1f);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1fe] == TEST_LOC_LO+2);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1fd] == cpu65_flags_encode[B_Flag|X_Flag]);
//ASSERT(cpu65_ea == 0xfffe); -- EA is managed differently on ARM
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (7));
// FIXME TODO : this tests the Apple //e vm, so it prolly should be moved machine/memory tests ...
TEST test_IRQ(void) {
testcpu_set_opcode1(0xea/*NOP*/); // Implementation NOTE: not executed. IRQ is handled and one BIT instruction at C3FA location is executed
softswitches |= SS_C3ROM;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] != 0x1f);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1fe] != TEST_LOC_LO+1);
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == 0xc3fd);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == (fB|fX|fI|fZ)); // Implementation NOTE : Z set by 2nd BIT instruction at C3FA
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0xfc);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] == 0x1f);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1fe] == TEST_LOC_LO);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1fd] == cpu65_flags_encode[X_Flag]);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == 0xc015);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x2c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == 11); // 4 cycles BIT instruction + 7 cycles for IRQ handling
ASSERT(cpu65_cycle_count == 11);
softswitches &= ~SS_C3ROM;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLx operands
TEST test_CLC(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = fC;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x18);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_CLD(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = fD;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xd8);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_CLI(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = fI;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x58);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_CLV(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = fV;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xb8);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMP instructions
static void logic_CMP(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)_b;
uint8_t res = a - b;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
if (b <= a) {
*flags |= fC;
TEST test_CMP_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xC9, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xC9);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_CMP_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xc5, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xc5);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_CMP_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xd5, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xd5);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_CMP_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xcd, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xcd);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_CMP_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xdd, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xdd);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_CMP_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xd9, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xd9);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_CMP_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xc1, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xc1);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_CMP_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xd1, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint8_t cycle_count = 5;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)val_zp1) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xd1);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// 65c02 : 0xD2
TEST test_CMP_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_CMP(regA, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xd2, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xd2);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPx CPy instructions
TEST test_CPX_imm(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xaa;
logic_CMP(regX, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xe0, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xe0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_CPX_zpage(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x55;
logic_CMP(regX, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xe4, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xe4);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_CPX_abs(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xAA;
logic_CMP(regX, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xec, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xec);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_CPY_imm(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xaa;
logic_CMP(regY, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xc0, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x66;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x66);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xc0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_CPY_zpage(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x55;
logic_CMP(regY, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xc4, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x27;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x27);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xc4);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_CPY_abs(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xAA;
logic_CMP(regY, val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xcc, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x7b;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x7b);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xcc);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DEA, DEX, DEY instructions
static void logic_DEx(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t res = a-1;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = res;
TEST test_DEA(uint8_t regA) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t val = regA;
logic_DEx(regA, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
do {
char msgbuf[MSG_SIZE];
ASSERTm(msgbuf, cpu65_a == result);
} while (0);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x3a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_DEX(uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x12;
uint8_t val = regX;
logic_DEx(regX, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xca);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_DEY(uint8_t regY) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x12;
uint8_t val = regY;
logic_DEx(regY, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x13;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x13);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x88);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DEC instructions
TEST test_DEC_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_DEx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xc6, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xc6);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
TEST test_DEC_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_DEx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xd6, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xd6);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_DEC_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_DEx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xce, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xce);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_DEC_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_DEx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xde, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 7;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xde);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOR instructions
static void logic_EOR(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)_b;
uint8_t res = a ^ b;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = res;
TEST test_EOR_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x49, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
do {
char msgbuf[MSG_SIZE];
char buf0[MSG_SIZE];
char buf1[MSG_SIZE];
snprintf(msgbuf, MSG_SIZE, MSG_FLAGS0, regA, val, result, buf0, cpu65_a, buf1);
ASSERTm(msgbuf, cpu65_a == result);
} while (0);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x49);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_EOR_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x45, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x45);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_EOR_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x55, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x55);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_EOR_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x4d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x4d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_EOR_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x5d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x5d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_EOR_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x59, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x59);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_EOR_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x41, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x41);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_EOR_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x51, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint8_t cycle_count = 5;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)val_zp1) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x51);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// 65c02 : 0x52
TEST test_EOR_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_EOR(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x52, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x52);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// INA, INX, INY instructions
static void logic_INx(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t res = a+1;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = res;
TEST test_INA(uint8_t regA) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t val = regA;
logic_INx(regA, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
do {
char msgbuf[MSG_SIZE];
ASSERTm(msgbuf, cpu65_a == result);
} while (0);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x1a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_INX(uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x31;
uint8_t val = regX;
logic_INx(regX, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xe8);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_INY(uint8_t regY) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x21;
uint8_t val = regY;
logic_INx(regY, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x13;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x13);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xc8);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// INC instructions
TEST test_INC_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_INx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xe6, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xe6);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
TEST test_INC_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_INx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xf6, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xf6);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_INC_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_INx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xee, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xee);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_INC_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_INx(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xfe, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 7;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xfe);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JMP instructions
TEST test_JMP_abs(uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte, uint16_t insAddrs) {
testcpu_set_opcodeX(0x4c, lobyte, hibyte, insAddrs);
uint8_t regA = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t regX = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t regY = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t f = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t sp = (uint8_t)random();
uint16_t addrs = (hibyte<<8) | lobyte;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = sp;
cpu65_f = f;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == f);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x4c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_JMP_ind(uint8_t _lobyte, uint8_t _hibyte, uint16_t insAddrs) {
testcpu_set_opcodeX(0x6c, _lobyte, _hibyte, insAddrs);
uint8_t regA = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t regX = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t regY = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t f = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t sp = (uint8_t)random();
uint16_t _addrs = (_hibyte<<8) | _lobyte;
if ((_addrs >= 0xbfff) && (_addrs < 0xd000)) {
// HACK FIXME TODO NOTE : for now don't test slot memory ...
