import { byte, Color, memory, MemoryPages, rom } from './types'; import { allocMemPages } from './util'; import { screenEmu } from 'apple2shader'; import { GraphicsState, HiresPage, LoresPage, Region, VideoModes, VideoModesState, bank, pageNo } from './videomodes'; // Color constants const whiteCol: Color = [255, 255, 255]; const blackCol: Color = [0, 0, 0]; const notDirty: Region = { top: 193, bottom: -1, left: 561, right: -1 }; /**************************************************************************** * * Text/Lores Graphics * ***************************************************************************/ export class LoresPageGL implements LoresPage { // $00-$3F inverse // $40-$7F flashing // $80-$FF normal private _buffer: memory[] = []; private _refreshing = false; private _blink = false; dirty: Region = {...notDirty}; imageData: ImageData; constructor( private vm: VideoModes, private page: pageNo, private readonly charset: rom, private readonly e: boolean ) { this.imageData = this.vm.context.createImageData(560, 192);; this._buffer[0] = allocMemPages(0x4); this._buffer[1] = allocMemPages(0x4); this.vm.setLoresPage(page, this); } private _drawPixel(data: Uint8ClampedArray, off: number, color: Color) { const c0 = color[0], c1 = color[1], c2 = color[2]; data[off + 0] = data[off + 4] = c0; data[off + 1] = data[off + 5] = c1; data[off + 2] = data[off + 6] = c2; } private _drawHalfPixel(data: Uint8ClampedArray, off: number, color: Color) { const c0 = color[0], c1 = color[1], c2 = color[2]; data[off + 0] = c0; data[off + 1] = c1; data[off + 2] = c2; } private _checkInverse(val: byte) { let inverse = false; if (this.e) { if (!this.vm._80colMode && !this.vm.altCharMode) { inverse = ((val & 0xc0) === 0x40) && this._blink; } } else { inverse = !((val & 0x80) || (val & 0x40) && this._blink); } return inverse; } bank0(): MemoryPages { return { start: () => this._start(), end: () => this._end(), read: (page, off) => this._read(page, off, 0), write: (page, off, val) => this._write(page, off, val, 0), }; } bank1(): MemoryPages { return { start: () => this._start(), end: () => this._end(), read: (page, off) => this._read(page, off, 1), write: (page, off, val) => this._write(page, off, val, 1), }; } // These are used by both bank 0 and 1 private _start() { return (0x04 *; } private _end() { return (0x04 * + 0x03; } private _read(page: byte, off: byte, bank: bank) { const addr = (page << 8) | off, base = addr & 0x3FF; return this._buffer[bank][base]; } private _write(page: byte, off: byte, val: byte, bank: bank) { const addr = (page << 8) | off; const base = addr & 0x3FF; let fore, back; if (this._buffer[bank][base] === val && !this._refreshing) { return; } this._buffer[bank][base] = val; const col = (base % 0x80) % 0x28; const adj = off - col; // 000001cd eabab000 -> 000abcde const ab = (adj & 0x18); const cd = (page & 0x03) << 1; const ee = adj >> 7; const row = ab | cd | ee; const data =; if ((row < 24) && (col < 40)) { let y = row << 3; if (y < { = y; } y += 8; if (y > this.dirty.bottom) { this.dirty.bottom = y; } let x = col * 14; if (x < this.dirty.left) { this.dirty.left = x; } x += 14; if (x > this.dirty.right) { this.dirty.right = x; } if (this.vm.textMode || this.vm.hiresMode || (this.vm.mixedMode && row > 19)) { if (this.vm._80colMode) { const inverse = this._checkInverse(val); fore = inverse ? blackCol : whiteCol; back = inverse ? whiteCol : blackCol; if (!this.vm.altCharMode) { val = (val >= 0x40 && val < 0x80) ? val - 0x40 : val; } let offset = (col * 14 + (bank ? 