/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Handle clipboard functions (copy, paste). */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Main.h" #include "PasteSpecialDialog.h" static const char* kClipboardFmtName = "faddenSoft:CiderPress:v1"; const int kClipVersion = 1; // should match "vN" in fmt name const unsigned short kEntrySignature = 0x4350; /* * Win98 is quietly dying on large (20MB-ish) copies. Everything * runs along nicely and then, the next time we try to interact with * Windows, the entire system locks up and must be Ctrl-Alt-Deleted. * * In tests, it blew up on 16762187 but not 16682322, both of which * are shy of the 16MB mark (the former by about 15K). This includes the * text version, which is potentially copied multiple times. Windows doesn't * create the additional stuff (CF_OEMTEXT and CF_LOCALE; Win2K also creates * CF_UNICODETEXT) until after the clipboard is closed. We can open & close * the clipboard to get an exact count, or just multiply by a small integer * to get a reasonable estimate (1x for alternate text, 2x for UNICODE). * * Microsoft Excel limits its clipboard to 4MB on small systems, and 8MB * on systems with at least 64MB of physical memory. My guess is they * haven't really tried larger values. * * The description of GlobalAlloc suggests that it gets a little weird * when you go above 4MB, which makes me a little nervous about using * anything larger. However, it seems to work very reliably until you * cross 16MB, at which point it seizes up 100% of the time. It's possible * we're stomping on stuff and just getting lucky, but it's too-reliably * successful and too-reliably failing for me to believe that. */ const long kWin98ClipboardMax = 16 * 1024 * 1024; const long kWin98NeutralZone = 512; // extra padding const int kClipTextMult = 4; // CF_OEMTEXT, CF_LOCALE, CF_UNICODETEXT*2 /* * File collection header. */ typedef struct FileCollection { unsigned short version; // currently 1 unsigned short dataOffset; // offset to start of data unsigned long length; // total length; unsigned long count; // #of entries } FileCollection; /* what kind of entry is this */ typedef enum EntryKind { kEntryKindUnknown = 0, kEntryKindFileDataFork, kEntryKindFileRsrcFork, kEntryKindFileBothForks, kEntryKindDirectory, kEntryKindDiskImage, } EntryKind; /* * One of these per entry in the collection. * * The next file starts at (start + dataOffset + dataLen + rsrcLen + cmmtLen). */ typedef struct FileCollectionEntry { unsigned short signature; // let's be paranoid unsigned short dataOffset; // offset to start of data unsigned short fileNameLen; // len of filename unsigned long dataLen; // len of data fork unsigned long rsrcLen; // len of rsrc fork unsigned long cmmtLen; // len of comments unsigned long fileType; unsigned long auxType; time_t createWhen; time_t modWhen; unsigned char access; // ProDOS access flags unsigned char entryKind; // GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind unsigned char sourceFS; // DiskImgLib::DiskImg::FSFormat unsigned char fssep; // filesystem separator char, e.g. ':' /* data comes next: filename, then data, then resource, then comment */ } FileCollectionEntry; /* * ========================================================================== * Copy * ========================================================================== */ /* * Copy data to the clipboard. */ void MainWindow::OnEditCopy(void) { CString errStr, fileList; SelectionSet selSet; UINT myFormat; bool isOpen = false; HGLOBAL hGlobal; LPVOID pGlobal; unsigned char* buf = nil; long bufLen = -1; /* associate a number with the format name */ myFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(kClipboardFmtName); if (myFormat == 0) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_REGFAILED); ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); goto bail; } WMSG1("myFormat = %u\n", myFormat); /* open & empty the clipboard, even if we fail later */ if (OpenClipboard() == false) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_OPENFAILED); ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); goto bail; } isOpen = true; EmptyClipboard(); /* * Create a selection set with the entries. * * Strictly speaking we don't need the directories, since we recreate * them as needed. However, storing them explicitly will allow us * to preserve empty subdirs. */ selSet.CreateFromSelection(fpContentList, GenericEntry::kAnyThread | GenericEntry::kAllowDirectory); if (selSet.GetNumEntries() == 0) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_NOITEMS); MessageBox(errStr, "No match", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); goto bail; } /* * Make a big string with a file listing. */ fileList = CreateFileList(&selSet); /* * Add the string to the clipboard. The clipboard will own the memory we * allocate. */ hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, fileList.GetLength() +1); if (hGlobal == nil) { WMSG1("Failed allocating %ld bytes\n", fileList.GetLength() +1); errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_ALLOCFAILED); ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); goto bail; } WMSG1(" Allocated %ld bytes for file list on clipboard\n", fileList.GetLength() +1); pGlobal = ::GlobalLock(hGlobal); ASSERT(pGlobal != nil); strcpy((char*) pGlobal, fileList); ::GlobalUnlock(hGlobal); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGlobal); /* * Create a (potentially very large) buffer with the contents of the * files in it. This may fail for any number of reasons. */ hGlobal = CreateFileCollection(&selSet); if (hGlobal != nil) { SetClipboardData(myFormat, hGlobal); // beep annoys me on copy //SuccessBeep(); } bail: CloseClipboard(); } void MainWindow::OnUpdateEditCopy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(fpContentList != nil && fpContentList->GetSelectedCount() > 0); } /* * Create a list of selected files. * * The returned string uses tab-delineated fields with CSV-style quoting * around the filename (so that double quotes in the filename don't confuse * applications like MS Excel). */ CString MainWindow::CreateFileList(SelectionSet* pSelSet) { SelectionEntry* pSelEntry; GenericEntry* pEntry; CString tmpStr, fullStr; char fileTypeBuf[ContentList::kFileTypeBufLen]; char auxTypeBuf[ContentList::kAuxTypeBufLen]; CString fileName, subVol, fileType, auxType, modDate, format, length; pSelEntry = pSelSet->IterNext(); while (pSelEntry != nil) { pEntry = pSelEntry->GetEntry(); ASSERT(pEntry != nil); fileName = DblDblQuote(pEntry->GetPathName()); subVol = pEntry->GetSubVolName(); ContentList::MakeFileTypeDisplayString(pEntry, fileTypeBuf); fileType = DblDblQuote(fileTypeBuf); // Mac HFS types might have '"'? ContentList::MakeAuxTypeDisplayString(pEntry, auxTypeBuf); auxType = DblDblQuote(auxTypeBuf); FormatDate(pEntry->GetModWhen(), &modDate); format = pEntry->GetFormatStr(); length.Format("%I64d", (LONGLONG) pEntry->GetUncompressedLen()); tmpStr.Format("\"%s\"\t%s\t\"%s\"\t\"%s\"\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n", fileName, subVol, fileType, auxType, modDate, format, length); fullStr += tmpStr; pSelEntry = pSelSet->IterNext(); } return fullStr; } /* * Double-up all double quotes. */ /*static*/ CString MainWindow::DblDblQuote(const char* str) { CString result; char* buf; buf = result.GetBuffer(strlen(str) * 2 +1); while (*str != '\0') { if (*str == '"') { *buf++ = *str; *buf++ = *str; } else { *buf++ = *str; } str++; } *buf = *str; result.ReleaseBuffer(); return result; } /* * Compute the size of everything currently on the clipboard. */ long MainWindow::GetClipboardContentLen(void) { long len = 0; UINT format = 0; HGLOBAL hGlobal; while ((format = EnumClipboardFormats(format)) != 0) { hGlobal = GetClipboardData(format); ASSERT(hGlobal != nil); len += GlobalSize(hGlobal); } return len; } /* * Create the file collection. */ HGLOBAL MainWindow::CreateFileCollection(SelectionSet* pSelSet) { SelectionEntry* pSelEntry; GenericEntry* pEntry; HGLOBAL hGlobal = nil; HGLOBAL hResult = nil; LPVOID pGlobal; long totalLength, numFiles; long priorLength; /* get len of text version(s), with kluge to avoid close & reopen */ priorLength = GetClipboardContentLen() * kClipTextMult; /* add some padding -- textmult doesn't