2013-06-11 00:08:15 -07:00

78 lines
2.5 KiB

noinst_HEADERS = apple2.h debug.h disk.h interface.h keys.h misc.h \
video.h cpu.h glue.h gluepro.h prefs.h
SUFFIXES = .l-cpp -80.o
man_MANS = apple2.6
EXTRA_PROGRAMS = apple2 xapple2 xapple2-80col
EXTRA_apple2_SOURCES = debugger.c opcodes.c debug.c joystick.c
apple2_SOURCES = cpu.S memory.S display.S glue.S keys.c prefs.c disk.c \
interface.c misc.c font.c svideo.c compact.c cpu-supp.c \
apple2_LDADD = @DEBUGGER_O@ @JOYSTICK_O@ -lvga
EXTRA_xapple2_SOURCES = debugger.c opcodes.c debug.c joystick.c
xapple2_SOURCES = cpu.S memory.S display.S glue.S keys.c prefs.c \
disk.c interface.c misc.c font.c xvideo.c compact.c \
cpu-supp.c vidsup.c
xapple2_LDADD = @DEBUGGER_O@ @JOYSTICK_O@ @X_LIBS@ -lX11 -lXext
EXTRA_xapple2_80col_SOURCES = debugger.c opcodes.c debug.c joystick.c
xapple2_80col_SOURCES = cpu.S memory.S glue.S keys.c prefs.c disk.c \
font.c compact.c cpu-supp.c misc.c interface.c
xapple2_80col_LDADD = @DEBUGGER_O@ @JOYSTICK_O@ \
vidsup-80.o xvideo-80.o display-80.o \
@X_LIBS@ -lX11 -lXext
vidsup-80.o xvideo-80.o display-80.o
noinst_PROGRAMS = genfont
BUILT_SOURCES = font.c debug.c glue.S
EXTRA_DIST = font.txt apple2.6 debug.l-cpp genglue
CLEANFILES = font.c debug.c glue.S
# Warning: this will trip on a cross-compile
# (not that we're otherwise portable to non-Linux yet...)
font.c : font.txt genfont
./genfont < $< > $@
glue.S : disk.c misc.c
$(srcdir)/genglue $^ > $@
%-80.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFS) -D_640x400 -c -o $@ $<
display-80.o: display.S
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFS) -D_640x400 -c -o $@ $<
# I couldn't get Automake's internal Lex support to work with this, as
# Automake assumes the program was built to cope with no -P option. These
# files require it and also need preprocessing.
# Of course this is really our fault for being nonportable to standard Lex...
# (which I presume has no -P)
%.c: %.l-cpp
$(CC) -x c -E -P $(CPPFLAGS) $(DEFS) $< | flex -i -P$* -o$@
# Another hack. I can't see any other way to get across to automake that some
# built sources should not be distributed. (since they vary with
# configuration)
rm -f $(distdir)/font.c $(distdir)/debug.c $(distdir)/glue.S