0 : 1) * 7 + row * 560 * 8) * 4; for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 8; jdx++) { let b = this.charset[val * 8 + jdx]; for (let idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++) { const color = (b & 0x01) ? back : fore; this._drawHalfPixel(data, offset, color); b >>= 1; offset += 4; } offset += 553 * 4; } } else if (bank === 0) { val = this._buffer[0][base]; const inverse = this._checkInverse(val); fore = inverse ? blackCol : whiteCol; back = inverse ? whiteCol : blackCol; if (!this.vm.altCharMode) { val = (val >= 0x40 && val < 0x80) ? val - 0x40 : val; } let offset = (col * 14 + row * 560 * 8) * 4; if (this.e) { for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 8; jdx++) { let b = this.charset[val * 8 + jdx]; for (let idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++) { const color = (b & 0x01) ? back : fore; this._drawPixel(data, offset, color); b >>= 1; offset += 8; } offset += 546 * 4; } } else { for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 8; jdx++) { let b = this.charset[val * 8 + jdx] << 1; for (let idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++) { const color = (b & 0x80) ? fore : back; this._drawPixel(data, offset, color); b <<= 1; offset += 8; } offset += 546 * 4; } } } } else { if (this.vm._80colMode && !this.vm.an3State) { let offset = (col * 14 + (bank ? 0 : 1) * 7 + row * 560 * 8) * 4; for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 8; jdx++) { let b = (jdx < 4) ? (val & 0x0f) : (val >> 4); b |= (b << 4); b |= (b << 8); if (col & 0x1) { b >>= 2; } for (let idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++) { const color = (b & 0x01) ? whiteCol : blackCol; this._drawHalfPixel(data, offset, color); b >>= 1; offset += 4; } offset += 553 * 4; } } else if (bank === 0) { let offset = (col * 14 + row * 560 * 8) * 4; for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 8; jdx++) { let b = (jdx < 4) ? (val & 0x0f) : (val >> 4); b |= (b << 4); b |= (b << 8); if (col & 0x1) { b >>= 2; } for (let idx = 0; idx < 14; idx++) { const color = (b & 0x0001) ? whiteCol : blackCol; this._drawHalfPixel(data, offset, color); b >>= 1; offset += 4; } offset += 546 * 4; } } } } } refresh() { let addr = 0x400 *; this._refreshing = true; for (let idx = 0; idx < 0x400; idx++, addr++) { this._write(addr >> 8, addr & 0xff, this._buffer[0][idx], 0); if (this.vm._80colMode) { this._write(addr >> 8, addr & 0xff, this._buffer[1][idx], 1); } } this._refreshing = false; } blink() { let addr = 0x400 *; this._refreshing = true; this._blink = !this._blink; for (let idx = 0; idx < 0x400; idx++, addr++) { const b = this._buffer[0][idx]; if ((b & 0xC0) === 0x40) { this._write(addr >> 8, addr & 0xff, this._buffer[0][idx], 0); } } this._refreshing = false; } start() { setInterval(() => this.blink(), 267); return this._start(); } end() { return this._end(); } read(page: byte, off: byte) { return this._read(page, off, 0); } write(page: byte, off: byte, val: byte) { return this._write(page, off, val, 0); } getState(): GraphicsState { return { buffer: [ new Uint8Array(this._buffer[0]), new Uint8Array(this._buffer[1]), ] }; } setState(state: GraphicsState) { this._buffer[0] = new Uint8Array(state.buffer[0]); this._buffer[1] = new Uint8Array(state.buffer[1]); this.refresh(); } private rowToBase(row: number) { const ab = (row >> 3) & 3; const cd = (row >> 1) & 0x3; const e = row & 1; return (cd << 8) | (e << 7) | (ab << 5) | (ab << 3); } private mapCharCode(charCode: byte) { charCode &= 0x7F; if (charCode < 0x20) { charCode += 0x40; } if (!this.e && (charCode >= 0x60)) { charCode -= 0x40; } return charCode; } getText() { let buffer = '', line, charCode; let row, col, base; for (row = 0; row < 24; row++) { base = this.rowToBase(row); line = ''; if (this.e && this.vm._80colMode) { for (col = 0; col < 80; col++) { charCode = this.mapCharCode(this._buffer[1 - col % 2][base + Math.floor(col / 2)]); line += String.fromCharCode(charCode); } } else { for (col = 0; col < 40; col++) { charCode = this.mapCharCode(this._buffer[0][base + col]); line += String.fromCharCode(charCode); } } line = line.trimRight(); buffer += line + '\n'; } return