Will Scullin badc2fdb74
Support Tom Harte test suite (#88)
A test data set was published at which contain cycle traces of instructions for various versions of the 6502.

This adds a test harness that reads those data files, and adjusts the CPU6502 behavior to match the behavior of the vanilla and WDC 65C02 test data.

Also converts the existing CPU tests to Typescript, and fixes any inconsistencies that came up from the new behaviors.
2021-10-13 09:15:29 -07:00

2241 lines
60 KiB

import CPU6502, { CpuState, flags } from '../js/cpu6502';
import { TestMemory } from './util/memory';
import { bios, Program } from './util/bios';
import { toReadableState } from './util/cpu';
const DEFAULT_STATE: CpuState = {
cycles: 0,
s: flags.X,
sp: 0xff,
a: 0x00,
x: 0x00,
y: 0x00,
pc: 0x0400
let memory;
let cpu: CPU6502;
let program;
function initState(initialState: Partial<CpuState>) {
const state = {...DEFAULT_STATE, ...initialState};
function expectState(initialState: CpuState, expectedState: Partial<CpuState>) {
const state = {...initialState, ...expectedState};
function initMemory(memAry: [page: number, off: number, data: number[]][]) {
for (let idx = 0; idx < memAry.length; idx++) {
const mem = memAry[idx];
let page = mem[0];
let off = mem[1];
const data = mem[2];
for (let jdx = 0; jdx < data.length; jdx++) {
cpu.write(page, off++, data[jdx]);
if (off > 0xff) {
off = 0;
function expectMemory(expectAry: [page: number, off: number, data: number[]][]) {
const memAry = [];
for (let idx = 0; idx < expectAry.length; idx++) {
const mem = expectAry[idx];
let page = mem[0];
let off = mem[1];
const expectData = mem[2];
const data = [];
for (let jdx = 0; jdx < expectData.length; jdx++) {
data.push(, off++));
if (off > 0xff) {
off = 0;
memAry.push([mem[0], mem[1], data]);
function expectStack(expectAry: number[]) {
const state = cpu.getState();
expectMemory([[0x01, state.sp + 1, expectAry]]);
function testCode(code: number[], steps: number, setupState: Partial<CpuState>, expectedState: Partial<CpuState>) {
const initialState = {...DEFAULT_STATE, ...setupState};
const finalState = { pc: initialState.pc + code.length, ...expectedState };
program = new Program(0x04, code);
expectState(initialState, finalState);
describe('CPU6502', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
cpu = new CPU6502();
memory = new TestMemory(4);
describe('#step functions', function() {
const code = [0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEA];
const initialState = {...DEFAULT_STATE};
it('step', function() {
program = new Program(0x04, code);
{ ...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x401, cycles: 2 }
it('step with callback', function() {
const callback = jest.fn();
program = new Program(0x04, code);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x401, cycles: 2,
it('stepN', function() {
program = new Program(0x04, code);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x404, cycles: 8,
it('stepN with callback', function() {
const callback = jest.fn();
program = new Program(0x04, code);
cpu.stepN(4, callback);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x404, cycles: 8,
it('stepN with breakpoint', function() {
const callback = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true);
program = new Program(0x04, code);
cpu.stepN(4, callback);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x401, cycles: 2,
it('stepCycles', function() {
program = new Program(0x04, code);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x402, cycles: 4,
it('stepCyclesDebug', function() {
program = new Program(0x04, code);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x402, cycles: 4,
it('stepCyclesDebug with callback', function() {
const callback = jest.fn();
program = new Program(0x04, code);
cpu.stepCyclesDebug(4, callback);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x402, cycles: 4,
it('stepCyclesDebug with breakpoint', function() {
const callback = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true);
program = new Program(0x04, code);
cpu.stepCyclesDebug(4, callback);
...DEFAULT_STATE, pc: 0x401, cycles: 2,
describe('#signals', function () {
it('should reset', function () {
expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, {
cycles: 2
it('should irq', function () {
expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, {
cycles: 5,
s: flags.X | flags.I,
sp: 0xfc,
pc: 0xff00
it('should not irq if I set', function () {
s: flags.X | flags.I
expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, {
s: flags.X | flags.I,
pc: 0x400
it('should nmi', function () {
expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, {
cycles: 5,
s: flags.X | flags.I,
sp: 0xfc,
pc: 0xff00
describe('#misc', function () {
it('should NOP', function () {
testCode([0xEA], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2
it('should BRK', function () {
testCode([0x00, 0x00], 1, {}, {
cycles: 7,
s: flags.X | flags.I,
sp: 0xfc,
pc: 0xff00
it('should RTI', function () {
initMemory([[0x01, 0xFD, [0xA0, 0x34, 0x12]]]);
testCode([0x40], 1, {
sp: 0xFC
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.N,
sp: 0xFF,
pc: 0x1234
it('should log unimplemented opcodes', () => {
jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation();
testCode([0xFF], 1, {}, {
cycles: 1
expect(console.log).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('Unknown OpCode: FF at 0400');
describe('#registers', function() {
it('should LDA immediate', function () {
testCode([0xA9, 0x44], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x44
it('should TAX', function () {
testCode([0xAA], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
