# Java API Examples Usage is catered to the factory methods and builder. Some sample are included below. ## Maven / Gradle To include in a Maven project: ```xml net.sf.applecommander applesingle-api 1.0.0 ``` To include in a Gradle project: ```groovy dependencies { // ... compile "net.sf.applecommander:applesingle-api:1.0.0" // ... } ``` ## Read AppleSingle Use the factory method to... Reading from standard input: ```java AppleSingle as = AppleSingle.read(System.in); ``` Reading from a file: ```java File file = new File("myfile.as"); AppleSingle as = AppleSingle.read(file); ``` The AppleSingle file can be read from an `InputStream`, `File`, `Path`, or just a byte array. ## Create AppleSingle Use the builder to create a new AppleSingle file and then save it... ```java AppleSingle as = AppleSingle.builder() .dataFork(dataFork) .realName(realName) .build(); Path file = Paths.get("mynewfile.as"); as.save(file); ``` The `save(...)` method can save to a `File`, `Path`, or an `OutputStream`.