Improve filename handling when adding files

Most of this change is a conversion of the old FileDetails struct
into a new LocalFileDetails class.  The new class keeps the
members private, and keeps the Unicode and MOR representations of
the string separate.

The NuFX and DiskImg libraries don't support UTF-16 filenames,
so we stil can't add files with non-CP-1252 filenames, but we're
a step closer.

Also, update NufxLib with a couple of fixes from the main project.

Also, fix handling of "%00" when adding files.

Also, mark most of the A2FileDOS fields private.  Not sure why
they weren't.
This commit is contained in:
Andy McFadden 2015-01-04 21:04:01 -08:00
parent d94b707489
commit b79498da50
24 changed files with 824 additions and 697 deletions

View File

@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ bail:
/*static*/ CString AcuArchive::AppInit(void)
return "";
return L"";
GenericArchive::OpenResult AcuArchive::Open(const WCHAR* filename,
@ -526,11 +526,11 @@ int AcuArchive::ReadMasterHeader(int* pNumEntries)
header.unknown1 != 1 ||
strcmp((char*) header.fZink, "fZink") != 0)
LOGI("Not an ACU archive");
LOGW("Not an ACU archive");
return -1;
LOGI("Looks like an ACU archive with %d entries", header.fileCount);
LOGD("Looks like an ACU archive with %d entries", header.fileCount);
*pNumEntries = header.fileCount;
return 0;

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ private:
virtual void XferPrepare(const XferFileOptions* pXferOpts) override
{ ASSERT(false); }
virtual CString XferFile(FileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
virtual CString XferFile(LocalFileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
long dataLen, uint8_t** pRsrcBuf, long rsrcLen) override
{ ASSERT(false); return "!"; }
virtual void XferAbort(CWnd* pMsgWnd) override
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ private:
virtual ArchiveKind GetArchiveKind(void) override { return kArchiveACU; }
virtual NuError DoAddFile(const AddFilesDialog* pAddOpts,
FileDetails* pDetails) override
LocalFileDetails* pDetails) override
{ ASSERT(false); return kNuErrGeneric; }
enum {

View File

@ -2138,21 +2138,21 @@ void MainWindow::OnUpdateActionsConvFromWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
pCmdUI->Enable(fpContentList != NULL && !fpOpenArchive->IsReadOnly());
/*static*/ bool MainWindow::SaveToArchive(GenericArchive::FileDetails* pDetails,
const unsigned char* dataBufIn, long dataLen,
const unsigned char* rsrcBufIn, long rsrcLen,
CString& errMsg, CWnd* pDialog)
/*static*/ bool MainWindow::SaveToArchive(GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails* pDetails,
const uint8_t* dataBufIn, long dataLen,
const uint8_t* rsrcBufIn, long rsrcLen,
CString* pErrMsg, CWnd* pDialog)
MainWindow* pMain = GET_MAIN_WINDOW();
GenericArchive* pArchive = pMain->GetOpenArchive();
DiskImgLib::A2File* pTargetSubdir = NULL;
XferFileOptions xferOpts;
CString storagePrefix;
unsigned char* dataBuf = NULL;
unsigned char* rsrcBuf = NULL;
uint8_t* dataBuf = NULL;
uint8_t* rsrcBuf = NULL;
ASSERT(pArchive != NULL);
* Make a copy of the data for XferFile.
@ -2163,7 +2163,7 @@ void MainWindow::OnUpdateActionsConvFromWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
dataBuf = new unsigned char[dataLen];
if (dataBuf == NULL) {
errMsg.Format(L"Unable to allocate %ld bytes", dataLen);
pErrMsg->Format(L"Unable to allocate %ld bytes", dataLen);
goto bail;
memcpy(dataBuf, dataBufIn, dataLen);
@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@ void MainWindow::OnUpdateActionsConvFromWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
// Always use ':' separator for SHK; this is a matter of
// convenience, so they can specify a full path.
//details.storageName.Replace(':', '_');
pDetails->fileSysInfo = ':';
if (pTargetSubdir != NULL) {
storagePrefix = pTargetSubdir->GetPathName();
@ -2195,13 +2195,13 @@ void MainWindow::OnUpdateActionsConvFromWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if (!storagePrefix.IsEmpty()) {
CString tmpStr, tmpFileName;
tmpFileName = pDetails->storageName;
tmpFileName = pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName();
tmpFileName.Replace(':', '_'); // strip any ':'s in the name
pDetails->fileSysInfo = ':';
tmpStr = storagePrefix;
tmpStr += ':';
tmpStr += tmpFileName;
pDetails->storageName = tmpStr;
@ -2211,18 +2211,18 @@ void MainWindow::OnUpdateActionsConvFromWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
errMsg = pArchive->XferFile(pDetails, &dataBuf, dataLen,
*pErrMsg = pArchive->XferFile(pDetails, &dataBuf, dataLen,
&rsrcBuf, rsrcLen);
delete[] dataBuf;
delete[] rsrcBuf;
if (errMsg.IsEmpty())
if (pErrMsg->IsEmpty())
return (errMsg.IsEmpty() != 0);
return (pErrMsg->IsEmpty() != 0);

