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2007-03-27 17:47:10 +00:00
* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Some items from the "tools" menu.
* [ There's a lot of cutting and pasting going on in here. Some of this
* stuff needs to get refactored. ++ATM 20040729 ]
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Main.h"
#include "DiskEditDialog.h"
#include "ImageFormatDialog.h"
#include "DiskConvertDialog.h"
#include "ChooseDirDialog.h"
#include "DoneOpenDialog.h"
#include "OpenVolumeDialog.h"
#include "DiskEditOpenDialog.h"
#include "VolumeCopyDialog.h"
#include "CreateImageDialog.h"
#include "DiskArchive.h"
#include "EOLScanDialog.h"
#include "TwoImgPropsDialog.h"
#include <io.h> // need chsize() for TwoImgProps
* Put up the ImageFormatDialog and apply changes to "pImg".
* "*pDisplayFormat" gets the result of user changes to the display format.
* If "pDisplayFormat" is nil, the "query image format" feature will be
* disabled.
* Returns IDCANCEL if the user cancelled out of the dialog, IDOK otherwise.
* On error, "*pErrMsg" will be non-empty.
MainWindow::TryDiskImgOverride(DiskImg* pImg, const char* fileSource,
DiskImg::FSFormat defaultFormat, int* pDisplayFormat, bool allowUnknown,
CString* pErrMsg)
ImageFormatDialog imf;
*pErrMsg = "";
imf.fFileSource = fileSource;
imf.fAllowUnknown = allowUnknown;
if (pDisplayFormat == nil)
/* don't show "unknown format" if we have a default value */
if (defaultFormat != DiskImg::kFormatUnknown &&
imf.fFSFormat == DiskImg::kFormatUnknown)
imf.fFSFormat = defaultFormat;
WMSG2(" On entry, sectord=%d format=%d\n",
imf.fSectorOrder, imf.fFSFormat);
if (imf.DoModal() != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed on IMF dialog\n");
return IDCANCEL;
WMSG2(" On exit, sectord=%d format=%d\n",
imf.fSectorOrder, imf.fFSFormat);
if (pDisplayFormat != nil)
*pDisplayFormat = imf.fDisplayFormat;
if (imf.fSectorOrder != pImg->GetSectorOrder() ||
imf.fFSFormat != pImg->GetFSFormat())
WMSG0("Initial values overridden, forcing img format\n");
DIError dierr;
dierr = pImg->OverrideFormat(pImg->GetPhysicalFormat(), imf.fFSFormat,
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
pErrMsg->Format("Unable to access disk image using selected"
" parameters. Error: %s.",
// fall through to "return IDOK"
return IDOK;
* ==========================================================================
* Disk Editor
* ==========================================================================
* User wants to edit a disk.
DIError dierr;
DiskImg img;
CString loadName, saveFolder;
CString failed, errMsg;
DiskEditOpenDialog diskEditOpen(this);
/* create three, show one */
BlockEditDialog blockEdit(this);
SectorEditDialog sectorEdit(this);
NibbleEditDialog nibbleEdit(this);
DiskEditDialog* pEditDialog;
int displayFormat;
bool readOnly = true;
/* flush current archive in case that's what we're planning to edit */
diskEditOpen.fArchiveOpen = false;
if (fpOpenArchive != nil &&
fpOpenArchive->GetArchiveKind() == GenericArchive::kArchiveDiskImage)
diskEditOpen.fArchiveOpen = true;
if (diskEditOpen.DoModal() != IDOK)
goto bail;
* Choose something to open, based on "fOpenWhat".
if (diskEditOpen.fOpenWhat == DiskEditOpenDialog::kOpenFile) {
CString openFilters, saveFolder;
openFilters = kOpenDiskImage;
openFilters += kOpenAll;
openFilters += kOpenEnd;
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, "dsk", NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, openFilters, this);
/* for now, everything is read-only */
dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
goto bail;
loadName = dlg.GetPathName();
readOnly = true; // add to file dialog
saveFolder = dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(dlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
} else if (diskEditOpen.fOpenWhat == DiskEditOpenDialog::kOpenVolume) {
OpenVolumeDialog dlg(this);
int result;
result = dlg.DoModal();
if (result != IDOK)
goto bail;
loadName = dlg.fChosenDrive;
readOnly = (dlg.fReadOnly != 0);
} else if (diskEditOpen.fOpenWhat == DiskEditOpenDialog::kOpenCurrent) {
// get values from currently open archive
loadName = fpOpenArchive->GetPathName();
readOnly = fpOpenArchive->IsReadOnly();
} else {
WMSG1("GLITCH: unexpected fOpenWhat %d\n", diskEditOpen.fOpenWhat);
goto bail;
WMSG3("Disk editor what=%d name='%s' ro=%d\n",
diskEditOpen.fOpenWhat, loadName, readOnly);
#if 1
CWaitCursor waitc;
/* open the image file and analyze it */
dierr = img.OpenImage(loadName, PathProposal::kLocalFssep, true);
/* quick test of memory-buffer-based interface */
FILE* tmpfp;
char* phatbuf;
long length;
tmpfp = fopen(loadName, "rb");
ASSERT(tmpfp != nil);
fseek(tmpfp, 0, SEEK_END);
length = ftell(tmpfp);
WMSG1(" PHATBUF %d\n", length);
phatbuf = new char[length];
if (fread(phatbuf, length, 1, tmpfp) != 1)
WMSG1("FREAD FAILED %d\n", errno);
dierr = img.OpenImage(phatbuf, length, true);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open disk image: %s.",
MessageBox(errMsg, failed, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);
goto bail;
#if 0
* TEST - set custom entry to match Sheila NIB image. We have to
* do this here so that the disk routines can analyze the disk
* correctly. We need a way to enter these parameters in the
* disk editor and then re-analyze the image. (Not to mention a way
* to flip in and out of block/sector/nibble mode.)
DiskImg::NibbleDescr sheilaDescr =
"H.A.L. Labs (Sheila)",
{ 0xd5, 0xaa, 0xad }, { 0xde, 0xaa, 0xeb },
0x00, // checksum seed
true, // verify checksum
true, // verify track
2, // epilog verify count
{ 0xd5, 0xaa, 0xda }, { 0xde, 0xaa, 0xeb },
0x00, // checksum seed
true, // verify checksum
2, // epilog verify count
/* same thing, but for original 13-sector Zork */
DiskImg::NibbleDescr zork13Descr =
"Zork 13-sector",
{ 0xd5, 0xaa, 0xb5 }, { 0xde, 0xaa, 0xeb },
{ 0xd5, 0xaa, 0xad }, { 0xde, 0xaa, 0xeb },
if (img.AnalyzeImage() != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("The file '%s' doesn't seem to hold a valid disk image.",
MessageBox(errMsg, failed, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);
goto bail;
if (img.ShowAsBlocks())
displayFormat = ImageFormatDialog::kShowAsBlocks;
displayFormat = ImageFormatDialog::kShowAsSectors;
/* if they can't do anything but view nibbles, don't demand an fs format */
bool allowUnknown;
allowUnknown = false;
if (!img.GetHasSectors() && !img.GetHasBlocks() && img.GetHasNibbles())
allowUnknown = true;
* If requested (or necessary), verify the format.
if (img.GetFSFormat() == DiskImg::kFormatUnknown ||
img.GetSectorOrder() == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown ||
if (TryDiskImgOverride(&img, loadName, DiskImg::kFormatUnknown,
&displayFormat, allowUnknown, &errMsg) != IDOK)
goto bail;
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
/* select edit dialog type, based on blocks vs. sectors */
if (displayFormat == ImageFormatDialog::kShowAsSectors)
pEditDialog = &sectorEdit;
else if (displayFormat == ImageFormatDialog::kShowAsBlocks)
pEditDialog = &blockEdit;
pEditDialog = &nibbleEdit;
* Create an appropriate DiskFS object and hand it to the edit dialog.