buffer; } } /**************************************************************************** * * Hires Graphics * ***************************************************************************/ const _drawPixel = (data: Uint8ClampedArray, off: number, color: Color) => { const c0 = color[0], c1 = color[1], c2 = color[2]; data[off + 0] = data[off + 4] = c0; data[off + 1] = data[off + 5] = c1; data[off + 2] = data[off + 6] = c2; }; const _drawHalfPixel = (data: Uint8ClampedArray, off: number, color: Color) => { const c0 = color[0], c1 = color[1], c2 = color[2]; data[off + 0] = c0; data[off + 1] = c1; data[off + 2] = c2; }; export class HiresPageGL implements HiresPage { public imageData: ImageData; dirty: Region = {...notDirty}; private _buffer: memory[] = []; private _refreshing = false; constructor( private vm: VideoModes, private page: pageNo, ) { this.imageData = this.vm.context.createImageData(560, 192);; this._buffer[0] = allocMemPages(0x20); this._buffer[1] = allocMemPages(0x20); this.vm.setHiresPage(page, this); } bank0(): MemoryPages { return { start: () => this._start(), end: () => this._end(), read: (page, off) => this._read(page, off, 0), write: (page, off, val) => this._write(page, off, val, 0), }; } bank1(): MemoryPages { return { start: () => this._start(), end: () => this._end(), read: (page, off) => this._read(page, off, 1), write: (page, off, val) => this._write(page, off, val, 1), }; } private _start() { return (0x20 *; } private _end() { return (0x020 * + 0x1f; } private _read(page: byte, off: byte, bank: bank) { const addr = (page << 8) | off, base = addr & 0x1FFF; return this._buffer[bank][base]; } private _write(page: byte, off: byte, val: byte, bank: bank) { const addr = (page << 8) | off; const base = addr & 0x1FFF; if (this._buffer[bank][base] === val && !this._refreshing) { return; } this._buffer[bank][base] = val; const col = (base % 0x80) % 0x28; const adj = off - col; // 000001cd eabab000 -> 000abcde const ab = (adj & 0x18); const cd = (page & 0x03) << 1; const e = adj >> 7; const rowa = ab | cd | e, rowb = base >> 10; const data =; if ((rowa < 24) && (col < 40) && this.vm.hiresMode) { let y = rowa << 3 | rowb; if (y < { = y; } y += 1; if (y > this.dirty.bottom) { this.dirty.bottom = y; } let x = col * 14 - 2; if (x < this.dirty.left) { this.dirty.left = x; } x += 14; if (x > this.dirty.right) { this.dirty.right = x; } const dy = rowa << 3 | rowb; if (this.vm.doubleHiresMode) { const dx = col * 14 + (bank ? 0 : 7); let offset = dx * 4 + dy * 280 * 4 * 2; let bits = val; for (let jdx = 0; jdx < 7; jdx++, offset += 4) { if (bits & 0x01) { _drawHalfPixel(data, offset, whiteCol); } else { _drawHalfPixel(data, offset, blackCol); } bits >>= 1; } } else if (bank === 0) { const hbs = val & 0x80; const lastCol = col === 39; const cropLastPixel = hbs && lastCol; const dx = col * 14; let offset = dx * 4 + dy * 560 * 4; if (hbs) { const val0 = this._buffer[bank][base - 1] || 0; if (val0 & 0x40) { _drawHalfPixel(data, offset, whiteCol); } else { _drawHalfPixel(data, offset, blackCol); } offset += 4; } let bits = val; for (let idx = 0; idx < 7; idx++, offset += 8) { const drawPixel = cropLastPixel && idx === 6 ? _drawHalfPixel : _drawPixel; if (bits & 0x01) { drawPixel(data, offset, whiteCol); } else { drawPixel(data, offset, blackCol); } bits >>= 1; } if (!this._refreshing) { this._refreshing = true; const after = addr + 1; this._write(after >> 8, after & 0xff, this._buffer[0][after & 0x1fff], 0); this._refreshing = false; } } } } refresh() { let addr = 0x2000 *; this._refreshing = true; for (let idx = 0; idx < 0x2000; idx++, addr++) { const page = addr >> 8; const off = addr & 0xff; this._write(page, off, this._buffer[0][idx], 0); if (this.vm._80colMode) { this._write(page, off, this._buffer[1][idx], 1); } } this._refreshing = false; } start() { return this._start(); } end() { return