uint8_t lo = apple_ii_64k[0][_addrs];
if (_lobyte == 0xff) {
_addrs -= 0x100;
uint8_t hi = apple_ii_64k[0][_addrs];
uint16_t addr = (hi<<8) | lo;
if (_lobyte == 0xff) {
_addrs += 0x100;
#if 0
// Interesting memory will be HI ROM ... enable this to sanity-check
if (addr != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%04x -> (%04x)\n", _addrs, addr);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = sp;
cpu65_f = f;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == addr);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == f);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp);
//ASSERT(cpu65_ea == _addrs); -- EA is managed differently on ARM
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x6c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
// 65c02 : 0x7C
TEST test_JMP_abs_ind_x(uint8_t _lobyte, uint8_t _hibyte, uint16_t insAddrs, uint8_t _regX) {
testcpu_set_opcodeX(0x7c, _lobyte, _hibyte, insAddrs);
uint8_t regA = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t regX = _regX;
uint8_t regY = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t f = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t sp = (uint8_t)random();
uint16_t _addrs = (_hibyte<<8) | _lobyte;
_addrs += regX;
if ((_addrs >= 0xbfff) && (_addrs < 0xd000)) {
// HACK FIXME TODO NOTE : for now don't test slot memory ...
uint8_t lo = apple_ii_64k[0][_addrs];
uint8_t hi = apple_ii_64k[0][_addrs];
uint16_t addr = (hi<<8) | lo;
#if 0
// Interesting memory will be HI ROM ... enable this to sanity-check
if (addr != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%04x -> (%04x)\n", _addrs, addr);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = sp;
cpu65_f = f;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == addr);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == f);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp);
//ASSERT(cpu65_ea == _addrs); -- EA is managed differently on ARM
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x7c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JSR operand
TEST test_JSR_abs(uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte, uint16_t insAddrs) {
testcpu_set_opcodeX(0x20, lobyte, hibyte, insAddrs);
uint8_t regA = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t regX = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t regY = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t f = (uint8_t)random();
uint16_t addrs = (hibyte<<8) | lobyte;
insAddrs += 2;
uint8_t hi_ret = (insAddrs >> 8) & 0xff;
uint8_t lo_ret = insAddrs & 0xff;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0xff;
cpu65_f = f;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == f);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0xfd);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] == hi_ret);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1fe] == lo_ret);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x20);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LDA instructions
static void logic_LDx(/*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)_b;
if ((b & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (b & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
TEST test_LDA_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xa9, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa9);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_LDA_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xa5, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa5);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_LDA_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xb5, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xb5);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_LDA_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xad, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xad);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_LDA_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xbd, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xbd);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_LDA_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xb9, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xb9);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_LDA_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xa1, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa1);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_LDA_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xb1, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint8_t cycle_count = 5;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)val_zp1) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xb1);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// 65c02 : 0xB2
TEST test_LDA_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xb2, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xb2);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LDX LDY instructions
TEST test_LDX_imm(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xaa;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xa2, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa2);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_LDX_zpage(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x55;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xa6, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa6);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_LDX_zpage_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xb6, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regY;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x3e;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xb6);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_LDX_abs(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xab;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xae, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xae);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_LDX_abs_y(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xba;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xbe, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xbe);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_LDY_imm(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xaa;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xa0, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x18;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x18);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_LDY_zpage(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x55;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xa4, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x4e;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x4e);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa4);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_LDY_zpage_x(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xa9;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xb4, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xb4);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_LDY_abs(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0xab;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xac, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x1a;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x1a);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xac);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_LDY_abs_x(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x5a;
logic_LDx(val, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xbc, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == val);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xbc);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LSR instructions
static void logic_LSR(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
*flags |= (a & 0x01) ? fC : 0;
uint8_t res = a>>1;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
*flags &= ~fN;
*result = res;
TEST test_LSR_acc(uint8_t regA) {
uint8_t val = 0xff;
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LSR(regA, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x4a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_LSR_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LSR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x46, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x46);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
TEST test_LSR_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LSR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x56, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x56);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_LSR_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LSR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x4e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x4e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_LSR_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_LSR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x5e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 6;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x5e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOP operand
TEST test_NOP(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x55;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x55);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xea);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ORA instructions
static void logic_ORA(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)_b;
uint8_t res = a | b;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = res;
TEST test_ORA_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x09, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
do {
char msgbuf[MSG_SIZE];
char buf0[MSG_SIZE];
char buf1[MSG_SIZE];
snprintf(msgbuf, MSG_SIZE, MSG_FLAGS0, regA, val, result, buf0, cpu65_a, buf1);
ASSERTm(msgbuf, cpu65_a == result);