DiskFS* pDiskFS;
pDiskFS = img.OpenAppropriateDiskFS(true);
if (pDiskFS == nil) {
WMSG0("HEY: OpenAppropriateDiskFS failed!\n");
goto bail;
CWaitCursor wait; // big ProDOS volumes can be slow
dierr = pDiskFS->Initialize(&img, DiskFS::kInitFull);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Warning: error during disk scan: %s.",
MessageBox(errMsg, failed, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
/* keep going */
pEditDialog->Setup(pDiskFS, loadName);
(void) pEditDialog->DoModal();
delete pDiskFS;
* FUTURE: if we edited the file we have open in the contentlist,
* we need to post a warning and/or close it in the contentlist.
* Or maybe just re-open it? Allow that as an option.
#if 0
delete phatbuf;
* ==========================================================================
* Disk Converter
* ==========================================================================
* Convert a disk image from one format to another.
DIError dierr;
CString openFilters, errMsg;
CString loadName, saveName, saveFolder;
DiskImg srcImg, dstImg;
DiskConvertDialog convDlg(this);
CString storageName;
/* flush current archive in case that's what we're planning to convert */
* Select the image to convert.
openFilters = kOpenDiskImage;
openFilters += kOpenAll;
openFilters += kOpenEnd;
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, "dsk", NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, openFilters, this);
/* for now, everything is read-only */
dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select image to convert";
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
goto bail;
loadName = dlg.GetPathName();
saveFolder = dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(dlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
/* open the image file and analyze it */
dierr = srcImg.OpenImage(loadName, PathProposal::kLocalFssep, true);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open disk image: %s.",
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
if (srcImg.AnalyzeImage() != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("The file '%s' doesn't seem to hold a valid disk image.",
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* If confirm image format is set, or we can't figure out the sector
* ordering, prompt the user.
if (srcImg.GetSectorOrder() == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown ||
if (TryDiskImgOverride(&srcImg, loadName, DiskImg::kFormatGenericProDOSOrd,
nil, false, &errMsg) != IDOK)
goto bail;
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* If this is a ProDOS volume, use the disk volume name as the default
* value for "storageName" (which is used for NuFX archives and DC42).
if (srcImg.GetFSFormat() == DiskImg::kFormatProDOS) {
CWaitCursor waitc;
DiskFS* pDiskFS = srcImg.OpenAppropriateDiskFS();
// use "headerOnly", which gets the volume name
dierr = pDiskFS->Initialize(&srcImg, DiskFS::kInitHeaderOnly);
if (dierr == kDIErrNone) {
storageName = pDiskFS->GetVolumeName();
delete pDiskFS;
} else {
/* use filename as storageName (exception for DiskCopy42 later) */
storageName = FilenameOnly(loadName, '\\');
WMSG1(" Using '%s' as storageName\n", storageName);
/* transfer the DOS volume num, if one was set */
WMSG1("DOS volume number set to %d\n", dstImg.GetDOSVolumeNum());
DiskImg::FSFormat origFSFormat;
origFSFormat = srcImg.GetFSFormat();
* The converter always tries to read and write images as if they were
* ProDOS blocks. This way the only sector ordering changes are caused by
* differences in the sector ordering, rather than differences in the
* assumed filesystem types (which may not be knowable).
dierr = srcImg.OverrideFormat(srcImg.GetPhysicalFormat(),
DiskImg::kFormatGenericProDOSOrd, srcImg.GetSectorOrder());
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Internal error: couldn't switch to generic ProDOS: %s.",
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* Put up a dialog to figure out what we want to do with this image.
* We have a fair amount of faith that this will not pick impossible
* combinations. If we do, we will fail later on in CreateImage.
if (convDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed out of convert dialog\n");
goto bail;
* Examine their choices.
DiskImg::OuterFormat outerFormat;
DiskImg::FileFormat fileFormat;
DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physicalFormat;
DiskImg::SectorOrder sectorOrder;
if (DetermineImageSettings(convDlg.fConvertIdx, (convDlg.fAddGzip != 0),
&outerFormat, &fileFormat, &physicalFormat, &sectorOrder) != 0)
goto bail;
const DiskImg::NibbleDescr* pNibbleDescr;
pNibbleDescr = srcImg.GetNibbleDescr();
if (pNibbleDescr == nil && DiskImg::IsNibbleFormat(physicalFormat)) {
* We're writing to a nibble format, so we have to decide how the
* disk should be formatted. The source doesn't specify it, so we
* use generic 13- or 16-sector, defaulting to the latter when in
* doubt.
if (srcImg.GetHasSectors() && srcImg.GetNumSectPerTrack() == 13) {
pNibbleDescr = DiskImg::GetStdNibbleDescr(
} else {
pNibbleDescr = DiskImg::GetStdNibbleDescr(
WMSG2(" NibbleDescr is 0x%08lx (%s)\n", (long) pNibbleDescr,
pNibbleDescr != nil ? pNibbleDescr->description : "---");
if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() == DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
fileFormat != DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar)
/* converting from TrackStar to anything else */
CString msg, appName;
if (MessageBox(msg, appName, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed after trackstar-to-other warning\n");
goto bail;
} else if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() == DiskImg::kFileFormatFDI &&
fileFormat != DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
srcImg.GetNumBlocks() != 1600)
/* converting from 5.25" FDI to anything but TrackStar */
CString msg, appName;
if (MessageBox(msg, appName, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed after fdi-to-other warning\n");
goto bail;
} else if (srcImg.GetHasNibbles() && DiskImg::IsSectorFormat(physicalFormat))
/* converting from nibble to non-nibble format */
CString msg, appName;
if (MessageBox(msg, appName, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed after nibble-to-sector warning\n");
goto bail;
} else if (srcImg.GetHasNibbles() &&
DiskImg::IsNibbleFormat(physicalFormat) &&
srcImg.GetPhysicalFormat() != physicalFormat)
/* converting between differing nibble formats */
CString msg, appName;
if (MessageBox(msg, appName, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed after differing-nibbles warning\n");
goto bail;
* If the source is a UNIDOS volume and the target format is DiskCopy 4.2,
* use DOS sector ordering instead of ProDOS block ordering. For some
* reason the disks come out that way.
if (origFSFormat == DiskImg::kFormatUNIDOS &&
fileFormat == DiskImg::kFileFormatDiskCopy42)
WMSG0(" Switching to DOS sector ordering for UNIDOS/DiskCopy42");
sectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
if (origFSFormat != DiskImg::kFormatProDOS &&
fileFormat == DiskImg::kFileFormatDiskCopy42)
WMSG0(" Nuking storage name for non-ProDOS DiskCopy42 image");
storageName = ""; // want to use "-not a mac disk" for non-ProDOS
* Pick file to save into.
