/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Reformat AWGS files. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "AWGS.h" /* * Decide whether or not we want to handle this file. */ void ReformatAWGS_WP::Examine(ReformatHolder* pHolder) { ReformatHolder::ReformatApplies applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicNot; if (pHolder->GetFileType() == kTypeGWP && pHolder->GetAuxType() == 0x8010) applies = ReformatHolder::kApplicYes; pHolder->SetApplic(ReformatHolder::kReformatAWGS_WP, applies, ReformatHolder::kApplicNot, ReformatHolder::kApplicNot); } /* * Convert AWGS into formatted text. */ int ReformatAWGS_WP::Process(const ReformatHolder* pHolder, ReformatHolder::ReformatID id, ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part, ReformatOutput* pOutput) { const unsigned char* srcBuf = pHolder->GetSourceBuf(part); long srcLen = pHolder->GetSourceLen(part); fUseRTF = true; Chunk doc, header, footer; unsigned short val; CheckGSCharConv(); /* must at least have the doc header and globals */ if (srcLen < kMinExpectedLen) { WMSG0("Too short to be AWGS\n"); return -1; } RTFBegin(kRTFFlagColorTable); /* * Pull interesting values out of the document header. */ val = Get16LE(srcBuf + 0); if (val != kExpectedVersion1 && val != kExpectedVersion2) { WMSG2("AWGS_WP: unexpected version number (got 0x%04x, wanted 0x%04x)\n", val, kExpectedVersion1); DebugBreak(); } val = Get16LE(srcBuf + 2); if (val != kDocHeaderLen) { WMSG2("Unexpected doc header len (got 0x%04x, wanted 0x%04x)\n", val, kDocHeaderLen); return -1; } /* the color table is 32 bytes at +56, should we be interested */ srcBuf += kDocHeaderLen; srcLen -= kDocHeaderLen; /* * Pull interesting values out of the WP global variables section. */ val = Get16LE(srcBuf + 0); if (val > kExpectedIntVersion) { WMSG2("Unexpected internal version number (got %d, expected %d)\n", val, kExpectedIntVersion); return -1; } /* date/time are pascal strings */ WMSG2("File saved at '%.26hs' '%.10s'\n", srcBuf + 6, srcBuf + 32); srcBuf += kWPGlobalsLen; srcLen -= kWPGlobalsLen; /* * Now come the three chunks, in order: main document, header, footer. */ WMSG0("AWGS_WP: scanning doc\n"); if (!ReadChunk(&srcBuf, &srcLen, &doc)) return -1; WMSG0("AWGS_WP: scanning header\n"); if (!ReadChunk(&srcBuf, &srcLen, &header)) return -1; WMSG0("AWGS_WP: scanning footer\n"); if (!ReadChunk(&srcBuf, &srcLen, &footer)) return -1; if (srcLen != 0) { WMSG1("AWGS NOTE: %ld bytes left in file\n", srcLen); } /* * Dump the chunks, starting with header and footer. */ RTFSetColor(kColorMediumBlue); RTFSetFont(kFontCourierNew); RTFSetFontSize(10); BufPrintf("
"); RTFSetColor(kColorNone); RTFNewPara(); PrintChunk(&header); RTFSetColor(kColorMediumBlue); RTFSetFont(kFontCourierNew); RTFSetFontSize(10); BufPrintf("
"); RTFSetColor(kColorNone); RTFNewPara(); RTFSetColor(kColorMediumBlue); RTFSetFont(kFontCourierNew); RTFSetFontSize(10); BufPrintf(""); RTFSetColor(kColorNone); RTFNewPara(); WMSG0("AWGS_WP: rendering document\n"); PrintChunk(&doc); RTFEnd(); SetResultBuffer(pOutput, true); return 0; } /* * Read one of the chunks of the file. */ bool ReformatAWGS_WP::ReadChunk(const unsigned char** pSrcBuf, long* pSrcLen, Chunk* pChunk) { /* starts with the saveArray count */ pChunk->saveArrayCount = Get16LE(*pSrcBuf); if (pChunk->saveArrayCount == 0) { /* AWGS always has at least 1 paragraph */ WMSG0("Save array is empty\n"); return false; } *pSrcBuf += 2; *pSrcLen -= 2; /* locate and move past the SaveArray */ pChunk->saveArray = *pSrcBuf; *pSrcBuf += pChunk->saveArrayCount * kSaveArrayEntryLen; *pSrcLen -= pChunk->saveArrayCount * kSaveArrayEntryLen; if (*pSrcLen <= 0) { WMSG2("SaveArray exceeds file length (count=%d len now %ld)\n", pChunk->saveArrayCount, *pSrcLen); return false; } /* * Scan the "save array" to find the highest-numbered ruler. This tells * us how many rulers there are. */ pChunk->numRulers = GetNumRulers(pChunk->saveArray, pChunk->saveArrayCount); if (*pSrcLen < pChunk->numRulers * kRulerEntryLen) { WMSG2("Not enough room for rulers (rem=%ld, needed=%ld)\n", *pSrcLen, pChunk->numRulers * kRulerEntryLen); return false; } WMSG1("+++ found %d rulers\n", pChunk->numRulers); pChunk->rulers = *pSrcBuf; *pSrcBuf += pChunk->numRulers * kRulerEntryLen; *pSrcLen -= pChunk->numRulers * kRulerEntryLen; /* * Now we're at the docTextBlocks section. */ pChunk->textBlocks = *pSrcBuf; pChunk->numTextBlocks = GetNumTextBlocks(pChunk->saveArray, pChunk->saveArrayCount); if (!SkipTextBlocks(pSrcBuf, pSrcLen, pChunk->numTextBlocks)) return false; return true; } /* * Output a single chunk. We do this by walking down the saveArray. */ void ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintChunk(const Chunk* pChunk) { const int kDefaultStatusBits = kAWGSJustifyLeft | kAWGSSingleSpace; SaveArrayEntry sae; const unsigned char* saveArray; int saCount; const unsigned char* blockPtr; long blockLen; const unsigned char* pRuler; unsigned short rulerStatusBits; saveArray = pChunk->saveArray; saCount = pChunk->saveArrayCount; for ( ; saCount > 0; saCount--, saveArray += kSaveArrayEntryLen) { UnpackSaveArrayEntry(saveArray, &sae); /* * Page-break paragraphs have no real data and an invalid value * in the "rulerNum" field. So we just throw out a page break * here and call it a day. */ if (sae.attributes == 0x0001) { /* this is a page-break paragraph */ RTFSetColor(kColorMediumBlue); RTFSetFont(kFontCourierNew); RTFSetFontSize(10); BufPrintf(""); RTFSetColor(kColorNone); RTFNewPara(); RTFPageBreak(); // only supported by Word continue; } if (sae.rulerNum < pChunk->numRulers) { pRuler = pChunk->rulers + sae.rulerNum * kRulerEntryLen; rulerStatusBits = Get16LE(pRuler + 2); } else { WMSG1("AWGS_WP GLITCH: invalid ruler index %d\n", sae.rulerNum); rulerStatusBits = kDefaultStatusBits; } if (rulerStatusBits & kAWGSJustifyFull) RTFParaJustify(); else if (rulerStatusBits & kAWGSJustifyRight) RTFParaRight(); else if (rulerStatusBits & kAWGSJustifyCenter) RTFParaCenter(); else if (rulerStatusBits & kAWGSJustifyLeft) RTFParaLeft(); RTFSetPara(); /* * Find the text block that holds this paragraph. We could speed * this up by creating an array of entries rather than walking the * list every time. However, the block count tends to be fairly * small (e.g. 7 for a 16K doc). */ blockPtr = FindTextBlock(pChunk, sae.textBlock); if (blockPtr == nil) { WMSG1("AWGS_WP bad textBlock %d\n", sae.textBlock); return; } blockLen = (long) Get32LE(blockPtr); if (blockLen <= 0 || blockLen > 65535) { WMSG1("AWGS_WP invalid block len %d\n", blockLen); return; } blockPtr += 4; if (sae.offset >= blockLen) { WMSG2("AWGS_WP bad offset: %d, blockLen=%ld\n", sae.offset, blockLen); return; } PrintParagraph(blockPtr + sae.offset, blockLen - sae.offset); } } /* * Print the contents of the text blocks. * * We're assured that the text block format is correct because we had to * skip through them earlier. We don't really need to worry about running * off the end due to a bad file. */ const unsigned char* ReformatAWGS_WP::FindTextBlock(const Chunk* pChunk, int blockNum) { const unsigned char* blockPtr = pChunk->textBlocks; long count = pChunk->numTextBlocks; unsigned long blockSize; while (blockNum--) { blockSize = Get32LE(blockPtr); blockPtr += 4 + blockSize; } return blockPtr; } /* * Print one paragraph. * * Stop when we hit '\r'. We watch "maxLen" just to be safe. * * Returns the #of bytes consumed. */ int ReformatAWGS_WP::PrintParagraph(const unsigned char* ptr, long maxLen) { const unsigned char* startPtr = ptr; unsigned short firstFont; unsigned char firstStyle, firstSize, firstColor; unsigned char uch; if (maxLen < 7) { WMSG1("AWGS_WP GLITCH: not enough storage for para header (%d)\n", maxLen); return 1; // don't return zero or we might loop forever } /* pull out the paragraph header */ firstFont = Get16LE(ptr); firstStyle = *(ptr + 2); firstSize = *(ptr + 3); firstColor = *(ptr + 4); ptr += 7; maxLen -= 7; /* * Set the font first; that defines the point size multiplier. Set * the size second, because the point size determines whether we * show underline. Set the style last. */ //WMSG3("+++ Para start: font=0x%04x size=%d style=0x%02x\n", // firstFont, firstSize, firstStyle); RTFSetGSFont(firstFont); RTFSetGSFontSize(firstSize); RTFSetGSFontStyle(firstStyle); while (maxLen > 0) { uch = *ptr++; maxLen--; switch (uch) { case 0x01: // font change - two bytes follow if (maxLen >= 2) { RTFSetGSFont(Get16LE(ptr)); ptr += 2; maxLen -= 2; } break; case 0x02: // text style change if (maxLen >= 1) { RTFSetGSFontStyle(*ptr++); maxLen--; } break; case 0x03: // text size change if (maxLen >= 1) { RTFSetGSFontSize(*ptr++); maxLen--; } break; case 0x04: // color change (0-15) if (maxLen >= 1) { ptr++; maxLen--; } break; case 0x05: // page token (replace with page #) case 0x06: // date token (replace with date) case 0x07: // time token (replace with time) RTFSetColor(kColorMediumBlue); if (uch == 0x05) BufPrintf(""); else if (uch == 0x06) BufPrintf(""); else BufPrintf("