} while (0);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x09);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_ORA_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x05, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_ORA_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x15, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_ORA_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x0d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x0d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_ORA_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x1d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x1d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_ORA_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x19, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 4;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x19);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_ORA_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x01, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x01);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ORA_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x11, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint8_t cycle_count = 5;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)val_zp1) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x11);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// 65c02 : 0x12
TEST test_ORA_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_ORA(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x12, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x12);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PHx instructions
TEST test_PHA(void) {
uint8_t regA = (uint8_t)random();
apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] = ~regA;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = 0x55;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x55);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0xfe);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x48);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
static int test_PLP(uint8_t flags);
TEST test_PHP(uint8_t flags) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = flags;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0xfe);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] == flags);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x08);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
cpu65_pc = TEST_LOC;
TEST test_PHX(void) {
uint8_t regX = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0x03;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_f = 0x53;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x53);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0xfe);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xda);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_PHY(void) {
uint8_t regY = (uint8_t)random();
cpu65_a = 0x03;
cpu65_x = 0x50;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_f = 0x53;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x50);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x53);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0xfe);
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][0x1ff] == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x5a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PLx instructions
static void logic_PLx(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t res = a | a;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
TEST test_PLA(uint8_t regA) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t val = regA;
uint8_t sp = 0x80;
logic_PLx(regA, &flags);
apple_ii_64k[0][0x101+sp] = regA;
cpu65_a = 0x00;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
cpu65_sp = sp;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x68);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_PLP(uint8_t flags) {
uint8_t sp = 0x80;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC);
apple_ii_64k[0][0x101+sp] = flags;
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = ~flags;
cpu65_sp = sp;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == (flags | fB | fX));
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x28);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_PLX(uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x00;
uint8_t val = 0x00;
uint8_t sp = 0x80;
logic_PLx(regX, &flags);
apple_ii_64k[0][0x101+sp] = regX;
cpu65_a = 0x43;
cpu65_x = 0x00;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
cpu65_sp = sp;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x43);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xfa);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_PLY(uint8_t regY) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = 0x00;
uint8_t val = 0x00;
uint8_t sp = 0x80;
logic_PLx(regY, &flags);
apple_ii_64k[0][0x101+sp] = regY;
cpu65_a = 0x43;
cpu65_x = 0x34;
cpu65_y = 0x00;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
cpu65_sp = sp;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x43);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x34);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x7a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ROL instructions
static void logic_ROL(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint16_t res = a<<1;
if (*flags & fC) {
res |= 0x1;
if (res & 0x100) {
*flags |= fC;
} else {
*flags &= ~fC;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = (res & 0xff);
TEST test_ROL_acc(uint8_t regA, bool carry) {
uint8_t val = 0xff;
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROL(regA, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == 0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x2a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_ROL_zpage(bool regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x26, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x26);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
TEST test_ROL_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x36, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x36);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ROL_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x2e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x2e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ROL_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROL(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x3e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 6;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x3e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ROR instructions
static void logic_ROR(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
bool carry = (a & 0x01);
uint8_t res = a>>1;
if (*flags & fC) {
res |= 0x80;
if (carry) {
*flags |= fC;
} else {
*flags &= ~fC;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
*result = (res & 0xff);
TEST test_ROR_acc(uint8_t regA, bool carry) {
uint8_t val = 0xff;
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROR(regA, &result, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == 0);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x6a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_ROR_zpage(bool regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x66, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x66);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
TEST test_ROR_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x76, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x76);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ROR_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x6e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x6e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_ROR_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_ROR(val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x7e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 6;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x7e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RTI operand
TEST test_RTI(uint8_t flags) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
uint8_t lo_ret = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t hi_ret = (uint8_t)random();
apple_ii_64k[0][0x181] = flags;
apple_ii_64k[0][0x182] = lo_ret;
apple_ii_64k[0][0x183] = hi_ret;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == ((hi_ret<<8)| lo_ret));
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == (flags | fB | fX));
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x83);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x40);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RTS operand
TEST test_RTS(uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte, uint16_t insAddrs) {
testcpu_set_opcodeX(0x60, random(), random(), insAddrs);
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
apple_ii_64k[0][0x181] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][0x182] = hibyte;
uint16_t newpc = ((hibyte<<8) | lobyte) + 1;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == newpc);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x82);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == insAddrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x60);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SBC instructions
static void logic_SBC_dec(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
// componentize
uint8_t x_lo = 0x0;
uint8_t x_hi = 0x0;
uint8_t a_lo = (((uint8_t)_a) & 0x0f);
uint8_t b_lo = (((uint8_t)_b) & 0x0f);
uint8_t a_hi = (((uint8_t)_a) & 0xf0)>>4;
uint8_t b_hi = (((uint8_t)_b) & 0xf0)>>4;
uint8_t borrow = ((*flags & fC) == 0x0) ? 1 : 0;
*flags |= fC;
// BCD subtract
x_lo = a_lo - b_lo - borrow;
borrow = 0;
if (x_lo > 9) {
borrow = 1;
x_lo -= 6;
x_lo &= 0x0f;
x_hi = a_hi - b_hi - borrow;
if (x_hi > 9) {
*flags &= ~fC;
x_hi -= 6;
// merge result
x_hi <<= 4;
*result = x_hi | x_lo;
// flags
if (*result == 0x00) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (*result & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
