/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Support for file selection dialog. * * What we want to do is get the full set of selected files out of the dialog. * However, Windows does not provide a way to do that. There are various * slightly awkward approaches: * * - Get the IShellView pointer via the IShellBrowser pointer via the * undocumented WM_GETISHELLBROWSER message. You can then play with the * shellview window, select items with SelectItem(), and get an object * representing the selected items with another call. What form the * object takes is frustratingly unspecified. * http://www.codeproject.com/dialog/select_all_button.asp * - Get the CListView so you can play with its members. This is done by * GetParent --> GetItem(lst2) --> GetItem(1), which is probably * somewhat fragile, but seems to work on 98 through XP. Standard LVN * stuff applies. * http://www.codeguru.com/mfc/comments/10216.shtml * - Using a window hook (not an OFN hook), get the class name and strcmp() * it for the class we're looking for ("syslistview32"). Once we have * it, proceed as above. * http://www.codeproject.com/dialog/customize_dialog.asp * * Care must be taken with the ListView because it doesn't contain file names, * but rather display names (potentially without filename extensions). The * next big assumptive leap is that the ItemData pointer is a shell PIDL that * can be used directly. * * The PIDL stored is, of course, relative to the IShellFolder currently being * displayed. There's no easy way to get that, but if we just go ahead and * call SHGetPathFromIDList anyway we get the right file name with the wrong * path (it appears to be the desktop folder). We can strip the path off and * prepend the value from the undocumented GetFolderPath() call (which just * issues a CDM_GETFOLDERPATH message). * * To make matters even more interesting, it is necessary to provide a "hook" * function to prevent double-clicking from closing the dialog while side- * stepping our additions. Of course, adding an OFN hook renders all of the * existing message map and initialization stuff inoperable. You can stuff * things through various "user data" pointers and end up with access to your * object, and if you cram the hook procedure's hDlg into the object's m_hWnd * you can treat "this" like a window instead of passing HWNDs around. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "SelectFilesDialog.h" #include "PathName.h" #include "Util.h" #include /* * Our CFileDialog "hook" function. * * "hdlg" is a handle to the child dialog box. Use the GetParent() function * to get the handle of the dialog box window. * * uiMsg identifies the message being received. If it's WM_INITDIALOG, then * lParam points to the OPENFILENAME structure. * * Do not call EndDialog from here. Instead, PostMessage a WM_COMMAND with * IDABORT. (Looks like you can EndDialog on the parent and have it work, at * least for IDCANCEL.) * * Return zero to enable standard processing, nonzero to claim ownership of * the message. */ /*static*/ UINT CALLBACK SelectFilesDialog::OFNHookProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { OPENFILENAME* pOfn; SelectFilesDialog* pSFD = nil; pOfn = (OPENFILENAME*) GetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA); if (pOfn != nil) { pSFD = (SelectFilesDialog*) pOfn->lCustData; /* allow our "this" pointer to play with the window */ /* [does not seem to cause double-frees on cleanup] */ if (pSFD->m_hWnd == nil) pSFD->m_hWnd = hDlg; } switch (uiMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: WMSG1("WM_INITDIALOG, OFN=0x%08lx\n", lParam); SetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA, lParam); break; case WM_NOTIFY: // 0x4e ASSERT(pSFD != nil); return pSFD->HandleNotify(hDlg, (LPOFNOTIFY)lParam); case WM_COMMAND: ASSERT(pSFD != nil); return pSFD->HandleCommand(hDlg, wParam, lParam); case WM_SIZE: ASSERT(pSFD != nil); return pSFD->HandleSize(hDlg, wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); case WM_HELP: ASSERT(pSFD != nil); return pSFD->HandleHelp(hDlg, (LPHELPINFO) lParam); default: //WMSG4("OFNHookProc: hDlg=0x%08lx uiMsg=0x%08lx " // "wParam=0x%08lx lParam=0x%08lx\n", // hDlg, uiMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } return 0; } /* * Handle WM_NOTIFY messages. * * You can indicate displeasure with the CDN_* messages by using SetWindowLong * to alter the DWL_MSGRESULT value. */ UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleNotify(HWND hDlg, LPOFNOTIFY pofn) { // int count; switch (pofn->hdr.code) { case CDN_INITDONE: MyOnInitDone(); return 1; case CDN_SELCHANGE: WMSG0(" CDN_SELCHANGE\n"); MyOnFileNameChange(/*&count*/); //ClearFileName(); return 1; case CDN_FOLDERCHANGE: WMSG0(" CDN_FOLDERCHANGE\n"); break; case CDN_SHAREVIOLATION: WMSG0(" CDN_SHAREVIOLATION\n"); break; case CDN_HELP: WMSG0(" CDN_HELP!\n"); break; case CDN_FILEOK: WMSG0(" CDN_FILEOK\n"); /* act like they hit the Accept button */ // MyOnFileNameChange(&count); //ClearFileName(); // if (count != 0) { // WMSG1("Count = %d, accepting CDN_FILEOK\n", count); // MyOnAccept(); // } else { // OPENFILENAME* pOfn; // pOfn = (OPENFILENAME*) GetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA); // WMSG1("Count=0, name='%s'\n", pOfn->lpstrFile); // } PrepEndDialog(); /* must do this every time, or it fails in funky ways */ SetWindowLong(hDlg, DWL_MSGRESULT, 1); return 1; case CDN_TYPECHANGE: WMSG0(" CDN_TYPECHANGE\n"); break; case CDN_INCLUDEITEM: WMSG0(" CDN_INCLUDEITEM\n"); default: WMSG2(" HandleNotify, code=%d, pOfn=0x%08lx\n", pofn->hdr.code, pofn); break; } return 0; } /* * Handle WM_COMMAND messages. */ UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleCommand(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WMSG2(" HandleCommand wParam=%d lParam=0x%08lx\n", wParam, lParam); if ((int) wParam == fAcceptButtonID) { MyOnAccept(); return 1; } else if (wParam == IDCANCEL) { MyOnCancel(); return 1; } else { return MyOnCommand(wParam, lParam); } } /* * Handle WM_SIZE. */ UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleSize(HWND hDlg, UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { //WMSG3("Dialog: old size %d,%d (ready=%d)\n", // fLastWinSize.Width(), fLastWinSize.Height(), fReady); //WMSG2("Dialog: new size %d,%d\n", cx, cy); // we get called once before we have a chance to initialize if (!fReady) return 0; int deltaX, deltaY; deltaX = cx - fLastWinSize.Width(); deltaY = cy - fLastWinSize.Height(); //WMSG2("Delta is %d,%d\n", deltaX, deltaY); ShiftControls(deltaX, 0 /*deltaY*/); GetParent()->GetWindowRect(&fLastWinSize); return 1; } /* * User hit F1 or applied the '?' button to something. Our heritage is * dubious, so use global functions to access the help file. */ UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleHelp(HWND hDlg, LPHELPINFO lpHelpInfo) { CWnd* pWndMain = ::AfxGetMainWnd(); CWinApp* pAppMain = ::AfxGetApp(); DWORD context = lpHelpInfo->iCtrlId; BOOL result; //WMSG1("Handling help with context %ld\n", context); result = ::WinHelp(pWndMain->m_hWnd, pAppMain->m_pszHelpFilePath, HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, context); //WMSG1("SFD WinHelp returned %d\n", result); return TRUE; // yes, we handled it } /* * When the CFileDialog finishes doing its thing, we "fix" stuff a bit. * We can't really do this earlier, because we'd be destroying windows that * the parent dialog wants to move. * * We need to shift everything up by the difference between the IDOK button * and our "accept" button. */ void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnInitDone(void) { WMSG0("OnInitDone!