CFileDialog saveDlg(FALSE, convDlg.fExtension, NULL,
"All Files (*.*)|*.*||", this);
CString saveFolder;
CString title = "New disk image (.";
title += convDlg.fExtension;
title += ")";
saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = title;
saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir =
if (saveDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed out of image save dialog\n");
goto bail;
saveFolder = saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(saveDlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrConvertArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
saveName = saveDlg.GetPathName();
WMSG1("File will be saved to '%s'\n", saveName);
/* DiskImgLib does not like it if file already exists */
errMsg = RemoveFile(saveName);
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* Create the image file. Adjust the number of tracks if we're
* copying to or from TrackStar or FDI images.
int dstNumTracks;
int dstNumBlocks;
bool isPartial;
dstNumTracks = srcImg.GetNumTracks();
dstNumBlocks = srcImg.GetNumBlocks();
isPartial = false;
if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() == DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
fileFormat != DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
srcImg.GetNumTracks() == 40)
/* from TrackStar to other */
dstNumTracks = 35;
dstNumBlocks = 280;
isPartial = true;
if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() == DiskImg::kFileFormatFDI &&
fileFormat != DiskImg::kFileFormatFDI &&
srcImg.GetNumTracks() != 35 && srcImg.GetNumBlocks() != 1600)
/* from 5.25" FDI to other */
dstNumTracks = 35;
dstNumBlocks = 280;
isPartial = true;
if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() != DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
fileFormat == DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
dstNumTracks == 35)
/* from other to TrackStar */
isPartial = true;
if (srcImg.GetHasNibbles() &&
DiskImg::IsNibbleFormat(physicalFormat) &&
physicalFormat == srcImg.GetPhysicalFormat())
* For nibble-to-nibble with the same track format, copy it as
* a collection of tracks.
dierr = dstImg.CreateImage(saveName, storageName,
dstNumTracks, srcImg.GetNumSectPerTrack(),
false /* must format */);
} else if (srcImg.GetHasBlocks()) {
* For general case, copy as a block image, converting in and out of
* nibbles as needed.
dierr = dstImg.CreateImage(saveName, storageName,
false /* only needed for nibble?? */);
} else if (srcImg.GetHasSectors()) {
* We should only get here when converting to/from D13. We have to
* special-case this because this was originally written to support
* block copying as the lowest common denominator. D13 screwed
* everything up. :-)
dierr = dstImg.CreateImage(saveName, storageName,
DiskImg::kFormatGenericProDOSOrd, // needs to match above
dstNumTracks, srcImg.GetNumSectPerTrack(),
false /* only need for dest=nibble? */);
} else {
* Generally speaking, we don't allow the user to make choices that
* would get us here. In particular, the UI should not allow the
* user to convert directly between nibble formats when the source
* image doesn't have a recognizeable block format.
dierr = kDIErrInternal;
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Couldn't create disk image: %s.",
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* Do the actual copy, either as blocks or tracks.
dierr = CopyDiskImage(&dstImg, &srcImg, false, isPartial, nil);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Copy failed: %s.", DiskImgLib::DIStrError(dierr));
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
dierr = srcImg.CloseImage();
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("ERROR: srcImg close failed (err=%d)\n", dierr);
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
dierr = dstImg.CloseImage();
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("ERROR: dstImg close failed (err=%d)\n", dierr);
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* We're done. Give them the opportunity to open the disk image they
* just created.
DoneOpenDialog doneOpen(this);
if (doneOpen.DoModal() == IDOK) {
WMSG1(" At user request, opening '%s'\n", saveName);
DoOpenArchive(saveName, convDlg.fExtension,
kFilterIndexDiskImage, false);
* Determine the settings we need to pass into DiskImgLib to create the
* desired disk image format.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
MainWindow::DetermineImageSettings(int convertIdx, bool addGzip,
DiskImg::OuterFormat* pOuterFormat, DiskImg::FileFormat* pFileFormat,
DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysicalFormat,
DiskImg::SectorOrder* pSectorOrder)
if (addGzip)
*pOuterFormat = DiskImg::kOuterFormatGzip;
*pOuterFormat = DiskImg::kOuterFormatNone;
switch (convertIdx) {
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvDOSRaw:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatUnadorned;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvDOS2MG:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormat2MG;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvProDOSRaw:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatUnadorned;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvProDOS2MG:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormat2MG;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvNibbleRaw:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatUnadorned;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvNibble2MG:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormat2MG;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvD13:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatUnadorned;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvDiskCopy42:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatDiskCopy42;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvTrackStar:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvNuFX:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatNuFX;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvSim2eHDV:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatSim2eHDV;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS;
case DiskConvertDialog::kConvDDD:
*pFileFormat = DiskImg::kFileFormatDDD;
*pPhysicalFormat = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors;
*pSectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
WMSG1(" WHOA: invalid conv type %d\n", convertIdx);
return -1;
return 0;
static inline int MIN(int val1, int val2)
return (val1 < val2) ? val1 : val2;
* Do a block copy or track copy from one disk image to another.
* If "bulk" is set, warning dialogs are suppressed. If "partial" is set,
* copies between volumes of different sizes are allowed.
* This originally just did a block copy. Nibble track copies were added
* later, and sector copies were added even later.
MainWindow::CopyDiskImage(DiskImg* pDstImg, DiskImg* pSrcImg, bool bulk,
bool partial, ProgressCancelDialog* pPCDialog)
DIError dierr = kDIErrNone;
CString errMsg;
unsigned char* dataBuf = nil;
if (pSrcImg->GetHasNibbles() && pDstImg->GetHasNibbles() &&
pSrcImg->GetPhysicalFormat() == pDstImg->GetPhysicalFormat())
* Copy as a series of nibble tracks.
* NOTE: we could do better here for 6384 to ".app", but in
* practice nobody cares anyway.
if (!partial) {
ASSERT(pSrcImg->GetNumTracks() == pDstImg->GetNumTracks());
//unsigned char trackBuf[kTrackAllocSize];
long trackLen;
int numTracks;
dataBuf = new unsigned char[kTrackAllocSize];
if (dataBuf == nil) {
dierr = kDIErrMalloc;
goto bail;
numTracks = MIN(pSrcImg->GetNumTracks(), pDstImg->GetNumTracks());
WMSG1("Nibble track copy (%d tracks)\n", numTracks);
for (int track = 0; track < numTracks; track++) {
dierr = pSrcImg->ReadNibbleTrack(track, dataBuf, &trackLen);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("ERROR: read on track %d failed (err=%d)\n",
track, dierr);
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
dierr = pDstImg->WriteNibbleTrack(track, dataBuf, trackLen);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("ERROR: write on track %d failed (err=%d)\n",
track, dierr);
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
/* these aren't slow enough that we need progress updating */
} else if (!pSrcImg->GetHasBlocks() || !pDstImg->GetHasBlocks()) {
* Do a sector copy, for D13 images (which can't be accessed as blocks).