static void logic_SBC(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
if (*flags & fD) {
logic_SBC_dec(_a, _b, result, flags);
int8_t a = (int8_t)_a;
int8_t b = (int8_t)_b;
bool signA = a>>7;
bool signB = b>>7;
int8_t borrow = ((*flags & fC) == 0x0) ? 1 : 0;
*flags |= fC;
int8_t res = a - b - borrow;
if ((res & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (res & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
uint32_t res32 = (uint8_t)a-(uint8_t)b-(uint8_t)borrow;
if (res32 & 0x80000000) {
*flags &= ~fC;
if (signA != signB) {
uint8_t signResult = (res&0xff)>>7;
if (signA != signResult) {
*flags |= fV;
*result = (uint8_t)(res & 0xff);
TEST test_SBC_imm(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, bool decimal, bool carry) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
if (decimal && check_skip_illegal_bcd(regA, val)) {
// NOTE : FIXME TODO skip undocumented/illegal BCD
flags |= decimal ? (fD) : 0x00;
flags |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xe9, val);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x33;
cpu65_y = 0x44;
cpu65_sp = 0x88;
cpu65_f |= decimal ? (fD) : 0x00;
cpu65_f |= carry ? (fC) : 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x33);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x44);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x88);
do {
char msgbuf[MSG_SIZE];
char buf0[MSG_SIZE];
char buf1[MSG_SIZE];
snprintf(msgbuf, MSG_SIZE, MSG_FLAGS0, regA, val, result, buf0, cpu65_a, buf1);
ASSERTm(msgbuf, cpu65_a == result);
} while (0);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xe9);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (decimal ? 3 : 2));
TEST test_SBC_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xe5, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xe5);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_SBC_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
uint8_t idx = arg0 + regX;
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xf5, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xf5);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_SBC_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xed, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xed);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_SBC_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xfd, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 0;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xfd);
cycle_count += 4;
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_SBC_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0xf9, lobyte, hibyte);
uint8_t cycle_count = 0;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)hibyte) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xf9);
cycle_count += 4;
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_SBC_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xe1, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xe1);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_SBC_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xf1, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint8_t cycle_count = 0;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
if ((uint8_t)((addrs>>8)&0xff) != (uint8_t)val_zp1) {
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xf1);
cycle_count += 5;
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == cycle_count);
TEST test_SBC_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_SBC(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0xf2, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_READ);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xf2);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SEx operands [sic]
TEST test_SEC(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == (fC));
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x38);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_SED(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == (fD));
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xf8);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_SEI(void) {
cpu65_a = 0x02;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == (fI));
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x78);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STA instructions
TEST test_STA_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x85, arg0);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_STA_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x95, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x95);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_STA_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x8d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x8d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_STA_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x9d, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x9d);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == 5);
TEST test_STA_abs_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regY, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x99, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regY;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x02;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x02);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_WRITE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x99);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == 5);
TEST test_STA_ind_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x81, arg0);
uint8_t idx_lo = arg0 + regX;
uint8_t idx_hi = idx_lo+1;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_lo] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx_hi] = hibyte;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x15;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x15);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
TEST test_STA_ind_y(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY, uint8_t val_zp0, uint8_t val_zp1) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x91, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = val_zp0;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = val_zp1;
uint16_t addrs = val_zp0 | (val_zp1<<8);
addrs += (uint8_t)regY;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x84;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x91);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == 6);
// 65c02 : 0x92
TEST test_STA_ind_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x92, arg0);
uint8_t idx0 = arg0;
uint8_t idx1 = arg0+1;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx0] = lobyte;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx1] = hibyte;
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x14;
cpu65_y = 0x85;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x85);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x92);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STx instructions
TEST test_STX_zpage(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x86, arg0);
cpu65_a = 0xe3;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xe3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x86);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_STX_zpage_y(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regY) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x96, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regY;
cpu65_a = 0xcc;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xcc);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_WRITE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x96);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_STX_abs(uint8_t regX, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x8e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
cpu65_a = 0xf4;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x8e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_STY_zpage(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x84, arg0);
cpu65_a = 0xa8;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0xa8);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x84);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
TEST test_STY_zpage_x(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x94, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
cpu65_a = 0x11;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x11);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x94);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
TEST test_STY_abs(uint8_t regY, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x8c, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
cpu65_a = 0x4f;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x4f);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x8c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
// 65c02 : 0x64
TEST test_STZ_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x64, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = 0xff;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x64);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (3));
// 65c02 : 0x74
TEST test_STZ_zpage_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0, uint8_t regX) {
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x74, arg0);
uint8_t idx = arg0+regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][idx] = 0xff;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][idx] == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == idx);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x74);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
// 65c02 : 0x9C
TEST test_STZ_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x9c, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0xff;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x9c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (4));
// 65c02 : 0x9E
