Change bare "5" to more descriptive "recording_frame_duration_hundredths".
Create APPLE2Einterface events that allow interface to limit main loop speed.
Implement rate limiting on start_record and release limiting on stop_record.
During recording, simulation will not run at clock rate.
Move all libao operation into interface.cpp
This should have the result of removing all AV and GUI code from apple2e.cpp
OS code remaining in apple2e.cpp should basically be only file I/O, console I/O, and chrono.
Catch ALTCHAR but do nothing about it
Catch VID80 (80VID)
Add aux pages to interface.cpp
Plumb aux pages through apple2e.cpp display_write functions
Implement 80-column text shader using aux page
On cold-start, force Button0/OpenApple on for a short period
This is how cold-start (disk boot) is differentiated from plain RESET
Add padding widget that pads another widget on all sides
Add drag-and-drop functionality to widgets and manage through GLFW
Honor current time through all widget methods
Fix character encoding in text_widget (especially for ' ')
Add floppy_icon widget that manages drag-and-drop and drive motor (activity) light
Later move to vector graphic or bitmap
Add floppy eject and insert notification from APPLE2Einterface
Add activity notification through APPLE2Einterface
Optimize with -O2
Mouse/Trackpad drag across the screen emulates paddles
Click on the screen emulates button 0
Ignore reads from C020 (tape out)
Add BRA instruction for 65C02 (maybe not necessary)
Disable audio in FAST mode
Throttle a little better when audio is enabled - stopped stutter
Move to GL 3.2
Draw a quad with shaders depending on the mode in that part of the screen
HIRES shader reads from hires texture
TEXTPORT shader reads from textpor texture and indirects through a font
to get pixel values
MIXED now supported
Still to do: BLINK text, INVERSE text, LORES, gang up HGR memory updates
Why doesn't cursor flash the checkerboard?