/** * Tom Harte test data based test suite * * Uses test files from https://github.com/TomHarte/ProcessorTests * To use, set TOM_HARTE_TEST_PATH to local copy of that repository */ import fs from 'fs'; import CPU6502, { FLAVOR_ROCKWELL_65C02, FLAVOR_WDC_65C02 } from 'js/cpu6502'; import { toHex } from 'js/util'; import type { byte, word } from 'js/types'; import { toReadableState } from './util/cpu'; import { TestMemory } from './util/memory'; // JEST_DETAIL=true converts decimal values to hex before testing // expectations, for better readability at the expense of speed. const detail = !!process.env.JEST_DETAIL; /** * Types for JSON tests */ /** * Memory address and value */ type MemoryValue = [address: word, value: byte]; /** * Represents initial and final CPU and memory states */ interface TestState { /** Program counter */ pc: word; /** Stack register */ s: byte; /** Accumulator */ a: byte; /** X index */ x: byte; /** Y index */ y: byte; /** Processor status register */ p: byte; /** M */ ram: MemoryValue[]; } /** * CPU cycle memory operation */ type Cycle = [address: word, value: byte, type: 'read'|'write']; /** * One test record */ interface Test { /** Test name */ name: string; /** Initial CPU register and memory state */ initial: TestState; /** Final CPU register and memory state */ final: TestState; /** Detailed CPU cycles */ cycles: Cycle[]; } /** * Initialize cpu and memory before test * * @param cpu Target cpu instance * @param state Initial test state */ function initState(cpu: CPU6502, state: TestState) { const { pc, s, a, x, y, p, ram } = state; cpu.setState({ cycles: 0, pc, sp: s, a, x, y, s: p }); for (let idx = 0; idx < ram.length; idx++) { const [address, mem] = ram[idx]; cpu.write(address, mem); } } /** * Pretty print 'address: val' if detail is turned on, * or passes through raw test data if not. * * @returns string or raw test data */ function toAddrValHex([address, val]: MemoryValue) { if (detail) { return `${toHex(address, 4)}: ${toHex(val)}`; } else { return [address, val]; } } /** * Pretty print 'address: val (read|write)' if detail is turned on, * or passes through raw test data if not. * * @returns string or raw test data */ function toAddrValHexType([address, val, type]: Cycle) { if (detail) { return `${toHex(address, 4)}: ${toHex(val)} ${type}`; } else { return [address, val, type]; } } /** * Compare end state and read write behavior of test run * * @param cpu Test CPU * @param memory Test memory * @param test Test data to compare against */ function expectState(cpu: CPU6502, memory: TestMemory, test: Test) { const { pc, s, a, x, y, p, ram } = test.final; expect( toReadableState(cpu.getState()) ).toEqual( toReadableState({cycles: test.cycles.length, pc, sp: s, a, x, y, s: p }) ); // Retrieve relevant memory locations and values const result = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < ram.length; idx++) { const [address] = ram[idx]; result.push([address, cpu.read(address)]); } expect( result.map(toAddrValHex) ).toEqual( ram.map(toAddrValHex) ); expect( memory.getLog().map(toAddrValHexType) ).toEqual( test.cycles.map(toAddrValHexType) ); } interface OpTest { op: string; name: string; mode: string; } const testPath = process.env.TOM_HARTE_TEST_PATH; // There are 10,0000 tests per test file, which would take several hours // in jest. 16 is a manageable quantity that still gets good coverage. const maxTests = 16; if (testPath) { const testPath6502 = `${testPath}/6502/v1/`; const testPathWDC65C02 = `${testPath}/wdc65c02/v1/`; const testPathRW65C02 = `${testPath}/rockwell65c02/v1/`; const opAry6502: OpTest[] = []; const opAryRW65C02: OpTest[] = []; const opAryWDC65C02: OpTest[] = []; const buildOpArrays = () => { const cpu = new CPU6502(); for (const op in cpu.OPS_6502) { const { name, mode } = cpu.OPS_6502[op]; const test = { op: toHex(+op), name, mode }; opAry6502.push(test); opAryRW65C02.push(test); opAryWDC65C02.push(test); } for (const op in cpu.OPS_NMOS_6502) { const { name, mode } = cpu.OPS_NMOS_6502[op]; const test = { op: toHex(+op), name, mode }; opAry6502.push(test); } for (const op in cpu.OPS_65C02) { const { name, mode } = cpu.OPS_65C02[op]; const test = { op: toHex(+op), name, mode }; opAryRW65C02.push(test); opAryWDC65C02.push(test); } // WDC 65C02 NOPs [ '03', '0b', '13', '1b', '23', '2b', '33', '3b', '43', '4b', '53', '5b', '63', '6b', '73', '7b', '83', '8b', '93', '9b', 'a3', 'ab', 'b3', 'bb', 'c3', 'd3', 'e3', 'eb', 'f3', 'fb' ].forEach((op) => opAryWDC65C02.push({ op, name: 'nop', mode: 'implied'}) ); // Rockwell 65C02 NOPs [ '03', '0b', '13', '1b', '23', '2b', '33', '3b', '43', '4b', '53', '5b', '63', '6b', '73', '7b', '83', '8b', '93', '9b', 'a3', 'ab', 'b3', 'bb', 'c3', 'cb', 'd3', 'db', 'e3', 'eb', 'f3', 'fb' ].forEach((op) => opAryRW65C02.push({ op, name: 'nop', mode: 'implied'}) ); }; buildOpArrays(); describe('Tom Harte', function() { let cpu: CPU6502; let memory: TestMemory; describe('NMOS 6502', function() { beforeAll(function() { cpu = new CPU6502(); memory = new TestMemory(256); cpu.addPageHandler(memory); }); describe.each(opAry6502)('Test op $op $name $mode', ({op}) => { const data = fs.readFileSync(`${testPath6502}${op}.json`, 'utf-8'); const tests = JSON.parse(data) as Test[]; it.each(tests.slice(0, maxTests))('Test $name', (test) => { initState(cpu, test.initial); memory.logStart(); cpu.step(); memory.logStop(); expectState(cpu, memory, test); }); }); }); describe('Rockwell 65C02', function() { beforeAll(function() { cpu = new CPU6502({ flavor: FLAVOR_ROCKWELL_65C02 }); memory = new TestMemory(256); cpu.addPageHandler(memory); }); describe.each(opAryRW65C02)('Test op $op $name $mode', ({op}) => { const data = fs.readFileSync(`${testPathRW65C02}${op}.json`, 'utf-8'); const tests = JSON.parse(data) as Test[]; it.each(tests.slice(0, maxTests))('Test $name', (test) => { initState(cpu, test.initial); memory.logStart(); cpu.step(); memory.logStop(); expectState(cpu, memory, test); }); }); }); describe('WDC 65C02', function() { beforeAll(function() { cpu = new CPU6502({ flavor: FLAVOR_WDC_65C02 }); memory = new TestMemory(256); cpu.addPageHandler(memory); }); describe.each(opAryWDC65C02)('Test op $op $name $mode', ({op}) => { const data = fs.readFileSync(`${testPathWDC65C02}${op}.json`, 'utf-8'); const tests = JSON.parse(data) as Test[]; it.each(tests.slice(0, maxTests))('Test $name', (test) => { initState(cpu, test.initial); memory.logStart(); cpu.step(); memory.logStop(); expectState(cpu, memory, test); }); }); }); }); } else { test('Skipping Tom Harte tests', () => { expect(testPath).toBeFalsy(); }); }