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ private:
virtual void XferPrepare(const XferFileOptions* pXferOpts) override
{ ASSERT(false); }
virtual CString XferFile(FileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
virtual CString XferFile(LocalFileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
long dataLen, uint8_t** pRsrcBuf, long rsrcLen) override
{ ASSERT(false); return "!"; }
virtual void XferAbort(CWnd* pMsgWnd) override
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ private:
virtual ArchiveKind GetArchiveKind(void) override { return kArchiveBNY; }
virtual NuError DoAddFile(const AddFilesDialog* pAddOpts,
FileDetails* pDetails) override
LocalFileDetails* pDetails) override
{ ASSERT(false); return kNuErrGeneric; }
enum {

View File

@ -616,25 +616,27 @@ void ImportBASDialog::OnOK(void)
* Write the file to the currently-open archive.
GenericArchive::FileDetails details;
GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails details;
details.entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork;
details.origName = L"Imported BASIC";
details.storageName = fileName;
details.access = 0xe3; // unlocked, backup bit set
details.fileType = kFileTypeBAS;
details.extraType = 0x0801;
details.storageType = DiskFS::kStorageSeedling;
details.SetLocalPathName(L"Imported BASIC");
details.SetAccess(0xe3); // unlocked, backup bit set
time_t now = time(NULL);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.createWhen);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.archiveWhen);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.modWhen);
NuDateTime ndt;
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &ndt);
CString errMsg;
fDirty = true;
if (!MainWindow::SaveToArchive(&details, (const unsigned char*) fOutput,
fOutputLen, NULL, -1, /*ref*/errMsg, this))
fOutputLen, NULL, -1, &errMsg, this))
goto bail;

View File

@ -418,29 +418,33 @@ void CassetteDialog::OnImport(void)
* Write the file to the currently-open archive.
GenericArchive::FileDetails details;
GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails details;
details.entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork;
details.origName = "Cassette WAV";
details.storageName = impDialog.fFileName;
details.access = 0xe3; // unlocked, backup bit set
details.fileType = impDialog.GetFileType();
if (details.fileType == kFileTypeBIN)
details.extraType = impDialog.fStartAddr;
else if (details.fileType == kFileTypeBAS)
details.extraType = 0x0801;
details.extraType = 0x0000;
details.storageType = DiskFS::kStorageSeedling;
details.SetLocalPathName(L"Cassette WAV");
details.SetAccess(0xe3); // unlocked, backup bit set
if (details.GetFileType() == kFileTypeBIN) {
} else if (details.GetFileType() == kFileTypeBAS) {
} else {
time_t now = time(NULL);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.createWhen);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.archiveWhen);
NuDateTime ndt;
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &ndt);
CString errMsg;
fDirty = true;
if (!MainWindow::SaveToArchive(&details, fDataArray[idx].GetDataBuf(),
fDataArray[idx].GetDataLen(), NULL, -1, /*ref*/errMsg, this))
fDataArray[idx].GetDataLen(), NULL, -1, &errMsg, this))
goto bail;

View File

@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ typedef struct FileCollectionEntry {
uint32_t cmmtLen; // len of comments
uint32_t fileType;
uint32_t auxType;
int64_t createWhen; // time_t
int64_t modWhen; // time_t
int64_t createWhen; // holds time_t
int64_t modWhen; // holds time_t
uint8_t access; // ProDOS access flags
uint8_t entryKind; // GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind
uint8_t sourceFS; // DiskImgLib::DiskImg::FSFormat
uint8_t sourceFS; // holds DiskImgLib::DiskImg::FSFormat
uint8_t fssep; // filesystem separator char, e.g. ':'
/* data comes next: null-terminated WCHAR filename, then data fork, then
@ -440,17 +440,17 @@ CString MainWindow::CopyToCollection(GenericEntry* pEntry, void** pBuf,
return errStr;
GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind entryKind;
GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::FileKind entryKind;
if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() == GenericEntry::kRecordKindDirectory)
entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDirectory;
entryKind = GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDirectory;
else if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork() && pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork())
entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindBothForks;
entryKind = GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindBothForks;
else if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork())
entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork;
entryKind = GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDataFork;
else if (pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork())
entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork;
entryKind = GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork;
else if (pEntry->GetHasDiskImage())
entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage;
entryKind = GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage;
else {
return errStr;
@ -912,30 +912,32 @@ bail:
CString MainWindow::ProcessClipboardEntry(const FileCollectionEntry* pCollEnt,
const WCHAR* pathName, const uint8_t* buf, long remLen)
GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind entryKind;
GenericArchive::FileDetails details;
GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::FileKind entryKind;
GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails details;
uint8_t* dataBuf = NULL;
uint8_t* rsrcBuf = NULL;
long dataLen, rsrcLen, cmmtLen;
CString errMsg;
entryKind = (GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind) pCollEnt->entryKind;
LOGI(" Processing '%ls' (%d)", pathName, entryKind);
entryKind = (GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::FileKind) pCollEnt->entryKind;
LOGD(" Processing '%ls' (%d)", pathName, entryKind);
details.entryKind = entryKind;
details.origName = L"Clipboard";
details.storageName = pathName; // TODO MacRoman convert
details.fileSysFmt = (DiskImg::FSFormat) pCollEnt->sourceFS;
details.fileSysInfo = pCollEnt->fssep;
details.access = pCollEnt->access;
details.fileType = pCollEnt->fileType;
details.extraType = pCollEnt->auxType;
details.SetFileSysFmt((DiskImg::FSFormat) pCollEnt->sourceFS);
NuDateTime ndt;
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&pCollEnt->createWhen, &ndt);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&pCollEnt->modWhen, &ndt);
time_t now = time(NULL);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.archiveWhen);
GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &ndt);
* Because of the way XferFile works, we need to make a copy of
@ -958,23 +960,23 @@ CString MainWindow::ProcessClipboardEntry(const FileCollectionEntry* pCollEnt,
bool hasData = false;
bool hasRsrc = false;
if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork) {
if (entryKind == GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDataFork) {
hasData = true;
details.storageType = kNuStorageSeedling;
} else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork) {
} else if (entryKind == GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork) {
hasRsrc = true;
details.storageType = kNuStorageExtended;
} else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindBothForks) {
} else if (entryKind == GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindBothForks) {
hasData = hasRsrc = true;
details.storageType = kNuStorageExtended;
} else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage) {
} else if (entryKind == GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage) {
hasData = true;
details.storageType = kNuStorageSeedling;
} else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDirectory) {
details.storageType = kNuStorageDirectory;
} else if (entryKind == GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDirectory) {
} else {
return "Internal error.";
return L"Internal error.";
if (hasData) {
@ -985,7 +987,7 @@ CString MainWindow::ProcessClipboardEntry(const FileCollectionEntry* pCollEnt,
dataLen = pCollEnt->dataLen;
dataBuf = new uint8_t[dataLen];
if (dataBuf == NULL)
return "memory allocation failed.";
return L"memory allocation failed.";
memcpy(dataBuf, buf, dataLen);
buf += dataLen;
remLen -= dataLen;
@ -1003,7 +1005,7 @@ CString MainWindow::ProcessClipboardEntry(const FileCollectionEntry* pCollEnt,
rsrcLen = pCollEnt->rsrcLen;
rsrcBuf = new uint8_t[rsrcLen];
if (rsrcBuf == NULL)
return "Memory allocation failed.";
return L"Memory allocation failed.";
memcpy(rsrcBuf, buf, rsrcLen);
buf += rsrcLen;
remLen -= rsrcLen;