x: 0x44
it('should TAY', function () {
testCode([0xA8], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
y: 0x44
it('should LDX immediate', function () {
testCode([0xA2, 0x44], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2,
x: 0x44
it('should TXA', function () {
testCode([0x8A], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x44
it('should DEX', function () {
testCode([0xCA], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
x: 0x43
it('should INX', function () {
testCode([0xE8], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
x: 0x45
it('should LDY immediate', function () {
testCode([0xA0, 0x44], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2,
y: 0x44
it('should TYA', function () {
testCode([0x98], 1, {
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x44
it('should DEY', function () {
testCode([0x88], 1, {
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
y: 0x43
it('should INY', function () {
testCode([0xC8], 1, {
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
y: 0x45
describe('#flags', function() {
it('should SEC', function () {
testCode([0x38], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.C
it('should CLC', function () {
testCode([0x18], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X
it('should SEI', function () {
testCode([0x78], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.I
it('should CLI', function () {
testCode([0x58], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.I
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X
it('should CLV', function () {
testCode([0xB8], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.V
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X
it('should SED', function () {
testCode([0xF8], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.D
it('should CLD', function () {
testCode([0xD8], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X
describe('#stack', function() {
it('should TXS', function() {
testCode([0x9A], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
sp: 0x44
it('should TSX', function() {
testCode([0xBA], 1, {
sp: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
x: 0x44
it('should PHA', function() {
testCode([0x48], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 3,
sp: 0xfe
it('should PLA', function() {
initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0x68], 1, {
sp: 0xfe
}, {
cycles: 4,
a: 0x44,
sp: 0xff
it('should PHP', function() {
testCode([0x08], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.N | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 3,
sp: 0xfe
expectStack([flags.X | flags.B | flags.N | flags.C]);
it('should PLP', function() {
initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [flags.N | flags.C]]]);
testCode([0x28], 1, {
sp: 0xfe
}, {
cycles: 4,
s: flags.X | flags.N | flags.C,
sp: 0xff
describe('#jumps', function() {
it('should JMP abs', function () {
testCode([0x4C, 0x34, 0x12], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
pc: 0x1234
it('should JMP (abs)', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x34, 0x12]]]);
testCode([0x6C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x1234
it('should JMP (abs) across page boundaries with bugs', function () {
initMemory([[0x02, 0xFF, [0x34, 0x12]],
[0x02, 0x00, [0xff]]]);
testCode([0x6C, 0xFF, 0x02], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0xFF34
it('should JSR abs', function () {
testCode([0x20, 0x34, 0x12], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
sp: 0xFD,
pc: 0x1234
expectStack([0x02, 0x04]);
it('should RTS', function () {
initMemory([[0x01, 0xFE, [0x34, 0x12]]]);
testCode([0x60], 1, {
sp: 0xFD
}, {
cycles: 6,
sp: 0xFF,
pc: 0x1235
describe('#branches', function() {
// ********** bcs
it('should BCS forward', function () {
testCode([0xB0, 0x7F], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 3,
pc: 0x0481
it('should BCS backward', function () {
testCode([0xB0, 0xff], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 3,
pc: 0x0401
it('should BCS across pages with an extra cycle', function () {
testCode([0xB0, 0xfd], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 4,
pc: 0x03FF
it('should not BCS if carry clear', function () {
testCode([0xB0, 0xfd], 1, {}, {
cycles: 2,
pc: 0x0402
it('should BCC forward', function () {
testCode([0x90, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
pc: 0x0481
it('should BCC backward', function () {
testCode([0x90, 0xff], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
pc: 0x0401
it('should BCC across pages with an extra cycle', function () {
testCode([0x90, 0xfd], 1, {}, {
cycles: 4,
pc: 0x03FF
it('should not BCC if carry set', function () {
testCode([0x90, 0xfd], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 2,
pc: 0x0402
describe('#read memory', function() {
// ********** zp
it('should LDY zp', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xA4, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
y: 0x44
it('should LDA zp', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xA5, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
a: 0x44
it('should LDX zp', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xA6, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
x: 0x44
// ********** zp,x
it('should LDY zp,x', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xB4, 0x33], 1, {
x: 3
}, {
cycles: 4,
y: 0x44
it('should LDA zp,x', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xB5, 0x33], 1, {
x: 3
}, {
cycles: 4,
a: 0x44
// ********** zp,y
it('should LDX zp,y', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xB6, 0x33], 1, {
y: 3
