/* c2d, Code to Disk, Version 0.43, Sun Apr 16 02:41:26 UTC 2017 (c) 2012,2017 All Rights Reserved, Egan Ford (egan@sense.net) THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Based on work by: * Weishaar, Tom. "Running without filenames". Open-Apple Jan. 1985 Vol. 1, No. 0: p. 7 (http://apple2online.com/web_documents/Open%20Apple%20Vol1No00.pdf) License: * Do what you like, remember to credit all sources when using. Description: This small utility will read Apple II binary and monitor text files and output a DOS ordered dsk image that will boot your code quickly. Features: * Apple II+, IIe support. * Big and little-endian machine support. o Little-endian tested. * Platforms tested: o 32-bit/64-bit x86 OS/X. o 32-bit x86 Windows/MinGW. Bugs: * Yes (input checking) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "c2d.h" #define VERSION "Version 0.43" #define INFILE argv[argc-2] #define OUTFILE argv[argc-1] #define BINARY 0 #define MONITOR 1 #define LOADER "loader" void usage(); char *getext(char *filename); int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *ifp, *ofp; int c, i, j, k, start = 0, loadaddress, inputtype, warm = 0, filesize = 0; int loaderstart, loader = 0, loadersize = 0, textpagesize = 0; struct stat st; char *filetypes[] = { "BINARY", "MONITOR" }; char *ext, filename[256], load_address[10], *textpage = NULL; opterr = 1; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t:vmh?s:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 't': // load a splash page while loading binary loader = 1; textpage = optarg; break; case 'm': // boot to monitor warm = 1; break; case 'v': // version fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", VERSION); return 1; break; case 's': // start here instead of load address warm = 0; start = (int) strtol(optarg, (char **) NULL, 16); // todo: input check break; case 'h': // help case '?': usage(); return 1; } if (argc - optind < 2) { usage(); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); inputtype = BINARY; k = 0; for (j = 0; j < strlen(INFILE); j++) { if (INFILE[j] == ',') break; filename[k++] = INFILE[j]; } filename[k] = '\0'; k = 0; j++; for (; j < strlen(INFILE); j++) load_address[k++] = INFILE[j]; load_address[k] = '\0'; if (k == 0) loadaddress = -1; else loadaddress = (int) strtol(load_address, (char **) NULL, 16); // todo: input check if ((ext = getext(filename)) != NULL) if (strcmp(ext, "mon") == 0 || strcmp(ext, "MON") == 0) inputtype = MONITOR; if ((ifp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read: %s\n\n", filename); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "Reading %s, type %s, load address: $", filename, filetypes[inputtype]); if (inputtype == BINARY) { unsigned char b; stat(filename, &st); filesize = st.st_size; if (loadaddress == -1) { fread(&b, 1, 1, ifp); loadaddress = b; fread(&b, 1, 1, ifp); loadaddress |= b << 8; fread(&b, 1, 1, ifp); filesize = b; fread(&b, 1, 1, ifp); filesize |= b << 8; } //check for errors fread(&blank.track[1 + loader].sector[0].byte[loadaddress & 0xFF], filesize, 1, ifp); } // todo: lots of input checking if (inputtype == MONITOR) { int byte, naddr; char addrs[8], s; unsigned char *p = NULL; loadaddress = -1; filesize = 0; while (fscanf(ifp, "%s ", addrs) != EOF) { naddr = (int) strtol(addrs, (char **) NULL, 16); if (loadaddress == -1) { loadaddress = naddr; p = &blank.track[1 + loader].sector[0].byte[loadaddress & 0xFF]; } while (fscanf(ifp, "%x%c", &byte, &s) != EOF) { *p++ = byte; filesize++; if (s == '\n' || s == '\r') break; } } } fclose(ifp); fprintf(stderr, "%04X, length: %d\n", loadaddress, filesize); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (!start) start = loadaddress; if (warm) start = 0xFF69; if (!loader) { blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0xE0] = ceil((filesize + (loadaddress & 0xFF)) / 256.0); blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0xE7] = ((loadaddress + filesize - 1) >> 8) + 1; blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x15] = ceil((filesize + (loadaddress & 0xFF)) / 4096.0); blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x1A] = ceil((filesize + (loadaddress & 0xFF)) / 256.0) - 16 * (ceil((filesize + (loadaddress & 0xFF)) / 4096.0) - 1) - 1; fprintf(stderr, "Number