/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Fill out a CTreeCtrl with the results of a tree search through a DiskFS and * its sub-volumes. */ #ifndef __DISKFSTREE__ #define __DISKFSTREE__ #include "resource.h" #include "../diskimg/DiskImg.h" /* * This class could probably be part of DiskArchive, but things are pretty * cluttered up there already. */ class DiskFSTree { public: DiskFSTree(void) { fIncludeSubdirs = false; fExpandDepth = 0; fpDiskFS = nil; fpTargetData = nil; LoadTreeImages(); } virtual ~DiskFSTree(void) { FreeAllTargetData(); } /* * Create the contents of the tree control. */ bool BuildTree(DiskImgLib::DiskFS* pDiskFS, CTreeCtrl* pTree); /* if set, includes folders as well as disks */ bool fIncludeSubdirs; /* start with the tree expanded to this depth (0=none, -1=all) */ int fExpandDepth; typedef enum { kTargetUnknown = 0, kTargetDiskFS, kTargetSubdir } TargetKind; typedef struct TargetData { TargetKind kind; bool selectable; DiskImgLib::DiskFS* pDiskFS; DiskImgLib::A2File* pFile; // easier to keep a list than to chase through the tree struct TargetData* pNext; } TargetData; private: bool AddDiskFS(CTreeCtrl* pTree, HTREEITEM root, DiskImgLib::DiskFS* pDiskFS, int depth); DiskImgLib::A2File* AddSubdir(CTreeCtrl* pTree, HTREEITEM parent, DiskImgLib::DiskFS* pDiskFS, DiskImgLib::A2File* pFile, int depth); TargetData* AllocTargetData(void); void FreeAllTargetData(void); void LoadTreeImages(void) { if (!fTreeImageList.Create(IDB_TREE_PICS, 16, 1, CLR_DEFAULT)) WMSG0("GLITCH: list image create failed\n"); fTreeImageList.SetBkColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); } enum { // defs for IDB_TREE_PICS kTreeImageFolderClosed = 0, kTreeImageFolderOpen = 1, kTreeImageHardDriveRW = 2, kTreeImageHardDriveRO = 3, }; CImageList fTreeImageList; DiskImgLib::DiskFS* fpDiskFS; TargetData* fpTargetData; }; #endif /*__DISKFSTREE__*/