View File

@ -466,21 +466,26 @@ GenericArchive::OpenResult DiskArchive::Open(const WCHAR* filename,
CWaitCursor waitc;
// TODO(Unicode): modify DiskImg lib to accept wide paths
CStringA fileNameA(filename);
if (!PathName::TestNarrowConversion(filename, fileNameA, &errMsg)) {
result = kResultFailure;
goto bail;
dierr = fDiskImg.OpenImage(fileNameA, PathProposal::kLocalFssep,
if (dierr == kDIErrAccessDenied && !readOnly && !isVolume) {
// retry file open with read-only set
// don't do that for volumes -- assume they know what they want
LOGI(" Retrying open with read-only set");
LOGD(" Retrying open with read-only set");
fIsReadOnly = readOnly = true;
dierr = fDiskImg.OpenImage(fileNameA, PathProposal::kLocalFssep,
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
if (dierr == kDIErrFileArchive)
if (dierr == kDIErrFileArchive) {
result = kResultFileArchive;
else {
} else {
result = kResultFailure;
errMsg.Format(L"Unable to open '%ls': %hs.", filename,
@ -507,7 +512,7 @@ GenericArchive::OpenResult DiskArchive::Open(const WCHAR* filename,
if (imf.DoModal() != IDOK) {
LOGI("User bailed on IMF dialog");
LOGD("User bailed on IMF dialog");
result = kResultCancel;
goto bail;
@ -1246,7 +1251,7 @@ bail:
NuError DiskArchive::DoAddFile(const AddFilesDialog* pAddOpts,
FileDetails* pDetails)
LocalFileDetails* pDetails)
* Add a file to a disk image Unfortunately we can't just add the files
@ -1286,8 +1291,9 @@ NuError DiskArchive::DoAddFile(const AddFilesDialog* pAddOpts,
int neededLen = 64; // reasonable guess
char* fsNormalBuf = NULL; // name as it will appear on disk image
LOGI(" +++ ADD file: orig='%ls' stor='%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->origName, (LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName);
LOGI(" +++ ADD file: orig='%ls' strip='%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetLocalPathName(),
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName());
@ -1295,14 +1301,13 @@ retry:
delete[] fsNormalBuf;
fsNormalBuf = new char[neededLen];
CStringA storageNameA(pDetails->storageName);
dierr = pDiskFS->NormalizePath(storageNameA,
dierr = pDiskFS->NormalizePath(pDetails->GetStoragePathNameMOR(),
PathProposal::kDefaultStoredFssep, fsNormalBuf, &neededLen);
if (dierr == kDIErrDataOverrun) {
/* not long enough, try again *once* */
delete[] fsNormalBuf;
fsNormalBuf = new char[neededLen];
dierr = pDiskFS->NormalizePath(storageNameA,
dierr = pDiskFS->NormalizePath(pDetails->GetStoragePathNameMOR(),
PathProposal::kDefaultStoredFssep, fsNormalBuf, &neededLen);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
@ -1337,16 +1342,16 @@ retry:
goto retry;
} else if (result == kNuOverwrite) {
/* delete the existing file immediately */
LOGI(" Deleting existing file '%hs'", fsNormalBuf);
LOGD(" Deleting existing file '%hs'", fsNormalBuf);
dierr = pDiskFS->DeleteFile(pExisting);
if (dierr != kDIErrNone) {
// Would be nice to show a dialog and explain *why*, but
// I'm not sure we have a window here.
LOGI(" Deletion failed (err=%d)", dierr);
LOGE(" Deletion failed (err=%d)", dierr);
goto bail;
} else {
LOGI("GLITCH: bad return %d from HandleReplaceExisting",result);
LOGE("GLITCH: bad return %d from HandleReplaceExisting",result);
nuerr = kNuErrInternal;
goto bail;
@ -1364,7 +1369,7 @@ retry:
goto bail;
LOGI("FSNormalized is '%hs'", pAddData->GetFSNormalPath());
LOGD("FSNormalized is '%hs'", pAddData->GetFSNormalPath());
@ -1374,7 +1379,7 @@ bail:
NuResult DiskArchive::HandleReplaceExisting(const A2File* pExisting,
FileDetails* pDetails)
LocalFileDetails* pDetails)
NuResult result;
@ -1390,8 +1395,8 @@ NuResult DiskArchive::HandleReplaceExisting(const A2File* pExisting,
confOvwr.fExistingFile = pExisting->GetPathName();
confOvwr.fExistingFileModWhen = pExisting->GetModWhen();
PathName srcPath(pDetails->origName);
confOvwr.fNewFileSource = pDetails->origName; // or storageName?
PathName srcPath(pDetails->GetLocalPathName());
confOvwr.fNewFileSource = pDetails->GetLocalPathName();
confOvwr.fNewFileModWhen = srcPath.GetModWhen();
if (confOvwr.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) {
@ -1399,6 +1404,9 @@ NuResult DiskArchive::HandleReplaceExisting(const A2File* pExisting,
return kNuAbort;
// TODO: if they rename one fork, we need to track that fact and
// carry it over to the other fork -- otherwise they can rename
// the data and resource forks into separate files.
if (confOvwr.fResultRename) {
* Replace the name in FileDetails. They were asked to modify
@ -1413,8 +1421,9 @@ NuResult DiskArchive::HandleReplaceExisting(const A2File* pExisting,
* full path and reject "OK" if it's not valid. Instead, we just
* allow the FS normalizer to force the filename to be valid.
pDetails->storageName = confOvwr.fExistingFile;
LOGI("Trying rename to '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName);
LOGI("Trying rename to '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName());
return kNuRename;
@ -1470,26 +1479,26 @@ CString DiskArchive::ProcessFileAddData(DiskFS* pDiskFS, int addOptsConvEOL)
pData = fpAddDataHead;
while (pData != NULL) {
