/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Code for handling disk image "wrappers", things like DiskCopy, 2MG, and * SHK that surround a disk image. * * Returning with kDIErrBadChecksum from Test or Prep is taken as a sign * that, while we have correctly identified the wrapper format, the contents * of the file are corrupt, and the user needs to be told. * * Some formats, such as 2MG, include a DOS volume number. This is useful * because DOS actually embeds the volume number in sector headers; the value * stored in the VTOC is ignored by certain things (notably some games with * trivial copy-protection). This value needs to be preserved. It's * unclear how useful this will actually be; mostly we just want to preserve * it when translating from one format to another. * * If a library (such as NufxLib) needs to read an actual file, it can * (usually) pry the name out of the GFD. * * In general, it should be possible to write to any "wrapped" file that we * can read from. For things like NuFX and DDD, this means we need to be * able to re-compress the image file when we're done with it. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "DiskImgPriv.h" #include "TwoImg.h" /* * =========================================================================== * 2MG (a/k/a 2IMG) * =========================================================================== */ /* * Test to see if this is a 2MG file. * * The easiest way to do that is to open up the header and see if * it looks valid. */ /*static*/ DIError Wrapper2MG::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { TwoImgHeader header; LOGI("Testing for 2MG"); // HEY: should test for wrappedLength > 2GB; if so, skip pGFD->Rewind(); if (header.ReadHeader(pGFD, (long) wrappedLength) != 0) return kDIErrGeneric; LOGI("Looks like valid 2MG"); return kDIErrNone; } /* * Get the header (again) and use it to locate the data. */ DIError Wrapper2MG::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { TwoImgHeader header; long offset; LOGI("Prepping for 2MG"); pGFD->Rewind(); if (header.ReadHeader(pGFD, (long) wrappedLength) != 0) return kDIErrGeneric; offset = header.fDataOffset; if (header.fFlags & TwoImgHeader::kDOSVolumeSet) *pDiskVolNum = header.GetDOSVolumeNum(); *pLength = header.fDataLen; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors; if (header.fImageFormat == TwoImgHeader::kImageFormatDOS) *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS; else if (header.fImageFormat == TwoImgHeader::kImageFormatProDOS) *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS; else if (header.fImageFormat == TwoImgHeader::kImageFormatNibble) { *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical; if (*pLength == kTrackCount525 * kTrackLenNib525) { LOGI(" Prepping for 6656-byte 2MG-NIB"); *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656; } else if (*pLength == kTrackCount525 * kTrackLenNb2525) { LOGI(" Prepping for 6384-byte 2MG-NB2"); *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6384; } else { LOGI(" NIB 2MG with length=%ld rejected", (long) *pLength); return kDIErrOddLength; } } *ppNewGFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*ppNewGFD)->Open(pGFD, offset, readOnly); } /* * Initialize fields for a new file. */ DIError Wrapper2MG::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { TwoImgHeader header; int cc; switch (physical) { case DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656: if (length != kTrackLenNib525 * kTrackCount525) { LOGI("Invalid 2MG nibble length %ld", (long) length); return kDIErrInvalidArg; } header.InitHeader(TwoImgHeader::kImageFormatNibble, (long) length, 8 * kTrackCount525); // 8 blocks per track break; case DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors: if ((length % 512) != 0) { LOGI("Invalid 2MG length %ld", (long) length); return kDIErrInvalidArg; } if (order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS) cc = header.InitHeader(TwoImgHeader::kImageFormatProDOS, (long) length, (long) length / 512); else if (order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS) cc = header.InitHeader(TwoImgHeader::kImageFormatDOS, (long) length, (long) length / 512); else { LOGI("Invalid 2MG sector order %d", order); return kDIErrInvalidArg; } if (cc != 0) { LOGI("TwoImg InitHeader failed (len=%ld)", (long) length); return kDIErrInvalidArg; } break; default: LOGI("Invalid 2MG physical %d", physical); return kDIErrInvalidArg; } if (dosVolumeNum != DiskImg::kVolumeNumNotSet) header.SetDOSVolumeNum(dosVolumeNum); cc = header.WriteHeader(pWrapperGFD); if (cc != 0) { LOGI("ERROR: 2MG header write failed (cc=%d)", cc); return kDIErrGeneric; } long footerLen = header.fCmtLen + header.fCreatorLen; if (footerLen > 0) { // This is currently impossible, which is good because the Seek call // will fail if pWrapperGFD is a buffer. assert(false); pWrapperGFD->Seek(header.fDataOffset + length, kSeekSet); header.WriteFooter(pWrapperGFD); } long offset = header.fDataOffset; *pWrappedLength = length + offset + footerLen; *pDataFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*pDataFD)->Open(pWrapperGFD, offset, false); } /* * We only use GFDGFD, so there's nothing to do here. * * If we want to support changing the comment field in an open image, we'd * need to handle making the file longer or shorter here. Right now we * just ignore everything that comes before or after the start of the data. * Since there's no checksum, none of the header fields change, so we * don't even deal with that. */ DIError Wrapper2MG::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { return kDIErrNone; } /* * =========================================================================== * SHK (ShrinkIt NuFX), also .SDK and .BXY * =========================================================================== */ /* * NOTE: this doesn't override the global error message callback because * we expect it to be set by the application. */ /* * Display error messages... or not. */ /*static*/ NuResult WrapperNuFX::ErrMsgHandler(NuArchive* /*pArchive*/, void* vErrorMessage) { const NuErrorMessage* pErrorMessage = (const NuErrorMessage*) vErrorMessage; if (pErrorMessage->isDebug) { Global::PrintDebugMsg(pErrorMessage->file, pErrorMessage->line, "[D] %s\n", pErrorMessage->message); } else { Global::PrintDebugMsg(pErrorMessage->file, pErrorMessage->line, "%s\n", pErrorMessage->message); } return kNuOK; } /* * Open a NuFX archive, and verify that it holds exactly one disk archive. * * On success, the NuArchive pointer and thread idx are set, and 0 is * returned. Returns -1 on failure. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperNuFX::OpenNuFX(const char* pathName, NuArchive** ppArchive, NuThreadIdx* pThreadIdx, long* pLength, bool readOnly) { NuError nerr = kNuErrNone; NuArchive* pArchive = NULL; NuRecordIdx recordIdx; NuAttr attr; const NuRecord* pRecord; const NuThread* pThread = NULL; int idx; LOGI("Opening file '%s' to test for NuFX", pathName); /* * Open the archive. */ if (readOnly) { nerr = NuOpenRO(pathName, &pArchive); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX unable to open archive (err=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } } else { char* tmpPath; tmpPath = GenTempPath(pathName); if (tmpPath == NULL) { nerr = kNuErrInternal; goto bail; } nerr = NuOpenRW(pathName, tmpPath, 0, &pArchive); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX OpenRW failed (nerr=%d)", nerr); nerr = kNuErrGeneric; delete[] tmpPath; goto bail; } delete[] tmpPath; } NuSetErrorMessageHandler(pArchive, ErrMsgHandler); nerr = NuGetAttr(pArchive, kNuAttrNumRecords, &attr); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX unable to get record count (err=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } if (attr != 1) { LOGI(" NuFX archive has %ld entries, not disk-only", attr); nerr = kNuErrGeneric; if (attr > 1) goto file_archive; else goto bail; // shouldn't get zero-count archives, but... } /* get the first record */ nerr = NuGetRecordIdxByPosition(pArchive, 0, &recordIdx); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX unable to get first recordIdx (err=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } nerr = NuGetRecord(pArchive, recordIdx, &pRecord); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX unable to get first record (err=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } /* find a disk image thread */ for (idx = 0; idx < (int)NuRecordGetNumThreads(pRecord); idx++) { pThread = NuGetThread(pRecord, idx); if (NuGetThreadID(pThread) == kNuThreadIDDiskImage) break; } if (idx == (int)NuRecordGetNumThreads(pRecord)) { LOGI(" NuFX no disk image found in first record"); nerr = kNuErrGeneric; goto file_archive; } assert(pThread != NULL); *pThreadIdx = pThread->threadIdx; /* * Don't allow zero-length disks. */ *pLength = pThread->actualThreadEOF; if (!