this._end(); } read(page: byte, off: byte) { return this._read(page, off, 0); } write(page: byte, off: byte, val: byte) { return this._write(page, off, val, 0); } getState(): GraphicsState { return { buffer: [ new Uint8Array(this._buffer[0]), new Uint8Array(this._buffer[1]), ] }; } setState(state: GraphicsState) { this._buffer[0] = new Uint8Array(state.buffer[0]); this._buffer[1] = new Uint8Array(state.buffer[1]); this.refresh(); } } export class VideoModesGL implements VideoModes { private _grs: LoresPage[] = []; private _hgrs: HiresPage[] = []; private _sv: screenEmu.ScreenView; private _displayConfig: screenEmu.DisplayConfiguration; private _scanlines: boolean = false; private _refreshFlag: boolean = true; private _canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; public ready: Promise; public textMode: boolean; public mixedMode: boolean; public hiresMode: boolean; public pageMode: pageNo; public _80colMode: boolean; public altCharMode: boolean; public an3State: boolean; public doubleHiresMode: boolean; public flag = 0; public monoMode: boolean = false; public context: CanvasRenderingContext2D; constructor( private screen: HTMLCanvasElement, private e: boolean ) { this._canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const context = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!context) { throw new Error('no 2d context'); } const { width, height } = screenEmu.C.NTSC_DETAILS.imageSize; this._canvas.width = width; this._canvas.height = height; this.context = context; this._sv = new screenEmu.ScreenView(this.screen); this.ready = this.init(); } async init() { // There is a typing bug in // that declares initOpenGL as returning void when it actually returns Promise. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/await-thenable await this._sv.initOpenGL(); this._displayConfig = this.defaultMonitor(); this._sv.displayConfiguration = this._displayConfig; } private defaultMonitor(): screenEmu.DisplayConfiguration { const config = new screenEmu.DisplayConfiguration(); config.displayResolution = new screenEmu.Size(this.screen.width, this.screen.height); config.displayScanlineLevel = 0.5; config.videoWhiteOnly = true; config.videoSaturation = 0.8; config.videoSize = new screenEmu.Size(1.25, 1.15); config.videoCenter = new screenEmu.Point(0.01, 0.02); // config.videoDecoder = 'CANVAS_CXA2025AS'; return config; } private monitorII(): screenEmu.DisplayConfiguration { // Values taken from openemulator/libemulation/res/library/Monitors/Apple Monitor II.xml const config = new screenEmu.DisplayConfiguration(); config.displayResolution = new screenEmu.Size(this.screen.width, this.screen.height); config.videoDecoder = 'CANVAS_MONOCHROME'; config.videoBrightness = 0.15; config.videoContrast = 0.8; config.videoSaturation = 1.45; config.videoHue = 0.27; config.videoCenter = new screenEmu.Point(0.01, 0.02); config.videoSize = new screenEmu.Size(1.25, 1.15); config.videoBandwidth = 9000000; config.displayBarrel = 0.1; config.displayScanlineLevel = 0.5; config.displayCenterLighting = 0.5; config.displayLuminanceGain = 1.5; return config; } private _refresh() { this.doubleHiresMode = !this.an3State && this.hiresMode && this._80colMode; this._refreshFlag = true; if (this._displayConfig) { this._displayConfig.videoWhiteOnly = this.textMode || this.monoMode; this._displayConfig.displayScanlineLevel = this._scanlines ? 0.5 : 0; this._sv.displayConfiguration = this._displayConfig; } } refresh() { this._refresh(); } reset() { this.textMode = true; this.mixedMode = false; this.hiresMode = true; this.pageMode = 1; this._80colMode = false; this.altCharMode = false; this.an3State = true; this._refresh(); } setLoresPage(page: pageNo, lores: LoresPage) { this._grs[page - 1] = lores; } setHiresPage(page: pageNo, hires: HiresPage) { this._hgrs[page - 1] = hires; } text(on: boolean) { const old = this.textMode; this.textMode = on; if (old !