/** * Extracts the members of a constant array as a type. Used as: * * @example * const SOME_VALUES = ['a', 'b', 1, 2] as const; * type SomeValues = MemberOf; // 'a' | 'b' | 1 | 2 */ export type MemberOf> = T extends ReadonlyArray ? E : never; /** * Recursively extracts all members of a constant array as a type. Used as: * * @example * const SOME_ARRAYS = [['a'],['b', 2], 3] as const; * type SomeArrayValues = DeepMemberOf; // 'a' | 'b' | 2 | 3 */ export type DeepMemberOf> = T extends ReadonlyArray ? (E extends ReadonlyArray ? DeepMemberOf : E) : never; /** * Extracts the declared keys of a type by removing `string` and `number`. * * Cribbed from the interwebs: * https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/25987#issuecomment-408339599 */ export type KnownKeys = { [K in keyof T]: string extends K ? never : number extends K ? never : K } extends { [_ in keyof T]: infer U } ? U : never; /** * Extracts the declared values of a constant object. */ export type KnownValues = T extends { [_ in keyof T]: infer U } ? U : never; /** * Replacement for `includes` on constant types that is also a type assertion. * * @example * const SOME_VALUES = [1, 2, 'a'] as const; * let n: number = 1; * let r = includes(SOME_VALUES, n); // r === true, n is 1 | 2 | 'a' * n = 5; * r = includes(SOME_VALUES, n); // r === false, n is number */ export function includes(a: ReadonlyArray, v: T): v is S { return (a as ReadonlyArray).includes(v); } /** A bit. */ export type bit = 0 | 1; /** A nibble. */ export type nibble = 0x0 | 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x3 | 0x4 | 0x5 | 0x6 | 0x7 | 0x8 | 0x9 | 0xa | 0xb | 0xc | 0xd | 0xe | 0xf; /** A byte (0..255). This is not enforced by the compiler. */ export type byte = number; /** A word (0..65535). This is not enforced by the compiler. */ export type word = number; /** A raw region of memory. */ export type memory = Uint8Array; /** A raw region of memory. */ export type rom = ReadonlyUint8Array; export interface Memory { /** Read a byte. */ read(page: byte, offset: byte): byte; /** Write a byte. */ write(page: byte, offset: byte, value: byte): void; } /** A mapped region of memory. */ export interface MemoryPages extends Memory { /** Start page. */ start(): byte; /** End page, inclusive. */ end(): byte; } /* An interface card */ export interface Card extends Memory, Restorable { /* Reset the card */ reset?(): void; /* Draw card to canvas */ blit?(): ImageData | undefined; /* Process period events */ tick?(): void; /* Read or Write an I/O switch */ ioSwitch(off: byte, val?: byte): byte | undefined; } export type TapeData = Array<[duration: number, high: boolean]>; export interface Restorable { getState(): T; setState(state: T): void; } // Read-only typed arrays for constants export type TypedArrayMutableProperties = 'copyWithin' | 'fill' | 'reverse' | 'set' | 'sort'; export interface ReadonlyUint8Array extends Omit { readonly [n: number]: number; } // Readonly RGB color value export type Color = readonly [r: byte, g: byte, b: byte];