\n"); CWnd* pParent = GetParent(); CWnd* pWnd; CRect okRect, cancelRect, acceptRect; int vertDiff; ASSERT(pParent != nil); pWnd = GetDlgItem(fAcceptButtonID); ASSERT(pWnd != nil); pWnd->GetWindowRect(&acceptRect); pWnd = pParent->GetDlgItem(IDOK); ASSERT(pWnd != nil); pWnd->GetWindowRect(&okRect); pWnd = pParent->GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL); ASSERT(pWnd != nil); pWnd->GetWindowRect(&cancelRect); vertDiff = acceptRect.top - okRect.top; WMSG2("vertDiff = %d (horizDiff=%d)\n", vertDiff, acceptRect.left - okRect.left); ShiftControls(0, -vertDiff); // DestroyItem(pParent, stc3); // "File name" // DestroyItem(pParent, edt1); // (file name edit) DestroyItem(pParent, stc2); // "Files of type" DestroyItem(pParent, cmb1); // (file type combo) DestroyItem(pParent, IDOK); // "Open"/"Save" DestroyItem(pParent, IDCANCEL); // "Cancel" DestroyItem(this, stc32); // our placeholder pParent->GetWindowRect(&fLastWinSize); fLastWinSize.bottom -= vertDiff; pParent->MoveWindow(&fLastWinSize); // let sub-classes initialize the data fields MyDataExchange(false); fReady = true; } /* * Shift the controls when the window size changes. This is a bit tricky * because the CFileDialog is also moving the controls, though it doesn't * move them in quite the way we want. */ void SelectFilesDialog::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY) { if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) { WMSG0("SFD OnSize: no meaningful change\n"); return; } else { WMSG2("ShiftControls x=%d y=%d\n", deltaX, deltaY); } MoveControl(this, fAcceptButtonID, deltaX, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDCANCEL, deltaX, deltaY, false); //StretchControl(this, IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX, deltaX, deltaY); // erase & redraw Invalidate(true); } /* * Get the list view control out of the common file dialog. * * Returns "nil" if it can't find it. */ CWnd* SelectFilesDialog::GetListCtrl(void) { CWnd* pItem; CWnd* pList; /* our dialog is a child; get our parent, then grab the shellview */ pItem = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(lst2); ASSERT(pItem != nil); if (pItem == nil) return nil; /* pull the listview out of the shellview */ pList = pItem->GetDlgItem( 1); ASSERT(pList != nil); return pList; } /* * When the selection changes, update our dialog. */ void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnFileNameChange(void) { //WMSG1("OnFileNameChange\n"); CListCtrl* pList; pList = (CListCtrl*) GetListCtrl(); if (pList == nil) { WMSG0("GLITCH: could not get list control\n"); return; } ASSERT(pList != nil); //WMSG1("Selected count=%d\n", pList->GetSelectedCount()); //*pCount = pList->GetSelectedCount(); //CWnd* pItem; //pItem = GetDlgItem(IDC_SELECT_ACCEPT); //ASSERT(pItem != nil); //pItem->EnableWindow(*pCount != 0); } /* * The user hit the "Accept" button. Package up the file selection. */ void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnAccept(void) { //WMSG0("OnAccept!\n"); PrepEndDialog(); } /* * Either the user hit the "Accept" button or the OFN dialog has indicated * that it wants to close. * * Returns "true" if all went well, "false" if it failed (e.g. because the * user hasn't selected any files). */ bool SelectFilesDialog::PrepEndDialog(void) { CListCtrl* pList; int nextSpot = 0; // let sub-classes copy data out if (!MyDataExchange(true)) { WMSG0("MyDataExchange failed!\n"); return false; } /* * Start with the set of stuff that the window wants to tell us about. * Run through the list, converting all '\0' to '\\'. Later on we * convert them back. * * nFileOffset will be zero if they click on "accept" instead of hitting * return in the edit box or double-clicking on files. This can make it * tricky to have names in the text field and files selected, because * clicking rather than hitting "enter" will yield different results. * * The OFN dialog does add names to the box as they are selected, which * makes it awkward to do anything reasonable. * * Fortunately I believe the world is divided into "typers" and * "clickers", and so long as their paths don't cross we're fine. */ WMSG2("PrepEndDialog: got max=%d off=%d\n", m_ofn.nMaxFile, m_ofn.nFileOffset); if (m_ofn.nFileOffset != 0) { char* buf = m_ofn.lpstrFile; buf += m_ofn.nFileOffset; while (*buf != '\0') { if (buf > m_ofn.lpstrFile) *(buf-1) = '\\'; WMSG1(" File '%s'\n", buf); buf += strlen(buf) +1; } //Sleep(1000); nextSpot = (buf - m_ofn.lpstrFile) -1; ASSERT(*(m_ofn.lpstrFile + nextSpot) == '\0'); ASSERT(*(m_ofn.lpstrFile + nextSpot+1) == '\0'); /* stick a '\' on the very end, so we get double-null action later */ *(m_ofn.lpstrFile + nextSpot) = '\\'; } WMSG1("Last