import MicroModal from 'micromodal'; import { base64_json_parse, base64_json_stringify } from '../base64'; import { Audio, SOUND_ENABLED_OPTION } from './audio'; import DriveLights from './drive_lights'; import { includes, word } from '../types'; import { BLOCK_FORMATS, DISK_FORMATS, DiskDescriptor, DriveNumber, DRIVE_NUMBERS, MassStorage, NIBBLE_FORMATS, JSONBinaryImage, JSONDisk } from '../formats/types'; import { initGamepad } from './gamepad'; import KeyBoard from './keyboard'; import Tape, { TAPE_TYPES } from './tape'; import ApplesoftDump from '../applesoft/decompiler'; import ApplesoftCompiler from '../applesoft/compiler'; import { debug } from '../util'; import { Apple2, Stats } from '../apple2'; import DiskII from '../cards/disk2'; import CPU6502 from '../cpu6502'; import { VideoModes } from '../videomodes'; import Apple2IO from '../apple2io'; import Printer from './printer'; import { OptionsModal } from './options_modal'; import { Screen, SCREEN_FULL_PAGE } from './screen'; import { JoyStick } from './joystick'; import { System } from './system'; import { Options } from '../options'; let paused = false; let startTime =; let lastCycles = 0; let lastFrames = 0; let lastRenderedFrames = 0; let hashtag = document.location.hash; const options = new Options(); const optionsModal = new OptionsModal(options); type DiskCollection = { [name: string]: DiskDescriptor[]; }; const CIDERPRESS_EXTENSION = /#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{4})$/i; const BIN_TYPES = ['bin']; const KNOWN_FILE_TYPES = [ ...DISK_FORMATS, ...TAPE_TYPES, ...BIN_TYPES, ] as readonly string[]; const disk_categories: DiskCollection = { 'Local Saves': [] }; const disk_sets: DiskCollection = {}; // Disk names const disk_cur_name: string[] = []; // Disk categories const disk_cur_cat: string[] = []; let _apple2: Apple2; let cpu: CPU6502; let stats: Stats; let vm: VideoModes; let tape: Tape; let _disk2: DiskII; let _massStorage: MassStorage; let _printer: Printer; let audio: Audio; let screen: Screen; let joystick: JoyStick; let system: System; let keyboard: KeyBoard; let io: Apple2IO; let _currentDrive: DriveNumber = 1; let _e: boolean; let ready: Promise<[void, void]>; export const driveLights = new DriveLights(); export function dumpAppleSoftProgram() { const dumper = new ApplesoftDump(cpu); debug(dumper.toString()); } export function compileAppleSoftProgram(program: string) { const compiler = new ApplesoftCompiler(cpu); compiler.compile(program); dumpAppleSoftProgram(); } export function openLoad(driveString: string, event: MouseEvent) { const drive = parseInt(driveString, 10) as DriveNumber; _currentDrive = drive; if (event.metaKey && includes(DRIVE_NUMBERS, drive)) { openLoadHTTP(); } else { if (disk_cur_cat[drive]) { const element = document.querySelector('#category_select')!; element.value = disk_cur_cat[drive]; selectCategory(); }'load-modal'); } } export function openSave(driveString: string, event: MouseEvent) { const drive = parseInt(driveString, 10) as DriveNumber; const mimeType = 'application/octet-stream'; const data = _disk2.getBinary(drive); const a = document.querySelector('#local_save_link')!; if (!data) { alert('No data from drive ' + drive); return; } const blob = new Blob([data], { 'type': mimeType }); a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = driveLights.label(drive) + '.dsk'; if (event.metaKey) { dumpDisk(drive); } else { const saveName = document.querySelector('#save_name')!; saveName.value = driveLights.label(drive);'save-modal'); } } export function openAlert(msg: string) { const el = document.querySelector('#alert-modal .message')!; el.innerText = msg;'alert-modal'); } /******************************************************************** * * Drag and Drop */ export function handleDragOver(_drive: number, event: DragEvent) { event.preventDefault(); event.dataTransfer!.dropEffect = 'copy'; } export function handleDragEnd(_drive: number, event: DragEvent) { const dt = event.dataTransfer!; if (dt.items) { for (let i = 0; i < dt.items.length; i++) { dt.items.remove(i); } } else { dt.clearData(); } } export function handleDrop(drive: number, event: DragEvent) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (drive < 1) { if (!_disk2.getMetadata(1)) { drive = 1; } else if (!