const FileDetails* pDataDetails = NULL;
const FileDetails* pRsrcDetails = NULL;
const FileDetails* pDetails = pData->GetDetails();
const LocalFileDetails* pDataDetails = NULL;
const LocalFileDetails* pRsrcDetails = NULL;
const LocalFileDetails* pDetails = pData->GetDetails();
const char* typeStr = "????"; // for debug msg only
switch (pDetails->entryKind) {
case FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork:
switch (pDetails->GetEntryKind()) {
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDataFork:
pDataDetails = pDetails;
typeStr = "data";
case FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork:
pRsrcDetails = pDetails;
typeStr = "rsrc";
case FileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage:
pDataDetails = pDetails;
typeStr = "disk";
case FileDetails::kFileKindBothForks:
case FileDetails::kFileKindDirectory:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindBothForks:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDirectory:
return L"internal error";
@ -1499,20 +1508,20 @@ CString DiskArchive::ProcessFileAddData(DiskFS* pDiskFS, int addOptsConvEOL)
pDetails = pData->GetOtherFork()->GetDetails();
typeStr = "both";
switch (pDetails->entryKind) {
case FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork:
switch (pDetails->GetEntryKind()) {
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDataFork:
assert(pDataDetails == NULL);
pDataDetails = pDetails;
case FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork:
assert(pRsrcDetails == NULL);
pRsrcDetails = pDetails;
case FileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage:
return L"(internal) add other disk error";
case FileDetails::kFileKindBothForks:
case FileDetails::kFileKindDirectory:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindBothForks:
case LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDirectory:
return L"internal error";
@ -1520,7 +1529,7 @@ CString DiskArchive::ProcessFileAddData(DiskFS* pDiskFS, int addOptsConvEOL)
LOGI("Adding file '%ls' (%hs)",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName, typeStr);
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName(), typeStr);
ASSERT(pDataDetails != NULL || pRsrcDetails != NULL);
@ -1530,14 +1539,20 @@ CString DiskArchive::ProcessFileAddData(DiskFS* pDiskFS, int addOptsConvEOL)
* but it could be awkward for HFS (not to mention HFS Plus!).
DiskFS::CreateParms parms;
ConvertFDToCP(pData->GetDetails(), &parms);
/* use the FS-normalized path here */
/* (do we have to? do we want to?) */
parms.pathName = pData->GetFSNormalPath();
if (pRsrcDetails != NULL)
parms.storageType = kNuStorageExtended;
parms.storageType = kNuStorageSeedling;
/* use the FS-normalized path here */
/* (do we have to? do we want to?) */
parms.pathName = pData->GetFSNormalPath();
/* copy the rest out of the LocalFileDetails */
parms.fssep = pDetails->GetFssep();
parms.fileType = pDetails->GetFileType();
parms.auxType = pDetails->GetExtraType();
parms.access = pDetails->GetAccess();
parms.createWhen = NufxArchive::DateTimeToSeconds(&pDetails->GetCreateWhen());
parms.modWhen = NufxArchive::DateTimeToSeconds(&pDetails->GetModWhen());
dataLen = rsrcLen = -1;
if (pDataDetails != NULL) {
@ -1545,8 +1560,8 @@ CString DiskArchive::ProcessFileAddData(DiskFS* pDiskFS, int addOptsConvEOL)
/* (HA conversion only happens if text conversion happens) */
GenericEntry::ConvertHighASCII convHA;
if (addOptsConvEOL == AddFilesDialog::kConvEOLType) {
if (pDataDetails->fileType == kFileTypeTXT ||
pDataDetails->fileType == kFileTypeSRC)
if (pDataDetails->GetFileType() == kFileTypeTXT ||
pDataDetails->GetFileType() == kFileTypeSRC)
LOGI("Enabling text conversion by type");
convEOL = GenericEntry::kConvertEOLOn;
@ -1559,14 +1574,14 @@ CString DiskArchive::ProcessFileAddData(DiskFS* pDiskFS, int addOptsConvEOL)
convHA = GenericEntry::kConvertHAOff;
errMsg = LoadFile(pDataDetails->origName, &dataBuf, &dataLen,
errMsg = LoadFile(pDataDetails->GetLocalPathName(), &dataBuf, &dataLen,
convEOL, convHA);
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty())
goto bail;
if (pRsrcDetails != NULL) {
/* no text conversion on resource forks */
errMsg = LoadFile(pRsrcDetails->origName, &rsrcBuf, &rsrcLen,
errMsg = LoadFile(pRsrcDetails->GetLocalPathName(), &rsrcBuf, &rsrcLen,
GenericEntry::kConvertEOLOff, GenericEntry::kConvertHAOff);
if (!errMsg.IsEmpty())
goto bail;
@ -1575,7 +1590,7 @@ CString DiskArchive::ProcessFileAddData(DiskFS* pDiskFS, int addOptsConvEOL)
/* really ought to do this separately for each thread */
CString pathNameW(parms.pathName);
SET_PROGRESS_UPDATE2(0, pDetails->origName, pathNameW);
SET_PROGRESS_UPDATE2(0, pDetails->GetLocalPathName(), pathNameW);
DIError dierr;
dierr = AddForksToDisk(pDiskFS, &parms, dataBuf, dataLen,
@ -1954,25 +1969,6 @@ bail:
return dierr;
// TODO: make this a member of FileDetails, and return a struct owned by
// FileDetails. This is necessary because we put const strings into
// pCreateParms that are owned by FileDetails, and need to coordinate the
// object lifetime.
void DiskArchive::ConvertFDToCP(const FileDetails* pDetails,
