/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * The application object. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "../util/UtilLib.h" #include "MyApp.h" #include "Registry.h" #include "Main.h" #include "DiskArchive.h" #include /* magic global that MFC finds (or that finds MFC) */ MyApp gMyApp; #if defined(_DEBUG_LOG) FILE* gLog = nil; int gPid = -1; #endif /* * Constructor. This is the closest thing to "main" that we have, but we * should wait for InitInstance for most things. */ MyApp::MyApp(LPCTSTR lpszAppName) : CWinApp(lpszAppName) { const int kStaleLog = 8 * 60 * 60; //fclose(fopen("c:\\cp-myapp.txt", "w")); time_t now; now = time(nil); #ifdef _DEBUG_LOG PathName debugPath(kDebugLog); time_t when = debugPath.GetModWhen(); if (when > 0 && now - when > kStaleLog) { /* log file is more than 8 hours old, remove it */ /* [consider opening it and truncating with chsize() instead, so we don't hose somebody's custom access permissions. ++ATM 20041015] */ unlink(kDebugLog); } gLog = fopen(kDebugLog, "a"); if (gLog == nil) abort(); ::setvbuf(gLog, nil, _IONBF, 0); gPid = ::getpid(); fprintf(gLog, "\n"); if (when > 0) { WMSG2("(Log file was %.3f hours old; logs are reset after %.3f)\n", (now - when) / 3600.0, kStaleLog / 3600.0); } #endif WMSG5("CiderPress v%d.%d.%d%s started at %.24s\n", kAppMajorVersion, kAppMinorVersion, kAppBugVersion, kAppDevString, ctime(&now)); int tmpDbgFlag; // enable memory leak detection tmpDbgFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG); tmpDbgFlag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; _CrtSetDbgFlag(tmpDbgFlag); WMSG0("Leak detection enabled\n"); } /* * This is the last point of control we have. */ MyApp::~MyApp(void) { DiskArchive::AppCleanup(); NiftyList::AppCleanup(); WMSG0("SHUTTING DOWN\n\n"); #ifdef _DEBUG_LOG if (gLog != nil) fclose(gLog); #endif } /* * It all begins here. * * Create a main window. */ BOOL MyApp::InitInstance(void) { //fclose(fopen("c:\\cp-initinstance.txt", "w")); //_CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG); m_pMainWnd = new MainWindow; m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow(); WMSG0("Happily in InitInstance!\n"); /* find our .EXE file */ //HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL); char buf[MAX_PATH]; if (::GetModuleFileName(nil /*hModule*/, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0) { WMSG1("Module name is '%s'\n", buf); fExeFileName = buf; char* cp = strrchr(buf, '\\'); if (cp == nil) fExeBaseName = ""; else fExeBaseName = fExeFileName.Left(cp - buf +1); } else { WMSG1("BIG problem: GetModuleFileName failed (err=%ld)\n", ::GetLastError()); } LogModuleLocation("riched.dll"); LogModuleLocation("riched20.dll"); LogModuleLocation("riched32.dll"); #if 0 /* find our .INI file by tweaking the EXE path */ char* cp = strrchr(buf, '\\'); if (cp == nil) cp = buf; else cp++; if (cp + ::lstrlen(_T("CiderPress.INI")) >= buf+sizeof(buf)) return FALSE; ::lstrcpy(cp, _T("CiderPress.INI")); free((void*)m_pszProfileName); m_pszProfileName = strdup(buf); WMSG1("Profile name is '%s'\n", m_pszProfileName); if (!WriteProfileString("SectionOne", "MyEntry", "test")) WMSG0("WriteProfileString failed\n"); #endif SetRegistryKey(fRegistry.GetAppRegistryKey()); //WMSG1("Registry key is '%s'\n", m_pszRegistryKey); //WMSG1("Profile name is '%s'\n", m_pszProfileName); WMSG1("Short command line is '%s'\n", m_lpCmdLine); //WMSG1("CP app name is '%s'\n", m_pszAppName); //WMSG1("CP exe name is '%s'\n", m_pszExeName); WMSG1("CP help file is '%s'\n", m_pszHelpFilePath); WMSG1("Command line is '%s'\n", ::GetCommandLine()); //if (!WriteProfileString("SectionOne", "MyEntry", "test")) // WMSG0("WriteProfileString failed\n"); /* * If we're installing or uninstalling, do what we need to and then * bail immediately. This will hemorrhage memory, but I'm sure the * incredibly robust Windows environment will take it in stride. */ if (strcmp(m_lpCmdLine, _T("-install")) == 0) { WMSG0("Invoked with INSTALL flag\n"); fRegistry.OneTimeInstall(); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(m_lpCmdLine, _T("-uninstall")) == 0) { WMSG0("Invoked with UNINSTALL flag\n"); fRegistry.OneTimeUninstall(); exit(1); // tell DeployMaster to continue with uninstall } fRegistry.FixBasicSettings(); return TRUE; } /* * Show where we got something from. Handy for checking DLL load locations. * * If "name" is nil, we show the EXE info. */ void MyApp::LogModuleLocation(const char* name) { HMODULE hModule; char fileNameBuf[256]; hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(name); if (hModule != nil && ::GetModuleFileName(hModule, fileNameBuf, sizeof(fileNameBuf)) != 0) { // GetModuleHandle does not increase ref count, so no need to release WMSG2("Module '%s' loaded from '%s'\n", name, fileNameBuf); } else { WMSG1("Module '%s' not loaded\n", name); } } /* * Do some idle processing. */ BOOL MyApp::OnIdle(LONG lCount) { BOOL bMore = CWinApp::OnIdle(lCount); //if (lCount == 0) { // WMSG1("IDLE lcount=%d\n", lCount); //} /* * If MFC is done, we take a swing. */ if (bMore == false) { /* downcast */ ((MainWindow*)m_pMainWnd)->DoIdle(); } return bMore; }