}, {
cycles: 4,
x: 0x44
// ********** (zp,x)
it('should LDA (zp,x)', function () {
[0x00, 0x36, [0x33, 0x03]],
[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]
testCode([0xA1, 0x33], 1, {
x: 3
}, {
cycles: 6,
a: 0x44
// ********** (zp),y
it('should LDA (zp),y', function () {
[0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x03]],
[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]
testCode([0xB1, 0x33], 1, {
y: 3
}, {
cycles: 5,
a: 0x44
// ********** (zp),y
it('should LDA (zp),y with an extra cycle on page cross', function () {
[0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x02]],
[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]
testCode([0xB1, 0x33], 1, {
y: 0xff
}, {
cycles: 6,
a: 0x44
// ********** abs
it('should LDY abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xAC, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, {
cycles: 4,
y: 0x44
it('should LDA abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xAD, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, {
cycles: 4,
a: 0x44
it('should LDX abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xAE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, {
cycles: 4,
x: 0x44
// ********** abs, x
it('should LDY abs,x', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xBC, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
x: 3
}, {
cycles: 4,
y: 0x44
it('should LDA abs,x', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xBD, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
x: 3
}, {
cycles: 4,
a: 0x44
it('should LDY abs,x with extra cycle on page cross', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xBC, 0x33, 0x02], 1, {
x: 0xff
}, {
cycles: 5,
y: 0x44
it('should LDA abs,x with extra cycle on page cross', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xBD, 0x33, 0x02], 1, {
x: 0xff
}, {
cycles: 5,
a: 0x44
// ********** abs, y
it('should LDX abs,y', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xBE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
y: 3
}, {
cycles: 4,
x: 0x44
it('should LDX abs,y with extra cycle on page cross', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xBE, 0x33, 0x02], 1, {
y: 0xff
}, {
cycles: 5,
x: 0x44
describe('#write memory', function() {
// ********** zp
it('should STY zp', function () {
testCode([0x84, 0x33], 1, {
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 3
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
it('should STA zp', function () {
testCode([0x85, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 3
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
it('should STX zp', function () {
testCode([0x86, 0x33], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 3
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
// ********** zp,x
it('should STY zp,x', function () {
testCode([0x94, 0x33], 1, {
x: 3,
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 4
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
it('should STA zp,x', function () {
testCode([0x95, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0x44,
x: 3
}, {
cycles: 4
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
// ********** zp,y
it('should STX zp,y', function () {
testCode([0x96, 0x33], 1, {
x: 0x44,
y: 3
}, {
cycles: 4
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
// ********** (zp,x)
it('should STA (zp,x)', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x36, [0x33, 0x03]]]);
testCode([0x81, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0x44,
x: 3
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
// ********** (zp),y
it('should STA (zp),y', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x03]]]);
testCode([0x91, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0x44,
y: 3
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
// ********** abs
it('should STY abs', function () {
testCode([0x8C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 4
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
it('should STA abs', function () {
testCode([0x8D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 4
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
it('should STX abs', function () {
testCode([0x8E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 4
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
// ********** abs, x
it('should STA abs,x', function () {
testCode([0x9D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0x44,
x: 0x03
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
it('should STA abs,x with no extra cycle on page cross', function () {
testCode([0x9D, 0x33, 0x02], 1, {
a: 0x44,
x: 0xff
}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0403
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]);
// ********** abs, y
it('should STA abs,y', function () {
testCode([0x99, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0x44,
y: 0x03
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x36, [0x44]]]);
it('should STA abs,y with no extra cycle on page cross', function () {
testCode([0x99, 0x33, 0x02], 1, {
a: 0x44,
y: 0xff
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x32, [0x44]]]);
describe('#bit operations', function() {
// ********** ASL
it('should ASL A', function () {
testCode([0x0A], 1, {
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0xAA,
s: flags.X | flags.N
it('should ASL A with carry out', function () {
testCode([0x0A], 1, {
a: 0xAA
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x54,
s: flags.X | flags.C
it('should ASL abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x0E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.N