DiskFS::CreateParms* pCreateParms)
// ugly hack to get storage for narrow string
pDetails->fStorageNameA = pDetails->storageName;
pCreateParms->pathName = pDetails->fStorageNameA;
pCreateParms->fssep = (char) pDetails->fileSysInfo;
pCreateParms->storageType = pDetails->storageType;
pCreateParms->fileType = pDetails->fileType;
pCreateParms->auxType = pDetails->extraType;
pCreateParms->access = pDetails->access;
pCreateParms->createWhen = NufxArchive::DateTimeToSeconds(&pDetails->createWhen);
pCreateParms->modWhen = NufxArchive::DateTimeToSeconds(&pDetails->modWhen);
void DiskArchive::AddToAddDataList(FileAddData* pData)
ASSERT(pData != NULL);
@ -1983,31 +1979,31 @@ void DiskArchive::AddToAddDataList(FileAddData* pData)
* O(n^2) behavior, but I'm expecting N to be relatively small (under
* 1000 in almost all cases).
//if (strcasecmp(pData->GetDetails()->storageName, "system\\finder") == 0)
// LOGI("whee");
FileAddData* pSearch = fpAddDataHead;
FileDetails::FileKind dataKind, listKind;
LocalFileDetails::FileKind dataKind, listKind;
dataKind = pData->GetDetails()->entryKind;
dataKind = pData->GetDetails()->GetEntryKind();
while (pSearch != NULL) {
if (pSearch->GetOtherFork() == NULL &&
pData->GetDetails()->storageName) == 0)
pData->GetDetails()->GetStrippedLocalPathName()) == 0)
//NuThreadID dataID = pData->GetDetails()->threadID;
//NuThreadID listID = pSearch->GetDetails()->threadID;
listKind = pSearch->GetDetails()->entryKind;
listKind = pSearch->GetDetails()->GetEntryKind();
/* got a name match */
if (dataKind != listKind &&
(dataKind == FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork || dataKind == FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork) &&
(listKind == FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork || listKind == FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork))
(dataKind == LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDataFork ||
dataKind == LocalFileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork) &&
(listKind == LocalFileDetails::kFileKindDataFork ||
listKind == LocalFileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork))
/* looks good, hook it in here instead of the list */
LOGD("--- connecting forks of '%ls' and '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pData->GetDetails()->origName,
(LPCWSTR) pSearch->GetDetails()->origName);
(LPCWSTR) pData->GetDetails()->GetLocalPathName(),
(LPCWSTR) pSearch->GetDetails()->GetLocalPathName());
@ -2299,7 +2295,7 @@ bool DiskArchive::RenameSelection(CWnd* pMsgWnd, SelectionSet* pSelSet)
ShowFailureMsg(pMsgWnd, errMsg, IDS_FAILED);
goto bail;
LOGI("Rename of '%ls' to '%ls' succeeded",
LOGD("Rename of '%ls' to '%ls' succeeded",
pEntry->GetDisplayName(), (LPCWSTR) renameDlg.fNewName);
} else if (result == IDCANCEL) {
LOGI("Canceling out of remaining renames");
@ -2528,7 +2524,7 @@ bool DiskArchive::SetProps(CWnd* pMsgWnd, GenericEntry* pGenericEntry,
DiskImg::FSFormat fsFormat;
fsFormat = pFile->GetDiskFS()->GetDiskImg()->GetFSFormat();
if (fsFormat == DiskImg::kFormatDOS32 || fsFormat == DiskImg::kFormatDOS33) {
LOGI(" (reloading additional fields after DOS SFI)");
LOGD(" (reloading additional fields after DOS SFI)");
pEntry->SetSuspicious(pFile->GetQuality() == A2File::kQualitySuspicious);
@ -2559,9 +2555,9 @@ GenericArchive::XferStatus DiskArchive::XferSelection(CWnd* pMsgWnd,
* forked or not.
LOGI("DiskArchive XferSelection!");
unsigned char* dataBuf = NULL;
unsigned char* rsrcBuf = NULL;
FileDetails fileDetails;
uint8_t* dataBuf = NULL;
uint8_t* rsrcBuf = NULL;
LocalFileDetails fileDetails;
CString errMsg, extractErrMsg, cmpStr;
CString fixedPathName;
XferStatus retval = kXferFailed;
@ -2590,7 +2586,7 @@ GenericArchive::XferStatus DiskArchive::XferSelection(CWnd* pMsgWnd,
fixedPathName = pEntry->GetPathName();
if (fixedPathName.IsEmpty())
fixedPathName = _T("(no filename)");
fixedPathName = L"(no filename)";
if (pEntry->GetFSFormat() != DiskImg::kFormatProDOS)
fixedPathName.Replace(PathProposal::kDefaultStoredFssep, '.');
if (pEntry->GetSubVolName() != NULL) {
@ -2603,7 +2599,7 @@ GenericArchive::XferStatus DiskArchive::XferSelection(CWnd* pMsgWnd,
if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() == GenericEntry::kRecordKindVolumeDir) {
/* this is the volume dir */
LOGI(" XFER not transferring volume dir '%ls'",
LOGD(" XFER not transferring volume dir '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) fixedPathName);
} else if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() == GenericEntry::kRecordKindDirectory) {
@ -2613,22 +2609,22 @@ GenericArchive::XferStatus DiskArchive::XferSelection(CWnd* pMsgWnd,
cmpStr += (char)PathProposal::kDefaultStoredFssep;
if (pSelSet->CountMatchingPrefix(cmpStr) == 0) {
LOGI("FOUND empty dir '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) fixedPathName);
LOGD("FOUND empty dir '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) fixedPathName);
cmpStr += kEmptyFolderMarker;
dataBuf = new unsigned char[1];
dataLen = 0;
fileDetails.entryKind = FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork;
