Ian Flanigan 9d4a265daf Refactor storage types
Today, lots of information about how a file or JSON becomes a disk
image is embedded in the metadata for the image and/or disk. This
makes it hard to write back to the source when the in-memory disk
image changes.

This refactoring is an attempt to break out all of the bits of logic
into composable pieces.  While this is mestly concerned with reading
right now, the idea is that it will eventually allow configuring
writing as well.  The main goal is to allow round-tripping to the same
file on disk, but, in theory, it could also save to a different file
or the local database, too.

Note that this is a work in progress.
2022-06-05 23:30:34 +02:00

267 lines
5.4 KiB

import type { byte, memory, MemberOf, word, ReadonlyUint8Array } from '../types';
import type { GamepadConfiguration } from '../ui/types';
export const DRIVE_NUMBERS = [1, 2] as const;
export type DriveNumber = MemberOf<typeof DRIVE_NUMBERS>;
export interface Metadata {
name: string;
side?: string;
export interface MetadataSource {
getMetadata(): Metadata;
export interface ByteSource {
read(offset: number, length: number): Uint8Array;
length(): number;
export interface ByteSink {
write(offset: number, data: ReadonlyUint8Array): void;
export interface JsonSource {
read(): string;
export interface TrackSectorSource {
/** Returns the logical sector data for the given physical sector. */
read(track: byte, sector: byte): Uint8Array;
numTracks(): byte;
export interface TrackSectorSink {
write(track: byte, sector: byte, data: ReadonlyUint8Array): void;
export interface NibbleTrackSource {
read(track: byte): Uint8Array;
numTracks(): byte;
export interface NibbleTrackSink {
write(track: byte, data: Uint8Array): void;
export interface BlockSource {
read(block: word): Uint8Array;
export interface BlockSink {
write(block: word, data: Uint8Array): void;
* Arguments for the disk format processors.
export interface DiskOptions {
name: string;
side?: string | undefined;
volume: byte;
readOnly: boolean;
data?: memory[][];
rawData?: ArrayBuffer;
blockVolume?: boolean;
* JSON file entry format
export interface DiskDescriptor {
name: string;
disk?: number;
filename: string;
e?: boolean;
category: string;
* JSON binary image (not used?)
export interface JSONBinaryImage {
type: 'binary';
start: word;
length: word;
data: byte[];
gamepad?: GamepadConfiguration;
* Return value from disk format processors. Describes raw disk
* data which the DiskII card can process.
export interface Disk {
name: string;
side?: string | undefined;
readOnly: boolean;
export const ENCODING_NIBBLE = 'nibble';
export const ENCODING_BITSTREAM = 'bitstream';
export const ENCODING_BLOCK = 'block';
export interface FloppyDisk extends Disk {
tracks: memory[];
export interface NibbleDisk extends FloppyDisk {
encoding: typeof ENCODING_NIBBLE;
format: DiskFormat;
volume: byte;
export interface WozDisk extends FloppyDisk {
encoding: typeof ENCODING_BITSTREAM;
trackMap: number[];
rawTracks: Uint8Array[];
export interface BlockDisk extends Disk {
encoding: typeof ENCODING_BLOCK;
blocks: Uint8Array[];
* File types supported by the disk format processors and
* block devices.
export const NIBBLE_FORMATS = [
] as const;
export const BLOCK_FORMATS = [
] as const;
export const DISK_FORMATS = [...NIBBLE_FORMATS, ...BLOCK_FORMATS ] as const;
export type NibbleFormat = MemberOf<typeof NIBBLE_FORMATS>;
export type BlockFormat = MemberOf<typeof BLOCK_FORMATS>;
export type DiskFormat = MemberOf<typeof DISK_FORMATS>;
* Base format for JSON defined disks
export class JSONDiskBase {
type: DiskFormat;
name: string;
disk?: string;
category?: string;
volume?: byte;
readOnly?: boolean;
gamepad?: GamepadConfiguration;
* JSON Disk format with base64 encoded tracks with sectors
export interface Base64JSONDisk extends JSONDiskBase {
type: Exclude<DiskFormat, 'nib'>;
encoding: 'base64';
data: string[][];
* JSON Disk format with base64 encoded nibblized tracks
export interface Base64JSONNibbleDisk extends JSONDiskBase {
type: 'nib';
encoding: 'base64';
data: string[];
* JSON Disk format with byte array tracks
export interface BinaryJSONDisk extends JSONDiskBase {
type: DiskFormat;
encoding: 'binary';
data: memory[][];
* General JSON Disk format
export type JSONDisk = Base64JSONDisk | Base64JSONNibbleDisk | BinaryJSONDisk;
* Process Disk message payloads for worker
/** Binary disk file message */
export interface ProcessBinaryMessage {
type: typeof PROCESS_BINARY;
payload: {
drive: DriveNumber;
fmt: NibbleFormat;
options: DiskOptions;
/** Processed JSON file message (used for localStorage) */
export interface ProcessJsonDiskMessage {
type: typeof PROCESS_JSON_DISK;
payload: {
drive: DriveNumber;
jsonDisk: JSONDisk;
/** Raw JSON file message */
export interface ProcessJsonMessage {
type: typeof PROCESS_JSON;
payload: {
drive: DriveNumber;
json: string;
export type FormatWorkerMessage =
ProcessBinaryMessage |
ProcessJsonDiskMessage |
* Format work result message type
export interface DiskProcessedResponse {
type: typeof DISK_PROCESSED;
payload: {
drive: DriveNumber;
disk: Disk | null;
export type FormatWorkerResponse =
* Block device common interface
export interface MassStorage<T> {
setBinary(drive: number, name: string, ext: T, data: ArrayBuffer): boolean;