TEST test_STZ_abs_x(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t regX, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x9e, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
addrs = addrs + regX;
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = 0xff;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x9e);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == 5);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TAx, TxA instructions
static void logic_TAx(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
if ((a & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (a & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
TEST test_TAX(uint8_t regA) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t val = regA;
logic_TAx(regA, &flags);
uint8_t regX = ~regA;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xaa);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_TAY(uint8_t regA) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t val = regA;
logic_TAx(regA, &flags);
uint8_t regY = ~regA;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x6e;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x6e);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xa8);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_TXA(uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t val = regX;
logic_TAx(regX, &flags);
uint8_t regA = ~regX;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x8a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_TYA(uint8_t regY) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t val = regY;
logic_TAx(regY, &flags);
uint8_t regA = ~regY;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xa4;
cpu65_y = regY;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xa4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == regY);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x98);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TRB & TSB operands
static void logic_TRB(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)_b;
uint8_t res = (~a) & b;
if ((a & b) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
*result = res;
TEST test_TRB_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_TRB(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x1c, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x1c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
// 65c02 : 0x14
TEST test_TRB_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_TRB(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x14, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x14);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
static void logic_TSB(/*uint8_t*/int _a, /*uint8_t*/int _b, uint8_t *result, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
uint8_t b = (uint8_t)_b;
uint8_t res = a | b;
if ((a & b) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
*result = res;
// 65c02 : 0x0C
TEST test_TSB_abs(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t lobyte, uint8_t hibyte) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_TSB(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode3(0x0c, lobyte, hibyte);
uint16_t addrs = lobyte | (hibyte<<8);
apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0xf4;
cpu65_y = 0x05;
cpu65_sp = 0x81;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][addrs] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+3);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0xf4);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x05);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x81);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == addrs);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x0c);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (6));
// 65c02 : 0x04
TEST test_TSB_zpage(uint8_t regA, uint8_t val, uint8_t arg0) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
logic_TSB(regA, val, &result, &flags);
testcpu_set_opcode2(0x04, arg0);
apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] = val;
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = 0x03;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = 0x80;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(apple_ii_64k[0][arg0] == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+2);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == 0x03);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == 0x80);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == arg0);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == result);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == (RW_READ|RW_WRITE));
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (5));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TSX, TXS instructions
static void logic_TSX(/*uint8_t*/int _a, uint8_t *flags) {
uint8_t a = (uint8_t)_a;
if ((a & 0xff) == 0x0) {
*flags |= fZ;
if (a & 0x80) {
*flags |= fN;
TEST test_TSX(uint8_t sp) {
uint8_t result = 0x0;
uint8_t flags = 0x0;
uint8_t regA = (uint8_t)random();
uint8_t val = regA;
uint8_t regX = ~sp;
logic_TSX(sp, &flags);
cpu65_a = regA;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = sp;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == regA);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == sp);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == sp);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0xba);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
TEST test_TXS(uint8_t regX) {
uint8_t sp = ~regX;
cpu65_a = 0x22;
cpu65_x = regX;
cpu65_y = 0x04;
cpu65_sp = sp;
cpu65_f = 0x00;
ASSERT(cpu65_pc == TEST_LOC+1);
ASSERT(cpu65_a == 0x22);
ASSERT(cpu65_x == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_y == 0x04);
ASSERT(cpu65_sp == regX);
ASSERT(cpu65_f == 0x00);
ASSERT(cpu65_ea == TEST_LOC);
ASSERT(cpu65_d == 0xff);
ASSERT(cpu65_rw == RW_NONE);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcode == 0x9a);
ASSERT(cpu65_opcycles == (2));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test Suite
typedef struct test_func_t {
char *name;
void (*func)(void);
} test_func_t;
GREATEST_SUITE(test_suite_cpu) {
assert(cpu_thread_id == 0 && "This test is not designed to run with alternate CPU thread");
extern void reinitialize(void);
extern volatile uint8_t emul_reinitialize;
emul_reinitialize = 0;
// --------------------------------
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_BRK :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_IRQ :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_CLC :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_CLD :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_CLI :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_CLV :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_NOP :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_PHA :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_PHX :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_PHY :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_SEC :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_SED :\n");
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\ntest_SEI :\n");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Branch tests :
// NOTE : these should be a comprehensive exercise of the branching logic
greatest_info.flags = GREATEST_FLAG_SILENT_SUCCESS;
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_BCC", (void(*)(void))test_BCC, },
{ "test_BCS", (void(*)(void))test_BCS, },
{ "test_BEQ", (void(*)(void))test_BEQ, },
{ "test_BNE", (void(*)(void))test_BNE, },
{ "test_BMI", (void(*)(void))test_BMI, },
{ "test_BPL", (void(*)(void))test_BPL, },
{ "test_BRA", (void(*)(void))test_BRA, },
{ "test_BVC", (void(*)(void))test_BVC, },
{ "test_BVS", (void(*)(void))test_BVS, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(int8_t, bool, uint16_t) = (int (*)(int8_t, bool, uint16_t))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s (SILENCED OUTPUT) :\n", name);
for (uint16_t addrs = 0x1f02; addrs < 0x2000; addrs++) {
for (uint8_t flag = 0x00; flag < 0x02; flag++) {
uint8_t off=0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, off, flag, addrs);
} while (++off);
// 16bit branch overflow tests
for (uint16_t addrs = 0xff00; addrs >= 0xff00 || addrs < 0x00fe; addrs++) {
for (uint8_t flag = 0x00; flag < 0x02; flag++) {
uint8_t off=0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, off, flag, addrs);
} while (++off);
// 16bit branch underflow tests
for (uint16_t addrs = 0x00fe; addrs <= 0x00fe || addrs > 0xff00; addrs--) {
for (uint8_t flag = 0x00; flag < 0x02; flag++) {
uint8_t off=0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, off, flag, addrs);
} while (++off);
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
greatest_info.flags = 0x0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Immediate addressing mode tests #1 :
// NOTE : these should be a comprehensive exercise of the instruction logic
greatest_info.flags = GREATEST_FLAG_SILENT_SUCCESS;
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_imm", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_imm, },
{ "test_AND_imm", (void(*)(void))test_AND_imm, },
{ "test_BIT_imm", (void(*)(void))test_BIT_imm, },
{ "test_CMP_imm", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_imm, },
{ "test_CPX_imm", (void(*)(void))test_CPX_imm, },
{ "test_CPY_imm", (void(*)(void))test_CPY_imm, },
{ "test_EOR_imm", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_imm, },
{ "test_LDA_imm", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_imm, },
{ "test_LDX_imm", (void(*)(void))test_LDX_imm, },
{ "test_LDY_imm", (void(*)(void))test_LDY_imm, },
{ "test_ORA_imm", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_imm, },
{ "test_SBC_imm", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_imm, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, bool, bool) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, bool, bool))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s (SILENCED OUTPUT) :\n", name);
// test comprehensive logic in immediate mode (since no addressing to test) ...