fileDetails.storageName = cmpStr;
fileDetails.fileType = 0; // NON
fileDetails.access =
pEntry->GetAccess() | GenericEntry::kAccessInvisible;
fileDetails.SetFileType(0); // NON
pEntry->GetAccess() | GenericEntry::kAccessInvisible);
goto have_stuff2;
} else {
LOGI("NOT empty dir '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) fixedPathName);
LOGD("NOT empty dir '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) fixedPathName);
LOGI(" XFER not transferring directory '%ls'",
LOGD(" XFER not transferring directory '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) fixedPathName);
@ -2695,38 +2691,42 @@ GenericArchive::XferStatus DiskArchive::XferSelection(CWnd* pMsgWnd,
ASSERT(rsrcBuf == NULL);
if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork() && pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork())
fileDetails.entryKind = FileDetails::kFileKindBothForks;
else if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork())
fileDetails.entryKind = FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork;
else if (pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork())
fileDetails.entryKind = FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork;
else {
if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork() && pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork()) {
} else if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork()) {
} else if (pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork()) {
} else {
fileDetails.entryKind = FileDetails::kFileKindUnknown;
* Set up the FileDetails.
* Set up the rest of the LocalFileDetails fields.
fileDetails.storageName = fixedPathName;
fileDetails.fileType = pEntry->GetFileType();
fileDetails.access = pEntry->GetAccess();
fileDetails.fileSysFmt = pEntry->GetSourceFS();
fileDetails.fileSysInfo = PathProposal::kDefaultStoredFssep;
fileDetails.extraType = pEntry->GetAuxType();
fileDetails.storageType = kNuStorageUnknown; /* let NufxLib deal */
fileDetails.SetStorageType(kNuStorageUnknown); // let NufxLib deal
NuDateTime ndt;
time_t when;
when = time(NULL);
UNIXTimeToDateTime(&when, &fileDetails.archiveWhen);
UNIXTimeToDateTime(&when, &ndt);
when = pEntry->GetModWhen();
UNIXTimeToDateTime(&when, &fileDetails.modWhen);
UNIXTimeToDateTime(&when, &ndt);
when = pEntry->GetCreateWhen();
UNIXTimeToDateTime(&when, &fileDetails.createWhen);
UNIXTimeToDateTime(&when, &ndt);
if (pActionProgress->SetProgress(0) == IDCANCEL) {
retval = kXferCancelled;
goto bail;
@ -2780,23 +2780,20 @@ void DiskArchive::XferPrepare(const XferFileOptions* pXferOpts)
fpXferTargetFS = pXferOpts->fpTargetFS;
CString DiskArchive::XferFile(FileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
CString DiskArchive::XferFile(LocalFileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
long dataLen, uint8_t** pRsrcBuf, long rsrcLen)
//const int kFileTypeTXT = 0x04;
DiskFS::CreateParms createParms;
DiskFS* pDiskFS;
CString errMsg;
DIError dierr = kDIErrNone;
LOGI(" XFER: transfer '%ls' (dataLen=%ld rsrcLen=%ld)",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName, dataLen, rsrcLen);
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName(), dataLen, rsrcLen);
ASSERT(pDataBuf != NULL);
ASSERT(pRsrcBuf != NULL);
/* fill out CreateParms from FileDetails */
ConvertFDToCP(pDetails, &createParms);
const DiskFS::CreateParms& createParms = pDetails->GetCreateParms();
if (fpXferTargetFS == NULL)
pDiskFS = fpPrimaryDiskFS;
@ -2813,22 +2810,24 @@ CString DiskArchive::XferFile(FileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
* not worth adding a new interface just for that.
bool srcIsDOS, dstIsDOS;
srcIsDOS = DiskImg::UsesDOSFileStructure(pDetails->fileSysFmt);
srcIsDOS = DiskImg::UsesDOSFileStructure(pDetails->GetFileSysFmt());
dstIsDOS = DiskImg::UsesDOSFileStructure(pDiskFS->GetDiskImg()->GetFSFormat());
if (dataLen > 0 &&
(pDetails->fileType == kFileTypeTXT || pDetails->fileType == kFileTypeSRC))
(pDetails->GetFileType() == kFileTypeTXT ||
pDetails->GetFileType() == kFileTypeSRC))
unsigned char* ucp = *pDataBuf;
long len = dataLen;
if (srcIsDOS && !dstIsDOS) {
LOGD(" Stripping high ASCII from '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName);
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName());
while (len--)
*ucp++ &= 0x7f;
} else if (!srcIsDOS && dstIsDOS) {
LOGD(" Adding high ASCII to '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName);
LOGD(" Adding high ASCII to '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName());
while (len--) {
if (*ucp != '\0')
@ -2837,9 +2836,10 @@ CString DiskArchive::XferFile(FileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
} else if (srcIsDOS && dstIsDOS) {
LOGD(" --- not altering DOS-to-DOS text '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName);
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName());
} else {
LOGD(" --- non-DOS transfer '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) pDetails->storageName);
LOGD(" --- non-DOS transfer '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pDetails->GetStrippedLocalPathName());