if (!partial) {
ASSERT(pSrcImg->GetNumTracks() == pDstImg->GetNumTracks());
ASSERT(pSrcImg->GetNumSectPerTrack() == pDstImg->GetNumSectPerTrack());
long numTracks, numSectPerTrack;
int numBadSectors = 0;
dataBuf = new unsigned char[256]; // one sector
if (dataBuf == nil) {
dierr = kDIErrMalloc;
goto bail;
numTracks = MIN(pSrcImg->GetNumTracks(), pDstImg->GetNumTracks());
numSectPerTrack = MIN(pSrcImg->GetNumSectPerTrack(),
WMSG2("Sector copy (%d tracks / %d sectors)\n",
numTracks, numSectPerTrack);
for (int track = 0; track < numTracks; track++) {
for (int sector = 0; sector < numSectPerTrack; sector++) {
dierr = pSrcImg->ReadTrackSector(track, sector, dataBuf);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
WMSG2("Bad sector T=%d S=%d\n", track, sector);
dierr = kDIErrNone;
memset(dataBuf, 0, 256);
dierr = pDstImg->WriteTrackSector(track, sector, dataBuf);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("ERROR: write of T=%d S=%d failed (err=%d)\n",
track, sector, dierr);
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
/* these aren't slow enough that we need progress updating */
if (!bulk && numBadSectors != 0) {
CString appName;
errMsg.Format("Skipped %ld unreadable sector%s.", numBadSectors,
numBadSectors == 1 ? "" : "s");
MessageBox(errMsg, appName, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
} else {
* Do a block copy, copying multiple blocks at a time for performance.
if (!partial) {
ASSERT(pSrcImg->GetNumBlocks() == pDstImg->GetNumBlocks());
//unsigned char blkBuf[512];
long numBadBlocks = 0;
long numBlocks;
int blocksPerRead;
numBlocks = MIN(pSrcImg->GetNumBlocks(), pDstImg->GetNumBlocks());
if (numBlocks <= 2880)
blocksPerRead = 9; // better granularity (one floppy track)
blocksPerRead = 64; // 32K per read; max seems to be 64K?
dataBuf = new unsigned char[blocksPerRead * 512];
if (dataBuf == nil) {
dierr = kDIErrMalloc;
goto bail;
WMSG2("--- BLOCK COPY (%ld blocks, %d per)\n",
numBlocks, blocksPerRead);
for (long block = 0; block < numBlocks; ) {
long blocksThisTime = blocksPerRead;
if (block + blocksThisTime > numBlocks)
blocksThisTime = numBlocks - block;
dierr = pSrcImg->ReadBlocks(block, blocksThisTime, dataBuf);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
if (blocksThisTime != 1) {
* Media with errors. Drop to one block per read.
WMSG2(" Bad sector encountered at %ld(%ld), slowing\n",
block, blocksThisTime);
blocksThisTime = blocksPerRead = 1;
continue; // retry this block
dierr = kDIErrNone;
memset(dataBuf, 0, 512);
dierr = pDstImg->WriteBlocks(block, blocksThisTime, dataBuf);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
if (dierr != kDIErrWriteProtected) {
errMsg.Format("ERROR: write of block %ld failed (%s)\n",
block, DiskImgLib::DIStrError(dierr));
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
/* if we have a cancel dialog, keep it lively */
if (pPCDialog != nil && (block % 18) == 0) {
int status;
LONGLONG bigBlock = block;
bigBlock = bigBlock * ProgressCancelDialog::kProgressResolution;
status = pPCDialog->SetProgress((int)(bigBlock / numBlocks));
if (status == IDCANCEL) {
dierr = kDIErrCancelled; // pretend it came from DiskImg
goto bail;
} else if (bulk && (block % 512) == 0) {
block += blocksThisTime;
if (!bulk && numBadBlocks != 0) {
CString appName;
errMsg.Format("Skipped %ld unreadable block%s.", numBadBlocks,
numBadBlocks == 1 ? "" : "s");
MessageBox(errMsg, appName, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
delete[] dataBuf;
return dierr;
* ==========================================================================
* Bulk disk convert
* ==========================================================================
* Sub-class the generic libutil CancelDialog class.
class BulkConvCancelDialog : public CancelDialog {
BOOL Create(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL) {
fAbortOperation = false;
return CancelDialog::Create(&fAbortOperation,
IDD_BULKCONV, pParentWnd);
void SetCurrentFile(const char* fileName) {
ASSERT(pWnd != nil);
bool fAbortOperation;
void OnOK(void) {
WMSG0("Ignoring BulkConvCancelDialog OnOK\n");
MainWindow* GetMainWindow(void) const {
return (MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd();
* Handle a request for a bulk disk conversion.
const int kFileNameBufSize = 32768;
DiskConvertDialog convDlg(this);
ChooseDirDialog chooseDirDlg(this);
BulkConvCancelDialog* pCancelDialog = new BulkConvCancelDialog; // on heap
CString openFilters, errMsg;
CString saveFolder, targetDir;
int nameCount;
/* flush current archive in case that's what we're planning to convert */
* Select the set of images to convert.
openFilters = kOpenDiskImage;
openFilters += kOpenAll;
openFilters += kOpenEnd;
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, "dsk", NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, openFilters, this);
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile = new char[kFileNameBufSize];
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile[0] = dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile[1] = '\0';
dlg.m_ofn.nMaxFile = kFileNameBufSize;
dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY; // open all images as read-only
dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT;
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select images to convert";
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
goto bail;
saveFolder = dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(dlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
/* count up the number of entries */
posn = dlg.GetStartPosition();
nameCount = 0;
while (posn != nil) {
CString pathName;
pathName = dlg.GetNextPathName(posn);
WMSG1("BulkConv got nameCount=%d\n", nameCount);
* Choose the target directory.
* We use the "convert archive" folder by default.
if (chooseDirDlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
goto bail;
targetDir = chooseDirDlg.GetPathName();
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrConvertArchiveFolder, targetDir);
* Put up a dialog to select the target conversion format.
* It is up to the user to select a format that matches the selected
* files. If it doesn't (e.g. converting an 800K floppy to DDD format),
* the process will fail later on.
if (convDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed out of convert dialog\n");
goto bail;
/* initialize cancel dialog, and disable main window */
if (pCancelDialog->Create(this) == FALSE) {
WMSG0("Cancel dialog init failed?!\n");
goto bail;
* Loop through all selected files and convert them one at a time.
posn = dlg.GetStartPosition();
while (posn != nil) {
CString pathName;
pathName = dlg.GetNextPathName(posn);
WMSG1(" BulkConv: source path='%s'\n", pathName);
pCancelDialog->SetCurrentFile(FilenameOnly(pathName, '\\'));
if (pCancelDialog->fAbortOperation)
BulkConvertImage(pathName, targetDir, convDlg, &errMsg);
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
/* show error message, do OK/Cancel */
/* do we need to delete the output file on failure? In general
we can't, because we could have failed because the file
already existed. */
CString failed;
int res;
errMsg += "\n\nSource file: ";
errMsg += pathName;
errMsg += "\n\nClick OK to skip this and continue, or Cancel to "
"stop now.";
res = pCancelDialog->MessageBox(errMsg,
if (res != IDOK)
goto bail;
if (!pCancelDialog->fAbortOperation)
// restore the main window to prominence
if (pCancelDialog != nil)
delete[] dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
* Convert one image during a bulk conversion.
* [Much of this is copy & pasted from OnToolsDiskConv(). This needs to get
* refactored.]
* On failure, the reason for failure is stuffed into "*pErrMsg".
