/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Support for the "add files" dialog. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "AddFilesDialog.h" #include "FileNameConv.h" #include "HelpTopics.h" #include "resource.h" /* * A lot like DoDataExchange, only different. * * We do some OnInitDialog-type stuff in here, because we're a subclass of * SelectFilesDialog and don't really get to have one of those. * * Returns "true" if all is well, "false" if something failed. Usually a * "false" indication occurs during saveAndValidate==true, and means that we * shouldn't allow the dialog to close yet. */ bool AddFilesDialog::MyDataExchange(bool saveAndValidate) { CWnd* pWnd; if (saveAndValidate) { if (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_NOPRESERVE) == BST_CHECKED) fTypePreservation = kPreserveNone; else if (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PRESERVE) == BST_CHECKED) fTypePreservation = kPreserveTypes; else if (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PRESERVEPLUS) == BST_CHECKED) fTypePreservation = kPreserveAndExtend; else { ASSERT(false); fTypePreservation = kPreserveNone; } if (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLNONE) == BST_CHECKED) fConvEOL = kConvEOLNone; else if (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTYPE) == BST_CHECKED) fConvEOL = kConvEOLType; else if (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTEXT) == BST_CHECKED) fConvEOL = kConvEOLAuto; else if (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLALL) == BST_CHECKED) fConvEOL = kConvEOLAll; else { ASSERT(false); fConvEOL = kConvEOLNone; } fIncludeSubfolders = (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_INCLUDE_SUBFOLDERS) == BST_CHECKED); fStripFolderNames = (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STRIP_FOLDER) == BST_CHECKED); fOverwriteExisting = (GetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_OVERWRITE) == BST_CHECKED); pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_ADDFILES_PREFIX); ASSERT(pWnd != nil); pWnd->GetWindowText(fStoragePrefix); if (!ValidateStoragePrefix()) return false; return true; } else { SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_NOPRESERVE, fTypePreservation == kPreserveNone); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PRESERVE, fTypePreservation == kPreserveTypes); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PRESERVEPLUS, fTypePreservation == kPreserveAndExtend); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLNONE, fConvEOL == kConvEOLNone); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTYPE, fConvEOL == kConvEOLType); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTEXT, fConvEOL == kConvEOLAuto); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLALL, fConvEOL == kConvEOLAll); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_INCLUDE_SUBFOLDERS, fIncludeSubfolders != FALSE); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STRIP_FOLDER, fStripFolderNames != FALSE); SetDlgButtonCheck(this, IDC_ADDFILES_OVERWRITE, fOverwriteExisting != FALSE); pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_ADDFILES_PREFIX); ASSERT(pWnd != nil); pWnd->SetWindowText(fStoragePrefix); if (!fStoragePrefixEnable) pWnd->EnableWindow(FALSE); if (!fStripFolderNamesEnable) { ::EnableControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STRIP_FOLDER, false); } if (!fConvEOLEnable) { ::EnableControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLNONE, false); ::EnableControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTYPE, false); ::EnableControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTEXT, false); ::EnableControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLALL, false); } return true; } } /* * Make sure the storage prefix they entered is valid. */ bool AddFilesDialog::ValidateStoragePrefix(void) { if (fStoragePrefix.IsEmpty()) return true; const char kFssep = PathProposal::kDefaultStoredFssep; if (fStoragePrefix[0] == kFssep || fStoragePrefix.Right(1) == kFssep) { CString errMsg; errMsg.Format("The storage prefix may not start or end with '%c'.", kFssep); MessageBox(errMsg, m_ofn.lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return false; } return true; } /* * Override base class version. */ UINT AddFilesDialog::MyOnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (wParam) { case IDHELP: OnIDHelp(); return 1; default: return SelectFilesDialog::MyOnCommand(wParam, lParam); } } /* * Override base class version so we can move our stuff around. * * It's important that the base class be called last, because it calls * Invalidate to redraw the dialog. */ void AddFilesDialog::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY) { /* * These only need to be here so that the initial move puts them * where they belong. Once the dialog has been created, the * CFileDialog will move things where they need to go. */ MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STATIC1, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_NOPRESERVE, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PRESERVE, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PRESERVEPLUS, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STATIC2, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STRIP_FOLDER, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_INCLUDE_SUBFOLDERS, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_OVERWRITE, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STATIC3, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PREFIX, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_STATIC4, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLNONE, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTYPE, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLTEXT, 0, deltaY, false); MoveControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_CONVEOLALL, 0, deltaY, false); /* * These actively move. */ MoveControl(this, IDHELP, deltaX, deltaY, false); StretchControl(this, IDC_ADDFILES_PREFIX, deltaX, 0, false); SelectFilesDialog::ShiftControls(deltaX, deltaY); } /* * User pressed the "Help" button. */ void AddFilesDialog::OnIDHelp(void) { CWnd* pWndMain = ::AfxGetMainWnd(); CWinApp* pAppMain = ::AfxGetApp(); ::WinHelp(pWndMain->m_hWnd, pAppMain->m_pszHelpFilePath, HELP_CONTEXT, HELP_TOPIC_ADD_FILES_DLG); }