_disk2.getMetadata(2)) { drive = 2; } else { drive = 1; } } const dt = event.dataTransfer!; if (dt.files.length == 1) { const runOnLoad = event.shiftKey; doLoadLocal(drive as DriveNumber, dt.files[0], { runOnLoad }); } else if (dt.files.length == 2) { doLoadLocal(1, dt.files[0]); doLoadLocal(2, dt.files[1]); } else { for (let idx = 0; idx < dt.items.length; idx++) { if (dt.items[idx].type === 'text/uri-list') { dt.items[idx].getAsString(function (url) { const parts = hup().split('|'); parts[drive - 1] = url; document.location.hash = parts.join('|'); }); } } } } function loadingStart() { const meter = document.querySelector('#loading-modal .meter')!; = 'none';'loading-modal'); } function loadingProgress(current: number, total: number) { if (total) { const meter = document.querySelector('#loading-modal .meter')!; const progress = document.querySelector('#loading-modal .progress')!; = 'block'; = current / total * meter.clientWidth + 'px'; } } function loadingStop() { MicroModal.close('loading-modal'); if (!paused) { ready.then(() => {; }).catch(console.error); } } export function loadAjax(drive: DriveNumber, url: string) { loadingStart(); fetch(url).then(function (response: Response) { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } else { throw new Error('Error loading: ' + response.statusText); } }).then(function (data: JSONDisk | JSONBinaryImage) { if (data.type === 'binary') { loadBinary(data as JSONBinaryImage); } else if (includes(DISK_FORMATS, data.type)) { loadDisk(drive, data); } initGamepad(data.gamepad); loadingStop(); }).catch(function (error) { loadingStop(); openAlert(error.message); console.error(error); }); } export function doLoad(event: MouseEvent|KeyboardEvent) { MicroModal.close('load-modal'); const select = document.querySelector('#disk_select')!; const urls = select.value; let url; if (urls && urls.length) { if (typeof (urls) == 'string') { url = urls; } else { url = urls[0]; } } const localFile = document.querySelector('#local_file')!; const files = localFile.files; if (files && files.length == 1) { const runOnLoad = event.shiftKey; doLoadLocal(_currentDrive, files[0], { runOnLoad }); } else if (url) { let filename; MicroModal.close('load-modal'); if (url.substr(0, 6) == 'local:') { filename = url.substr(6); if (filename == '__manage') { openManage(); } else { loadLocalStorage(_currentDrive, filename); } } else { const r1 = /json\/disks\/(.*).json$/.exec(url); if (r1) { filename = r1[1]; } else { filename = url; } const parts = hup().split('|'); parts[_currentDrive - 1] = filename; document.location.hash = parts.join('|'); } } } export function doSave() { const saveName = document.querySelector('#save_name')!; const name = saveName.value; saveLocalStorage(_currentDrive, name); MicroModal.close('save-modal'); window.setTimeout(() => openAlert('Saved'), 0); } export function doDelete(name: string) { if (window.confirm('Delete ' + name + '?')) { deleteLocalStorage(name); } } interface LoadOptions { address?: word; runOnLoad?: boolean; } function doLoadLocal(drive: DriveNumber, file: File, options: Partial = {}) { const parts ='.'); const ext = parts[parts.length - 1].toLowerCase(); const matches =; let type, aux; if (matches && matches.length === 3) { [, type, aux] = matches; } if (includes(DISK_FORMATS, ext)) { doLoadLocalDisk(drive, file); } else if (includes(TAPE_TYPES, ext)) { tape.doLoadLocalTape(file); } else if (BIN_TYPES.includes(ext) || type === '06' || options.address) { const auxAddress = aux !== undefined ? { address: parseInt(aux, 16) } : {}; doLoadBinary(file, { ...options, ...auxAddress }); } else { const addressInput = document.querySelector('#local_file_address'); const addressStr = addressInput?.value; if (addressStr) { const address = parseInt(addressStr, 16); if (isNaN(address)) { openAlert('Invalid address: ' + addressStr); return; } doLoadBinary(file, { address, ...options }); } else { openAlert('Unknown file type: ' + ext); } } } function doLoadBinary(file: File, options: LoadOptions) { loadingStart(); const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function () { const result = this.result as ArrayBuffer; let { address } = options; address = address ?? 