MainWindow::BulkConvertImage(const char* pathName, const char* targetDir,
const DiskConvertDialog& convDlg, CString* pErrMsg)
DIError dierr;
CString saveName;
DiskImg srcImg, dstImg;
CString storageName;
PathName srcPath(pathName);
CString fileName, ext;
*pErrMsg = "";
/* open the image file and analyze it */
dierr = srcImg.OpenImage(pathName, PathProposal::kLocalFssep, true);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
pErrMsg->Format("Unable to open disk image: %s.",
goto bail;
if (srcImg.AnalyzeImage() != kDIErrNone) {
pErrMsg->Format("The file doesn't seem to hold a valid disk image.");
goto bail;
#if 0 // don't feel like posting this UI
* If we can't figure out the sector ordering, prompt the user. Don't
* go into it if they have "confirm format" selected, since that would be
* annoying. If they need to confirm it, they can use the one-at-a-time
* interface.
if (srcImg.GetSectorOrder() == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown) {
if (TryDiskImgOverride(&srcImg, pathName, DiskImg::kFormatGenericProDOSOrd,
nil, pErrMsg) != IDOK)
*pErrMsg = "Image conversion cancelled.";
if (!pErrMsg->IsEmpty())
goto bail;
if (srcImg.GetSectorOrder() == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown) {
*pErrMsg = "Could not determine the disk image sector ordering. You "
"may need to change the file extension.";
goto bail;
/* transfer the DOS volume num, if one was set */
WMSG1("DOS volume number set to %d\n", dstImg.GetDOSVolumeNum());
DiskImg::FSFormat origFSFormat;
origFSFormat = srcImg.GetFSFormat();
* The converter always tries to read and write images as if they were
* ProDOS blocks. This way the only sector ordering changes are caused by
* differences in the sector ordering, rather than differences in the
* assumed filesystem types (which may not be knowable).
dierr = srcImg.OverrideFormat(srcImg.GetPhysicalFormat(),
DiskImg::kFormatGenericProDOSOrd, srcImg.GetSectorOrder());
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
pErrMsg->Format("Internal error: couldn't switch to generic ProDOS: %s.",
goto bail;
* Examine their choices.
DiskImg::OuterFormat outerFormat;
DiskImg::FileFormat fileFormat;
DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physicalFormat;
DiskImg::SectorOrder sectorOrder;
if (DetermineImageSettings(convDlg.fConvertIdx, (convDlg.fAddGzip != 0),
&outerFormat, &fileFormat, &physicalFormat, &sectorOrder) != 0)
*pErrMsg = "Odd: couldn't configure image settings";
goto bail;
const DiskImg::NibbleDescr* pNibbleDescr;
pNibbleDescr = srcImg.GetNibbleDescr();
if (pNibbleDescr == nil && DiskImg::IsNibbleFormat(physicalFormat)) {
* We're writing to a nibble format, so we have to decide how the
* disk should be formatted. The source doesn't specify it, so we
* use generic 13- or 16-sector, defaulting to the latter when in
* doubt.
if (srcImg.GetHasSectors() && srcImg.GetNumSectPerTrack() == 13) {
pNibbleDescr = DiskImg::GetStdNibbleDescr(
} else {
pNibbleDescr = DiskImg::GetStdNibbleDescr(
WMSG2(" NibbleDescr is 0x%08lx (%s)\n", (long) pNibbleDescr,
pNibbleDescr != nil ? pNibbleDescr->description : "---");
* Create the new filename based on the old filename.
saveName = targetDir;
if (saveName.Right(1) != '\\')
saveName += '\\';
fileName = srcPath.GetFileName();
ext = srcPath.GetExtension(); // extension, including '.'
if (ext.CompareNoCase(".gz") == 0) {
/* got a .gz, see if there's anything else in front of it */
CString tmpName, ext2;
tmpName = srcPath.GetPathName();
tmpName = tmpName.Left(tmpName.GetLength() - ext.GetLength());
PathName tmpPath(tmpName);
ext2 = tmpPath.GetExtension();
if (ext2.GetLength() >= 2 && ext2.GetLength() <= 4)
ext = ext2 + ext;
saveName += fileName.Left(fileName.GetLength() - ext.GetLength());
} else {
if (ext.GetLength() < 2 || ext.GetLength() > 4) {
/* no meaningful extension */
saveName += fileName;
} else {
saveName += fileName.Left(fileName.GetLength() - ext.GetLength());
storageName = FilenameOnly(saveName, '\\'); // grab this for SHK name
saveName += '.';
saveName += convDlg.fExtension;
WMSG2(" Bulk converting '%s' to '%s'\n", pathName, saveName);
* If this is a ProDOS volume, use the disk volume name as the default
* value for "storageName" (which is only used for NuFX archives).
if (srcImg.GetFSFormat() == DiskImg::kFormatProDOS) {
CWaitCursor waitc;
DiskFS* pDiskFS = srcImg.OpenAppropriateDiskFS();
// set "headerOnly" since we only need the volume name
dierr = pDiskFS->Initialize(&srcImg, DiskFS::kInitHeaderOnly);
if (dierr == kDIErrNone) {
storageName = pDiskFS->GetVolumeName();
delete pDiskFS;
} else {
/* just use storageName as set earlier, unless target is DiskCopy42 */
if (fileFormat == DiskImg::kFileFormatDiskCopy42)
storageName = ""; // want to use "not a mac disk" for non-ProDOS
WMSG1(" Using '%s' as storageName\n", storageName);
* If the source is a UNIDOS volume and the target format is DiskCopy 4.2,
* use DOS sector ordering instead of ProDOS block ordering. For some
* reason the disks come out that way.
if (origFSFormat == DiskImg::kFormatUNIDOS &&
fileFormat == DiskImg::kFileFormatDiskCopy42)
WMSG0(" Switching to DOS sector ordering for UNIDOS/DiskCopy42");
sectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
* Create the image file. Adjust the number of tracks if we're
* copying to or from a TrackStar image.
int dstNumTracks;
int dstNumBlocks;
bool isPartial;
dstNumTracks = srcImg.GetNumTracks();
dstNumBlocks = srcImg.GetNumBlocks();
isPartial = false;
if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() == DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
fileFormat != DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
srcImg.GetNumTracks() == 40)
/* from TrackStar to other */
dstNumTracks = 35;
dstNumBlocks = 280;
isPartial = true;
if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() == DiskImg::kFileFormatFDI &&
fileFormat != DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
srcImg.GetNumTracks() != 35 && srcImg.GetNumBlocks() != 1600)
/* from 5.25" FDI to other */
dstNumTracks = 35;
dstNumBlocks = 280;
isPartial = true;
if (srcImg.GetFileFormat() != DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
fileFormat == DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar &&
dstNumTracks == 35)
/* other to TrackStar */
isPartial = true;
if (srcImg.GetHasNibbles() &&
DiskImg::IsNibbleFormat(physicalFormat) &&
physicalFormat == srcImg.GetPhysicalFormat())
/* for nibble-to-nibble with the same track format, copy it
as collection of tracks */
dierr = dstImg.CreateImage(saveName, storageName,
srcImg.GetNumTracks(), srcImg.GetNumSectPerTrack(),
false /* must format */);
} else if (srcImg.GetHasBlocks()) {
/* for general case, create as a block image */
dierr = dstImg.CreateImage(saveName, storageName,
false /* only need for nibble? */);
} else if (srcImg.GetHasSectors()) {
* We should only get here when converting to/from D13. We have to
* special-case this because this was originally written to support
* block copying as the lowest common denominator. D13 screwed
* everything up. :-)
dierr = dstImg.CreateImage(saveName, storageName,
DiskImg::kFormatGenericProDOSOrd, // needs to match above
dstNumTracks, srcImg.GetNumSectPerTrack(),
false /* only need for dest=nibble? */);
} else {
/* e.g. unrecognizeable nibble to blocks */
*pErrMsg = "Could not convert to requested format.";
goto bail;
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
if (dierr == kDIErrInvalidCreateReq)
*pErrMsg = "Could not convert to requested format.";
pErrMsg->Format("Couldn't construct disk image: %s.",
goto bail;
* Do the actual copy, either as blocks or tracks.