work for fixed-size CF_LOCALE */ priorLength += kWin98NeutralZone; totalLength = sizeof(FileCollection); numFiles = 0; /* * Compute the amount of space required to hold it all. */ pSelSet->IterReset(); pSelEntry = pSelSet->IterNext(); while (pSelEntry != nil) { pEntry = pSelEntry->GetEntry(); ASSERT(pEntry != nil); //WMSG1("+++ Examining '%s'\n", pEntry->GetDisplayName()); if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() != GenericEntry::kRecordKindVolumeDir) { totalLength += sizeof(FileCollectionEntry); totalLength += strlen(pEntry->GetPathName()) +1; numFiles++; if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() != GenericEntry::kRecordKindDirectory) { totalLength += (long) pEntry->GetDataForkLen(); totalLength += (long) pEntry->GetRsrcForkLen(); } } if (totalLength < 0) { DebugBreak(); WMSG0("Overflow\n"); // pretty hard to do right now! return nil; } pSelEntry = pSelSet->IterNext(); } #if 0 { CString msg; msg.Format("totalLength is %ld+%ld = %ld", totalLength, priorLength, totalLength+priorLength); if (MessageBox(msg, nil, MB_OKCANCEL) == IDCANCEL) goto bail; } #endif WMSG3("Total length required is %ld + %ld = %ld\n", totalLength, priorLength, totalLength+priorLength); if (IsWin9x() && totalLength+priorLength >= kWin98ClipboardMax) { CString errMsg; errMsg.Format(IDS_CLIPBOARD_WIN9XMAX, kWin98ClipboardMax / (1024*1024), ((float) (totalLength+priorLength)) / (1024.0*1024.0)); ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_MB_APP_NAME); goto bail; } /* * Create a big buffer to hold it all. */ hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, totalLength); if (hGlobal == nil) { CString errMsg; errMsg.Format("ERROR: unable to allocate %ld bytes for copy", totalLength); WMSG1("%s\n", (const char*) errMsg); ShowFailureMsg(this, errMsg, IDS_FAILED); goto bail; } pGlobal = ::GlobalLock(hGlobal); ASSERT(pGlobal != nil); ASSERT(GlobalSize(hGlobal) >= (DWORD) totalLength); WMSG3("hGlobal=0x%08lx pGlobal=0x%08lx size=%ld\n", (long) hGlobal, (long) pGlobal, GlobalSize(hGlobal)); /* * Set up a progress dialog to track it. */ ASSERT(fpActionProgress == nil); fpActionProgress = new ActionProgressDialog; fpActionProgress->Create(ActionProgressDialog::kActionExtract, this); fpActionProgress->SetFileName("Clipboard"); /* * Extract the data into the buffer. */ long remainingLen; void* buf; remainingLen = totalLength - sizeof(FileCollection); buf = (unsigned char*) pGlobal + sizeof(FileCollection); pSelSet->IterReset(); pSelEntry = pSelSet->IterNext(); while (pSelEntry != nil) { CString errStr; pEntry = pSelEntry->GetEntry(); ASSERT(pEntry != nil); fpActionProgress->SetArcName(pEntry->GetDisplayName()); errStr = CopyToCollection(pEntry, &buf, &remainingLen); if (!errStr.IsEmpty()) { ShowFailureMsg(fpActionProgress, errStr, IDS_MB_APP_NAME); goto bail; } //WMSG1("remainingLen now %ld\n", remainingLen); pSelEntry = pSelSet->IterNext(); } ASSERT(remainingLen == 0); ASSERT(buf == (unsigned char*) pGlobal + totalLength); /* * Write the header. */ FileCollection fileColl; fileColl.version = kClipVersion; fileColl.dataOffset = sizeof(FileCollection); fileColl.length = totalLength; fileColl.count = numFiles; memcpy(pGlobal, &fileColl, sizeof(fileColl)); /* * Success! */ ::GlobalUnlock(hGlobal); hResult = hGlobal; hGlobal = nil; bail: if (hGlobal != nil) { ASSERT(hResult == nil); ::GlobalUnlock(hGlobal); ::GlobalFree(hGlobal); } if (fpActionProgress != nil) { fpActionProgress->Cleanup(this); fpActionProgress = nil; } return hResult; } /* * Copy the contents of the file referred to by "pEntry" into the buffer * "*pBuf", which has "*pBufLen" bytes in it. * * The call fails if "*pBufLen" isn't large enough. * * Returns an empty string on success, or an error message on failure. * On success, "*pBuf" will be advanced past the data added, and "*pBufLen" * will be reduced by the amount of data copied into "buf". */ CString MainWindow::CopyToCollection(GenericEntry* pEntry, void** pBuf, long* pBufLen) { FileCollectionEntry collEnt; CString errStr, dummyStr; unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*) *pBuf; long remLen = *pBufLen; errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_WRITEFAILURE); if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() == GenericEntry::kRecordKindVolumeDir) { WMSG0("Not copying volume dir to collection\n"); return ""; } if (remLen < sizeof(collEnt)) { ASSERT(false); return errStr; } GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind entryKind; if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() == GenericEntry::kRecordKindDirectory) entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDirectory; else if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork() && pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork()) entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindBothForks; else if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork()) entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork; else if (pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork()) entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork; else if (pEntry->GetHasDiskImage()) entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage; else { ASSERT(false); return errStr; } ASSERT((int) entryKind >= 0 && (int) entryKind <= 255); memset(&collEnt, 0x99, sizeof(collEnt)); collEnt.signature = kEntrySignature; collEnt.dataOffset = sizeof(collEnt); collEnt.fileNameLen = strlen(pEntry->GetPathName()) +1; if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() == GenericEntry::kRecordKindDirectory) { collEnt.dataLen = collEnt.rsrcLen = collEnt.cmmtLen = 0; } else { collEnt.dataLen = (unsigned long) pEntry->GetDataForkLen(); collEnt.rsrcLen = (unsigned long) pEntry->GetRsrcForkLen(); collEnt.cmmtLen = 0; // CMMT FIX -- length unknown?? } collEnt.fileType = pEntry->GetFileType(); collEnt.auxType = pEntry->GetAuxType(); collEnt.createWhen = pEntry->GetCreateWhen(); collEnt.modWhen = pEntry->GetModWhen(); collEnt.access = (unsigned char) pEntry->GetAccess(); collEnt.entryKind = (unsigned char) entryKind; collEnt.sourceFS = pEntry->GetSourceFS(); collEnt.fssep = pEntry->GetFssep(); /* verify there's enough space to hold everything */ if ((unsigned long) remLen < collEnt.fileNameLen + collEnt.dataLen + collEnt.rsrcLen + collEnt.cmmtLen) { ASSERT(false); return errStr; } memcpy(buf, &collEnt, sizeof(collEnt)); buf += sizeof(collEnt); remLen -= sizeof(collEnt); /* copy string with terminating null */ memcpy(buf, pEntry->GetPathName(), collEnt.fileNameLen); buf += collEnt.fileNameLen; remLen -= collEnt.fileNameLen; /* * Extract data forks, resource forks, and disk images as appropriate. */ char* bufCopy; long lenCopy; int result, which; if (pEntry->GetRecordKind() == GenericEntry::kRecordKindDirectory) { ASSERT(collEnt.dataLen == 0); ASSERT(collEnt.rsrcLen == 0); ASSERT(collEnt.cmmtLen == 0); ASSERT(!pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork()); } else if (pEntry->GetHasDataFork() || pEntry->GetHasDiskImage()) { bufCopy = (char*) buf; lenCopy = remLen; if (pEntry->GetHasDiskImage()) which = GenericEntry::kDiskImageThread; else which = GenericEntry::kDataThread; result = pEntry->ExtractThreadToBuffer(which, &bufCopy, &lenCopy, &dummyStr); if (result == IDCANCEL) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CANCELLED); return errStr; } else if (result != IDOK) { WMSG0("ExtractThreadToBuffer (data) failed\n"); return errStr; } ASSERT(lenCopy == (long) collEnt.dataLen); buf += collEnt.dataLen; remLen -= collEnt.dataLen; } else { ASSERT(collEnt.dataLen == 0); } if (pEntry->GetHasRsrcFork()) { bufCopy = (char*) buf; lenCopy = remLen; which = GenericEntry::kRsrcThread; result = pEntry->ExtractThreadToBuffer(which, &bufCopy, &lenCopy, &dummyStr); if (result == IDCANCEL) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CANCELLED); return errStr; } else if (result != IDOK) { WMSG0("ExtractThreadToBuffer (rsrc) failed\n"); return errStr; } ASSERT(lenCopy == (long) collEnt.rsrcLen); buf += collEnt.rsrcLen; remLen -= collEnt.rsrcLen; } if (pEntry->GetHasComment()) { #if 0 // CMMT FIX bufCopy = (char*) buf; lenCopy = remLen; which = GenericEntry::kCommentThread; result = pEntry->ExtractThreadToBuffer(which, &bufCopy, &lenCopy); if (result == IDCANCEL) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CANCELLED); return errStr; } else if (result != IDOK) return errStr; ASSERT(lenCopy == (long) collEnt.cmmtLen); buf += collEnt.cmmtLen; remLen -= collEnt.cmmtLen; #else ASSERT(collEnt.cmmtLen == 0); #endif } *pBuf = buf; *pBufLen = remLen; return ""; } /* * ========================================================================== * Paste * ========================================================================== */ /* * Paste data from the clipboard, using the configured defaults. */ void MainWindow::OnEditPaste(void) { bool pasteJunkPaths = fPreferences.GetPrefBool(kPrPasteJunkPaths); DoPaste(pasteJunkPaths); } void MainWindow::OnUpdateEditPaste(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { bool dataAvailable = false; UINT myFormat; myFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(kClipboardFmtName); if (myFormat != 0 && IsClipboardFormatAvailable(myFormat)) dataAvailable = true; pCmdUI->Enable(fpContentList != nil && !fpOpenArchive->IsReadOnly() && dataAvailable); } /* * Paste data from the clipboard, giving the user the opportunity to select * how the files are handled. */ void MainWindow::OnEditPasteSpecial(void) { PasteSpecialDialog dlg; bool pasteJunkPaths = fPreferences.GetPrefBool(kPrPasteJunkPaths); // invert the meaning, so non-default mode is default in dialog if (pasteJunkPaths) dlg.fPasteHow = PasteSpecialDialog::kPastePaths; else dlg.fPasteHow = PasteSpecialDialog::kPasteNoPaths; if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; switch (dlg.fPasteHow) { case PasteSpecialDialog::kPastePaths: pasteJunkPaths = false; break; case PasteSpecialDialog::kPasteNoPaths: pasteJunkPaths = true; break; default: assert(false); break; } DoPaste(pasteJunkPaths); } void MainWindow::OnUpdateEditPasteSpecial(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { OnUpdateEditPaste(pCmdUI); } /* * Do some prep work and then call ProcessClipboard to copy files in. */ void MainWindow::DoPaste(bool pasteJunkPaths) { CString errStr, buildStr; UINT format = 0; UINT myFormat; bool isOpen = false; if (fpContentList == nil || fpOpenArchive->IsReadOnly()) { ASSERT(false); return; } myFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(kClipboardFmtName); if (myFormat == 0) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_REGFAILED); ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); goto bail; } WMSG1("myFormat = %u\n", myFormat); if (OpenClipboard() == false) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_OPENFAILED); ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); goto bail;; } isOpen = true; WMSG1("Found %d clipboard formats\n", CountClipboardFormats()); while ((format = EnumClipboardFormats(format)) != 0) { CString tmpStr; tmpStr.Format(" %u", format); buildStr += tmpStr; } WMSG1(" %s\n", buildStr); #if 0 if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_HDROP)) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_NO_HDROP); ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); goto bail; } #endif /* impossible unless OnUpdateEditPaste was bypassed */ if (!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(myFormat)) { errStr.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_NOTFOUND); ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); goto bail; } WMSG1("+++ total data on clipboard: %ld bytes\n", GetClipboardContentLen()); HGLOBAL hGlobal; LPVOID pGlobal; hGlobal = GetClipboardData(myFormat); if (hGlobal == nil) { ASSERT(false); goto bail; } pGlobal = GlobalLock(hGlobal); ASSERT(pGlobal != nil); errStr = ProcessClipboard(pGlobal, GlobalSize(hGlobal), pasteJunkPaths); fpContentList->Reload(); if (!errStr.IsEmpty()) ShowFailureMsg(this, errStr, IDS_FAILED); else SuccessBeep(); GlobalUnlock(hGlobal); bail: if (isOpen) CloseClipboard(); } /* * Process the data in the clipboard. * * Returns an empty string on success, or an error message on failure. */ CString MainWindow::ProcessClipboard(const void* vbuf, long bufLen, bool pasteJunkPaths) { FileCollection fileColl; CString errMsg, storagePrefix; const unsigned char* buf = (const unsigned char*) vbuf; DiskImgLib::A2File* pTargetSubdir = nil; XferFileOptions xferOpts; bool xferPrepped = false; /* set a standard error message */ errMsg.LoadString(IDS_CLIPBOARD_READFAILURE); /* * Pull the header out. */ if (bufLen < sizeof(fileColl)) { WMSG0("Clipboard contents too small!