import type { byte, memory, MemberOf, word } from '../types'; import type { GamepadConfiguration } from '../ui/types'; export const DRIVE_NUMBERS = [1, 2] as const; export type DriveNumber = MemberOf; /** * Arguments for the disk format processors. */ export interface DiskOptions { name: string; side?: string | undefined; volume: byte; readOnly: boolean; data?: memory[][]; rawData?: ArrayBuffer; blockVolume?: boolean; } /** * JSON file entry format */ export interface DiskDescriptor { name: string; disk?: number; filename: string; e?: boolean; category: string; } /** * JSON binary image (not used?) */ export interface JSONBinaryImage { type: 'binary'; start: word; length: word; data: byte[]; gamepad?: GamepadConfiguration; } /** * Return value from disk format processors. Describes raw disk * data which the DiskII card can process. */ export interface Disk { name: string; side?: string | undefined; readOnly: boolean; } export const ENCODING_NIBBLE = 'nibble'; export const ENCODING_BITSTREAM = 'bitstream'; export const ENCODING_BLOCK = 'block'; export interface FloppyDisk extends Disk { tracks: memory[]; } export interface NibbleDisk extends FloppyDisk { encoding: typeof ENCODING_NIBBLE; format: DiskFormat; volume: byte; } export interface WozDisk extends FloppyDisk { encoding: typeof ENCODING_BITSTREAM; trackMap: number[]; rawTracks: Uint8Array[]; } export interface BlockDisk extends Disk { encoding: typeof ENCODING_BLOCK; blocks: Uint8Array[]; } /** * File types supported by the disk format processors and * block devices. */ export const NIBBLE_FORMATS = [ '2mg', 'd13', 'do', 'dsk', 'po', 'nib', 'woz' ] as const; export const BLOCK_FORMATS = [ '2mg', 'hdv', 'po', ] as const; export const DISK_FORMATS = [...NIBBLE_FORMATS, ...BLOCK_FORMATS ] as const; export type NibbleFormat = MemberOf; export type BlockFormat = MemberOf; export type DiskFormat = MemberOf; /** * Base format for JSON defined disks */ export class JSONDiskBase { type: DiskFormat; name: string; disk?: string; category?: string; volume?: byte; readOnly?: boolean; gamepad?: GamepadConfiguration; } /** * JSON Disk format with base64 encoded tracks with sectors */ export interface Base64JSONDisk extends JSONDiskBase { type: Exclude; encoding: 'base64'; data: string[][]; } /** * JSON Disk format with base64 encoded nibblized tracks */ export interface Base64JSONNibbleDisk extends JSONDiskBase { type: 'nib'; encoding: 'base64'; data: string[]; } /** * JSON Disk format with byte array tracks */ export interface BinaryJSONDisk extends JSONDiskBase { type: DiskFormat; encoding: 'binary'; data: memory[][]; } /** * General JSON Disk format */ export type JSONDisk = Base64JSONDisk | Base64JSONNibbleDisk | BinaryJSONDisk; /** * Process Disk message payloads for worker */ export const PROCESS_BINARY = 'PROCESS_BINARY'; export const PROCESS_JSON_DISK = 'PROCESS_JSON_DISK'; export const PROCESS_JSON = 'PROCESS_JSON'; /** Binary disk file message */ export interface ProcessBinaryMessage { type: typeof PROCESS_BINARY; payload: { drive: DriveNumber; fmt: NibbleFormat; options: DiskOptions; }; } /** Processed JSON file message (used for localStorage) */ export interface ProcessJsonDiskMessage { type: typeof PROCESS_JSON_DISK; payload: { drive: DriveNumber; jsonDisk: JSONDisk; }; } /** Raw JSON file message */ export interface ProcessJsonMessage { type: typeof PROCESS_JSON; payload: { drive: DriveNumber; json: string; }; } export type FormatWorkerMessage = ProcessBinaryMessage | ProcessJsonDiskMessage | ProcessJsonMessage; /** * Format work result message type */ export const DISK_PROCESSED = 'DISK_PROCESSED'; export interface DiskProcessedResponse { type: typeof DISK_PROCESSED; payload: { drive: DriveNumber; disk: Disk | null; }; } export type FormatWorkerResponse = DiskProcessedResponse; export interface MassStorageData { name: string; ext: string; data: ArrayBuffer; } /** * Block device common interface */ export interface MassStorage { setBinary(drive: number, name: string, ext: T, data: ArrayBuffer): boolean; getBinary(drive: number): MassStorageData | null; }