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
it('should ASL abs with carry out', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
testCode([0x0E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.C
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x54]]]);
// ********** ROL
it('should ROL A', function () {
testCode([0x2A], 1, {
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0xAA,
s: flags.X | flags.N
it('should ROL A with carry out', function () {
testCode([0x2A], 1, {
a: 0xAA
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x54,
s: flags.X | flags.C
it('should ROL A with carry in', function () {
testCode([0x2A], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C,
a: 0xAA
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x55,
s: flags.X | flags.C
it('should ROL abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x2E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.N
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
it('should ROL abs with carry out', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
testCode([0x2E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.C
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x54]]]);
it('should ROL abs with carry in', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
testCode([0x2E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.C
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
// ********** LSR
it('should LSR A', function () {
testCode([0x4A], 1, {
a: 0xAA
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x55
it('should LSR A with carry out', function () {
testCode([0x4A], 1, {
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x2A,
s: flags.X | flags.C
it('should LSR abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
testCode([0x4E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
it('should LSR abs with carry out', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x4E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.C
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x2A]]]);
// ********** ROR
it('should ROR A', function () {
testCode([0x6A], 1, {
a: 0xAA
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x55
it('should ROR A with carry out', function () {
testCode([0x6A], 1, {
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.C,
a: 0x2A
it('should ROR A with carry in', function () {
testCode([0x6A], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C,
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.C | flags.N,
a: 0xAA
it('should ROR abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
testCode([0x6E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
it('should ROR abs with carry out', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x6E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.C
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x2A]]]);
it('should ROR abs with carry in', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x6E, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.C | flags.N
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
it('should AND', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x2D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0xA5
}, {
cycles: 4,
a: 0x05
it('should ORA', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x0D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0xA0
}, {
cycles: 4,
s: flags.X | flags.N,
a: 0xF5
it('should EOR', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x4D, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0xA5
}, {
cycles: 4,
s: flags.X | flags.N,
a: 0xF0
it('should BIT zp', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x24, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 3,
s: flags.X | flags.V
it('should BIT abs', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xAA]]]);
testCode([0x2C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 4,
s: flags.X | flags.N | flags.Z
describe('#math', function() {
// ********** ADC
it('should ADC', function () {
testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, {
a: 0x23
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x78,
s: flags.X
it('should ADC with carry in', function () {
testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, {
a: 0x23,
s: flags.X | flags.C
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x79,
s: flags.X
it('should ADC with overflow out', function () {
testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, {
a: 0x2B
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x80,
s: flags.X | flags.N | flags.V
it('should ADC with carry out', function () {
testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, {
a: 0xBB
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x10,
s: flags.X | flags.C
// ********** ADC BCD
it('should ADC BCD', function () {
testCode([0x69, 0x16], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D,
a: 0x25
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.D,
a: 0x41
it('should ADC BCD with carry in', function () {
testCode([0x69, 0x55], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D | flags.C,
a: 0x23
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.D,
a: 0x79
it('should ADC BCD with carry out', function () {
testCode([0x69, 0x10], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D,
a: 0x91
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x01,
s: flags.X | flags.N | flags.D | flags.C
// ********** SBC
it('should SBC', function () {
testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C,
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x32,
s: flags.X | flags.C
it('should SBC with borrow in', function () {
testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, {
s: flags.X,
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x31,
s: flags.X | flags.C
it('should SBC with borrow out', function () {
testCode([0xE9, 0x55], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C,
a: 0x23
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0xCE,
s: flags.X | flags.N
it('should SBC with overflow out', function () {
testCode([0xE9, 0x7F], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.C,
a: 0xAF
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x30,
s: flags.X | flags.V | flags.C
// ********** SBC BCD
it('should SBC BCD', function () {
testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D | flags.C,
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x32,
s: flags.X | flags.D | flags.C
it('should SBC BCD with borrow in', function () {
testCode([0xE9, 0x23], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D,
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x31,
s: flags.X | flags.D | flags.C
it('should SBC BCD with borrow out', function () {
testCode([0xE9, 0x55], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D | flags.C,
a: 0x23
}, {
cycles: 2,
a: 0x68,
s: flags.X | flags.N | flags.D
// ********** INC
it('should INC zp', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xE6, 0x33], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x45]]]);
it('should INC zp,x', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x043, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xF6, 0x33], 1, {
x: 0x10
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x43, [0x45]]]);
it('should INC abs', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xEE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x45]]]);
it('should INC abs,x', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x043, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xFE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
x: 0x10
}, {
cycles: 7
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x45]]]);
// ********** DEC
it('should DEC zp', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xC6, 0x33], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x43]]]);
it('should DEC zp,x', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x043, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xD6, 0x33], 1, {
x: 0x10
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x43, [0x43]]]);
it('should DEC abs', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xCE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
}, {
cycles: 6
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x43]]]);
it('should DEC abs,x', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x043, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xDE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
x: 0x10
}, {
cycles: 7
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x43]]]);
describe('#comparison', function() {
// ********** CMP
it('should CMP less than', function() {
testCode([0xc9, 0x44], 1, {
a: 0x33
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.N
it('should CMP equal', function() {
testCode([0xc9, 0x44], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.Z | flags.C
it('should CMP greater than', function() {
testCode([0xc9, 0x44], 1, {
a: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.C
// ********** CPX
it('should CPX less than', function() {
testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, {
x: 0x33
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.N
it('should CPX equal', function() {
testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.Z | flags.C
it('should CPX greater than', function() {
testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, {
x: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.C
// ********** CPY
it('should CPY less than', function() {
testCode([0xE0, 0x44], 1, {
y: 0x33
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.N
it('should CPY equal', function() {
testCode([0xc0, 0x44], 1, {
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.Z | flags.C
it('should CPY greater than', function() {
testCode([0xc0, 0x44], 1, {
y: 0x55
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.C
describe('65c02', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
cpu = new CPU6502({'65C02': true});
memory = new TestMemory(4);
describe('#signals', function() {
it('should clear D on IRQ', function() {
s: flags.X | flags.D
expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, {
cycles: 5,
s: flags.X | flags.I,
sp: 0xfc,
pc: 0xff00
it('should clear D on NMI', function() {
s: flags.X | flags.D
expectState(DEFAULT_STATE, {
cycles: 5,
s: flags.X | flags.I,
sp: 0xfc,
pc: 0xff00
it('should clear D on BRK', function () {
testCode([0x00, 0x00], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.D
}, {
cycles: 7,
s: flags.X | flags.I,
sp: 0xfc,
pc: 0xff00
describe('#stack', function() {
it('should PHX', function() {
testCode([0xDA], 1, {
x: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 3,
sp: 0xfe
it('should PLX', function() {
initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xFA], 1, {
sp: 0xfe
}, {
cycles: 4,
x: 0x44,
sp: 0xff
it('should PHY', function() {
testCode([0x5A], 1, {
y: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 3,
sp: 0xfe
it('should PLY', function() {
initMemory([[0x01, 0xff, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0x7A], 1, {
sp: 0xfe
}, {
cycles: 4,
y: 0x44,
sp: 0xff
describe('#jumps', function() {
it('should JMP (abs)', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x34, 0x12]]]);
