CiderPress is a fully-functional "ShrinkIt for Windows" that can operate on disk images and file archives. Files can be viewed or extracted in their native form, or converted to formats better suited for browsing in Windows.
When working with NuFX (ShrinkIt) archives and DOS 3.2/3.3, ProDOS, HFS, and UCSD Pascal disk images, you can:
- View files without having to extract them first. Special converters are provided for several popular file formats.
- Extract files and directories, optionally converting them. File type information can be preserved, using the method developed for use in NuLib2.
- Add individual files or entire directories full of files.
- Copy & paste files through the Windows clipboard.
- Rename files.
- Delete files or entire subdirectories.
- Edit file type, auxtype, and access permissions of ProDOS files.
- Print a listing of the files in the archive.
On NuFX archives, you can also:
- Convert a ShrinkIt file archive directly to a ProDOS disk image.
- Re-compress entries with a different algorithm. All compression methods defined in the NuFX specification are supported, as well as gzip "deflate".
- Add, update, and delete comments.
- Test entries or whole archives.
On disk images, you can also:
- Create subdirectories.
- Change volume names and numbers.
Read-only access (viewing and extracting files, but not adding or deleting) is supported for Binary II archives, AppleLink Compression Utility archives, and CP/M and RDOS disk images.
The file viewer can convert several formats for easier viewing on a PC:
- ProDOS text with carriage returns to Windows "CRLF" format.
- DOS 3.3 "high ASCII" text to plain text.
- CP/M text to plain text.
- UCSD Pascal text to plain text.
- UCSD Pascal code to partially analyzed hex dump.
- Applesoft BASIC to text (matches output of "LIST" command), with or without color syntax highlighting.
- Integer BASIC to text (matches output of "LIST" command), with or without color syntax highlighting.
- Apple /// Business BASIC to text (matches output of "LIST" command), with or without color syntax highlighting.
- S-C Assembler to text.
- LISA tokenized assembly source to text.
- Merlin assembly source to properly-tabbed text.
- 65C02/65816 code disassembly, to //e or IIgs "monitor" output.
- Magic Window / Magic Window II "formatted" files to text.
- AppleWorks Word Processor to Rich Text Format (supports left/right margins, bold, italic, etc).
- AppleWorks Database to CSV (suitable for import into Excel or other applications).
- AppleWorks Spreadsheet to CSV.
- Teach (GWP $5445) document to Rich Text Format.
- AppleWorks GS Word Processor (GWP $8010) to Rich Text Format.
- Hi-Res graphics to 560x384 16-color .BMP (B&W or color with half-pixel shifting).
- Double Hi-Res graphics to 560x384 16-color .BMP (B&W or color).
- Super Hi-Res graphics to 640x400 256-color .BMP. Supported formats include unpacked ($c1/0000), Paintworks ($c0/0000), packed ($c0/0001), DreamGrafix ($c0/8005), and Apple Preferred Format ($c0/0002) up to 1024x1024.
- 3200-color Super Hi-Res graphics to 640x400 24-bit .BMP. Supported formats include unpacked ($c1/0002 or ".3200"), packed (".3201"), DreamGrafix ($c0/8005), and Apple Preferred Format ($c0/0002 with "MULTIPAL").
- Print Shop and Print Shop GS graphics to 88x52 .BMP (B&W and color, respectively).
- Macintosh Paint images to 576x720 2-color .BMP.
- Apple IIgs resource forks are split into individual resources and displayed as hex dumps.
In addition, any fork of any file can be viewed in its "raw" state or as a hex dump.
CiderPress has the ability to identify most common disk image formats, and view or extract files directly from them. Supported file formats include:
- Universal Disk Images (.2mg), all formats
- DiskCopy 4.2 (.dsk)
- Copy II Plus (.img)
- Sim //e HDV images (.hdv)
- TrackStar images (.app)
- Dalton's Disk Disintegrator (DDD 2.1+, DDD Pro 1.1+) (.ddd)
- FDI "raw" images of 5.25" and 3.5" disks (.fdi)
- Unadorned sector-format files (.po, .do, .d13, .raw, .hdv, .iso)
- Unadorned nibble-format files (.nib, .nb2)
- Any of the above compressed with gzip (.gz)
- Any of the above compressed with zip (.zip)
- ShrinkIt (NuFX) compressed disk images (.shk, .sdk)
The file format, filesystem, and sector ordering are determined automatically for most disks. The settings can be overridden if necessary. The recognized disk formats are:
- DOS 3.2/3.3 (13, 16, or 32 sectors, up to 50 tracks)
- ProDOS
- UCSD Pascal
- CP/M
- SSI's RDOS (13-sector, 16-sector, and 13 converted to 16)
- UNIDOS / AmDOS / OzDOS (two DOS volumes on an 800k disk)
- ProSel Uni-DOS / DOS Master (DOS volumes embedded in an 800K ProDOS disk)
- CFFA fixed-size partitions (4-part and 8-part formats)
- Macintosh-style partitioning (for CD-ROMs and SCSI hard drives)
- ///SHH Systeme MicroDrive partitioning
- FocusDrive partitioning
Images larger than floppies, such as ProDOS hard drive partition images, are fully supported. Physical media, including floppy disks, CD-ROMs, CFFA-formatted CompactFlash cards, and SCSI hard drives can be accessed directly (assuming you have appropriate hardware).
CiderPress includes a collection of tools:
- Disk viewer - view disk images as blocks, sectors, or nibblized tracks.
- Disk image converter - convert disk images from one format to another. Can operate on individual images or perform a bulk conversion on a large set.
- Disk image creator - create bootable DOS 3.3, ProDOS, or Pascal disk images from scratch.
- Volume copier - copy all or part of a disk image from one place to another.
- SST image merge - combine images generated by SST into a single .nib image file.
- 2MG properties editor - edit comments, lock/unlock images.
- EOL scanner - check for ASCII transfer damage.
- Import from WAV - extract programs from Apple II cassette tapes.