/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Options for converting a disk image to a file archive. */ #ifndef __CONVFILE_OPTIONS_DIALOG__ #define __CONVFILE_OPTIONS_DIALOG__ #include "UseSelectionDialog.h" #include "resource.h" /* * Get some options. */ class ConvFileOptionsDialog : public UseSelectionDialog { public: ConvFileOptionsDialog(int selCount, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL) : UseSelectionDialog(selCount, pParentWnd, IDD_CONVFILE_OPTS) { fPreserveEmptyFolders = FALSE; } virtual ~ConvFileOptionsDialog(void) {} //BOOL fConvDOSText; //BOOL fConvPascalText; BOOL fPreserveEmptyFolders; private: //virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void); virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); //DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif /*__CONVFILE_OPTIONS_DIALOG__*/