testCode([0x6C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x1234
it('should JMP (abs) across page boundries without bugs', function () {
initMemory([[0x02, 0xFF, [0x34, 0x12]],
[0x02, 0x00, [0xff]]]);
testCode([0x6C, 0xFF, 0x02], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x1234
it('should JMP (abs, x)', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x34, 0x12]]]);
testCode([0x7C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
x: 0x10
}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x1234
describe('#other addressing mode fixes', function () {
it('should INC abs,x', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x043, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xFE, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
x: 0x10
}, {
cycles: 7
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x43, [0x45]]]);
describe('#branches', function() {
it('should BRA forward', function () {
testCode([0x80, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
pc: 0x0481
it('should BRA backward', function () {
testCode([0x80, 0xFF], 1, {}, {
cycles: 3,
pc: 0x0401
describe('#read memory', function() {
// ********** (zp)
it('should LDA (zp)', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x33,0x03]],
[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0xB2, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
a: 0x44
describe('#write memory', function() {
// ********** (zp)
it('should STA (zp)', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x33, 0x03]]]);
testCode([0x92, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
it('should STZ abs', function () {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x44]]]);
testCode([0x9C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 4
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
describe('#logical operators', function() {
it('should BIT imm and effect other flags', function() {
testCode([0x89, 0x33], 1, {
s: flags.X | flags.N,
a: 0x44
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X | flags.Z | flags.N
it('should BIT imm', function() {
testCode([0x89, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0x03
}, {
cycles: 2,
s: flags.X
// ******** TRB
it('should TRB zp', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x14, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0xA5
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x50]]]);
it('should TRB abs', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x1C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0xAA
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.Z
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
// ******** TSB
it('should TSB zp', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x04, 0x33], 1, {
a: 0xA5
}, {
cycles: 5
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF5]]]);
it('should TSB abs', function() {
initMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0x55]]]);
testCode([0x0C, 0x33, 0x03], 1, {
a: 0xAA
}, {
cycles: 6,
s: flags.X | flags.Z
expectMemory([[0x03, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
describe('Branch bit set/reset', function () {
// ******** BBR
it('BBR0 should branch if bit 0 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]);
testCode([0x0F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR0 should branch backward', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]);
testCode([0x0F, 0x33, 0xFF], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0402
it('BBR1 should branch if bit 1 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFD]]]);
testCode([0x1F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR2 should branch if bit 2 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFB]]]);
testCode([0x2F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR3 should branch if bit 3 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF7]]]);
testCode([0x3F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR4 should branch if bit 4 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xEF]]]);
testCode([0x4F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR5 should branch if bit 5 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xDF]]]);
testCode([0x5F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR6 should branch if bit 6 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xBF]]]);
testCode([0x6F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR7 should branch if bit 7 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x7F]]]);
testCode([0x7F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBR0 should not branch if bit 0 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]);
testCode([0x0F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBR1 should not branch if bit 1 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x02]]]);
testCode([0x1F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBR2 should not branch if bit 2 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x04]]]);
testCode([0x2F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBR3 should not branch if bit 3 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x08]]]);
testCode([0x3F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBR4 should not branch if bit 4 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x10]]]);
testCode([0x4F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBR5 should not branch if bit 5 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x20]]]);
testCode([0x5F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBR6 should not branch if bit 6 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x40]]]);