dierr = CopyDiskImage(&dstImg, &srcImg, true, isPartial, nil);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone)
goto bail;
dierr = dstImg.CloseImage();
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
pErrMsg->Format("ERROR: dstImg close failed (err=%d)\n", dierr);
goto bail;
dierr = srcImg.CloseImage();
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
pErrMsg->Format("ERROR: srcImg close failed (err=%d)\n", dierr);
goto bail;
* ==========================================================================
* SST Merge
* ==========================================================================
const int kSSTNumTracks = 35;
const int kSSTNumSectPerTrack = 16;
const int kSSTTrackLen = 6656;
* Merge two SST images into a single NIB image.
const int kBadCountThreshold = 3072;
DiskImg srcImg0, srcImg1;
CString appName, saveName, saveFolder, errMsg;
unsigned char* trackBuf = nil;
long badCount;
// no need to flush -- can't really open raw SST images
CFileDialog saveDlg(FALSE, _T("nib"), NULL,
"All Files (*.*)|*.*||", this);
trackBuf = new unsigned char[kSSTNumTracks * kSSTTrackLen];
if (trackBuf == nil)
goto bail;
* Open the two images and verify that they are what they seem.
badCount = 0;
if (SSTOpenImage(0, &srcImg0) != 0)
goto bail;
if (SSTLoadData(0, &srcImg0, trackBuf, &badCount) != 0)
goto bail;
WMSG1("FOUND %ld bad bytes in part 0\n", badCount);
if (badCount > kBadCountThreshold) {
if (MessageBox(errMsg, appName, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK)
goto bail;
badCount = 0;
if (SSTOpenImage(1, &srcImg1) != 0)
goto bail;
if (SSTLoadData(1, &srcImg1, trackBuf, &badCount) != 0)
goto bail;
WMSG1("FOUND %ld bad bytes in part 1\n", badCount);
if (badCount > kBadCountThreshold) {
if (MessageBox(errMsg, appName, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK)
goto bail;
* Realign the tracks and OR 0x80 to everything.
* Pick the output file and write the buffer to it.
saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("Save .NIB disk image as...");
saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (saveDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User bailed out of image save dialog\n");
goto bail;
saveFolder = saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(saveDlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
saveName = saveDlg.GetPathName();
WMSG1("File will be saved to '%s'\n", saveName);
/* remove the file if it exists */
errMsg = RemoveFile(saveName);
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
FILE* fp;
fp = fopen(saveName, "wb");
if (fp == nil) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to create '%s': %s.",
saveName, strerror(errno));
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
if (fwrite(trackBuf, kSSTNumTracks * kSSTTrackLen, 1, fp) != 1) {
errMsg.Format("Failed while writing to new image file: %s.",
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* We're done. Give them the opportunity to open the disk image they
* just created.
DoneOpenDialog doneOpen(this);
if (doneOpen.DoModal() == IDOK) {
WMSG1(" At user request, opening '%s'\n", saveName);
DoOpenArchive(saveName, "nib", kFilterIndexDiskImage, false);
delete[] trackBuf;
* Open one of the SST images.
* Configures "pDiskImg" appropriately.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
MainWindow::SSTOpenImage(int seqNum, DiskImg* pDiskImg)
DIError dierr;
int result = -1;
CString openFilters, errMsg;
CString loadName, saveFolder;
* Select the image to convert.
openFilters = kOpenDiskImage;
openFilters += kOpenAll;
openFilters += kOpenEnd;
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, "dsk", NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, openFilters, this);
dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
if (seqNum == 0)
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select first SST image";
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select second SST image";
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
goto bail;
loadName = dlg.GetPathName();
saveFolder = dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(dlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
/* open the image file and analyze it */
dierr = pDiskImg->OpenImage(loadName, PathProposal::kLocalFssep, true);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open disk image: %s.",
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
if (pDiskImg->AnalyzeImage() != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("The file '%s' doesn't seem to hold a valid disk image.",
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* If confirm image format is set, or we can't figure out the sector
* ordering, prompt the user.
if (pDiskImg->GetSectorOrder() == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown ||
if (TryDiskImgOverride(pDiskImg, loadName,
DiskImg::kFormatGenericDOSOrd, nil, false, &errMsg) != IDOK)
goto bail;
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
if (pDiskImg->GetFSFormat() != DiskImg::kFormatUnknown &&
errMsg = "This disk image appears to have a valid filesystem. SST"
" images are just raw track dumps.";
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
if (pDiskImg->GetNumTracks() != kSSTNumTracks ||
pDiskImg->GetNumSectPerTrack() != kSSTNumSectPerTrack)
errMsg = "ERROR: only 5.25\" floppy disk images can be SST inputs.";
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
/* use DOS filesystem sector ordering */
dierr = pDiskImg->OverrideFormat(pDiskImg->GetPhysicalFormat(),
DiskImg::kFormatGenericDOSOrd, pDiskImg->GetSectorOrder());
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg = "ERROR: internal failure: format override failed.";
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
result = 0;
return result;
* Copy 17.5 tracks of data from the SST image to a .NIB image.
* Data is stored in all 16 sectors of track 0, followed by the first
* 12 sectors of track 1, then on to track 2. Total of $1a00 bytes.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
MainWindow::SSTLoadData(int seqNum, DiskImg* pDiskImg, unsigned char* trackBuf,
long* pBadCount)
DIError dierr;
unsigned char sctBuf[256];
int track, sector;
long bufOffset;
for (track = 0; track < kSSTNumTracks; track++) {
int virtualTrack = track + (seqNum * kSSTNumTracks);
bufOffset = SSTGetBufOffset(virtualTrack);
//WMSG3("USING offset=%ld (track=%d / %d)\n",
// bufOffset, track, virtualTrack);
if (virtualTrack & 0x01) {
/* odd-numbered track, sectors 15-4 */
for (sector = 15; sector >= 4; sector--) {
dierr = pDiskImg->ReadTrackSector(track, sector, sctBuf);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
WMSG2("ERROR: on track=%d sector=%d\n",
track, sector);
return -1;
*pBadCount += SSTCountBadBytes(sctBuf, 256);
memcpy(trackBuf + bufOffset, sctBuf, 256);
bufOffset += 256;
} else {
for (sector = 13; sector >= 0; sector--) {
dierr = pDiskImg->ReadTrackSector(track, sector, sctBuf);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
WMSG2("ERROR: on track=%d sector=%d\n",
track, sector);
return -1;
*pBadCount += SSTCountBadBytes(sctBuf, 256);
memcpy(trackBuf + bufOffset, sctBuf, 256);
bufOffset += 256;
return 0;
* Compute the destination file offset for a particular source track. The
* track number ranges from 0 to 69 inclusive. Sectors from two adjacent
* "cooked" tracks are combined into a single "raw nibbilized" track.