uint8_t regA=0x00;
do {
uint8_t val=0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, regA, val, /*decimal*/false, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, regA, val, /*decimal*/ true, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, regA, val, /*decimal*/false, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, regA, val, /*decimal*/ true, /*carry*/true);
} while (++val);
} while (++regA);
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
greatest_info.flags = 0x0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Immediate/absolute addressing mode tests
greatest_info.flags = GREATEST_FLAG_SILENT_SUCCESS;
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_JMP_abs", (void(*)(void))test_JMP_abs, },
{ "test_JMP_abs_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_JMP_abs_ind_x, },
{ "test_JMP_ind", (void(*)(void))test_JMP_ind, },
{ "test_JSR_abs", (void(*)(void))test_JSR_abs, },
{ "test_RTS", (void(*)(void))test_RTS, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint8_t))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s (SILENCED OUTPUT) :\n", name);
// test comprehensive logic in immediate mode (since no addressing to test) ...
uint8_t lobyte=0x00;
do {
uint8_t hibyte=0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, hibyte, TEST_LOC, (uint8_t)random());
} while (++hibyte);
} while (++lobyte);
// test 16bit overflow/underflow
do {
uint8_t regX=0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0xFFFC, regX);
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0xFFFD, regX);
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0xFFFE, regX);
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0xFFFF, regX);
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0x0000, regX);
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0x0001, regX);
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0x0002, regX);
RUN_TESTp(func, lobyte, (uint8_t)random(), 0x0003, regX);
} while (++regX);
} while (++lobyte);
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
greatest_info.flags = 0x0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accumulator addressing & PLx tests :
// NOTE : these should be a comprehensive exercise of the instruction logic
greatest_info.flags = GREATEST_FLAG_SILENT_SUCCESS;
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ASL_acc", (void(*)(void))test_ASL_acc, },
{ "test_DEA", (void(*)(void))test_DEA, },
{ "test_DEX", (void(*)(void))test_DEX, },
{ "test_DEY", (void(*)(void))test_DEY, },
{ "test_INA", (void(*)(void))test_INA, },
{ "test_INX", (void(*)(void))test_INX, },
{ "test_INY", (void(*)(void))test_INY, },
{ "test_LSR_acc", (void(*)(void))test_LSR_acc, },
{ "test_PHP", (void(*)(void))test_PHP, },
{ "test_PLA", (void(*)(void))test_PLA, },
{ "test_PLP", (void(*)(void))test_PLP, },
{ "test_PLX", (void(*)(void))test_PLX, },
{ "test_PLY", (void(*)(void))test_PLY, },
{ "test_ROL_acc", (void(*)(void))test_ROL_acc, },
{ "test_ROR_acc", (void(*)(void))test_ROR_acc, },
{ "test_RTI", (void(*)(void))test_RTI, },
{ "test_TAX", (void(*)(void))test_TAX, },
{ "test_TAY", (void(*)(void))test_TAY, },
{ "test_TSX", (void(*)(void))test_TSX, },
{ "test_TXS", (void(*)(void))test_TXS, },
{ "test_TXA", (void(*)(void))test_TXA, },
{ "test_TYA", (void(*)(void))test_TYA, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, bool) = (int (*)(uint8_t, bool))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s (SILENCED OUTPUT) :\n", name);
// test comprehensive logic in immediate mode (since no addressing to test) ...