testCode([0x6F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBR7 should not branch if bit 7 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x80]]]);
testCode([0x7F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
// ******** BBS
it('BBS0 should branch if bit 0 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]);
testCode([0x8F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS0 should branch backward', function () {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]);
testCode([0x8F, 0x33, 0xFF], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0402
it('BBS1 should branch if bit 1 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x02]]]);
testCode([0x9F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS2 should branch if bit 2 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x04]]]);
testCode([0xAF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS3 should branch if bit 3 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x08]]]);
testCode([0xBF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS4 should branch if bit 4 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x10]]]);
testCode([0xCF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS5 should branch if bit 5 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x20]]]);
testCode([0xDF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS6 should branch if bit 6 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x40]]]);
testCode([0xEF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS7 should branch if bit 7 set', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x80]]]);
testCode([0xFF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0482
it('BBS0 should not branch if bit 0 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]);
testCode([0x8F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBS1 should not branch if bit 1 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFD]]]);
testCode([0x9F, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBS2 should not branch if bit 2 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFB]]]);
testCode([0xAF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBS3 should not branch if bit 3 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF7]]]);
testCode([0xBF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBS4 should not branch if bit 4 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xEF]]]);
testCode([0xCF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBS5 should not branch if bit 5 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xDF]]]);
testCode([0xDF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBS6 should not branch if bit 6 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xBF]]]);
testCode([0xEF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
it('BBS7 should not branch if bit 7 clear', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x7B]]]);
testCode([0xFF, 0x33, 0x7F], 1, {}, {
cycles: 6,
pc: 0x0403
describe('Bit set/reset', function () {
it('RMB0 should reset bit 0', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x07, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFE]]]);
it('RMB1 should reset bit 1', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x17, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFD]]]);
it('RMB2 should reset bit 2', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x27, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFB]]]);
it('RMB3 should reset bit 3', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x37, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xF7]]]);
it('RMB4 should reset bit 4', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x47, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xEF]]]);
it('RMB5 should reset bit 5', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x57, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xDF]]]);
it('RMB6 should reset bit 6', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x67, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xBF]]]);
it('RMB7 should reset bit 7', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0xFF]]]);
testCode([0x77, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x7F]]]);
it('SMB0 should set bit 0', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0x87, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x01]]]);
it('SMB1 should set bit 1', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0x97, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x02]]]);
it('SMB2 should set bit 2', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0xA7, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x04]]]);
it('SMB3 should set bit 3', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0xB7, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x08]]]);
it('SMB4 should set bit 4', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0xC7, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x10]]]);
it('SMB5 should set bit 5', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0xD7, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x20]]]);
it('SMB6 should set bit 6', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0xE7, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x40]]]);
it('SMB7 should set bit 7', function() {
initMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x00]]]);
testCode([0xF7, 0x33], 1, {}, {
cycles: 5,
pc: 0x0402
expectMemory([[0x00, 0x33, [0x80]]]);
describe('#math', function() {
// INC A
it('should INC A', function() {
testCode([0x1A], 1, {
a: 0x44
cycles: 2,
a: 0x45
// DEC A
it('should DEC A', function() {
testCode([0x3A], 1, {
a: 0x44
cycles: 2,
a: 0x43