* The data is ordered like this:
* track 1 sector 15 --> track 1 sector 4 (12 sectors)
* track 0 sector 13 --> track 0 sector 0 (14 sectors)
* Total of 26 sectors, or $1a00 bytes.
MainWindow::SSTGetBufOffset(int track)
assert(track >= 0 && track < kSSTNumTracks*2);
long offset;
if (track & 0x01) {
/* odd, use start of data */
offset = (track / 2) * kSSTTrackLen;
} else {
/* even, start of data plus 12 sectors */
offset = (track / 2) * kSSTTrackLen + 12 * 256;
assert(offset >= 0 && offset < kSSTTrackLen * kSSTNumTracks);
return offset;
* Count the number of "bad" bytes in the sector.
* Strictly speaking, a "bad" byte is anything that doesn't appear in the
* 6&2 decoding table, 5&3 decoding table, special list (D5, AA), and
* can't be used as a 4+4 encoding value.
* We just use $80 - $92, which qualify for all of the above.
MainWindow::SSTCountBadBytes(const unsigned char* sctBuf, int count)
long badCount = 0;
unsigned char uch;
while (count--) {
uch = (*sctBuf) | 0x80;
if (uch >= 0x80 && uch <= 0x92)
return badCount;
* Run through the data, adding 0x80 everywhere and re-aligning the
* tracks so that the big clump of sync bytes is at the end.
MainWindow::SSTProcessTrackData(unsigned char* trackBuf)
unsigned char* trackPtr;
int track;
for (track = 0, trackPtr = trackBuf; track < kSSTNumTracks;
track++, trackPtr += kSSTTrackLen)
bool inRun;
int start, longestStart;
int count7f, longest = -1;
int i;
inRun = false;
for (i = 0; i < kSSTTrackLen; i++) {
if (trackPtr[i] == 0x7f) {
if (inRun) {
} else {
count7f = 1;
start = i;
inRun = true;
} else {
if (inRun) {
if (count7f > longest) {
longest = count7f;
longestStart = start;
inRun = false;
} else {
/* do nothing */
trackPtr[i] |= 0x80;
if (longest == -1) {
WMSG1("HEY: couldn't find any 0x7f in track %d\n",
} else {
WMSG3("Found run of %d at %d in track %d\n",
longest, longestStart, track);
int bkpt = longestStart + longest;
assert(bkpt < kSSTTrackLen);
char oneTrack[kSSTTrackLen];
memcpy(oneTrack, trackPtr, kSSTTrackLen);
/* copy it back so sync bytes are at end of track */
memcpy(trackPtr, oneTrack + bkpt, kSSTTrackLen - bkpt);
memcpy(trackPtr + (kSSTTrackLen - bkpt), oneTrack, bkpt);
* ==========================================================================
* Volume Copier
* ==========================================================================
* Select a volume and then invoke the volcopy dialog.
MainWindow::VolumeCopier(bool openFile)
VolumeCopyDialog copyDlg(this);
DiskImg srcImg;
//DiskFS* pDiskFS = nil;
DIError dierr;
CString failed, errMsg, msg;
CString deviceName;
bool readOnly = false;
int result;
/* flush current archive in case that's what we're planning to edit */
if (!openFile) {
* Select the volume to manipulate.
OpenVolumeDialog openVolDlg(this);
//openVolDlg.fReadOnly = false;
//openVolDlg.fAllowROChange = true;
result = openVolDlg.DoModal();
if (result != IDOK)
goto bail;
deviceName = openVolDlg.fChosenDrive;
readOnly = (openVolDlg.fReadOnly != 0);
} else {
* Open a disk image file instead.
CString openFilters;
openFilters = kOpenDiskImage;
openFilters += kOpenAll;
openFilters += kOpenEnd;
CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, "dsk", NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, openFilters, this);
//dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
fileDlg.m_ofn.Flags &= ~(OFN_READONLY);
fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select disk image file";
fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (fileDlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
goto bail;
deviceName = fileDlg.GetPathName();
readOnly = (fileDlg.GetReadOnlyPref() != 0);
* Open the disk image and figure out what it is.
CWaitCursor waitc;
dierr = srcImg.OpenImage(deviceName, '\0', readOnly);
if (dierr == kDIErrAccessDenied) {
if (openFile) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open '%s': %s (try opening the file"
" with 'Read Only' checked).", deviceName,
} else if (!IsWin9x() && !openFile) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open '%s': %s (make sure you have"
" administrator privileges).", deviceName,
} else {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open '%s': %s.", deviceName,
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
} else if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open '%s': %s.", deviceName,
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
/* analyze it to get #of blocks and determine the FS */
if (srcImg.AnalyzeImage() != kDIErrNone) {
errMsg.Format("There isn't a valid disk image here?!?");
MessageBox(errMsg, failed, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);
goto bail;
* If requested (or necessary), verify the format.
if (srcImg.GetFSFormat() == DiskImg::kFormatUnknown ||
srcImg.GetSectorOrder() == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown ||
if (TryDiskImgOverride(&srcImg, deviceName, DiskImg::kFormatUnknown,
nil, true, &errMsg) != IDOK)
goto bail;
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
* Hand the DiskImg object off to the volume copier dialog.
copyDlg.fpDiskImg = &srcImg;
copyDlg.fPathName = deviceName;
(void) copyDlg.DoModal();
* The volume copier could have modified our open file. If it has,
* we need to close and reopen the archive.
srcImg.CloseImage(); // could interfere with volume reopen
if (fNeedReopen) {
PeekAndPump(); // clear out dialog
* ==========================================================================
* Disk image creator
* ==========================================================================
* Create a new disk image.
CreateImageDialog createDlg(this);
DiskArchive* pNewArchive = nil;
createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx =
if (createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx < 0)
createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx = CreateImageDialog::kFmtProDOS;
* Ask the user what sort of disk they'd like to create.
if (createDlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
fPreferences.SetPrefLong(kPrDiskImageCreateFormat, createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx);
* Set up the options struct. We set base.sectorOrder later.
assert(createDlg.fNumBlocks > 0);
DiskArchive::NewOptions options;
memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
switch (createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx) {
case CreateImageDialog::kFmtBlank:
options.base.format = DiskImg::kFormatUnknown;
options.blank.numBlocks = createDlg.fNumBlocks;
case CreateImageDialog::kFmtProDOS:
options.base.format = DiskImg::kFormatProDOS;
options.prodos.numBlocks = createDlg.fNumBlocks;
options.prodos.volName = createDlg.fVolName_ProDOS;
case CreateImageDialog::kFmtPascal:
options.base.format = DiskImg::kFormatPascal;
options.pascalfs.numBlocks = createDlg.fNumBlocks;
options.pascalfs.volName = createDlg.fVolName_Pascal;
case CreateImageDialog::kFmtHFS:
options.base.format = DiskImg::kFormatMacHFS;
options.hfs.numBlocks = createDlg.fNumBlocks;
options.hfs.volName = createDlg.fVolName_HFS;
case CreateImageDialog::kFmtDOS32:
options.base.format = DiskImg::kFormatDOS32;
options.dos.volumeNum = createDlg.fDOSVolumeNum;
options.dos.allocDOSTracks = (createDlg.fAllocTracks_DOS != 0);
options.dos.numTracks = 35;
options.dos.numSectors = 13;
case CreateImageDialog::kFmtDOS33:
options.base.format = DiskImg::kFormatDOS33;
options.dos.volumeNum = createDlg.fDOSVolumeNum;
options.dos.allocDOSTracks = (createDlg.fAllocTracks_DOS != 0);
if (createDlg.fNumBlocks <= 400) {
ASSERT(createDlg.fNumBlocks % 8 == 0);
options.dos.numTracks = createDlg.fNumBlocks / 8;
options.dos.numSectors = 16;
} else if (createDlg.fNumBlocks <= 800) {
ASSERT(createDlg.fNumBlocks % 16 == 0);
options.dos.numTracks = createDlg.fNumBlocks / 16;
options.dos.numSectors = 32;
options.dos.allocDOSTracks = false;
} else {
WMSG1("Invalid fDiskFormatIdx %d from CreateImageDialog\n",
* Select the file to store it in.
