reincarnate disassembler on control channel

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Greg Hewgill 2011-08-20 14:17:18 +12:00
parent aee0bba7aa
commit 29b1342a47
1 changed files with 32 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -271,57 +271,57 @@ class Disassemble:
self.ops[0xFE] = ("INC", self.absolute_x_mode)
def absolute_mode(self, pc):
a = self.memory.read_word(pc + 1)
return "$%04X [%04X] = %02X" % (a, a, self.memory.read_word(a))
a = self.cpu.read_word(pc + 1)
return "$%04X [%04X] = %02X" % (a, a, self.cpu.read_word(a))
def absolute_x_mode(self, pc):
a = self.memory.read_word(pc + 1)
a = self.cpu.read_word(pc + 1)
e = a + self.cpu.x_index
return "$%04X,X [%04X] = %02X" % (a, e, self.memory.read_byte(e))
return "$%04X,X [%04X] = %02X" % (a, e, self.cpu.read_byte(e))
def absolute_y_mode(self, pc):
a = self.memory.read_word(pc + 1)
a = self.cpu.read_word(pc + 1)
e = a + self.cpu.y_index
return "$%04X,Y [%04X] = %02X" % (a, e, self.memory.read_byte(e))
return "$%04X,Y [%04X] = %02X" % (a, e, self.cpu.read_byte(e))
def immediate_mode(self, pc):
return "#$%02X" % (self.memory.read_byte(pc + 1))
return "#$%02X" % (self.cpu.read_byte(pc + 1))
def indirect_mode(self, pc):
a = self.memory.read_word(pc + 1)
return "($%04X) [%04X] = %02X" % (a, a, self.memory.read_word(a))
a = self.cpu.read_word(pc + 1)
return "($%04X) [%04X] = %02X" % (a, a, self.cpu.read_word(a))
def indirect_x_mode(self, pc):
z = self.memory.read_byte(pc + 1)
a = self.memory.read_word((z + self.cpu.x_index) % 0x100)
return "($%02X,X) [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.memory.read_byte(a))
z = self.cpu.read_byte(pc + 1)
a = self.cpu.read_word((z + self.cpu.x_index) % 0x100)
return "($%02X,X) [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.cpu.read_byte(a))
def indirect_y_mode(self, pc):
z = self.memory.read_byte(pc + 1)
a = self.memory.read_word(z) + self.cpu.y_index
return "($%02X),Y [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.memory.read_byte(a))
z = self.cpu.read_byte(pc + 1)
a = self.cpu.read_word(z) + self.cpu.y_index
return "($%02X),Y [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.cpu.read_byte(a))
def relative_mode(self, pc):
return "$%04X" % (pc + signed(self.memory.read_byte(pc + 1) + 2))
return "$%04X" % (pc + signed(self.cpu.read_byte(pc + 1) + 2))
def zero_page_mode(self, pc):
a = self.memory.read_byte(pc + 1)
return "$%02X [%04X] = %02X" % (a, a, self.memory.read_byte(a))
a = self.cpu.read_byte(pc + 1)
return "$%02X [%04X] = %02X" % (a, a, self.cpu.read_byte(a))
def zero_page_x_mode(self, pc):
z = self.memory.read_byte(pc + 1)
z = self.cpu.read_byte(pc + 1)
a = (z + self.cpu.x_index) % 0x100
return "$%02X,X [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.memory.read_byte(a))
return "$%02X,X [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.cpu.read_byte(a))
def zero_page_y_mode(self, pc):
z = self.memory.read_byte(pc + 1)
z = self.cpu.read_byte(pc + 1)
a = (z + self.cpu.y_index) % 0x100
return "$%02X,Y [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.memory.read_byte(a))
return "$%02X,Y [%04X] = %02X" % (z, a, self.cpu.read_byte(a))
def disasm(self, pc):
op = self.memory.read_byte(pc)
op = self.cpu.read_byte(pc)
info = self.ops[op]
s = "%02X %s" % (pc, info[0])
s = "%04X %s" % (pc, info[0])
if len(info) > 1:
s += " " + info[1](pc)
return s
@ -334,23 +334,28 @@ class ControlHandler:
self.sock = sock
self.sock.send("ApplePy 6502 core\n")
self.buffer = ""
self.disassemble = Disassemble(self.cpu, self.cpu.memory)
def cmd_disassemble(self, args):
addr = int(args[1])
self.sock.send(self.disassemble.disasm(addr) + "\n")
def cmd_dump(self, args):
addr = int(args[1])
length = int(args[2])
self.sock.send(" ".join("%02X" % self.cpu.memory.read_byte(self.cpu.cycles, x) for x in range(addr, addr + length)) + "\n")
self.sock.send(" ".join("%02X" % self.cpu.read_byte(x) for x in range(addr, addr + length)) + "\n")
def cmd_help(self, args):
self.sock.send("commands: %s\n" % ", ".join(sorted(x[4:] for x in dir(self) if x.startswith("cmd_"))))
def cmd_peek(self, args):
addr = int(args[1])
self.sock.send("%02X\n" % self.cpu.memory.read_byte(self.cpu.cycles, addr))
self.sock.send("%02X\n" % self.cpu.read_byte(addr))
def cmd_poke(self, args):
addr = int(args[1])
val = int(args[2])
self.cpu.memory.write_byte(self.cpu.cycles, addr, val)
self.cpu.write_byte(addr, val)
def cmd_status(self, args):
@ -404,7 +409,6 @@ class CPU:
def __init__(self, memory):
self.memory = memory
self.disassemble = Disassemble(self, memory)
self.control_listener = socket.socket()
self.control_listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, True)