View File

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ private:
virtual CString Close(void);
virtual void XferPrepare(const XferFileOptions* pXferOpts) override;
virtual CString XferFile(FileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
virtual CString XferFile(LocalFileDetails* pDetails, uint8_t** pDataBuf,
long dataLen, uint8_t** pRsrcBuf, long rsrcLen) override;
virtual void XferAbort(CWnd* pMsgWnd) override;
virtual void XferFinish(CWnd* pMsgWnd) override;
@ -253,10 +253,10 @@ private:
class FileAddData {
FileAddData(const FileDetails* pDetails, char* fsNormalPath) {
FileAddData(const LocalFileDetails* pDetails, char* fsNormalPathMOR) {
fDetails = *pDetails;
fFSNormalPath = fsNormalPath;
fFSNormalPathMOR = fsNormalPathMOR;
fpOtherFork = NULL;
fpNext = NULL;
@ -267,25 +267,21 @@ private:
FileAddData* GetOtherFork(void) const { return fpOtherFork; }
void SetOtherFork(FileAddData* pData) { fpOtherFork = pData; }
const FileDetails* GetDetails(void) const { return &fDetails; }
const LocalFileDetails* GetDetails(void) const { return &fDetails; }
* Get the "FS-normal" path, i.e. exactly what we want to appear
* on the disk image. This has the result of any conversions, so
* we need to store it as a narrow string.
* we need to store it as a narrow Mac OS Roman string.
const char* GetFSNormalPath(void) const { return fFSNormalPath; }
const char* GetFSNormalPath(void) const { return fFSNormalPathMOR; }
// Three filenames stored inside FileDetails:
// fDetails.origName -- the name of the Windows file
// fDetails.storageName -- origName with type-preservation goodies
// stripped out
// fFSNormalPath -- the FS-normalized version of "storageName", i.e.
// the name as it will appear on the Apple II disk image
LocalFileDetails fDetails;
FileDetails fDetails;
CStringA fFSNormalPath;
// The DiskFS-normalized version of the storage name. This is the
// name as it will appear on the Apple II disk image.
CStringA fFSNormalPathMOR;
FileAddData* fpOtherFork;
FileAddData* fpNext;
@ -293,7 +289,7 @@ private:
virtual ArchiveKind GetArchiveKind(void) override { return kArchiveDiskImage; }
virtual NuError DoAddFile(const AddFilesDialog* pAddOpts,
FileDetails* pDetails) override;
LocalFileDetails* pDetails) override;
* Reload the contents of the archive, showing an error message if the
@ -344,7 +340,7 @@ private:
* Replaces pDetails->storageName if the user elects to rename
NuResult HandleReplaceExisting(const A2File* pExisting,
FileDetails* pDetails);
LocalFileDetails* pDetails);
* Process the list of pending file adds.
@ -394,15 +390,6 @@ private:
void FreeAddDataList(void);
* Fill out a CreateParms structure from a FileDetails structure.
* The NuStorageType values correspond exactly to ProDOS storage types, so
* there's no need to convert them.
void ConvertFDToCP(const FileDetails* pDetails,
DiskFS::CreateParms* pCreateParms);
* Set up a RenameEntryDialog for the entry in "*pEntry".