offset was %d\n", nextSpot); #if 0 /* make it clear that they're only getting one */ /* (bad case: click on some files and hit "Accept") */ if (nextSpot == 0) { CWnd* pEditWnd; CString editText; pEditWnd = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(edt1); pEditWnd->GetWindowText(editText); if (!editText.IsEmpty()) { pEditWnd->SetWindowText(""); return false; } } #endif /* * Now merge in the selected files. */ pList = (CListCtrl*) GetListCtrl(); if (pList == nil) { WMSG0("GLITCH: could not get list control\n"); return false; } ASSERT(pList != nil); CString fileNames; int count = pList->GetSelectedCount(); if (count == 0) { if (nextSpot == 0) { MessageBox("Please select one or more files and directories.", m_ofn.lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); /* make it clear that we're ignoring the names they typed */ ClearFileName(); return false; } /* nothing but typed-in names */ fileNames = m_ofn.lpstrFile; fFileNameOffset = m_ofn.nFileOffset; } else { bool compare; if (nextSpot == 0) { fileNames = GetFolderPath(); /* add a trailing '\', which gets stomped to '\0' later on */ if (fileNames.Right(1) != "\\") fileNames += "\\"; fFileNameOffset = fileNames.GetLength(); compare = false; } else { fileNames = m_ofn.lpstrFile; ASSERT(fileNames.Right(1) == "\\"); fFileNameOffset = m_ofn.nFileOffset; compare = true; } ASSERT(fFileNameOffset > 0); POSITION posn; posn = pList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if (posn == nil) { /* shouldn't happen -- Accept button should be dimmed */ ASSERT(false); return false; } while (posn != nil) { /* do this every time, because "fileNames" can be reallocated */ const char* tailStr = fileNames; tailStr += fFileNameOffset-1; int num = pList->GetNextSelectedItem(posn); // posn is updated /* here we make a big assumption: that GetItemData returns a PIDL */ LPITEMIDLIST pidl; char buf[MAX_PATH]; pidl = (LPITEMIDLIST) pList->GetItemData(num); if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, buf)) { /* it's a relative PIDL but SHGetPathFromIDList wants a full one, so it returns CWD + filename... strip bogus path off */ CString compareName("\\"); PathName path(buf); compareName += path.GetFileName(); compareName += "\\"; //WMSG1(" Checking name='%s'\n", compareName); if (compare && stristr(tailStr, compareName) != nil) { WMSG1(" Matched '%s', not adding\n", compareName); } else { if (compare) { WMSG1(" No match on '%s', adding\n", compareName); } else { WMSG1(" Found '%s', adding\n", compareName); } fileNames += path.GetFileName(); fileNames += "\\"; } } else { /* expected, for things like "Control Panels" or "My Network" */ WMSG1(" No path for '%s'\n", (LPCTSTR) pList->GetItemText(num, 0)); } } if (fileNames.GetLength() >= (int)m_ofn.nMaxFile) { WMSG0("GLITCH: excessively long file name list\n"); return false; } } WMSG3("Final result: names at %d, len=%d, str='%s'\n", fFileNameOffset, strlen(fileNames), fileNames); /* * Null-terminate with extreme prejudice. Every filename should be * separated with a null, and the last filename should be followed by * two. Every component was followed by '\\', and the last one * naturally has a null, so we should be in great shape after this. * * Could probably have done it entirely with CString, but I'm not sure * how CStrings react to buffers with multiple null-terminated * sub-strings. */ ASSERT(fFileNames != m_ofn.lpstrFile); delete[] fFileNames; fFileNames = strdup(fileNames); char* cp = fFileNames; cp += fFileNameOffset-1; while (*cp != '\0') { if (*cp == '\\') *cp = '\0'; cp++; } //fileNames.ReleaseBuffer(-1); fExitStatus = IDOK; CDialog* pDialog = (CDialog*) GetParent(); pDialog->EndDialog(IDCANCEL); return true; } /* * User hit our cancel button. */ void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnCancel(void) { fExitStatus = IDCANCEL; CDialog* pDialog = (CDialog*) GetParent(); pDialog->EndDialog(IDCANCEL); } /* * Clear the filename field. */ void SelectFilesDialog::ClearFileName(void) { CWnd* pWnd = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(edt1); if (pWnd != nil) pWnd->SetWindowText(""); }