CString filename, saveFolder, errStr;
int filterIndex = 1;
CString formats;
if (createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx == CreateImageDialog::kFmtDOS32) {
formats = "13-sector disk (*.d13)|*.d13|";
} else {
formats = "ProDOS-ordered image (*.po)|*.po|";
if (createDlg.fNumBlocks == 280) {
formats += "DOS-ordered image (*.do)|*.do|";
filterIndex = 2;
formats += "|";
CFileDialog saveDlg(FALSE, _T("po"), NULL,
formats, this);
saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "New Disk Image";
saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
saveDlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex = filterIndex;
if (saveDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) {
WMSG0(" User cancelled xfer from image create dialog\n");
saveFolder = saveDlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(saveDlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
filename = saveDlg.GetPathName();
WMSG2(" Will xfer to file '%s' (filterIndex=%d)\n",
filename, saveDlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex);
if (createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx == CreateImageDialog::kFmtDOS32) {
options.base.sectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
} else {
if (saveDlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex == 2)
options.base.sectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS;
options.base.sectorOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS;
/* remove file if it already exists */
CString errMsg;
errMsg = RemoveFile(filename);
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
pNewArchive = new DiskArchive;
/* create the new archive, showing a "busy" message */
ExclusiveModelessDialog* pWaitDlg = new ExclusiveModelessDialog;
pWaitDlg->Create(IDD_FORMATTING, this);
PeekAndPump(); // redraw
CWaitCursor waitc;
errStr = pNewArchive->New(filename, &options);
//PeekAndPump(); // redraw
delete pNewArchive; // close it, either way
if (!errStr.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED);
(void) unlink(filename);
} else {
WMSG0("Disk image created successfully\n");
#if 0
/* give them the opportunity to open the new disk image */
DoneOpenDialog doneOpen(this);
if (doneOpen.DoModal() == IDOK) {
WMSG1(" At user request, opening '%s'\n", filename);
DoOpenArchive(filename, "dsk", kFilterIndexDiskImage, false);
if (createDlg.fDiskFormatIdx != CreateImageDialog::kFmtBlank)
DoOpenArchive(filename, "dsk", kFilterIndexDiskImage, false);
* ==========================================================================
* EOL scanner
* ==========================================================================
* Scan and report on the end-of-line markers found in a file.
* Useful for identifying files that have been mangled by ASCII conversions.
CString fileName, saveFolder, errMsg;
CString openFilters;
openFilters = kOpenAll;
openFilters += kOpenEnd;
CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, "dsk", NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, openFilters, this);
fileDlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
//fileDlg.m_ofn.Flags &= ~(OFN_READONLY);
fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select file to scan";
fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (fileDlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
fileName = fileDlg.GetPathName();
saveFolder = fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(fileDlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
WMSG1("Scanning '%s'\n", (const char*) fileName);
FILE* fp;
fp = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (fp == nil) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open '%s': %s.", fileName, strerror(errno));
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
long numCR, numLF, numCRLF, numHAChars, numChars;
bool lastCR;
int ic;
* Plow through the file, counting up characters.
numCR = numLF = numCRLF = numChars = numHAChars = 0;
lastCR = false;
while (true) {
ic = getc(fp);
if (ic == EOF)
if ((ic & 0x80) != 0)
if (ic == '\r') {
lastCR = true;
} else if (ic == '\n') {
if (lastCR) {
lastCR = false;
} else {
} else {
lastCR = false;
WMSG4("Got CR=%ld LF=%ld CRLF=%ld (numChars=%ld)\n",
numCR, numLF, numCRLF, numChars);
EOLScanDialog output;
output.fCountCR = numCR;
output.fCountLF = numLF;
output.fCountCRLF = numCRLF;
output.fCountChars = numChars;
output.fCountHighASCII = numHAChars;
(void) output.DoModal();
* ==========================================================================
* 2MG disk image properties editor
* ==========================================================================
* Edit the properties (but not the disk image inside) a .2MG disk image.
CString fileName, saveFolder, errMsg;
CString openFilters;
/* flush current archive in case that's what we're planning to edit */
* Select the file to open.
openFilters = "2MG Disk Images (.2mg .2img)|*.2mg;*.2img|";
openFilters += kOpenAll;
openFilters += kOpenEnd;
CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, "2mg", NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, openFilters, this);
fileDlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
//fileDlg.m_ofn.Flags &= ~(OFN_READONLY);
fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select file to edit";
fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = fPreferences.GetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder);
if (fileDlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
fileName = fileDlg.GetPathName();
saveFolder = fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile;
saveFolder = saveFolder.Left(fileDlg.m_ofn.nFileOffset);
fPreferences.SetPrefString(kPrOpenArchiveFolder, saveFolder);
* Open it up.
bool changed;
changed = EditTwoImgProps(fileName);
if (changed && IsOpenPathName(fileName)) {
PeekAndPump(); // clear out dialog
* Edit the properties of a 2MG file.
* Returns "true" if the file was modified, "false" if not.
MainWindow::EditTwoImgProps(const char* fileName)
TwoImgPropsDialog dialog;
TwoImgHeader header;
FILE* fp = nil;
bool dirty = false;
CString errMsg;
long totalLength;
bool readOnly = false;
WMSG1("EditTwoImgProps '%s'\n", fileName);
fp = fopen(fileName, "r+b");
if (fp == nil) {
int firstError = errno;
fp = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (fp == nil) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to open '%s': %s.",
fileName, strerror(firstError));
goto bail;
} else
readOnly = true;
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
totalLength = ftell(fp);
if (header.ReadHeader(fp, totalLength) != 0) {
errMsg.Format("Unable to process 2MG header in '%s'"
" (are you sure this is in 2MG format?).",
goto bail;
dialog.Setup(&header, readOnly);
if (dialog.DoModal() == IDOK) {
long result;
//header.SetCreatorChunk("fubar", 5);
if (header.WriteHeader(fp) != 0) {
errMsg = "Unable to write 2MG header";
goto bail;
* Clip off the footer. They might have had one before but don't
* have one now. If they do have one now we'll add it back in a
* second.
result = fseek(fp, header.fDataOffset + header.fDataLen, SEEK_SET);
if (result < 0) {
errMsg = "Unable to seek to end of 2MG file";
goto bail;
dirty = true;
if (::chsize(fileno(fp), ftell(fp)) != 0) {
errMsg = "Unable to truncate 2MG file before writing footer";
goto bail;
if (header.fCmtLen || header.fCreatorLen) {
if (header.WriteFooter(fp) != 0) {
errMsg = "Unable to write 2MG footer";
goto bail;
WMSG0("2MG success!\n");
if (fp != nil)
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) {
ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
return dirty;