0x2000; const bytes = new Uint8Array(result); for (let idx = 0; idx < result.byteLength; idx++) { cpu.write(address >> 8, address & 0xff, bytes[idx]); address++; } if (options.runOnLoad) { cpu.reset(); cpu.setPC(address); } loadingStop(); }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } function doLoadLocalDisk(drive: DriveNumber, file: File) { loadingStart(); const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function () { const result = this.result as ArrayBuffer; const parts ='.'); const ext = parts.pop()!.toLowerCase(); const name = parts.join('.'); // Remove any json file reference const files = hup().split('|'); files[drive - 1] = ''; document.location.hash = files.join('|'); if (includes(DISK_FORMATS, ext)) { if (result.byteLength >= 800 * 1024) { if ( includes(BLOCK_FORMATS, ext) && _massStorage.setBinary(drive, name, ext, result) ) { initGamepad(); } else { openAlert(`Unable to load ${name}`); } } else { if ( includes(NIBBLE_FORMATS, ext) && _disk2.setBinary(drive, name, ext, result) ) { initGamepad(); } else { openAlert(`Unable to load ${name}`); } } } loadingStop(); }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } export function doLoadHTTP(drive: DriveNumber, url?: string) { if (!url) { MicroModal.close('http-modal'); } loadingStart(); const input = document.querySelector('#http_url')!; url = url || input.value; if (url) { fetch(url).then(function (response) { if (response.ok) { const reader = response!.body!.getReader(); let received = 0; const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; const contentLength = parseInt(response.headers.get('content-length')!, 10); return function readChunk(result): Promise { if (result.done) { const data = new Uint8Array(received); let offset = 0; for (let idx = 0; idx < chunks.length; idx++) { data.set(chunks[idx], offset); offset += chunks[idx].length; } return Promise.resolve(data.buffer); } received += result.value.length; if (contentLength) { loadingProgress(received, contentLength); } chunks.push(result.value); return; }); } else { throw new Error('Error loading: ' + response.statusText); } }).then(function (data) { const urlParts = url!.split('/'); const file = urlParts.pop()!; const fileParts = file.split('.'); const ext = fileParts.pop()!.toLowerCase(); const name = decodeURIComponent(fileParts.join('.')); if (includes(DISK_FORMATS, ext)) { if (data.byteLength >= 800 * 1024) { if ( includes(BLOCK_FORMATS, ext) && _massStorage.setBinary(drive, name, ext, data) ) { initGamepad(); } } else { if ( includes(NIBBLE_FORMATS, ext) && _disk2.setBinary(drive, name, ext, data) ) { initGamepad(); } } } else { throw new Error(`Extension ${ext} not recognized.`); } loadingStop(); }).catch(function (error) { loadingStop(); openAlert(error.message); console.error(error); }); } } function openLoadHTTP() {'http-modal'); } function openManage() {'manage-modal'); } let showStats = 0; export function updateKHz() { const now =; const ms = now - startTime; const cycles = cpu.getCycles(); let delta; let fps; let khz; const kHzElement = document.querySelector('#khz')!; switch (showStats) { case 0: { delta = cycles - lastCycles; khz = Math.trunc(delta / ms); kHzElement.innerText = khz + ' kHz'; break; } case 1: { delta = stats.renderedFrames - lastRenderedFrames; fps = Math.trunc(delta / (ms / 1000)); kHzElement.innerText = fps + ' rps'; break; } default: { delta = stats.frames - lastFrames; fps = Math.trunc(delta / (ms / 1000)); kHzElement.innerText = fps + ' fps'; } } startTime = now; lastCycles = cycles; lastRenderedFrames = stats.renderedFrames; lastFrames = stats.frames; } export function toggleShowFPS() { showStats = ++showStats % 3; } export function toggleSound() { const on = !audio.isEnabled(); options.setOption(SOUND_ENABLED_OPTION, on); updateSoundButton(on); } function initSoundToggle() { updateSoundButton(audio.isEnabled()); } function updateSoundButton(on: boolean) { const label = document.querySelector('#toggle-sound i')!; if (on) { label.classList.remove('fa-volume-off'); label.classList.add('fa-volume-up'); } else { label.classList.remove('fa-volume-up'); label.classList.add('fa-volume-off'); } } function dumpDisk(drive: DriveNumber) { const wind ='', '_blank')!; wind.document.title = driveLights.label(drive); wind.document.write('
    wind.document.write(_disk2.getJSON(drive, true));
