import { includes } from 'js/types'; import { initGamepad } from 'js/ui/gamepad'; import { DriveNumber, JSONDisk, NIBBLE_FORMATS } from 'js/formats/types'; import DiskII from 'js/cards/disk2'; /** * Routine to split a legacy hash into parts for disk loading * * @returns an padded array for 1 based indexing */ export const getHashParts = (hash: string) => { const parts = hash.match(/^#([^|]*)\|?(.*)$/) || ['', '', '']; return ['', parts[1], parts[2]]; }; /** * Update the location hash to reflect the current disk state, if possible * * @param parts a padded array with values starting at index 1 */ export const setHashParts = (parts: string[]) => { window.location.hash = `#${parts[1]}` + (parts[2] ? `|${parts[2]}` : ''); }; /** * Local file loading routine. Allows a File object from a file * selection form element to be loaded. * * @param disk2 Disk2 object * @param number Drive number * @param file Browser File object to load * @returns true if successful */ export const loadLocalFile = ( disk2: DiskII, number: DriveNumber, file: File, ) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function () { const result = this.result as ArrayBuffer; const parts ='.'); const ext = parts.pop()?.toLowerCase() || '[none]'; const name = parts.join('.'); if (includes(NIBBLE_FORMATS, ext)) { if (result.byteLength >= 800 * 1024) { reject(`Unable to load ${name}`); } else { initGamepad(); if (disk2.setBinary(number, name, ext, result)) { resolve(true); } else { reject(`Unable to load ${name}`); } } } else { reject(`Extension "${ext}" not recognized.`); } }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }); }; /** * JSON loading routine, loads a JSON file at the given URL. Requires * proper cross domain loading headers if the URL is not on the same server * as the emulator. * * @param disk2 Disk2 object * @param number Drive number * @param url URL, relative or absolute to JSON file * @returns true if successful */ export const loadJSON = async (disk2: DiskII, number: DriveNumber, url: string) => { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Error loading: ${response.statusText}`); } const data = await response.json() as JSONDisk; if (!includes(NIBBLE_FORMATS, data.type)) { throw new Error(`Type ${data.type} not recognized.`); } disk2.setDisk(number, data); initGamepad(data.gamepad); }; /** * HTTP loading routine, loads a file at the given URL. Requires * proper cross domain loading headers if the URL is not on the same server * as the emulator. Only supports nibble based formats at the moment. * * @param disk2 Disk2 object * @param number Drive number * @param url URL, relative or absolute to JSON file * @returns true if successful */ export const loadHttpFile = async ( disk2: DiskII, number: DriveNumber, url: string, ) => { if (url.endsWith('.json')) { return loadJSON(disk2, number, url); } const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Error loading: ${response.statusText}`); } if (!response.body) { throw new Error('Error loading: no body'); } const reader = response.body.getReader(); let received = 0; const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; let result = await; while (!result.done) { chunks.push(result.value); received += result.value.length; result = await; } const data = new Uint8Array(received); let offset = 0; for (const chunk of chunks) { data.set(chunk, offset); offset += chunk.length; } const urlParts = url.split('/'); const file = urlParts.pop() || url; const fileParts = file.split('.'); const ext = fileParts.pop()?.toLowerCase() || '[none]'; const name = decodeURIComponent(fileParts.join('.')); if (!includes(NIBBLE_FORMATS, ext)) { throw new Error(`Extension "${ext}" not recognized.`); } disk2.setBinary(number, name, ext, data); initGamepad(); };