/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Acknowledge and clarify a request to do something, e.g. delete files. */ #ifndef APP_USESELECTIONDIALOG_H #define APP_USESELECTIONDIALOG_H #include "resource.h" /* * Straightforward confirmation. */ class UseSelectionDialog : public CDialog { public: UseSelectionDialog(int selCount, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, int rsrcID = IDD_USE_SELECTION) : CDialog(rsrcID, pParentWnd), fSelectedCount(selCount) { // init values; these should be overridden before DoModal fFilesToAction = 0; } virtual ~UseSelectionDialog(void) {} // set up dialog parameters; must be called before DoModal void Setup(int titleID, int okLabelID, int countID, int countsID, int allID) { fTitleID = titleID; fOkLabelID = okLabelID; fSelCountID = countID; fSelCountsID = countsID; fAllID = allID; } enum { kActionSelection = 0, kActionAll = 1 }; int fFilesToAction; protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void) override; virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override; afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo); //afx_msg void OnHelp(void); private: int fSelectedCount; /* dialog parameters */ int fTitleID; int fOkLabelID; int fSelCountID; int fSelCountsID; int fAllID; DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif /*APP_USESELECTIONDIALOG_H*/