'); wind.document.close(); } export function reset() { _apple2.reset(); } function loadBinary(bin: JSONBinaryImage) { const maxLen = Math.min(bin.length, 0x10000 - bin.start); for (let idx = 0; idx < maxLen; idx++) { const pos = bin.start + idx; cpu.write(pos,[idx]); } cpu.reset(); cpu.setPC(bin.start); } export function selectCategory() { const diskSelect = document.querySelector('#disk_select')!; const categorySelect = document.querySelector('#category_select')!; diskSelect.innerHTML = ''; const cat = disk_categories[categorySelect.value]; if (cat) { for (let idx = 0; idx < cat.length; idx++) { const file = cat[idx]; let name =; if (file.disk) { name += ' - ' + file.disk; } const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = file.filename; option.innerText = name; diskSelect.append(option); if (disk_cur_name[_currentDrive] === name) { option.selected = true; } } } } export function selectDisk() { const localFile = document.querySelector('#local_file')!; localFile.value = ''; } export function clickDisk(event: MouseEvent|KeyboardEvent) { doLoad(event); } /** Called to load disks from the local catalog. */ function loadDisk(drive: DriveNumber, disk: JSONDisk) { let name =; const category = disk.category!; // all disks in the local catalog have a category if (disk.disk) { name += ' - ' + disk.disk; } disk_cur_cat[drive] = category; disk_cur_name[drive] = name; _disk2.setDisk(drive, disk); initGamepad(disk.gamepad); } /* * LocalStorage Disk Storage */ function updateLocalStorage() { const diskIndex = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.diskIndex || '{}'); const names = Object.keys(diskIndex); const cat: DiskDescriptor[] = disk_categories['Local Saves'] = []; const contentDiv = document.querySelector('#manage-modal-content')!; contentDiv.innerHTML = ''; names.forEach(function (name) { cat.push({ 'category': 'Local Saves', 'name': name, 'filename': 'local:' + name }); contentDiv.innerHTML = '' + name + ' Delete
'; }); cat.push({ 'category': 'Local Saves', 'name': 'Manage Saves...', 'filename': 'local:__manage' }); } type LocalDiskIndex = { [name: string]: string; }; function saveLocalStorage(drive: DriveNumber, name: string) { const diskIndex = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.diskIndex || '{}') as LocalDiskIndex; const json = _disk2.getJSON(drive); diskIndex[name] = json; window.localStorage.diskIndex = JSON.stringify(diskIndex); driveLights.label(drive, name); driveLights.dirty(drive, false); updateLocalStorage(); } function deleteLocalStorage(name: string) { const diskIndex = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.diskIndex || '{}') as LocalDiskIndex; if (diskIndex[name]) { delete diskIndex[name]; openAlert('Deleted'); } window.localStorage.diskIndex = JSON.stringify(diskIndex); updateLocalStorage(); } function loadLocalStorage(drive: DriveNumber, name: string) { const diskIndex = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.diskIndex || '{}') as LocalDiskIndex; if (diskIndex[name]) { _disk2.setJSON(drive, diskIndex[name]); driveLights.label(drive, name); driveLights.dirty(drive, false); } } if (window.localStorage !== undefined) { const nodes = document.querySelectorAll('.disksave'); nodes.forEach(function (el) { = 'inline-block'; }); } const categorySelect = document.querySelector('#category_select')!; declare global { interface Window { disk_index: DiskDescriptor[]; } } function buildDiskIndex() { let oldCat = ''; let option; for (let idx = 0; idx < window.disk_index.length; idx++) { const file = window.disk_index[idx]; const cat = file.category; const name =; const disk = file.disk; if (file.e && !_e) { continue; } if (cat != oldCat) { option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = cat; option.innerText = cat; categorySelect.append(option); disk_categories[cat] = []; oldCat = cat; } disk_categories[cat].push(file); if (disk) { if (!disk_sets[name]) { disk_sets[name] = []; } disk_sets[name].push(file); } } option = document.createElement('option'); option.innerText = 'Local Saves'; categorySelect.append(option); updateLocalStorage(); } /** * Processes the URL fragment. It is expected to be of the form: * `disk1|disk2` where each disk is the name of a local image OR * a URL. */ function processHash(hash: string) { const files = hash.split('|'); for (let idx = 0; idx < Math.min(2, files.length); idx++) { const drive = idx + 1; if (!includes(DRIVE_NUMBERS, drive)) { break; } const file = files[idx]; if (file.indexOf('://') > 0) { const parts = file.split('.'); const ext = parts[parts.length - 1].toLowerCase(); if (ext == 