of sectors: %d\n", (int) ceil((filesize + (loadaddress & 0xFF)) / 256.0)); fprintf(stderr, "Memory page range: $%02X - $%02X\n", loadaddress >> 8, (loadaddress + filesize - 1) >> 8); blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x3B] = 0x4C; blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x3C] = start & 0xFF; blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x3D] = start >> 8; fprintf(stderr, "After boot, jump to: $%04X\n\n", start); fprintf(stderr, "Writing %s to T:01/S:00 - T:%02d/S:%02d on %s\n\n", filename, blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x15], blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x1A], OUTFILE); } else { if ((ifp = fopen(textpage, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read: %s\n\n", textpage); return 1; } stat(textpage, &st); textpagesize = st.st_size; if (textpagesize != 1024) { fprintf(stderr, "textpage %s size %d != 1024\n\n", textpage, textpagesize); return 1; } fread(&blank.track[1].sector[0].byte[0], textpagesize, 1, ifp); fclose(ifp); if ((loadersize = sizeof(loadercode)) > 256) { fprintf(stderr, "Loader code size %d > 256\n\n", loadersize); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < loadersize; i++) blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[i] = loadercode[i]; // loader args // lasttrack blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[loadersize] = 1 + (int) ceil(filesize / 4096.0); // lastsector blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[loadersize + 1] = ceil((filesize % 4096) / 256.0) - 1; // loadpage blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[loadersize + 2] = loadaddress >> 8; // program start LSB blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[loadersize + 3] = start & 0xFF; // program start MSB blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[loadersize + 4] = start >> 8; loaderstart = 0x400; loadersize += (1024 + 5); // textpage + loader + loader args blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0xE0] = ceil((loadersize + (loaderstart & 0xFF)) / 256.0); blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0xE7] = ((loaderstart + loadersize - 1) >> 8) + 1; blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x15] = ceil((loadersize + (loaderstart & 0xFF)) / 4096.0); blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x1A] = ceil((loadersize + (loaderstart & 0xFF)) / 256.0) - 16 * (ceil((loadersize + (loaderstart & 0xFF)) / 4096.0) - 1) - 1; fprintf(stderr, "Loader number of sectors: %d\n", (int) ceil((loadersize + (loaderstart & 0xFF)) / 256.0)); fprintf(stderr, "Loader memory page range: $%02X - $%02X\n", loaderstart >> 8, (loaderstart + loadersize - 1) >> 8); fprintf(stderr, "After loader, jump to: $%04X\n", start); fprintf(stderr, "Binary Number of sectors: %d\n", (int) ceil((filesize + (loadaddress & 0xFF)) / 256.0)); fprintf(stderr, "Binary Memory page range: $%02X - $%02X\n", loadaddress >> 8, (loadaddress + filesize - 1) >> 8); loaderstart = 0x800; blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x3B] = 0x4C; blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x3C] = loaderstart & 0xFF; blank.track[0].sector[1].byte[0x3D] = loaderstart >> 8; fprintf(stderr, "After boot, jump to: $%04X\n", loaderstart); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Writing %s to T:02/S:00 - T:%02d/S:%02d on %s\n\n", filename, blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[sizeof(loadercode)], blank.track[1].sector[4].byte[sizeof(loadercode) + 1], OUTFILE); } if ((ofp = fopen(OUTFILE, "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write: %s\n\n", OUTFILE); return 1; } // check for errors fwrite(&blank, 143360, 1, ofp); fclose(ofp); return 0; } char *getext(char *filename) { char stack[256], *rval; int i, sp = 0; for (i = strlen(filename) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (filename[i] == '.') break; stack[sp++] = filename[i]; } stack[sp] = '\0'; if (sp == strlen(filename) || sp == 0) return (NULL); if ((rval = (char *) malloc(sp * sizeof(char))) == NULL); //do error code rval[sp] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < sp + i; i++) rval[i] = stack[--sp]; return (rval); } void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "%s", usagetext); }