uint8_t regA=0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, regA, true);
RUN_TESTp(func, regA, false);
} while (++regA);
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
greatest_info.flags = 0x0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Other addressing modes tests :
// NOTE : unlike immediate-mode addressing tests above, these tests are not designed to be a comprehensive test of
// instruction logic. Rather--for clarity--they are designed to comprehensively test the addressing logic,
// including all edge cases
// --------------------------------
#ifdef ANDROID
greatest_info.flags = GREATEST_FLAG_SILENT_SUCCESS;
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_zpage, },
{ "test_AND_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_AND_zpage, },
{ "test_ASL_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_ASL_zpage, },
{ "test_BIT_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_BIT_zpage, },
{ "test_CMP_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_zpage, },
{ "test_CPX_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_CPX_zpage, },
{ "test_CPY_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_CPY_zpage, },
{ "test_DEC_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_DEC_zpage, },
{ "test_EOR_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_zpage, },
{ "test_INC_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_INC_zpage, },
{ "test_LDA_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_zpage, },
{ "test_LDX_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_LDX_zpage, },
{ "test_LDY_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_LDY_zpage, },
{ "test_LSR_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_LSR_zpage, },
{ "test_ORA_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_zpage, },
{ "test_ROL_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_ROL_zpage, },
{ "test_ROR_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_ROR_zpage, },
{ "test_SBC_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_zpage, },
{ "test_STA_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_STA_zpage, },
{ "test_STX_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_STX_zpage, },
{ "test_STY_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_STY_zpage, },
{ "test_STZ_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_STZ_zpage, },
{ "test_TRB_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_TRB_zpage, },
{ "test_TSB_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_TSB_zpage, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test addressing is working ...
uint8_t arg0 = 0x00;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, arg0, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, arg0, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, arg0, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, arg0, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, arg0, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, arg0, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, arg0, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, arg0, /*carry*/false);
} while (arg0);
#ifdef ANDROID
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
// --------------------------------
greatest_info.flags = GREATEST_FLAG_SILENT_SUCCESS;
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_zpage_x, },
{ "test_AND_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_AND_zpage_x, },
{ "test_ASL_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_ASL_zpage_x, },
{ "test_BIT_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_BIT_zpage_x, },
{ "test_CMP_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_zpage_x, },
{ "test_DEC_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_DEC_zpage_x, },
{ "test_EOR_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_zpage_x, },
{ "test_INC_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_INC_zpage_x, },
{ "test_LDA_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_zpage_x, },
{ "test_LDX_zpage_y", (void(*)(void))test_LDX_zpage_y, },
{ "test_LDY_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_LDY_zpage_x, },
{ "test_LSR_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_LSR_zpage_x, },
{ "test_ORA_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_zpage_x, },
{ "test_SBC_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_zpage_x, },
{ "test_ROL_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_ROL_zpage_x, },
{ "test_ROR_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_ROR_zpage_x, },
{ "test_STA_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_STA_zpage_x, },
{ "test_STX_zpage_y", (void(*)(void))test_STX_zpage_y, },
{ "test_STY_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_STY_zpage_x, },
{ "test_STZ_zpage_x", (void(*)(void))test_STZ_zpage_x, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test addressing is working ...
uint8_t regX = 0x0;
do {
uint8_t arg0 = 0x0;
do {
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, arg0, regX, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, arg0, regX, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, arg0, regX, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, arg0, regX, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, arg0, regX, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, arg0, regX, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, arg0, regX, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, arg0, regX, /*carry*/false);
} while (++arg0);
} while (++regX);
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
greatest_info.flags = 0x0;
// --------------------------------
#ifdef ANDROID
greatest_info.flags = GREATEST_FLAG_SILENT_SUCCESS;
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_abs", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_abs, },
{ "test_AND_abs", (void(*)(void))test_AND_abs, },
{ "test_ASL_abs", (void(*)(void))test_ASL_abs, },
{ "test_BIT_abs", (void(*)(void))test_BIT_abs, },
{ "test_CMP_abs", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_abs, },
{ "test_CPX_abs", (void(*)(void))test_CPX_abs, },
{ "test_CPY_abs", (void(*)(void))test_CPY_abs, },
{ "test_DEC_abs", (void(*)(void))test_DEC_abs, },
{ "test_EOR_abs", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_abs, },
{ "test_INC_abs", (void(*)(void))test_INC_abs, },
{ "test_LDA_abs", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_abs, },
{ "test_LDX_abs", (void(*)(void))test_LDX_abs, },
{ "test_LDY_abs", (void(*)(void))test_LDY_abs, },
{ "test_LSR_abs", (void(*)(void))test_LSR_abs, },
{ "test_ORA_abs", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_abs, },
{ "test_ROL_abs", (void(*)(void))test_ROL_abs, },
{ "test_ROR_abs", (void(*)(void))test_ROR_abs, },
{ "test_SBC_abs", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_abs, },
{ "test_STA_abs", (void(*)(void))test_STA_abs, },
{ "test_STX_abs", (void(*)(void))test_STX_abs, },
{ "test_STY_abs", (void(*)(void))test_STY_abs, },
{ "test_STZ_abs", (void(*)(void))test_STZ_abs, },
{ "test_TRB_abs", (void(*)(void))test_TRB_abs, },
{ "test_TSB_abs", (void(*)(void))test_TSB_abs, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test addressing is working ...
for (uint8_t lobyte=0xfd; lobyte>0xf0; lobyte++) {
uint8_t hibyte = 0x1f;
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
#ifdef ANDROID
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
// --------------------------------
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_abs_x, },
{ "test_AND_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_AND_abs_x, },
{ "test_ASL_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_ASL_abs_x, },
{ "test_BIT_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_BIT_abs_x, },
{ "test_CMP_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_abs_x, },
{ "test_DEC_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_DEC_abs_x, },
{ "test_EOR_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_abs_x, },
{ "test_INC_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_INC_abs_x, },
{ "test_LDA_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_abs_x, },
{ "test_LDY_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_LDY_abs_x, },
{ "test_LSR_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_LSR_abs_x, },
{ "test_ORA_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_abs_x, },
{ "test_ROL_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_ROL_abs_x, },
{ "test_ROR_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_ROR_abs_x, },
{ "test_SBC_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_abs_x, },
{ "test_STA_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_STA_abs_x, },
{ "test_STZ_abs_x", (void(*)(void))test_STZ_abs_x, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, bool))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test that addressing is working ...