== on) { this._refresh(); } } _80col(on: boolean) { if (!this.e) { return; } const old = this._80colMode; this._80colMode = on; if (old !== on) { this._refresh(); } } altChar(on: boolean) { if (!this.e) { return; } const old = this.altCharMode; this.altCharMode = on; if (old !== on) { this._refresh(); } } hires(on: boolean) { const old = this.hiresMode; this.hiresMode = on; if (old !== on) { this._refresh(); } } an3(on: boolean) { if (!this.e) { return; } const old = this.an3State; this.an3State = on; if (old !== on) { this._refresh(); } } doubleHires(on: boolean) { this.an3(!on); } mixed(on: boolean) { const old = this.mixedMode; this.mixedMode = on; if (old !== on) { this._refresh(); } } page(pageNo: pageNo) { const old = this.pageMode; this.pageMode = pageNo; if (old !== pageNo) { this._refresh(); } } isText() { return this.textMode; } isMixed() { return this.mixedMode; } isPage2() { return this.pageMode === 2; } isHires() { return this.hiresMode; } isDoubleHires() { return this.doubleHiresMode; } is80Col() { return this._80colMode; } isAltChar() { return this.altCharMode; } updateImage( mainData: ImageData, mainDirty: Region, mixData?: ImageData | null, mixDirty?: Region | null ) { let blitted = false; if (mainDirty.bottom !== -1 || (mixDirty && mixDirty.bottom !== -1)) { const imageData = this.buildScreen(mainData, mixData); const imageInfo = new screenEmu.ImageInfo(imageData); this._sv.image = imageInfo; blitted = true; } this._sv.vsync(); return blitted; } buildScreen(mainData: ImageData, mixData?: ImageData | null) { const details = screenEmu.C.NTSC_DETAILS; const { width, height } = details.imageSize; const { x, y } = this._80colMode ? details.topLeft80Col : details.topLeft; if (mixData) { this.context.putImageData(mainData, x, y, 0, 0, 560, 160); this.context.putImageData(mixData, x, y, 0, 160, 560, 32); } else { this.context.putImageData(mainData, x, y); } return this.context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); } blit(altData?: ImageData) { let blitted = false; const hgr = this._hgrs[this.pageMode - 1]; const gr = this._grs[this.pageMode - 1]; if (this._refreshFlag) { const { width, height } = screenEmu.C.NTSC_DETAILS.imageSize; this.context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); hgr.refresh(); gr.refresh(); this._refreshFlag = false; } if (altData) { blitted = this.updateImage( altData, { top: 0, left: 0, right: 560, bottom: 192 } ); } else if (this.hiresMode && !this.textMode) { blitted = this.updateImage( hgr.imageData, hgr.dirty, this.mixedMode ? gr.imageData : null, this.mixedMode ? gr.dirty : null ); } else { blitted = this.updateImage( gr.imageData, gr.dirty ); } hgr.dirty = {...notDirty}; gr.dirty = {...notDirty}; return blitted; } getState(): VideoModesState { return { grs: [this._grs[0].getState(), this._grs[1].getState()], hgrs: [this._hgrs[0].getState(), this._hgrs[1].getState()], textMode: this.textMode, mixedMode: this.mixedMode, hiresMode: this.hiresMode, pageMode: this.pageMode, _80colMode: this._80colMode, altCharMode: this.altCharMode, an3State: this.an3State, flag: 0 }; } setState(state: VideoModesState) { this.textMode = state.textMode; this.mixedMode = state.mixedMode; this.hiresMode = state.hiresMode; this.pageMode = state.pageMode; this._80colMode = state._80colMode; this.altCharMode = state.altCharMode; this.an3State = state.an3State; this._grs[0].setState(state.grs[0]); this._grs[1].setState(state.grs[1]); this._hgrs[0].setState(state.hgrs[0]); this._hgrs[1].setState(state.hgrs[1]); this._refresh(); } mono(on: boolean) { this.monoMode = on; this._displayConfig = on ? this.monitorII() : this.defaultMonitor(); this._refresh(); } scanlines(on: boolean) { this._scanlines = on; this._refresh(); } getText() { return this._grs[this.pageMode - 1].getText(); } }