View File

@ -1287,9 +1287,11 @@ void PathProposal::DenormalizePath(WCHAR* pathBuf)
ch = HexDigit(*srcp) << 4;
if (isxdigit((int)*srcp)) {
/* valid, output char */
/* valid, output char (unless it's a %00 place-holder) */
ch += HexDigit(*srcp);
*dstp++ = ch;
if (ch != '\0') {
*dstp++ = ch;
} else {
/* bogus '%' with trailing hex digit found! */

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GenericArchive.h"
#include "NufxArchive.h"
#include "FileNameConv.h"
#include "ContentList.h"
#include "Main.h"
@ -46,36 +47,34 @@
: fPathName(NULL),
fPathName = NULL;
fFileName = NULL;
fFssep = '\0';
fSubVolName = NULL;
fDisplayName = NULL;
fFileType = 0;
fAuxType = 0;
fAccess = 0;
fModWhen = kDateNone;
fCreateWhen = kDateNone;
fRecordKind = kRecordKindUnknown;
fFormatStr = L"Unknown";
fCompressedLen = 0;
//fUncompressedLen = 0;
fDataForkLen = fRsrcForkLen = 0;
fSourceFS = DiskImg::kFormatUnknown;
fHasDataFork = false;
fHasRsrcFork = false;
fHasDiskImage = false;
fHasComment = false;
fHasNonEmptyComment = false;
fIndex = -1;
fpPrev = NULL;
fpNext = NULL;
fDamaged = fSuspicious = false;
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ const WCHAR* GenericEntry::GetFileTypeString(void) const
/*static*/ bool GenericEntry::CheckHighASCII(const uint8_t* buffer,
unsigned long count)
size_t count)
* (Pulled from NufxLib Funnel.c.)
@ -254,7 +253,7 @@ static const char kCharLF = '\n';
static const char kCharCR = '\r';
/*static*/ GenericEntry::ConvertEOL GenericEntry::DetermineConversion(
const uint8_t* buffer, long count,
const uint8_t* buffer, size_t count,
EOLType* pSourceType, ConvertHighASCII* pConvHA)
@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ static const char kCharCR = '\r';
* it will be stripped *before* the EOL determination is made.
ConvertHighASCII wantConvHA = *pConvHA;
long bufCount, numBinary, numLF, numCR;
size_t bufCount, numBinary, numLF, numCR;
bool isHighASCII;
uint8_t val;
@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ static inline void PutEOL(FILE* fp)
int err = 0;
LOGI("+++ WriteConvert conv=%d convHA=%d", *pConv, *pConvHA);
LOGD("+++ WriteConvert conv=%d convHA=%d", *pConv, *pConvHA);
if (len == 0) {
LOGI("WriteConvert asked to write 0 bytes; returning");
@ -396,7 +395,7 @@ static inline void PutEOL(FILE* fp)
*pConvHA = kConvertHAOff;
LOGI("+++ After auto, conv=%d convHA=%d", *pConv, *pConvHA);
LOGD("+++ After auto, conv=%d convHA=%d", *pConv, *pConvHA);
ASSERT(*pConv == kConvertEOLOn || *pConv == kConvertEOLOff);
ASSERT(*pConvHA == kConvertHAOn || *pConvHA == kConvertHAOff);
@ -404,7 +403,7 @@ static inline void PutEOL(FILE* fp)
if (*pConv == kConvertEOLOff) {
if (fwrite(buf, len, 1, fp) != 1) {
err = errno;
LOGI("WriteConvert failed, err=%d", errno);
LOGE("WriteConvert failed, err=%d", errno);
} else {
ASSERT(*pConv == kConvertEOLOn);
@ -546,7 +545,7 @@ GenericArchive::CreateIndex(void)
mangle.Delete(idx+1, len-(idx+1)); /* delete out to the end */
mangle += kTmpTemplate;
LOGI("GenDerived: passed '%ls' returned '%ls'", filename, (LPCWSTR) mangle);
LOGD("GenDerived: passed '%ls' returned '%ls'", filename, (LPCWSTR) mangle);
return mangle;
@ -594,13 +593,9 @@ GenericArchive::CreateIndex(void)
* This comes straight out of NuLib2, and uses NufxLib data structures. While
* it may seem strange to use these structures for non-NuFX archives, they are
* convenient and hold at least as much information as any other format needs.
* Much of this was adapted from NuLib2.
typedef bool Boolean;
/*static*/ void GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(const time_t* pWhen,
NuDateTime* pDateTime)
@ -625,99 +620,6 @@ typedef bool Boolean;
pDateTime->weekDay = ptm->tm_wday +1;
NuError GenericArchive::GetFileDetails(const AddFilesDialog* pAddOpts,
const WCHAR* pathname, struct _stat* psb, FileDetails* pDetails)
//char* livePathStr;
time_t now;
ASSERT(pAddOpts != NULL);