uint8_t hibyte = 0x1f;
uint8_t lobyte = 0x20;
for (uint8_t regX=0x50; regX>0x4f; regX+=0x30) {
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/true);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, regX, lobyte, hibyte, /*carry*/false);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x24, /*val*/0x42, 0x20, 0xfe, 0xff, /*carry*/true); // wrap to zpage
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x24, /*val*/0x42, 0x20, 0xfe, 0xff, /*carry*/false); // wrap to zpage
#ifdef ANDROID
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
// --------------------------------
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_abs_y, },
{ "test_AND_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_AND_abs_y, },
{ "test_CMP_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_abs_y, },
{ "test_EOR_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_abs_y, },
{ "test_LDA_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_abs_y, },
{ "test_LDX_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_LDX_abs_y, },
{ "test_ORA_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_abs_y, },
{ "test_SBC_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_abs_y, },
{ "test_STA_abs_y", (void(*)(void))test_STA_abs_y, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test addressing is working ...
uint8_t hibyte = 0x1f;
uint8_t lobyte = 0x20;
for (uint8_t regY=0x50; regY>0x4f; regY+=0x30) {
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, regY, lobyte, hibyte);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, regY, lobyte, hibyte);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, regY, lobyte, hibyte);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, regY, lobyte, hibyte);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x24, /*val*/0x42, 0x20, 0xfe, 0xff); // wrap to zpage
#ifdef ANDROID
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
// --------------------------------
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_ind_x, },
{ "test_AND_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_AND_ind_x, },
{ "test_CMP_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_ind_x, },
{ "test_EOR_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_ind_x, },
{ "test_LDA_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_ind_x, },
{ "test_ORA_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_ind_x, },
{ "test_SBC_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_ind_x, },
{ "test_STA_ind_x", (void(*)(void))test_STA_ind_x, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test addressing is working ...
uint8_t hibyte = 0x1f;
for (uint8_t lobyte=0xfd; lobyte>0xf0; lobyte++) {
for (uint8_t regX=0x42; regX>0x3F; regX+=0x40) {
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, /*arg0*/0x24, regX, lobyte, hibyte);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, /*arg0*/0x24, regX, lobyte, hibyte);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, /*arg0*/0x24, regX, lobyte, hibyte);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, /*arg0*/0x24, regX, lobyte, hibyte);
#ifdef ANDROID
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
// --------------------------------
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_ind_y, },
{ "test_AND_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_AND_ind_y, },
{ "test_CMP_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_ind_y, },
{ "test_EOR_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_ind_y, },
{ "test_LDA_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_ind_y, },
{ "test_ORA_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_ind_y, },
{ "test_SBC_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_ind_y, },
{ "test_STA_ind_y", (void(*)(void))test_STA_ind_y, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test addressing is working ...
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, /*arg0*/0x24, /*regY*/0x10, /*val_zp0*/0x22, /*val_zp1*/0x1f);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, /*arg0*/0x24, /*regY*/0x80, /*val_zp0*/0x80, /*val_zp1*/0x1f);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, /*arg0*/0x24, /*regY*/0xAA, /*val_zp0*/0xAA, /*val_zp1*/0x1f);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, /*arg0*/0x24, /*regY*/0x80, /*val_zp0*/0x90, /*val_zp1*/0xff);
#ifdef ANDROID
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
// --------------------------------
do {
test_func_t funcs[] = {
{ "test_ADC_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_ADC_ind_zpage, },
{ "test_AND_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_AND_ind_zpage, },
{ "test_CMP_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_CMP_ind_zpage, },
{ "test_EOR_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_EOR_ind_zpage, },
{ "test_LDA_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_LDA_ind_zpage, },
{ "test_ORA_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_ORA_ind_zpage, },
{ "test_SBC_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_SBC_ind_zpage, },
{ "test_STA_ind_zpage", (void(*)(void))test_STA_ind_zpage, },
const unsigned int count = sizeof(funcs) / sizeof(test_func_t);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<count; i++) {
char *name = funcs[i].name;
int (*func)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t) = (int (*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t))funcs[i].func;
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "\n%s :\n", name);
// test addressing is working ...
for (uint8_t lobyte=0xfd; lobyte>0xf0; lobyte++) {
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x0f, /*val*/0x0f, /*arg0*/0x00, /*lobyte*/0x33, /*hibyte*/0x1f);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x7f, /*val*/0x7f, /*arg0*/0x7f, /*lobyte*/0x33, /*hibyte*/0x1f);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0xaa, /*val*/0x55, /*arg0*/0xAB, /*lobyte*/0x33, /*hibyte*/0x1f);
RUN_TESTp(func, /*A*/0x00, /*val*/0xff, /*arg0*/0xff, /*lobyte*/0x33, /*hibyte*/0x1f);
#ifdef ANDROID
fprintf(GREATEST_STDOUT, "...OK\n");
} while (0);
int test_cpu(int argc, char **argv) {