/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Read-only encapsulation of a sound file. * * Microsoft supplies a number of functions (e.g. mmioOpen) that do a lot of * this, but it's built on top of fairly complex machinery designed to * support AVI files and read/write WAV files. It actually requires about * the same amount of code to parse a WAV file without resorting to MMIO. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "SoundFile.h" /* * Convert four characters into a single 4-byte constant. * * The constant is expected to match 4-character values read from a binary * file, so the value is endian-dependent. */ static inline unsigned long MakeFourCC(unsigned char c0, unsigned char c1, unsigned char c2, unsigned char c3) { /* little-endian */ return ((unsigned long)c0) | ((unsigned long)c1 << 8) | ((unsigned long)c2 << 16) | ((unsigned long)c3 << 24); } /* * Create the object from a file on disk. * * Returns 0 on success. */ int SoundFile::Create(const WCHAR* fileName, CString* pErrMsg) { FILE* fp = nil; long fileLen; fp = _wfopen(fileName, L"rb"); if (fp == nil) { int err = errno; pErrMsg->Format(L"Unable to open '%ls'", fileName); return err; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); return Create(fp, fileLen, true, pErrMsg); } /* * Create the object from an already-open file pointer. The file must be * seeked to the start of the WAV file. * * Returns 0 on success. */ int SoundFile::Create(FILE* fp, long len, bool doClose, CString* pErrMsg) { struct { unsigned long riff; unsigned long fileLen; unsigned long wav; } fileHeader; unsigned long chunkLen; int err = 0; if (mFP != nil) { WMSG0("SoundFile object already created\n"); assert(false); return -1; } if (fp == nil) return -1; if (len < kWAVMinSize) { *pErrMsg = L"File is too short to be WAV"; return -1; } /* from here on out, we own fp if doClose==true */ mFP = fp; mDoClose = doClose; mFileStart = ftell(mFP); // so we can rewind if necessary /* * Check the first header. */ if (fread(&fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader), 1, mFP) != 1) { err = errno ? errno : -1; *pErrMsg = L"Failed reading file header"; goto bail; } if (fileHeader.riff != MakeFourCC('R','I','F','F') || fileHeader.wav != MakeFourCC('W','A','V','E') || fileHeader.fileLen > (unsigned long) len) { *pErrMsg = L"File is not a WAV file"; WMSG3("Not a valid WAV header (0x%08lx %d 0x%08lx)\n", fileHeader.riff, fileHeader.fileLen, fileHeader.wav); err = -1; goto bail; } /* * Find the "fmt " chunk, which holds the WAV format data. This should * immediately follow the file header, but I'm not sure that's mandatory. * I *am* going to assume that it precedes the "data" chunk, so I don't * have to rewind the file after finding "fmt ". */ err = SkipToHeader(MakeFourCC('f','m','t',' '), &chunkLen); if (err != 0) goto bail; /* * Read the WAVEFORMATEX structure directly from the file. This is useful * as an argument to certain DirectX functions. The structure contains * an extra field, so we need to zero it out and use chunkLen rather * than the structure size. */ if (chunkLen > sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)) { pErrMsg->Format(L"Bad WAV file: 'fmt ' size is %d, struct is %d", chunkLen, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); err = -1; goto bail; } //memset(&mFormat, 0, sizeof(mFormat)); // done in constructor if (fread(&mFormat, chunkLen, 1, mFP) != 1) { err = errno ? errno : -1; *pErrMsg = L"Failed reading WAVEFORMATEX"; goto bail; } /* check the format for compatibility */ if (mFormat.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { *pErrMsg = L"WAV file is not PCM format"; err = -1; goto bail; } /* * Find the "data" chunk, which holds the actual sound samples. */ err = SkipToHeader(MakeFourCC('d','a','t','a'), &chunkLen); if (err != 0) goto bail; mSampleStart = ftell(mFP); mSampleLen = chunkLen; WMSG4("WAV: chan=%d samples/sec=%d avgBPS=%d block=%d\n", mFormat.nChannels, mFormat.nSamplesPerSec, mFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec, mFormat.nBlockAlign); WMSG3(" bits/sample=%d [start=%d len=%d]\n", mFormat.wBitsPerSample, mSampleStart, mSampleLen); bail: return err; } /* * Skip forward until we find the named chunk. The file should be * positioned immediately before the first chunk. */ int SoundFile::SkipToHeader(unsigned long hdrID, unsigned long* pChunkLen) { struct { unsigned long fourcc; unsigned long chunkLen; } chunkHeader; int err = 0; /* loop until we find the right chunk or run out of file */ while (true) { if (fread(&chunkHeader, sizeof(chunkHeader), 1, mFP) != 1) { err = errno ? errno : -1; WMSG1("Failed searching for chunk header 0x%08lx\n", hdrID); break; } if (chunkHeader.fourcc == hdrID) { *pChunkLen = chunkHeader.chunkLen; break; } /* didn't match, skip contents */ if (fseek(mFP, chunkHeader.chunkLen, SEEK_CUR) != 0) { err = errno; WMSG1("Failed seeking past contents of 0x%08lx\n", chunkHeader.chunkLen); break; } } return err; } /* * Read a block of data from the specified offset. */ int SoundFile::ReadData(void* buf, long sampleOffset, long len) const { if ((unsigned long)(sampleOffset+len) > mSampleLen) { WMSG3("ERROR: invalid read request (%d bytes, %d into %d)\n", len, sampleOffset, mSampleLen); return -1; } if (fseek(mFP, mSampleStart+sampleOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) return errno; if (fread(buf, len, 1, mFP) != 1) { int err = errno ? errno : -1; WMSG1("Failed reading %d bytes from sound file\n", len); return err; } return 0; }