*pLength) { LOGI(" NuFX length of disk image is bad (%ld)", *pLength); nerr = kNuErrGeneric; goto bail; } /* * Success! */ assert(nerr == kNuErrNone); *ppArchive = pArchive; pArchive = NULL; bail: if (pArchive != NULL) NuClose(pArchive); if (nerr == kNuErrNone) return kDIErrNone; else if (nerr == kNuErrBadMHCRC || nerr == kNuErrBadRHCRC) return kDIErrBadChecksum; else return kDIErrGeneric; file_archive: if (pArchive != NULL) NuClose(pArchive); return kDIErrFileArchive; } /* * Load a disk image into memory. * * Allocates a buffer with the specified length and loads the desired * thread into it. * * In an LZW-I compressed thread, the third byte of the compressed thread * data is the disk volume number that P8 ShrinkIt would use when formatting * the disk. In an LZW-II compressed thread, it's the first byte of the * compressed data. Uncompressed disk images simply don't have the disk * volume number in them. Until NufxLib provides a simple way to access * this bit of loveliness, we're going to pretend it's not there. * * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ DIError WrapperNuFX::GetNuFXDiskImage(NuArchive* pArchive, NuThreadIdx threadIdx, long length, char** ppData) { NuError err; NuDataSink* pDataSink = NULL; uint8_t* buf = NULL; assert(length > 0); buf = new uint8_t[length]; if (buf == NULL) return kDIErrMalloc; /* * Create a buffer and expand the disk image into it. */ err = NuCreateDataSinkForBuffer(true, kNuConvertOff, buf, length, &pDataSink); if (err != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX: unable to create data sink (err=%d)", err); goto bail; } err = NuExtractThread(pArchive, threadIdx, pDataSink); if (err != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX: unable to extract thread (err=%d)", err); goto bail; } //err = kNuErrBadThreadCRC; goto bail; // debug test only *ppData = (char*)buf; bail: NuFreeDataSink(pDataSink); if (err != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX GetNuFXDiskImage returning after nuerr=%d", err); delete[] buf; } if (err == kNuErrNone) return kDIErrNone; else if (err == kNuErrBadDataCRC || err == kNuErrBadThreadCRC) return kDIErrBadChecksum; else if (err == kNuErrBadData) return kDIErrBadCompressedData; else if (err == kNuErrBadFormat) return kDIErrUnsupportedCompression; else return kDIErrGeneric; } /* * Test to see if this is a single-record NuFX archive with a disk archive * in it. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperNuFX::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { DIError dierr; NuArchive* pArchive = NULL; NuThreadIdx threadIdx; long length; const char* imagePath; imagePath = pGFD->GetPathName(); if (imagePath == NULL) { LOGI("Can't test NuFX on non-file"); return kDIErrNotSupported; } LOGI("Testing for NuFX"); dierr = OpenNuFX(imagePath, &pArchive, &threadIdx, &length, true); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; /* success; throw away state in case they don't like us anyway */ assert(pArchive != NULL); NuClose(pArchive); return kDIErrNone; } /* * Open the archive, extract the disk image into a memory buffer. */ DIError WrapperNuFX::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; NuThreadIdx threadIdx; GFDBuffer* pNewGFD = NULL; char* buf = NULL; long length = -1; const char* imagePath; imagePath = pGFD->GetPathName(); if (imagePath == NULL) { assert(false); // should've been caught in Test return kDIErrNotSupported; } pGFD->Close(); // don't hold the file open dierr = OpenNuFX(imagePath, &fpArchive, &threadIdx, &length, readOnly); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; dierr = GetNuFXDiskImage(fpArchive, threadIdx, length, &buf); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, length, true, false, readOnly); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; /* * Success! */ assert(dierr == kDIErrNone); *ppNewGFD = pNewGFD; *pLength = length; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS; LOGI(" NuFX is ready, threadIdx=%ld", threadIdx); fThreadIdx = threadIdx; bail: if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { NuClose(fpArchive); fpArchive = NULL; delete pNewGFD; delete buf; } return dierr; } /* * Given a filename, create a suitable temp pathname. * * This is really the wrong place to be doing this -- the application * should get to deal with this -- but it's not the end of the world * if we handle it here. Add to wish list: fix NufxLib so that the * temp file can be a memory buffer. * * Returns a string allocated with new[]. */ /*static*/ char* WrapperNuFX::GenTempPath(const char* path) { static const char* kTmpTemplate = "DItmp_XXXXXX"; char* tmpPath; assert(path != NULL); assert(strlen(path) > 0); tmpPath = new char[strlen(path) + 32]; if (tmpPath == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(tmpPath, path); /* back up to the first thing that looks like it's an fssep */ char* cp; cp = tmpPath + strlen(tmpPath); while (--cp >= tmpPath) { if (*cp == '/' || *cp == '\\' || *cp == ':') break; } /* we either fell off the back end or found an fssep; advance */ cp++; strcpy(cp, kTmpTemplate); LOGI(" NuFX GenTempPath '%s' -> '%s'", path, tmpPath); return tmpPath; } /* * Initialize fields for a new file. * * "pWrapperGFD" will be fairly useless after this, because we're * recreating the underlying file. (If it doesn't have an underlying * file, then we're hosed.) */ DIError WrapperNuFX::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors); assert(order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS); DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; NuArchive* pArchive; const char* imagePath; char* tmpPath = NULL; uint8_t* buf = NULL; NuError nerr; /* * Create the NuFX archive, stomping on the existing file. (This * makes pWrapperGFD invalid, but such is life with NufxLib.) */ imagePath = pWrapperGFD->GetPathName(); if (imagePath == NULL) { assert(false); // must not have an outer wrapper dierr = kDIErrNotSupported; goto bail; } pWrapperGFD->Close(); // don't hold the file open tmpPath = GenTempPath(imagePath); if (tmpPath == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrInternal; goto bail; } nerr = NuOpenRW(imagePath, tmpPath, kNuOpenCreat, &pArchive); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX OpenRW failed (nerr=%d)", nerr); dierr = kDIErrGeneric; goto bail; } /* * Create a blank chunk of memory for the image. */ assert(length > 0); buf = new uint8_t[(int) length]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } GFDBuffer* pNewGFD; pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, length, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { delete pNewGFD; goto bail; } *pDataFD = pNewGFD; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; /* * Success! Set misc stuff. */ fThreadIdx = 0; // don't have one to overwrite fpArchive = pArchive; bail: delete[] tmpPath; delete[] buf; return dierr; } /* * Close the NuFX archive. */ DIError WrapperNuFX::CloseNuFX(void) { NuError nerr; /* throw away any un-flushed changes so that "close" can't fail */ (void) NuAbort(fpArchive); nerr = NuClose(fpArchive); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI("WARNING: NuClose failed"); return kDIErrGeneric; } return kDIErrNone; } /* * Write the data using the default compression method. * * Doesn't touch "pWrapperGFD" or "pWrappedLen". Could probably update * "pWrappedLen", but that's really only useful if we have a gzip Outer * that wants to know how much data we have. Because we don't write to * pWrapperGFD, we can't have a gzip wrapper, so there's no point in * updating it. */ DIError WrapperNuFX::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { NuError nerr = kNuErrNone; NuFileDetails fileDetails; NuRecordIdx recordIdx; NuThreadIdx threadIdx; NuDataSource* pDataSource = NULL; if (fThreadIdx != 0) { /* * Mark the old record for deletion. */ nerr = NuGetRecordIdxByPosition(fpArchive, 0, &recordIdx); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX unable to get first recordIdx (err=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } nerr = NuDeleteRecord(fpArchive, recordIdx); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX unable to delete first record (err=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } } assert((dataLen % 512) == 0); nerr = NuSetValue(fpArchive, kNuValueDataCompression, fCompressType + kNuCompressNone); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI("WARNING: unable to set compression to format %d", fCompressType); nerr = kNuErrNone; } else { LOGI(" NuFX set compression to %d/%d", fCompressType, fCompressType + kNuCompressNone); } /* * Fill out the fileDetails record appropriately. */ memset(&fileDetails, 0, sizeof(fileDetails)); fileDetails.threadID = kNuThreadIDDiskImage; if (fStorageName != NULL) fileDetails.storageName = fStorageName; else fileDetails.storageName = "NEW.DISK"; fileDetails.fileSysID = kNuFileSysUnknown; fileDetails.fileSysInfo = kDefaultStorageFssep; fileDetails.storageType = 512; fileDetails.extraType = (long) (dataLen / 512); fileDetails.access = kNuAccessUnlocked; time_t now; now = time(NULL); UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &fileDetails.archiveWhen); UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &fileDetails.modWhen); UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &fileDetails.createWhen); /* * Create the new record. */ nerr = NuAddRecord(fpArchive, &fileDetails, &recordIdx); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX AddRecord failed (nerr=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } /* * Create a data source for the thread. * * We need to get the memory buffer from pDataGFD, which we do in * a somewhat unwholesome manner. However, there's no other way to * feed the data into NufxLib. */ nerr = NuCreateDataSourceForBuffer(kNuThreadFormatUncompressed, 0, (const uint8_t*) ((GFDBuffer*) pDataGFD)->GetBuffer(), 0, (long) dataLen, NULL, &pDataSource); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX unable to create NufxLib data source (nerr=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } /* * Add the thread. */ nerr = NuAddThread(fpArchive, recordIdx, kNuThreadIDDiskImage, pDataSource, &threadIdx); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX AddThread failed (nerr=%d)", nerr); goto bail; } pDataSource = NULL; // now owned by NufxLib LOGI(" NuFX added thread %ld in record %ld, flushing changes", threadIdx, recordIdx); /* * Flush changes (does the actual compression). */ long status; nerr = NuFlush(fpArchive, &status); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) { LOGI(" NuFX flush failed (nerr=%d, status=%ld)", nerr, status); goto bail; } /* update the threadID */ fThreadIdx = threadIdx; bail: NuFreeDataSource(pDataSource); if (nerr != kNuErrNone) return kDIErrGeneric; return kDIErrNone; } /* * Common NuFX utility function. This ought to be in NufxLib. */ void WrapperNuFX::UNIXTimeToDateTime(const time_t* pWhen, NuDateTime *pDateTime) { struct tm* ptm; assert(pWhen != NULL); assert(pDateTime != NULL); ptm = localtime(pWhen); pDateTime->second = ptm->tm_sec; pDateTime->minute = ptm->tm_min; pDateTime->hour = ptm->tm_hour; pDateTime->day = ptm->tm_mday -1; pDateTime->month = ptm->tm_mon; pDateTime->year = ptm->tm_year; pDateTime->extra = 0; pDateTime->weekDay = ptm->tm_wday +1; } /* * =========================================================================== * DDD (DDD 2.1, DDD Pro) * =========================================================================== */ /* * There really isn't a way to test if the file is a DDD archive, except * to try to unpack it. One thing we can do fairly quickly is look for * runs of repeated bytes, which will be impossible in a DDD file because * we compress runs of repeated bytes with RLE. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperDDD::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { DIError dierr; GenericFD* pNewGFD = NULL; LOGI("Testing for DDD"); pGFD->Rewind(); dierr = CheckForRuns(pGFD); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; dierr = Unpack(pGFD, &pNewGFD, NULL); delete pNewGFD; return dierr; } /* * Load a bunch of data and check it for repeated byte sequences that * would be removed by RLE. Runs of 4 bytes or longer should have been * stripped out. DDD adds a couple of zeroes onto the end, so to avoid * special cases we assume that a run of 5 is okay, and only flunk the * data when it gets to 6. * * One big exception: the "favorites" table isn't run-length encoded, * and if the track is nothing but zeroes the entire thing will be * filled with 0xff. So we allow runs of 0xff bytes. * * PROBLEM: some sequences, such as repeated d5aa, can turn into what looks * like a run of bytes in the output. We can't assume that arbitrary * sequences of bytes won't be repeated. It does appear that we can assume * that 00 bytes won't be repeated, so we can still scan for a series of * zeroes and reject the image if found (which should clear us for all * uncompressed formats and any compressed format with a padded file header). * * The goal is to detect uncompressed data sources. The test for DDD * should come after other compressed data formats. * * For speed we crank the data in 8K at a time and don't correctly handle * the boundaries. We do, however, need to avoid scanning the last 256 * bytes of the file, because DOS DDD just fills it with junk, and it's * possible that junk might have runs in it. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperDDD::CheckForRuns(GenericFD* pGFD) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; int kRunThreshold = 5; uint8_t buf[8192]; size_t bufCount; int runLen; di_off_t fileLen; int i; dierr = pGFD->Seek(0, kSeekEnd); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; fileLen = pGFD->Tell(); pGFD->Rewind(); fileLen -= 256; // could be extra data from DOS DDD while (fileLen) { bufCount = (size_t) fileLen; if (bufCount > sizeof(buf)) bufCount = sizeof(buf); fileLen -= bufCount; dierr = pGFD->Read(buf, bufCount); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; //LOGI(" DDD READ %d bytes", bufCount); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { LOGI(" DDD CheckForRuns read failed (err=%d)", dierr); return dierr; } runLen = 0; for (i = 1; i < (int) bufCount; i++) { if (buf[i] == 0 && buf[i] == buf[i-1]) { runLen++; if (runLen == kRunThreshold && buf[i] != 0xff) { LOGI(" DDD found run of >= %d of 0x%02x, bailing", runLen+1, buf[i]); return kDIErrGeneric; } } else { runLen = 0; } } } LOGI(" DDD CheckForRuns scan complete, no long runs found"); bail: return dierr; } /* * Prepping is much the same as testing, but we fill in a few more details. */ DIError WrapperDDD::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { DIError dierr; LOGI("Prepping for DDD"); assert(*ppNewGFD == NULL); dierr = Unpack(pGFD, ppNewGFD, pDiskVolNum); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; *pLength = kNumTracks * kTrackLen; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS; return dierr; } /* * Unpack a compressed disk image from "pGFD" to a new memory buffer * created in "*ppNewGFD". */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperDDD::Unpack(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD, short* pDiskVolNum) { DIError dierr; GFDBuffer* pNewGFD = NULL; uint8_t* buf = NULL; short diskVolNum; pGFD->Rewind(); buf = new uint8_t[kNumTracks * kTrackLen]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; if (pNewGFD == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, kNumTracks * kTrackLen, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; dierr = UnpackDisk(pGFD, pNewGFD, &diskVolNum); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; if (pDiskVolNum != NULL) *pDiskVolNum = diskVolNum; *ppNewGFD = pNewGFD; pNewGFD = NULL; // now owned by caller bail: delete[] buf; delete pNewGFD; return dierr; } /* * Initialize stuff for a new file. There's no file header or other * goodies, so we leave "pWrapperGFD" and "pWrappedLength" alone. */ DIError WrapperDDD::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { assert(length == kNumTracks * kTrackLen); assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors); assert(order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS); DIError dierr; uint8_t* buf = NULL; /* * Create a blank chunk of memory for the image. */ buf = new uint8_t[(int) length]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } GFDBuffer* pNewGFD; pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, length, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { delete pNewGFD; goto bail; } *pDataFD = pNewGFD; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; // can't set *pWrappedLength yet if (dosVolumeNum != DiskImg::kVolumeNumNotSet) fDiskVolumeNum = dosVolumeNum; else fDiskVolumeNum = kDefaultNibbleVolumeNum; bail: delete[] buf; return dierr; } /* * Compress the disk image. */ DIError WrapperDDD::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { DIError dierr; assert(dataLen == kNumTracks * kTrackLen); pDataGFD->Rewind(); dierr = PackDisk(pDataGFD, pWrapperGFD, fDiskVolumeNum); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; *pWrappedLen = pWrapperGFD->Tell(); LOGI(" DDD compressed from %d to %ld", kNumTracks * kTrackLen, (long) *pWrappedLen); return kDIErrNone; } /* * =========================================================================== * DiskCopy (primarily a Mac format) * =========================================================================== */ /* * DiskCopy 4.2 header, from FTN $e0/0005. * * All values are BIG-endian. */ const int kDC42NameLen = 64; const int kDC42ChecksumOffset = 72; // where the checksum lives const int kDC42DataOffset = 84; // header is always this long const int kDC42PrivateMagic = 0x100; const int kDC42FakeTagLen = 19200; // add a "fake" tag to match Mac typedef struct DiskImgLib::DC42Header { char diskName[kDC42NameLen+1]; // from pascal string long dataSize; // in bytes long tagSize; uint32_t dataChecksum; uint32_t tagChecksum; uint8_t diskFormat; // should be 1 for 800K uint8_t formatByte; // should be $24, sometimes $22 uint16_t privateWord; // must be 0x0100 // userData begins at +84 // tagData follows user data } DC42Header; /* * Dump the contents of a DC42Header. */ /*static*/ void WrapperDiskCopy42::DumpHeader(const DC42Header* pHeader) { LOGI("--- header contents:"); LOGI("\tdiskName = '%s'", pHeader->diskName); LOGI("\tdataSize = %ld (%ldK)", pHeader->dataSize, pHeader->dataSize / 1024); LOGI("\ttagSize = %ld", pHeader->tagSize); LOGI("\tdataChecksum = 0x%08lx", pHeader->dataChecksum); LOGI("\ttagChecksum = 0x%08lx", pHeader->tagChecksum); LOGI("\tdiskFormat = %d", pHeader->diskFormat); LOGI("\tformatByte = 0x%02x", pHeader->formatByte); LOGI("\tprivateWord = 0x%04x", pHeader->privateWord); } /* * Init a DC42 header for an 800K ProDOS disk. */ void WrapperDiskCopy42::InitHeader(DC42Header* pHeader) { memset(pHeader, 0, sizeof(*pHeader)); if (fStorageName == NULL || strlen(fStorageName) == 0) strcpy(pHeader->diskName, "-not a Macintosh disk"); else strcpy(pHeader->diskName, fStorageName); pHeader->dataSize = 819200; pHeader->tagSize = kDC42FakeTagLen; // emulate Mac behavior pHeader->dataChecksum = 0xffffffff; // fixed during Flush pHeader->tagChecksum = 0x00000000; // 19200 zeroes pHeader->diskFormat = 1; pHeader->formatByte = 0x24; pHeader->privateWord = kDC42PrivateMagic; } /* * Read the header from a DC42 file and verify it. * * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error or invalid header. */ /*static*/ int WrapperDiskCopy42::ReadHeader(GenericFD* pGFD, DC42Header* pHeader) { uint8_t hdrBuf[kDC42DataOffset]; if (pGFD->Read(hdrBuf, kDC42DataOffset) != kDIErrNone) return -1; // test the Pascal length byte if (hdrBuf[0] >= kDC42NameLen) return -1; memcpy(pHeader->diskName, &hdrBuf[1], hdrBuf[0]); pHeader->diskName[hdrBuf[0]] = '\0'; pHeader->dataSize = GetLongBE(&hdrBuf[64]); pHeader->tagSize = GetLongBE(&hdrBuf[68]); pHeader->dataChecksum = GetLongBE(&hdrBuf[72]); pHeader->tagChecksum = GetLongBE(&hdrBuf[76]); pHeader->diskFormat = hdrBuf[80]; pHeader->formatByte = hdrBuf[81]; pHeader->privateWord = GetShortBE(&hdrBuf[82]); if (pHeader->dataSize != 800 * 1024 || pHeader->diskFormat != 1 || (pHeader->formatByte != 0x22 && pHeader->formatByte != 0x24) || pHeader->privateWord != kDC42PrivateMagic) { return -1; } return 0; } /* * Write the header for a DC42 file. */ DIError WrapperDiskCopy42::WriteHeader(GenericFD* pGFD, const DC42Header* pHeader) { uint8_t hdrBuf[kDC42DataOffset]; pGFD->Rewind(); memset(hdrBuf, 0, sizeof(hdrBuf)); /* * Disks created on a Mac include the null byte in the count; not sure * if this applies to volume labels or just the "not a Macintosh disk" * magic string. To be safe, we only increment it if it starts with '-'. * (Need access to a Macintosh to test this.) */ hdrBuf[0] = strlen(pHeader->diskName); if (pHeader->diskName[0] == '-' && hdrBuf[0] < (kDC42NameLen-1)) hdrBuf[0]++; memcpy(&hdrBuf[1], pHeader->diskName, hdrBuf[0]); PutLongBE(&hdrBuf[64], pHeader->dataSize); PutLongBE(&hdrBuf[68], pHeader->tagSize); PutLongBE(&hdrBuf[72], pHeader->dataChecksum); PutLongBE(&hdrBuf[76], pHeader->tagChecksum); hdrBuf[80] = pHeader->diskFormat; hdrBuf[81] = pHeader->formatByte; PutShortBE(&hdrBuf[82], pHeader->privateWord); return pGFD->Write(hdrBuf, kDC42DataOffset); } /* * Check to see if this is a DiskCopy 4.2 image. * * The format doesn't really have a magic number, but if we're stringent * about our interpretation of some of the header fields (e.g. we only * recognize 800K disks) we should be okay. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperDiskCopy42::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { DC42Header header; LOGI("Testing for DiskCopy"); if (wrappedLength < 800 * 1024 + kDC42DataOffset) return kDIErrGeneric; pGFD->Rewind(); if (ReadHeader(pGFD, &header) != 0) return kDIErrGeneric; DumpHeader(&header); return kDIErrNone; } /* * Compute the funky DiskCopy checksum. * * Position "pGFD" at the start of data. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperDiskCopy42::ComputeChecksum(GenericFD* pGFD, uint32_t* pChecksum) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; uint8_t buf[512]; long dataRem = 800 * 1024 /*pHeader->dataSize*/; uint32_t checksum; assert(dataRem % sizeof(buf) == 0); assert((sizeof(buf) & 0x01) == 0); // we take it two bytes at a time checksum = 0; while (dataRem) { int i; dierr = pGFD->Read(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { LOGI(" DC42 read failed, dataRem=%ld (err=%d)", dataRem, dierr); return dierr; } for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(buf); i += 2) { uint16_t val = GetShortBE(buf+i); checksum += val; if (checksum & 0x01) checksum = checksum >> 1 | 0x80000000; else checksum = checksum >> 1; } dataRem -= sizeof(buf); } *pChecksum = checksum; return dierr; } /* * Prepare a DiskCopy image for use. */ DIError WrapperDiskCopy42::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { DIError dierr; DC42Header header; LOGI("Prepping for DiskCopy 4.2"); pGFD->Rewind(); if (ReadHeader(pGFD, &header) != 0) return kDIErrGeneric; /* * Verify checksum. File should already be seeked to appropriate place. */ uint32_t checksum; dierr = ComputeChecksum(pGFD, &checksum); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; if (checksum != header.dataChecksum) { LOGI(" DC42 checksum mismatch (got 0x%08lx, expected 0x%08lx)", checksum, header.dataChecksum); fBadChecksum = true; //return kDIErrBadChecksum; } else { LOGI(" DC42 checksum matches!"); } /* looks good! */ *pLength = header.dataSize; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS; *ppNewGFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*ppNewGFD)->Open(pGFD, kDC42DataOffset, readOnly); } /* * Initialize fields for a new file. */ DIError WrapperDiskCopy42::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { DIError dierr; DC42Header header; assert(length == 800 * 1024); assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors); //assert(order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS); InitHeader(&header); // set all but checksum dierr = WriteHeader(pWrapperGFD, &header); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { LOGI("ERROR: 2MG header write failed (err=%d)", dierr); return dierr; } *pWrappedLength = length + kDC42DataOffset; *pDataFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*pDataFD)->Open(pWrapperGFD, kDC42DataOffset, false); } /* * We only use GFDGFD, so there's no data to write. However, we do need * to update the checksum, and append our "fake" tag section. */ DIError WrapperDiskCopy42::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { DIError dierr; uint32_t checksum; /* compute the data checksum */ dierr = pWrapperGFD->Seek(kDC42DataOffset, kSeekSet); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; dierr = ComputeChecksum(pWrapperGFD, &checksum); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { LOGI(" DC42 failed while computing checksum (err=%d)", dierr); goto bail; } /* write it into the wrapper */ dierr = pWrapperGFD->Seek(kDC42ChecksumOffset, kSeekSet); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; dierr = WriteLongBE(pWrapperGFD, checksum); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; /* add the tag bytes */ dierr = pWrapperGFD->Seek(kDC42DataOffset + 800*1024, kSeekSet); char* tmpBuf; tmpBuf = new char[kDC42FakeTagLen]; if (tmpBuf == NULL) return kDIErrMalloc; memset(tmpBuf, 0, kDC42FakeTagLen); dierr = pWrapperGFD->Write(tmpBuf, kDC42FakeTagLen, NULL); delete[] tmpBuf; if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; bail: return dierr; } /* * =========================================================================== * Sim2eHDV (Sim2e virtual hard-drive images) * =========================================================================== */ /* // mkhdv.c // // Create a Hard Disk Volume File (.HDV) for simIIe static int mkhdv(FILE *op, uint blocks) { byte sector[512]; byte data[15]; uint i; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); memcpy(data, "SIMSYSTEM_HDV", 13); data[13] = (blocks & 0xff); data[14] = (blocks & 0xff00) >> 8; fwrite(data, 1, sizeof(data), op); memset(sector, 0, sizeof(sector)); for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) fwrite(sector, 1, sizeof(sector), op); return 0; } */ const int kSim2eHeaderLen = 15; static const char* kSim2eID = "SIMSYSTEM_HDV"; /* * Test for a virtual hard-drive image. This is either a "raw" unadorned * image, or one with a 15-byte "SimIIe" header on it. */ DIError WrapperSim2eHDV::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { char buf[kSim2eHeaderLen]; LOGI("Testing for Sim2e HDV"); if (wrappedLength < 512 || ((wrappedLength - kSim2eHeaderLen) % 4096) != 0) { return kDIErrGeneric; } pGFD->Rewind(); if (pGFD->Read(buf, sizeof(buf)) != kDIErrNone) return kDIErrGeneric; if (strncmp(buf, kSim2eID, strlen(kSim2eID)) == 0) return kDIErrNone; else return kDIErrGeneric; } /* * These are always ProDOS volumes. */ DIError WrapperSim2eHDV::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { *pLength = wrappedLength - kSim2eHeaderLen; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS; *ppNewGFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*ppNewGFD)->Open(pGFD, kSim2eHeaderLen, readOnly); } /* * Initialize fields for a new file. */ DIError WrapperSim2eHDV::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { uint8_t header[kSim2eHeaderLen]; long blocks = (long) (length / 512); assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors); assert(order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS); if (blocks < 4 || blocks > 65536) { LOGI(" Sim2e invalid blocks %ld", blocks); return kDIErrInvalidArg; } if (blocks == 65536) // 32MB volumes are actually 31.9 blocks = 65535; memcpy(header, kSim2eID, strlen(kSim2eID)); header[13] = (uint8_t) blocks; header[14] = (uint8_t) ((blocks & 0xff00) >> 8); DIError dierr = pWrapperGFD->Write(header, kSim2eHeaderLen); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { LOGI(" Sim2eHDV header write failed (err=%d)", dierr); return dierr; } *pWrappedLength = length + kSim2eHeaderLen; *pDataFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*pDataFD)->Open(pWrapperGFD, kSim2eHeaderLen, false); } /* * We only use GFDGFD, so there's nothing to do here. */ DIError WrapperSim2eHDV::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { return kDIErrNone; } /* * =========================================================================== * TrackStar .app images * =========================================================================== */ /* * File format: * $0000 track 0 data * $1a00 track 1 data * $3400 track 2 data * ... * $3f600 track 39 data * * Each track consists of: * $0000 Text description of disk contents (same on every track), in low * ASCII, padded out with spaces ($20) * $002e Start of zeroed-out header field * $0080 $00 (indicates end of data when reading from end??) * $0081 Raw nibble data (hi bit set), written backwards * $19fe Start offset of track data * * Take the start offset, add 128, and walk backward until you find a * value with the high bit clear. If the start offset is zero, start * scanning from $19fd backward. (This approach courtesty Gerald Ryckman.) * * My take: the "offset" actually indicates the length of data, and the * $00 is there to simplify somebody's algorithm. If the offset is zero * it means the track couldn't be analyzed successfully, so a raw dump has * been provided. Tracks 35-39 on most Apple II disks have zero length, * but occasionally one analyzes "successfully" with some horribly truncated * length. * * I'm going to assert that byte $81 be zero and that nothing else has the * high bit clear until you hit the end of valid data. * * Because the nibbles are stored in reverse order, it's easiest to unpack * the tracks to local buffers, then re-pack them when saving the file. */ /* * Test to see if this is a TrackStar 5.25" disk image. * * While the image format supports variable-length nibble tracks, it uses * fixed-length fields to store them. Each track is stored in 6656 bytes, * but has a 129-byte header and a 2-byte footer (max of 6525). * * Images may be 40-track (5.25") or 80-track (5.25" disk with half-track * stepping). The latter is useful in some circumstances for handling * copy-protected disks. We don't have a half-track interface, so we just * ignore the odd-numbered tracks. * * There is currently no way for the API to set the number of tracks. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperTrackStar::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; LOGI("Testing for TrackStar"); int numTracks; /* check the length */ if (wrappedLength == 6656*40) numTracks = 40; else if (wrappedLength == 6656*80) numTracks = 80; else return kDIErrGeneric; LOGI(" Checking for %d-track image", numTracks); /* verify each track */ uint8_t trackBuf[kFileTrackStorageLen]; pGFD->Rewind(); for (int trk = 0; trk < numTracks; trk++) { dierr = pGFD->Read(trackBuf, sizeof(trackBuf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; dierr = VerifyTrack(trk, trackBuf); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; } LOGI(" TrackStar tracks verified"); bail: return dierr; } /* * Check the format. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperTrackStar::VerifyTrack(int track, const uint8_t* trackBuf) { unsigned int dataLen; if (trackBuf[0x80] != 0) { LOGI(" TrackStar track=%d found nonzero at 129", track); return kDIErrGeneric; } dataLen = GetShortLE(trackBuf + 0x19fe); if (dataLen > kMaxTrackLen) { LOGI(" TrackStar track=%d len=%d exceeds max (%d)", track, dataLen, kMaxTrackLen); return kDIErrGeneric; } if (dataLen == 0) dataLen = kMaxTrackLen; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) { if ((trackBuf[0x81 + i] & 0x80) == 0) { LOGI(" TrackStar track=%d found invalid data 0x%02x at %d", track, trackBuf[0x81+i], i); return kDIErrGeneric; } } if (track == 0) { LOGI(" TrackStar msg='%s'", trackBuf); } return kDIErrNone; } /* * Fill in some details. */ DIError WrapperTrackStar::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { LOGI("Prepping for TrackStar"); DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; if (wrappedLength == kFileTrackStorageLen * 40) fImageTracks = 40; else if (wrappedLength == kFileTrackStorageLen * 80) fImageTracks = 80; else return kDIErrInternal; dierr = Unpack(pGFD, ppNewGFD); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; *pLength = kTrackStarNumTracks * kTrackAllocSize; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical; return dierr; } /* * Unpack reverse-order nibbles from "pGFD" to a new memory buffer * created in "*ppNewGFD". */ DIError WrapperTrackStar::Unpack(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { DIError dierr; GFDBuffer* pNewGFD = NULL; uint8_t* buf = NULL; pGFD->Rewind(); buf = new uint8_t[kTrackStarNumTracks * kTrackAllocSize]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; if (pNewGFD == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, kTrackStarNumTracks * kTrackAllocSize, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; dierr = UnpackDisk(pGFD, pNewGFD); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; *ppNewGFD = pNewGFD; pNewGFD = NULL; // now owned by caller bail: delete[] buf; delete pNewGFD; return dierr; } /* * Unpack a TrackStar image. This is mainly just copying bytes around. The * nibble code is perfectly happy with odd-sized tracks. However, we want * to be able to find a particular track without having to do a lookup. So, * we just block out 40 sets of 6656-byte tracks. * * The resultant image will always have 40 tracks. On an 80-track image * we skip the odd ones. * * The bytes are stored in reverse order, so we need to unpack them to a * separate buffer. * * This fills out "fNibbleTrackInfo". */ DIError WrapperTrackStar::UnpackDisk(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD* pNewGFD) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; uint8_t inBuf[kFileTrackStorageLen]; uint8_t outBuf[kTrackAllocSize]; int i, trk; assert(kTrackStarNumTracks <= kMaxNibbleTracks525); pGFD->Rewind(); pNewGFD->Rewind(); /* we don't currently support half-tracks */ fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks = kTrackStarNumTracks; for (trk = 0; trk < kTrackStarNumTracks; trk++) { unsigned int dataLen; fNibbleTrackInfo.offset[trk] = trk * kTrackAllocSize; /* these were verified earlier, so assume data is okay */ dierr = pGFD->Read(inBuf, sizeof(inBuf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; dataLen = GetShortLE(inBuf + 0x19fe); if (dataLen == 0) dataLen = kMaxTrackLen; assert(dataLen <= kMaxTrackLen); assert(dataLen <= sizeof(outBuf)); fNibbleTrackInfo.length[trk] = dataLen; memset(outBuf, 0x11, sizeof(outBuf)); for (i = 0; i < (int) dataLen; i++) outBuf[i] = inBuf[128+dataLen-i]; pNewGFD->Write(outBuf, sizeof(outBuf)); if (fImageTracks == 2*kTrackStarNumTracks) { /* skip the odd-numbered tracks */ dierr = pGFD->Read(inBuf, sizeof(inBuf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; } } bail: return dierr; } /* * Initialize stuff for a new file. There's no file header or other * goodies, so we leave "pWrapperGFD" and "pWrappedLength" alone. */ DIError WrapperTrackStar::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { assert(length == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackCount525 || length == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackStarNumTracks); assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var); assert(order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical); DIError dierr; uint8_t* buf = NULL; int numTracks = (int) (length / kTrackLenTrackStar525); int i; /* * Set up the track offset and length table. We use the maximum * data length (kTrackLenTrackStar525) for each. The nibble write * routine will alter the length field as appropriate. */ fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks = numTracks; assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks <= kMaxNibbleTracks525); for (i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { fNibbleTrackInfo.offset[i] = kTrackLenTrackStar525 * i; fNibbleTrackInfo.length[i] = kTrackLenTrackStar525; } /* * Create a blank chunk of memory for the image. */ buf = new uint8_t[(int) length]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } GFDBuffer* pNewGFD; pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, length, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { delete pNewGFD; goto bail; } *pDataFD = pNewGFD; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; // can't set *pWrappedLength yet bail: delete[] buf; return dierr; } /* * Write the stored data into TrackStar format. * * The source data is in "pDataGFD" in a layout described by fNibbleTrackInfo. * We need to create the new file in "pWrapperGFD". */ DIError WrapperTrackStar::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; assert(dataLen == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackCount525 || dataLen == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackStarNumTracks); assert(kTrackLenTrackStar525 <= kMaxTrackLen); pDataGFD->Rewind(); uint8_t writeBuf[kFileTrackStorageLen]; uint8_t dataBuf[kTrackLenTrackStar525]; int track, trackLen; for (track = 0; track < kTrackStarNumTracks; track++) { if (track < fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks) { dierr = pDataGFD->Read(dataBuf, kTrackLenTrackStar525); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; trackLen = fNibbleTrackInfo.length[track]; assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.offset[track] == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * track); } else { LOGI(" TrackStar faking track %d", track); memset(dataBuf, 0xff, sizeof(dataBuf)); trackLen = kMaxTrackLen; } memset(writeBuf, 0x80, sizeof(writeBuf)); // not strictly necessary memset(writeBuf, 0x20, kCommentFieldLen); memset(writeBuf+kCommentFieldLen, 0x00, 0x81-kCommentFieldLen); const char* comment; if (fStorageName != NULL && *fStorageName != '\0') comment = fStorageName; else comment = "(created by CiderPress)"; if (strlen(comment) > kCommentFieldLen) memcpy(writeBuf, comment, kCommentFieldLen); else memcpy(writeBuf, comment, strlen(comment)); int i; for (i = 0; i < trackLen; i++) { // If we write a value here with the high bit clear, we will // reject the file when we try to open it. So, we force the // high bit on here, on the assumption that the nibble data // we've been handled is otherwise good. //writeBuf[0x81+i] = dataBuf[trackLen - i -1]; writeBuf[0x81+i] = dataBuf[trackLen - i -1] | 0x80; } if (trackLen == kMaxTrackLen) PutShortLE(writeBuf + 0x19fe, 0); else PutShortLE(writeBuf + 0x19fe, (uint16_t) trackLen); dierr = pWrapperGFD->Write(writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; } *pWrappedLen = pWrapperGFD->Tell(); assert(*pWrappedLen == kFileTrackStorageLen * kTrackStarNumTracks); bail: return dierr; } void WrapperTrackStar::SetNibbleTrackLength(int track, int length) { assert(track >= 0); assert(length > 0 && length <= kMaxTrackLen); assert(track < fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks); LOGI(" TrackStar: set length of track %d to %d", track, length); fNibbleTrackInfo.length[track] = length; } /* * =========================================================================== * FDI (Formatted Disk Image) format * =========================================================================== */ /* * The format is described in detail in documents on the "disk2fdi" web site. * * FDI is currently unique in that it can (and often does) store nibble * images of 3.5" disks. Rather than add an understanding of nibblized * 3.5" disks to DiskImg, I've chosen to present it as a simple 800K * ProDOS disk image. The only flaw in the scheme is that we have to * keep track of the bad blocks in a parallel data structure. */ /*static*/ const char* WrapperFDI::kFDIMagic = "Formatted Disk Image file\r\n"; /* * Test to see if this is an FDI disk image. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperFDI::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; uint8_t headerBuf[kMinHeaderLen]; FDIHeader hdr; LOGI("Testing for FDI"); pGFD->Rewind(); dierr = pGFD->Read(headerBuf, sizeof(headerBuf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; UnpackHeader(headerBuf, &hdr); if (strcmp(hdr.signature, kFDIMagic) != 0) { LOGI("FDI: FDI signature not found"); return kDIErrGeneric; } if (hdr.version < kMinVersion) { LOGI("FDI: bad version 0x%.04x", hdr.version); return kDIErrGeneric; } bail: return dierr; } /* * Unpack a 512-byte buffer with the FDI header into its components. */ /*static*/ void WrapperFDI::UnpackHeader(const uint8_t* headerBuf, FDIHeader* pHdr) { memcpy(pHdr->signature, &headerBuf[0], kSignatureLen); pHdr->signature[kSignatureLen] = '\0'; memcpy(pHdr->creator, &headerBuf[27], kCreatorLen); pHdr->creator[kCreatorLen] = '\0'; memcpy(pHdr->comment, &headerBuf[59], kCommentLen); pHdr->comment[kCommentLen] = '\0'; pHdr->version = GetShortBE(&headerBuf[140]); pHdr->lastTrack = GetShortBE(&headerBuf[142]); pHdr->lastHead = headerBuf[144]; pHdr->type = headerBuf[145]; pHdr->rotSpeed = headerBuf[146]; pHdr->flags = headerBuf[147]; pHdr->tpi = headerBuf[148]; pHdr->headWidth = headerBuf[149]; pHdr->reserved = GetShortBE(&headerBuf[150]); } /* * Dump the contents of an FDI header. */ /*static*/ void WrapperFDI::DumpHeader(const FDIHeader* pHdr) { static const char* kTypes[] = { "8\"", "5.25\"", "3.5\"", "3\"" }; static const char* kTPI[] = { "48", "67", "96", "100", "135", "192" }; LOGI(" FDI header contents:"); LOGI(" signature: '%s'", pHdr->signature); LOGI(" creator : '%s'", pHdr->creator); LOGI(" comment : '%s'", pHdr->comment); LOGI(" version : %d.%d", pHdr->version >> 8, pHdr->version & 0xff); LOGI(" lastTrack: %d", pHdr->lastTrack); LOGI(" lastHead : %d", pHdr->lastHead); LOGI(" type : %d (%s)", pHdr->type, (/*pHdr->type >= 0 &&*/ pHdr->type < NELEM(kTypes)) ? kTypes[pHdr->type] : "???"); LOGI(" rotSpeed : %drpm", pHdr->rotSpeed + 128); LOGI(" flags : 0x%02x", pHdr->flags); LOGI(" tpi : %d (%s)", pHdr->tpi, (/*pHdr->tpi >= 0 &&*/ pHdr->tpi < NELEM(kTPI)) ? kTPI[pHdr->tpi] : "???"); LOGI(" headWidth: %d (%s)", pHdr->headWidth, (/*pHdr->headWidth >= 0 &&*/ pHdr->headWidth < NELEM(kTPI)) ? kTPI[pHdr->headWidth] : "???"); LOGI(" reserved : %d", pHdr->reserved); } /* * Unpack the disk to heap storage. */ DIError WrapperFDI::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { LOGI("Prepping for FDI"); DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; FDIHeader hdr; pGFD->Rewind(); dierr = pGFD->Read(fHeaderBuf, sizeof(fHeaderBuf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; UnpackHeader(fHeaderBuf, &hdr); if (strcmp(hdr.signature, kFDIMagic) != 0) return kDIErrGeneric; DumpHeader(&hdr); /* * There are two formats that we're interested in, 3.5" and 5.25". They * are handled differently within CiderPress, so we split here. * * Sometimes disk2fdi finds extra tracks. No Apple II hardware ever * went past 40 on 5.25" disks, but we'll humor the software and allow * images with up to 50. Ditto for 3.5" disks, which should always * have 80 double-sided tracks. */ if (hdr.type == kDiskType525) { LOGI("FDI: decoding 5.25\" disk"); if (hdr.lastHead != 0 || hdr.lastTrack >= kMaxNibbleTracks525 + 10) { LOGI("FDI: bad params head=%d ltrack=%d", hdr.lastHead, hdr.lastTrack); dierr = kDIErrUnsupportedImageFeature; goto bail; } if (hdr.lastTrack >= kMaxNibbleTracks525) { LOGI("FDI: reducing hdr.lastTrack from %d to %d", hdr.lastTrack, kMaxNibbleTracks525-1); hdr.lastTrack = kMaxNibbleTracks525-1; } /* * Unpack to a series of variable-length nibble tracks. The data * goes into ppNewGFD, and a table of track info goes into * fNibbleTrackInfo. */ dierr = Unpack525(pGFD, ppNewGFD, hdr.lastTrack+1, hdr.lastHead+1); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; *pLength = kMaxNibbleTracks525 * kTrackAllocSize; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical; } else if (hdr.type == kDiskType35) { LOGI("FDI: decoding 3.5\" disk"); if (hdr.lastHead != 1 || hdr.lastTrack >= kMaxNibbleTracks35 + 10) { LOGI("FDI: bad params head=%d ltrack=%d", hdr.lastHead, hdr.lastTrack); dierr = kDIErrUnsupportedImageFeature; goto bail; } if (hdr.lastTrack >= kMaxNibbleTracks35) { LOGI("FDI: reducing hdr.lastTrack from %d to %d", hdr.lastTrack, kMaxNibbleTracks35-1); hdr.lastTrack = kMaxNibbleTracks35-1; } /* * Unpack to 800K of 512-byte ProDOS-order blocks, with a * "bad block" map. */ dierr = Unpack35(pGFD, ppNewGFD, hdr.lastTrack+1, hdr.lastHead+1, ppBadBlockMap); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) return dierr; *pLength = 800 * 1024; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS; } else { LOGI("FDI: unsupported disk type"); dierr = kDIErrUnsupportedImageFeature; goto bail; } bail: return dierr; } /* * Unpack pulse timing values to nibbles. */ DIError WrapperFDI::Unpack525(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD, int numCyls, int numHeads) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; GFDBuffer* pNewGFD = NULL; uint8_t* buf = NULL; int numTracks; numTracks = numCyls * numHeads; if (numTracks < kMaxNibbleTracks525) numTracks = kMaxNibbleTracks525; pGFD->Rewind(); buf = new uint8_t[numTracks * kTrackAllocSize]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; if (pNewGFD == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, numTracks * kTrackAllocSize, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; dierr = UnpackDisk525(pGFD, pNewGFD, numCyls, numHeads); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; *ppNewGFD = pNewGFD; pNewGFD = NULL; // now owned by caller bail: delete[] buf; delete pNewGFD; return dierr; } /* * Unpack pulse timing values to fully-decoded blocks. */ DIError WrapperFDI::Unpack35(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD, int numCyls, int numHeads, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap) { DIError dierr = kDIErrNone; GFDBuffer* pNewGFD = NULL; uint8_t* buf = NULL; pGFD->Rewind(); buf = new uint8_t[800 * 1024]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; if (pNewGFD == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, 800 * 1024, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; *ppBadBlockMap = new LinearBitmap(1600); if (*ppBadBlockMap == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } dierr = UnpackDisk35(pGFD, pNewGFD, numCyls, numHeads, *ppBadBlockMap); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; *ppNewGFD = pNewGFD; pNewGFD = NULL; // now owned by caller bail: delete[] buf; delete pNewGFD; return dierr; } /* * Initialize stuff for a new file. There's no file header or other * goodies, so we leave "pWrapperGFD" and "pWrappedLength" alone. */ DIError WrapperFDI::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { DIError dierr = kDIErrGeneric; // not yet #if 0 uint8_t* buf = NULL; int numTracks = (int) (length / kTrackLenTrackStar525); int i; assert(length == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackCount525 || length == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackStarNumTracks); assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var); assert(order == DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical); /* * Set up the track offset and length table. We use the maximum * data length (kTrackLenTrackStar525) for each. The nibble write * routine will alter the length field as appropriate. */ fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks = numTracks; assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks <= kMaxNibbleTracks); for (i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) { fNibbleTrackInfo.offset[i] = kTrackLenTrackStar525 * i; fNibbleTrackInfo.length[i] = kTrackLenTrackStar525; } /* * Create a blank chunk of memory for the image. */ buf = new uint8_t[(int) length]; if (buf == NULL) { dierr = kDIErrMalloc; goto bail; } GFDBuffer* pNewGFD; pNewGFD = new GFDBuffer; dierr = pNewGFD->Open(buf, length, true, false, false); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) { delete pNewGFD; goto bail; } *pDataFD = pNewGFD; buf = NULL; // now owned by pNewGFD; // can't set *pWrappedLength yet bail: delete[] buf; #endif return dierr; } /* * Write the stored data into FDI format. * * The source data is in "pDataGFD" in a layout described by fNibbleTrackInfo. * We need to create the new file in "pWrapperGFD". */ DIError WrapperFDI::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { DIError dierr = kDIErrGeneric; // not yet #if 0 assert(dataLen == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackCount525 || dataLen == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * kTrackStarNumTracks); assert(kTrackLenTrackStar525 <= kMaxTrackLen); pDataGFD->Rewind(); uint8_t writeBuf[kFileTrackStorageLen]; uint8_t dataBuf[kTrackLenTrackStar525]; int track, trackLen; for (track = 0; track < kTrackStarNumTracks; track++) { if (track < fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks) { dierr = pDataGFD->Read(dataBuf, kTrackLenTrackStar525); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; trackLen = fNibbleTrackInfo.length[track]; assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.offset[track] == kTrackLenTrackStar525 * track); } else { LOGI(" TrackStar faking track %d", track); memset(dataBuf, 0xff, sizeof(dataBuf)); trackLen = kMaxTrackLen; } memset(writeBuf, 0x80, sizeof(writeBuf)); // not strictly necessary memset(writeBuf, 0x20, kCommentFieldLen); memset(writeBuf+kCommentFieldLen, 0x00, 0x81-kCommentFieldLen); const char* comment; if (fStorageName != NULL && *fStorageName != '\0') comment = fStorageName; else comment = "(created by CiderPress)"; if (strlen(comment) > kCommentFieldLen) memcpy(writeBuf, comment, kCommentFieldLen); else memcpy(writeBuf, comment, strlen(comment)); int i; for (i = 0; i < trackLen; i++) writeBuf[0x81+i] = dataBuf[trackLen - i -1]; if (trackLen == kMaxTrackLen) PutShortLE(writeBuf + 0x19fe, 0); else PutShortLE(writeBuf + 0x19fe, (uint16_t) trackLen); dierr = pWrapperGFD->Write(writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf)); if (dierr != kDIErrNone) goto bail; } *pWrappedLen = pWrapperGFD->Tell(); assert(*pWrappedLen == kFileTrackStorageLen * kTrackStarNumTracks); bail: #endif return dierr; } void WrapperFDI::SetNibbleTrackLength(int track, int length) { assert(false); // not yet #if 0 assert(track >= 0); assert(length > 0 && length <= kMaxTrackLen); assert(track < fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks); LOGI(" FDI: set length of track %d to %d", track, length); fNibbleTrackInfo.length[track] = length; #endif } /* * =========================================================================== * Unadorned nibble format * =========================================================================== */ /* * See if this is unadorned nibble format. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperUnadornedNibble::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { LOGI("Testing for unadorned nibble"); /* test length */ if (wrappedLength != kTrackCount525 * kTrackLenNib525 && wrappedLength != kTrackCount525 * kTrackLenNb2525) { return kDIErrGeneric; } /* quick scan for invalid data */ const int kScanSize = 512; uint8_t buf[kScanSize]; pGFD->Rewind(); if (pGFD->Read(buf, sizeof(buf)) != kDIErrNone) return kDIErrGeneric; /* * Make sure this is a nibble image and not just a ProDOS volume that * happened to get the right number of blocks. The primary test is * for < 0x80 since there's no way that can be valid, even on a track * full of junk. */ for (int i = 0; i < kScanSize; i++) { if (buf[i] < 0x80) { LOGD(" Disqualifying len=%ld from nibble, byte=0x%02x", (long) wrappedLength, buf[i]); return kDIErrGeneric; } else if (buf[i] < 0x96) { LOGD(" Warning: funky byte 0x%02x in file", buf[i]); } } return kDIErrNone; } /* * Prepare unadorned nibble for use. Not much to do here. */ DIError WrapperUnadornedNibble::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { LOGI("Prep for unadorned nibble"); if (wrappedLength == kTrackCount525 * kTrackLenNib525) { LOGI(" Prepping for 6656-byte NIB"); *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656; } else if (wrappedLength == kTrackCount525 * kTrackLenNb2525) { LOGI(" Prepping for 6384-byte NB2"); *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6384; } else { LOGI(" Unexpected wrappedLength %ld for unadorned nibble", (long) wrappedLength); assert(false); } *pLength = wrappedLength; *pOrder = DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical; *ppNewGFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*ppNewGFD)->Open(pGFD, 0, readOnly); } /* * Initialize fields for a new file. */ DIError WrapperUnadornedNibble::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { LOGI("Create unadorned nibble"); *pWrappedLength = length; *pDataFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*pDataFD)->Open(pWrapperGFD, 0, false); } /* * We only use GFDGFD, so there's nothing to do here. */ DIError WrapperUnadornedNibble::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { return kDIErrNone; } /* * =========================================================================== * Unadorned sectors * =========================================================================== */ /* * See if this is unadorned sector format. The only way we can really tell * is by looking at the file size. * * The only requirement is that it be a multiple of 512 bytes. This holds * for all ProDOS volumes and all floppy disk images. We also need to test * for 13-sector ".d13" images. * * It also holds for 35-track 6656-byte unadorned nibble images, so we need * to test for them first. */ /*static*/ DIError WrapperUnadornedSector::Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength) { LOGI("Testing for unadorned sector (wrappedLength=%ld/%lu)", (long) (wrappedLength >> 32), (uint32_t) wrappedLength); if (wrappedLength >= 1536 && (wrappedLength % 512) == 0) return kDIErrNone; if (wrappedLength == kD13Length) // 13-sector image? return kDIErrNone; return kDIErrGeneric; } /* * Prepare unadorned sector for use. Not much to do here. */ DIError WrapperUnadornedSector::Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) { LOGI("Prepping for unadorned sector"); assert(wrappedLength > 0); *pLength = wrappedLength; *pPhysical = DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors; //*pOrder = undetermined *ppNewGFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*ppNewGFD)->Open(pGFD, 0, readOnly); } /* * Initialize fields for a new file. */ DIError WrapperUnadornedSector::Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) { LOGI("Create unadorned sector"); *pWrappedLength = length; *pDataFD = new GFDGFD; return ((GFDGFD*)*pDataFD)->Open(pWrapperGFD, 0, false); } /* * We only use GFDGFD, so there's nothing to do here. */ DIError WrapperUnadornedSector::Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) { return kDIErrNone; }