/* -*- mode: JavaScript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Copyright 2010-2014 Will Scullin * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. */ /*jshint jquery: true, browser: true */ /*globals io: false, toHex:false, debug: false */ /*exported playSample, enableSound, initAudio */ /* * Audio Handling */ var sound = true; // 8000 = 0x1f40 = 64, 31 // 16000 = 0x3e80 = 128, 62 var wavHeader = ['R','I','F','F',68 ,3 ,0 ,0 ,'W','A','V','E','f','m','t',' ', 16 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,0 ,128,62 ,0 ,0 ,128,62 ,0 ,0 , 1 ,0 ,8 ,0 ,'d','a','t','a',32 ,3 ,0 ,0 ]; function percentEncode(ary) { var buf = ""; for (var idx = 0; idx < ary.length; idx++) { buf += "%" + toHex(ary[idx]); } return buf; } wavHeader = $.map(wavHeader, function(n) { return typeof(n) == "string" ? n.charCodeAt(0) : n; }); var wavHeaderStr = percentEncode(wavHeader); var audioAPI = false; var audioMoz = false; var audioContext; var audioNode; var audio, audio2; function initAudio() { if (typeof window.webkitAudioContext != "undefined") { debug("Using Web Audio API"); audioAPI = true; audioContext = new window.webkitAudioContext(); audioNode = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1); io.floatAudio(audioContext.sampleRate); audioNode.onaudioprocess = function(event) { var data = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0); var sample = io.getSample(); for (var idx = 0; idx < data.length; idx++) { if (idx < sample.length) { data[idx] = sample[idx]; } else { data[idx] = 0; } } }; } else { audio = document.createElement("audio"); if (audio.mozSetup) { debug("Using Mozilla Audio API"); audio.mozSetup(1, 16000); io.floatAudio(16000); audioMoz = true; } else { audio2 = document.createElement("audio"); } } } function playSample() { // [audio,audio2] = [audio2,audio]; var sample = io.getSample(); if (!sound) { return; } if (audioMoz) { audio.mozWriteAudio(sample); return; } var tmp = audio; audio = audio2; audio2 = tmp; if (sample && sample.length) { var len = sample.length, buf = sample.join(""), o1 = percentEncode([(len + 36) & 0xff, (len + 36) >> 8]), o2 = percentEncode([len & 0xff, len >> 8]), header = wavHeaderStr.replace("%44%03",o1).replace("%20%03", o2); audio.src = "data:audio/x-wav," + header + buf; // debug(audio.src); audio.play(); } } function enableSound(on) { sound = on; if (audioAPI) { if (sound) { audioNode.connect(audioContext.destination); } else { audioNode.disconnect(); } } else { if (sound) { if (audio) audio.volume = 0.5; if (audio2) audio2.volume = 0.5; } else { io.getSample(true); } } }