\n"); goto bail; } memcpy(&fileColl, buf, sizeof(fileColl)); /* * Verify the length. Win98 seems to like to round things up to 16-byte * boundaries, which screws up our "bufLen > 0" while condition below. */ if ((long) fileColl.length > bufLen) { WMSG2("GLITCH: stored len=%ld, clip len=%ld\n", fileColl.length, bufLen); goto bail; } if (bufLen > (long) fileColl.length) { /* trim off extra */ WMSG2("NOTE: Windows reports excess length (%ld vs %ld)\n", fileColl.length, bufLen); bufLen = fileColl.length; } buf += sizeof(fileColl); bufLen -= sizeof(fileColl); WMSG4("FileCollection found: vers=%d off=%d len=%ld count=%ld\n", fileColl.version, fileColl.dataOffset, fileColl.length, fileColl.count); if (fileColl.count == 0) { /* nothing to do? */ ASSERT(false); return errMsg; } /* * Figure out where we want to put the files. For a disk archive * this can be complicated. * * The target DiskFS (which could be a sub-volume) gets tucked into * the xferOpts. */ if (fpOpenArchive->GetArchiveKind() == GenericArchive::kArchiveDiskImage) { if (!ChooseAddTarget(&pTargetSubdir, &xferOpts.fpTargetFS)) return ""; } fpOpenArchive->XferPrepare(&xferOpts); xferPrepped = true; if (pTargetSubdir != nil) { storagePrefix = pTargetSubdir->GetPathName(); WMSG1("--- using storagePrefix '%s'\n", (const char*) storagePrefix); } /* * Set up a progress dialog to track it. */ ASSERT(fpActionProgress == nil); fpActionProgress = new ActionProgressDialog; fpActionProgress->Create(ActionProgressDialog::kActionAdd, this); fpActionProgress->SetArcName("Clipboard data"); /* * Loop over all files. */ WMSG1("+++ Starting paste, bufLen=%ld\n", bufLen); while (bufLen > 0) { FileCollectionEntry collEnt; CString fileName, processErrStr; /* read the entry info */ if (bufLen < sizeof(collEnt)) { WMSG2("GLITCH: bufLen=%ld, sizeof(collEnt)=%d\n", bufLen, sizeof(collEnt)); ASSERT(false); goto bail; } memcpy(&collEnt, buf, sizeof(collEnt)); if (collEnt.signature != kEntrySignature) { ASSERT(false); goto bail; } /* advance to the start of data */ if (bufLen < collEnt.dataOffset) { ASSERT(false); goto bail; } buf += collEnt.dataOffset; bufLen -= collEnt.dataOffset; /* extract the filename */ if (bufLen < collEnt.fileNameLen) { ASSERT(false); goto bail; } fileName = buf; buf += collEnt.fileNameLen; bufLen -= collEnt.fileNameLen; //WMSG1("+++ pasting '%s'\n", fileName); /* strip the path (if requested) and prepend the storage prefix */ ASSERT(fileName.GetLength() == collEnt.fileNameLen -1); if (pasteJunkPaths && collEnt.fssep != '\0') { int idx; idx = fileName.ReverseFind(collEnt.fssep); if (idx >= 0) fileName = fileName.Right(fileName.GetLength() - idx -1); } if (!storagePrefix.IsEmpty()) { CString tmpStr, tmpFileName; tmpFileName = fileName; if (collEnt.fssep == '\0') { tmpFileName.Replace(':', '_'); // strip any ':'s in the name collEnt.fssep = ':'; // define an fssep } tmpStr = storagePrefix; /* storagePrefix fssep is always ':'; change it to match */ if (collEnt.fssep != ':') tmpStr.Replace(':', collEnt.fssep); tmpStr += collEnt.fssep; tmpStr += tmpFileName; fileName = tmpStr; } fpActionProgress->SetFileName(fileName); /* make sure the data is there */ if (bufLen < (long) (collEnt.dataLen + collEnt.rsrcLen + collEnt.cmmtLen)) { ASSERT(false); goto bail; } /* * Process the entry. * * If the user hits "cancel" in the progress dialog we'll get thrown * back out. For the time being I'm just treating it like any other * failure. */ processErrStr = ProcessClipboardEntry(&collEnt, fileName, buf, bufLen); if (!processErrStr.IsEmpty()) { errMsg.Format("Unable to paste '%s': %s.", (const char*) fileName, (const char*) processErrStr); goto bail; } buf += collEnt.dataLen + collEnt.rsrcLen + collEnt.cmmtLen; bufLen -= collEnt.dataLen + collEnt.rsrcLen + collEnt.cmmtLen; } ASSERT(bufLen == 0); errMsg = ""; bail: if (xferPrepped) { if (errMsg.IsEmpty()) fpOpenArchive->XferFinish(this); else fpOpenArchive->XferAbort(this); } if (fpActionProgress != nil) { fpActionProgress->Cleanup(this); fpActionProgress = nil; } return errMsg; } /* * Process a single clipboard entry. * * On entry, "buf" points to the start of the first chunk of data (either * data fork or resource fork). If the file has empty forks or is a * subdirectory, then "buf" is actually pointing at the start of the * next entry. */ CString MainWindow::ProcessClipboardEntry(const FileCollectionEntry* pCollEnt, const char* pathName, const unsigned char* buf, long remLen) { GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind entryKind; GenericArchive::FileDetails details; unsigned char* dataBuf = nil; unsigned char* rsrcBuf = nil; long dataLen, rsrcLen, cmmtLen; CString errMsg; entryKind = (GenericArchive::FileDetails::FileKind) pCollEnt->entryKind; WMSG2(" Processing '%s' (%d)\n", pathName, entryKind); details.entryKind = entryKind; details.origName = "Clipboard"; details.storageName = pathName; details.fileSysFmt = (DiskImg::FSFormat) pCollEnt->sourceFS; details.fileSysInfo = pCollEnt->fssep; details.access = pCollEnt->access; details.fileType = pCollEnt->fileType; details.extraType = pCollEnt->auxType; GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&pCollEnt->createWhen, &details.createWhen); GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&pCollEnt->modWhen, &details.modWhen); time_t now = time(nil); GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.archiveWhen); /* * Because of the way XferFile works, we need to make a copy of * the data. (For NufxLib, it's going to gather up all of the * data and flush it all at once, so it needs to own the memory.) * * Ideally we'd use a different interface that didn't require a * data copy -- NufxLib can do it that way as well -- but it's * not worth maintaining two separate interfaces. * * This approach does allow the xfer code to handle DOS high-ASCII * text conversions in place, though. If we didn't do it this way * we'd have to make a copy in the xfer code to avoid contaminating * the clipboard data. That would be more efficient, but probably * a bit messier. * * The stuff below figures out which forks we're expected to have based * on the file type info. This helps us distinguish between a file * with a zero-length fork and a file without that kind of fork. */ bool hasData = false; bool hasRsrc = false; if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork) { hasData = true; details.storageType = kNuStorageSeedling; } else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindRsrcFork) { hasRsrc = true; details.storageType = kNuStorageExtended; } else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindBothForks) { hasData = hasRsrc = true; details.storageType = kNuStorageExtended; } else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDiskImage) { hasData = true; details.storageType = kNuStorageSeedling; } else if (details.entryKind == GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDirectory) { details.storageType = kNuStorageDirectory; } else { ASSERT(false); return "Internal error."; } if (hasData) { if (pCollEnt->dataLen == 0) { dataBuf = new unsigned char[1]; dataLen = 0; } else { dataLen = pCollEnt->dataLen; dataBuf = new unsigned char[dataLen]; if (dataBuf == nil) return "memory allocation failed."; memcpy(dataBuf, buf, dataLen); buf += dataLen; remLen -= dataLen; } } else { ASSERT(dataBuf == nil); dataLen = -1; } if (hasRsrc) { if (pCollEnt->rsrcLen == 0) { rsrcBuf = new unsigned char[1]; rsrcLen = 0; } else { rsrcLen = pCollEnt->rsrcLen; rsrcBuf = new unsigned char[rsrcLen]; if (rsrcBuf == nil) return "Memory allocation failed."; memcpy(rsrcBuf, buf, rsrcLen); buf += rsrcLen; remLen -= rsrcLen; } } else { ASSERT(rsrcBuf == nil); rsrcLen = -1; } if (pCollEnt->cmmtLen > 0) { cmmtLen = pCollEnt->cmmtLen; /* CMMT FIX -- not supported by XferFile */ } ASSERT(remLen >= 0); errMsg = fpOpenArchive->XferFile(&details, &dataBuf, dataLen, &rsrcBuf, rsrcLen); delete[] dataBuf; delete[] rsrcBuf; dataBuf = rsrcBuf = nil; return errMsg; }