'json') { loadAjax(drive, file); } else { doLoadHTTP(drive, file); } } else if (file) { loadAjax(drive, 'json/disks/' + file + '.json'); } } } export function updateUI() { if (document.location.hash != hashtag) { hashtag = document.location.hash; const hash = hup(); if (hash) { processHash(hash); } } } export function pauseRun() { const label = document.querySelector('#pause-run i')!; if (paused) { ready.then(() => {; }).catch(console.error); label.classList.remove('fa-play'); label.classList.add('fa-pause'); } else { _apple2.stop(); label.classList.remove('fa-pause'); label.classList.add('fa-play'); } paused = !paused; } export function openOptions() { optionsModal.openModal(); } export function openPrinterModal() { const mimeType = 'application/octet-stream'; const data = _printer.getRawOutput(); const a = document.querySelector('#raw_printer_output')!; const blob = new Blob([data], { 'type': mimeType }); a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = 'raw_printer_output.bin';'printer-modal'); } export function clearPrinterPaper() { _printer.clear(); } declare global { interface Window { clipboardData?: DataTransfer; } interface Event { clipboardData?: DataTransfer; } interface Navigator { standalone?: boolean; } } /** * Returns the value of a query parameter or the empty string if it does not * exist. * @param name the parameter name. Note that `name` must not have any RegExp * meta-characters except '[' and ']' or it will fail. */ function gup(name: string) { const params = new URLSearchParams(; return params.get(name); } /** Returns the URL fragment. */ function hup() { const regex = new RegExp('#(.*)'); const hash = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash); const results = regex.exec(hash); if (!results) return ''; else return results[1]; } function onLoaded(apple2: Apple2, disk2: DiskII, massStorage: MassStorage, printer: Printer, e: boolean) { _apple2 = apple2; cpu = _apple2.getCPU(); io = _apple2.getIO(); stats = apple2.getStats(); vm = apple2.getVideoModes(); tape = new Tape(io); _disk2 = disk2; _massStorage = massStorage; _printer = printer; _e = e; system = new System(io, e); options.addOptions(system); joystick = new JoyStick(io); options.addOptions(joystick); screen = new Screen(vm); options.addOptions(screen); audio = new Audio(io); options.addOptions(audio); initSoundToggle(); ready = Promise.all([audio.ready, apple2.ready]); MicroModal.init(); keyboard = new KeyBoard(cpu, io, e); keyboard.create('#keyboard'); keyboard.setFunction('F1', () => cpu.reset()); keyboard.setFunction('F2', (event) => { if (event.shiftKey) { // Full window, but not full screen options.setOption( SCREEN_FULL_PAGE, !options.getOption(SCREEN_FULL_PAGE) ); } else { screen.enterFullScreen(); } }); keyboard.setFunction('F3', () => io.keyDown(0x1b)); // Escape keyboard.setFunction('F4', optionsModal.openModal); keyboard.setFunction('F6', () => { window.localStorage.state = base64_json_stringify(_apple2.getState()); }); keyboard.setFunction('F9', () => { if (window.localStorage.state) { _apple2.setState(base64_json_parse(window.localStorage.state)); } }); buildDiskIndex(); /* * Input Handling */ window.addEventListener('paste', (event: Event) => { const paste = (event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData)!.getData('text'); io.setKeyBuffer(paste); event.preventDefault(); }); window.addEventListener('copy', (event: Event) => { event.clipboardData!.setData('text/plain', vm.getText()); event.preventDefault(); }); if (navigator.standalone) { document.body.classList.add('standalone'); } cpu.reset(); setInterval(updateKHz, 1000); initGamepad(); // Check for disks in hashtag const hash = gup('disk') || hup(); if (hash) { _apple2.stop(); processHash(hash); } else { ready.then(() => {; }).catch(console.error); } document.querySelector('#local_file')?.addEventListener( 'change', (event: Event) => { const target = as HTMLInputElement; const address = document.querySelector('#local_file_address_input')!; const parts = target.value.split('.'); const ext = parts[parts.length - 1]; if (KNOWN_FILE_TYPES.includes(ext)) { = 'none'; } else { = 'inline-block'; } } ); } export function initUI(apple2: Apple2, disk2: DiskII, massStorage: MassStorage, printer: Printer, e: boolean) { window.addEventListener('load', () => { onLoaded(apple2, disk2, massStorage, printer, e); }); }